外籍人士如何更换瑞士驾照? 导读 大部分来瑞士定居的外籍人士,都会需要在当地购车或者租车。 外籍人士在从入境日期算起的第一年内,可以使用其原居住地颁发的驾照及其翻译公证件,或者使用国际驾照在瑞士驾驶汽车。 但是,在登陆一年后,外籍人士必须将其原有驾照换为瑞士驾照,否则将无法继续驾驶。绝大部分非欧盟国家驾照持有者需要通过瑞士路考换取瑞士驾照。 * 持有澳大利亚、加拿大、日本、台湾、新加坡和美国驾照无需路考。 已有外国驾照更换为瑞士驾照 对于来瑞士定居的外籍人士,为了确保能够在登陆瑞士第二年以后,仍可以继续正常在瑞士驾驶汽车,我们建议您在定居瑞士的第一年里就开始着手进行更换瑞士驾照的准备。 在您拿到瑞士居留证以后,就可以申请瑞士驾照了。申请流程如下: 1、 准备驾照申请材料2、 提交申请材料并换取临时驾照3、 准备并参加瑞士路考4、 收到瑞士驾照 1、准备驾照申请材料 去换驾照之前,需要到附近的车管所(注:纳沙泰尔州车管所叫做SCAN,Service Cantonal des Automobiles et de la Navigation)领取或者在线填写申请表以及视力检测表。然后和眼镜店预约进行视力测试,并带着视力检测表去进行测试。测试完成后工作人员会在表格上签字,证明申请人的视力符合驾驶要求。费用是20瑞郎。车管所认可的眼镜店可从以下链接查询:https://www.scan-ne.ch/adresses/opticiens/ 外国驾照原件需要到位于拉绍德封的文化融合服务局(service de la cohesion multiculturelle)进行翻译,地址如下: Service de la cohésion multiculturelle Place de la Gare 6 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds 驾照翻译需要约一周,费用在50-140瑞郎之间。该服务局会要求您先交一笔押金,在收到驾照原件和翻译件时会将押金退还。翻译费用须在交付翻译件时支付。服务局会给您一个付款账单,您需要立即到附近邮局进行支付,然后再到服务局领取驾照原件和翻译件。 2、提交申请材料并换取临时驾照 临时驾照的换取需要到所属区域的车管所办理,携带的材料包括: 瑞士居留证复印件 外国驾照原件 外国驾照翻译公证件 填写好的申请表 填写好的视力检测表 两张一寸照片 以上提交的材料都会暂时留在车管所,包括外国驾照的原件。同时,车管所会为您提供一个临时驾照。需要注意的是,该临时驾照的有效期只有4个月,4个月之内必须要成功考到瑞士驾照才可以继续开车。 申请人需要本人亲自到车管所提交申请,并签署几份文件。申请人还需要签署一个关于在最近2年一直在瑞士或国外驾驶汽车的声明。 在考完路考之后,车管所会负责将您的驾照原件和驾照翻译公证件等寄回您的居住地址。 3、准备并参加瑞士路考 非欧盟国家驾照持有者需要通过瑞士路考换取瑞士驾照。所以非常建议在路考前,请有资质的教练辅导瑞士交规及路考的课程。如果没有通过路考,则不能换取瑞士驾照,值得注意的是,从外国驾照换到瑞士驾照只有一次路考的机会。 请注意,路考考官通常不会使用英语,而是会使用当地语言(通常为法语、德语或意大利语)下达考试内容指令,因此建议居住在法语区的外籍人士,在路考前补习基本法语知识,水平至少需要达到A1或A2。 参加瑞士路考需要到当地的车管所进行报名,当教练认为申请者已经准备好之后,即可预约并参加路考,但准备周期不得超过4个月。 如果路考没有通过,则需要与新手一样从头开始申请瑞士驾照,并用法语学习急救课程、理论课程、驾驶课程及最后的再次路考。由于路考只有一次机会,风险较高,所以建议申请者充分利用4个月的准备周期,尽可能与教练多约课并多做路考模拟。 4、收到瑞士驾照 如果路考通过,那么恭喜您,您在一周后就可以拿到瑞士驾照了。车管所会把驾照直接寄到您的居住地址,不需要再去领取。 建议的法语及交规学习规划表 对于已经在瑞士法语区生活,且有换瑞士本地驾照需要的人士,雷梭勒制作了一份法语学习规划表,可供参考: 特别提示: 强烈建议与教练学习一段时间后再参加瑞士驾照路考考试。请注意您只有一次路考机会,一定要等教练认为您有把握通过路考后再预约路考。 瑞士交规学习辅助书籍及APP推荐 从上文可看出,如果中国移居到瑞士的朋友想短时间内换成瑞士本土驾照,通过路考是非常关键的,因此需要每个人都有一定的法语基础,并通过考前教练辅导熟悉瑞士交规,并进行路考演练。建议想在瑞士当地生活并驾车的朋友提早进行规划。 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
"多蕾(La Torree)"野炊——雷梭勒家族办公室组织的传统秋季活动
“多蕾(La Torrée)”野炊——雷梭勒家族办公室组织的传统秋季活动 瑞士以其一年四季的美景而闻名于世。春天,这里有喷涌而出的瀑布;夏天,阿尔卑斯山的草甸上开满了野花;冬天,在白雪皑皑的山坡上可开展各种令人振奋的体育运动。而秋天呢,茂密的森林、连绵的葡萄园和村庄里都是落叶,遍地一片金黄。 瑞士有大约5.35亿棵树,因此平均每位居民对应有66棵树。大约有三分之一的树木是落叶树。 瑞士的秋天可以说是这个国度最美的季节,因为从9月到11月,无数的阔叶树上的叶子会变成黄色、橙色、红色和焦铜色,最后再飘落到大地。 在这个季节,空气里弥漫着一丝丝寒意,奶牛从阿尔卑斯山上的牧场回来,身上挂着鲜花花环,餐厅的餐桌上摆放着当季的特产,古色古香的小木屋里飘出燃烧木材的袅袅炊烟。 要想去徒步旅行、骑自行车、观察野生动物,搭乘火车或通过公路旅行游览欧洲风景如画的自然小径、葡萄园、湖泊和山景,没有比秋天更好的时机了。套上一件毛衣,系好你那双耐磨的登山靴出发吧。 在雷梭勒家族办公室总部的所在地——纳沙泰尔地区,“多蕾”是一个世代相传的传统,亲朋好友们在牧场上生一堆篝火,然后在火堆中烹烤特制的香肠和土豆,并一起分享。根据传统,“多蕾”一般在秋天举办,四周围绕着一片多彩的树木和绿色的草地。 “多蕾”如果没有纳沙泰尔腊肠,就不是真正的“多蕾”。在晴空万里的天气里,在树林的边缘地带点燃火堆。用卷心菜叶、肉店里包肉用的厚纸、报纸或铝箔裹起腊肠,再用绳子绑起来,在火堆中挖一个空洞,把腊肠放在里面,用火堆盖住。铝箔可用可不用。如果你只用包肉用的厚纸或报纸来包裹腊肠,那么一定要将被裹住的腊肠浸入水中。需要将纸泡湿,以防止它被烧焦,同时可使得烹制食材的火候适当。可烹制腊肠40-50分钟,土豆20-25分钟。 然后,“多蕾”就可以与土豆、沙拉、面包以及其他食物一起享用了,还可以搭配一杯白葡萄酒和一勺芥末酱,以带出肉的所有美味。这一纳沙泰尔独有的习俗,现已成为与家人和朋友一同出游的乐事,但它最初的作用纯粹是功利性的。在每年特定的一天,当地农民会着手清理侵占其土地的树木和其它植被。他们会带上香肠,砍掉树木和灌木后生成火堆,然后烹制香肠。虽然如今办多蕾纯粹是为了娱乐和享受,但对自然环境的尊重仍然被参与者挂在心头,他们会尽一切努力,以恰当的方式收集和处理垃圾。这一深受喜爱的传统已经成为该地区的代名词。 雷梭勒家族办公室于近日首次举办了“多蕾”活动,邀请我们在瑞士的朋友和家庭,带上他们的孩子,与我们的团队一道,享受了一天郊游的乐趣。我们希望这场活动,对于到场的父母和孩子们来说都同样有趣,目的是让每个人都能够围绕一堆温暖的篝火,参与到食物的准备与烹制当中。 当所有人都在雷梭勒的办公室集合之后,我们穿好保暖的衣服和鞋,一起驱车前往一个靠近多彩秋林的幽静之所。 当我们抵达目的地时,一些提前到达的雷梭勒团队成员,已经在开始准备生起一堆温暖的篝火,并将木桌装饰成了秋天的颜色。其余的人一到现场,大家就开始四处搜寻生火的木材。一定要根据木材的厚度提前生火,因为木材变成红得发光的余烬需要时间,香肠和土豆需要在燃烧的余烬中烤制。不宜用太薄的木材,太薄的木材无法产生足够持久的余烬,给香肠和土豆提供适当的火候。也不宜使用太厚的木材,因为让它生成发光的余烬需要更长时间。你需要在两者之间找到一个平衡点,以便让生成的火有着恰到好处的炽热余烬。 当篝火烧得炙热时,每个人都开始参与到这项传统膳食的准备工作中。我们临时搭建了一个专门用于包裹香肠的工作坊。雷梭勒团队的成员为大家做了示范,其他成员则一丝不苟地开始用传统方法,包裹起美味的当地香肠来。 在包香肠的过程中,碰巧有几位老师带领一个班的小朋友在此经过,于是在我们的邀请下,他们愉快地来到篝火边加入了我们。一下子,我们身边充满了这群小孩子们的欢快笑声。 在瑞士,每个篝火都是向所有人开放的公共空间。我们非常乐意与他们分享这个地方,我们甚至将我们准备的第二堆篝火给了他们自己使用。他们所要做的就是在已经烧得正旺的火堆上烹饪食材。在瑞士,这种户外活动非常普遍,它也是瑞士教育体系的一个组成部分。事实上,在瑞士,人们相信与同学、朋友、兄弟姐妹或父母一起在户外度过美好的时光,对孩子们的成长起着重要作用。 当我们把一包包香肠和土豆放在余烬中间,并用铲子将它们埋好后,又往火里添加了更多的干柴,以生成更多的新的余烬。乡下的大多数篝火烧烤通常都配有一个烤架,方便你烹调肉、鱼和蔬菜。我们使用了烤架来烹饪蔬菜,以保持食材的温度。 我们可以自豪地说,我们今天的团队是非常独特、团结和多元化的。我们的团队成员中,有一位瑜伽教练。她很乐意能够与团队成员和客户分享她对于瑜伽的热爱。因此,我们临时决定,在当天的活动中增加一门瑜伽体验课。除了雷梭勒团队的部分成员需要照看着所有食材的烧烤,其余的人则在秋色中的山毛榉树林里参加瑜伽课程。 在教练的指导下,我们开始了初级瑜伽课程。通过几次深呼吸的调整,让我们重新感受到了当下,感受到秋天的清新和湿润的气息。战士姿势使课堂活跃起来,让我们的身体得到了锻炼。 每个人都专心致志地参与进来,逐渐地集中精力,跟随一系列动作协调呼吸。在不平稳且略显柔软的地面上,平衡姿势是一个真正的挑战。随之而来的笑声,给这堂瑜伽课带来了乐趣和与放松。最后我们以伸展运动结束,让所有的肌肉得到放松。 瑜伽课结束后大约45分钟,我们挖出了一根香肠来看是否熟透。香肠确实烤得恰到好处,当我们开始拆开包装时,香肠里已经冒出美味的汁水,卷心菜也已十分入味。大家看到拆开后的食物,都很高兴。你可以听到每个人发出的欢呼声,就像小孩子在拆开圣诞礼物一样开心。之后,大家就围坐在之前准备好的餐桌旁,一起开心地享受起了这顿亲手做出来的传统美味。 欢聚的时间总是过的太快。在清理了所有垃圾之后,我们和各位朋友们各自返回自己温暖的家中。但是这充实而愉快的一天,将给每个参与的大人和孩子,留下美好的记忆。 这次“多蕾”野炊活动办得非常成功和愉快,两代人在瑞士秋色的美景中尽情享受,有很多讨论,很多笑声,各种游戏,甚至还有一节充满活力的瑜伽课!虽然 “多蕾”已经是当地的传统项目,但我们相信, “雷梭勒家族办公室的多蕾”也将很快成为我们的一个传统。这不仅仅是一场普通的户外烧烤派对,它有着更丰富的含义——所以,我们期待着明年有更多的朋友们来加入我们的聚会! 英文原文 «La Torrée» - a traditional autumn event organized by LSFO Switzerland is world-renowned for its seasonal beauty. Gushing waterfalls in spring; alpine meadows covered with wildflowers during summer, and exhilarating winter sports on snow-covered slopes. But what about autumn, when dense forests, rolling vineyards and villages are a riot of golden foliage? Switzerland is home to approximately 535 million trees, 66 trees per inhabitant. About one-third of the trees are deciduous. The country’s third season is arguably the prettiest time to be in Switzerland as countless leafy trees turn yellow, orange, red and burnished bronze from September to November before their delicate leaves tumble to the ground. With the merest hint of a chill in the air, this is the time when the cows return from their alpine pastures adorned with garlands of fresh flowers, seasonal specialities grace restaurant tables, and woodsmoke curl from the chimneys of picturesque timber chalets. There’s no better time than autumn to slip on a sweater, lace up your trusty pair of walking boots and go hiking, biking, wildlife-watching and touring by rail or road via some of the most picturesque nature trails, vineyards, lakes and mountain scenery in Europe. Since generations “La Torrée” is a living tradition in the Neuchatel region, home of LSFO, that consists of preparing a big fire in a pasture and cooking special sausages and potatoes in the embers. It’s traditionally done in the autumn surrounded by the colourful trees and green meadows. A “torrée” is not a proper “torrée” without a saucisson neuchâtelois. On a sunny day, a fire is lit at the edge of a forest. The sausage is wrapped in cabbage leaves, butcher paper, newspaper or aluminium foil, tie it up with a string, form a hollow in the embers place the sausages inside and cover with embers. Aluminium foil is optional, if you only use butcher paper or newspaper to wrap the sausage, it is very important to dip the sausage rolled in newspaper in water. The paper needs to be soaked with water. It prevents it to burn and allow the ingredient to cook properly. Let the sausage cook between 40-50 minutes and the potatoes 20-25 minutes. It is then served with potatoes, salad, bread as well as other treats including a glass of white wine and a spoonful of mustard to bring out all the delicious flavours of the meat. This custom which is exclusive to Neuchâtel has become a fun day out with family and friends, but originally served a purely utilitarian function. On a particular day every year local farmers would set about clearing away trees and other vegetation that encroached on their land. They would bring a sausage with them, which they would cook on a huge fire made from the trees and bushes they had felled. Although the torrée is practised nowadays purely for fun and enjoyment, respect for the natural environment is still a concern for those involved, with every effort taken to collect and dispose of their rubbish appropriately. This much-loved tradition has become synonymous with the region. For the first time LSFO organized a “Torrée” to enjoy a day out with our families and the LSFO team. Equally fun for parents and kids, the objective is that everybody is participating in the organization and execution of the meal around a big warming fire. We all met at the office, well dressed in warm clothes with good shoes and drove to a remote place near to the colourful autumn forest. Some of the LSFO team had already started preparing a warming fire and decorated wooded tables in autumn colours. Once the rest of the group arrived on site, everybody started scouting the area looking for some wood to feed the fire. Depending on the thickness of your wood it is important to prepare the fire in advance since it takes time for the wood to become red glowing embers you want to cook your sausages and potatoes in the burning embers. You don’t want to use too thin wood otherwise it will not give you the durable embers required for a proper baking for the sausages and potatoes. It is also not a good alternative to use too thick wood since it will take much longer to transform it in glowing embers. You need to find an in-between in order to create a fine fire with blazing embers. While the fireplace was brightly burning, everybody started to get involved with the preparation of the traditional meal. We had a workshop specially dedicated to the wrapping of the sausages. The LSFO team member showed the way and the rest of the group meticulously started to wrap the delicious local sausages in the traditional method. During the sausages wrapping workshop, a class of little kids accompanied by several ...
如何在纳沙泰尔领养宠物狗(上) 引言 近期,有雷梭勒的客户咨询如何在纳沙泰尔通过正规途径领养到宠物狗,以及领养之后需要注意些什么。本期特推出专题文章,分上下两篇,提供在纳沙泰尔领养宠物狗(不包括猛犬)的所有必要细节,并对领养的条件、必修训练课程、相关证书和费用进行说明。 A.在哪里领养宠物狗 1. 育种 犬只育种是指对选定的犬只进行配对,从而让育出的宠物狗保有特定品质和特征。经授权的瑞士育种所名单在 “法语区纯种犬只饲养机构联盟(LAssociation Romande des Eleveurs de chiens de race) ”上可以找到,也可以在以下网站找到该名单:https://www.chiens.ch/ 2. 收容所和保护协会 收容所的存在是为了给被前主人遗弃的宠物狗提供第二次生命,其目的是确保未来的主人会以尊重的方式对待这些宠物狗。这些机构通常由瑞士政府支持或由瑞士公司赞助。 收容所的信息对公众开放,因此所有相关机构信息都可以通过互联网搜索到。兽医部门可以按需对服务状态进行确认。 3. 黑市 不幸的是,很多动物来自黑市。有些宠物狗被非法进口到瑞士,然后在网上售卖。通常,不法商家会报出比正常育种所更低的价格。事实上,这些狗一旦被新主人买走,往往会出现健康问题。由于它们经常受到卖家的虐待,这些狗也可能出现攻击性的迹象。 B.领养程序 在瑞士,幼犬在领养前需要长到至少10周大。每家育种所和收容所都会要求与宠物狗的未来主人进行首次会面,以确保未来主人充分了解要求、费用和领养程序。 1 瑞士的养狗立法 瑞士联邦条例规定,所有的家犬都必须登记到AMICUS数据库中。从2007年1月1日起,家养狗必须通过植入微芯片进行追踪,并在AMICUS数据库中登记。 微芯片可以给政府提供非常有用的信息,例如宠物狗是谁家的,它们来自哪里,以及每个城市有多少只狗。 登记的程序非常简单,宠物狗的未来主人向其居住地的市政府提出申请并提供以下信息即可:- 宠物狗主人的身份证- 3个有效的电话号码(以防宠物狗走失)- 一个有效的电子邮件地址 AMICUS登记可以通过电话或直接到市政府办公室办理。 - 地址:Rue de lHôtel-de-Ville 1 - 2000 Neuchâtel - 电话号码:+41 32 717 72 60- 网站:https://www.neuchatelville.ch/fr/votre-commune/fusion-neuchatel/guichets-daccueil/#panel-8894-0 - 开放时间: 登记完成后,AMICUS文件就会马上提供给宠物狗的主人。 2 领养育种狗 2.1. 在领养育种狗之前在领养之前,未来的狗主人需要准备AMICUS登记文件,以便在数据库中将宠物狗转到主人的名下。登记文件完成后,未来的主人就可以领养他的狗了,同时通常需要向育种所提供以下文件:- 身份证件- 居住证明- 收入证明- 主人名下的AMICUS登记文件 2.2. 育种所向宠物狗主人提供的文件在领养之前,育种所会负责宠物狗的医疗护理,相关证书将在宠物狗被领养的当天交给未来的狗主人:- 宠物狗的疫苗接种记录- 带有AMICUS官方文件的微型芯片- 宠物狗的血统证明- 购买合同- 宠物狗的护照 2.3. 购置育种狗的预计费用根据所选择的幼犬和繁殖情况,预计费用在1000瑞士法郎至3000瑞士法郎之间。宠物狗的父母会定期接受体检,以确保幼犬出生后身体健康。育种所还提供纯种狗的官方证书。 3 收养收容所和保护协会的宠物狗 3.1. 在收养收容所的宠物狗之前在收养之前,宠物狗未来的主人需要准备AMICUS登记文件,以便在数据库中以主人的名义将宠物狗转移至其名下。完成登记后,未来的主人就可以收养宠物狗啦。通常需要向收容所提供以下文件:- 身份证件- 居住证明- 填写收容所记录的身份证表格- 以主人的名义提供的AMICUS登记文件 3.2. 收容所向宠物狗主人提供的文件- 疫苗接种记录- 收养合同- 狗的护照 3.3. 收养收容所宠物狗的预计费用不同的收容所/保护协会的费用会略有不同。一般来说,瑞士收养一只宠物狗的平均费用为120瑞士法郎。这些费用涵盖以下内容:- 行政费用- 医疗服务 - 食物 C.领养宠物狗的时间安排 在育种所,新生的幼犬在6个月内就可以领养到。由于它们的需求量很大,因此根据未来主人提出的领养时间,等待名单可能会略有变化。建议与育种所联系,安排第一次参观,这也有助于确认对于幼犬的选择;如果宠物狗还没有出生,则可以提前预订。 有关宠物狗收养前的准备工作到此就告一段落啦。在下一篇里,我们会给出领养之后的相关贴士。敬请期待! 英文原文 Acquisition of a dog in Neuchâtel The present document provides all the necessary details to acquire a dog in Neuchâtel (except for considered dangerous dogs). This document also indicates the conditions for the acquisition, the training compulsory classes, the certificate and the pertaining expenses. Where to acquire a dog Breedings Dog breeding is the practice of matching selected dogs with the intention of maintaining or producing specific qualities and characteristics. The authorized Swiss breedings list is available at “L’Association Romande des Eleveurs de chiens de race”. It can also be found on the following website: https://www.chiens.ch/ Shelters and protective societiesShelters exist to offer a second life to the dogs, when abandoned by their previous owner. Their aim is to make sure the future owners will treat the dogs in a respectful way. They are often supported by the Swiss government or sponsored by Swiss companies.The shelters are of public knowledge, so they can all be found with Internet research. The veterinary service can confirm their status on demand. Black marketUnfortunately, there are a lot of animals coming from the black market. Dogs are imported to Switzerland illegally, after being sold online. Usually, dishonest people propose pure-bred dogs for less money than a proper breeding. In fact, the dogs often show health issues once bought by the new owner. As they are often mistreated by the sellers, the dogs could also show signs of aggressivity. Acquisition procedureIn Switzerland, the puppy needs to be at least 10 weeks old prior to the acquisition. Every breeding and shelter will require a first meeting, to make sure that the future owner fully understands the requirements, costs and acquisition procedure. 1. Dog legislation in Switzerland In Switzerland, the Federal Ordinance requires that any domestic dog must be registered at the AMICUS database. From January 1, 2007, domestic dogs must be traceable thanks to an implanted microchip, which is registered in the AMICUS database. The microchip is useful to the government to know who the dogs belong to, where they come from, and how many are they in each city. The procedure of registration is very simple: the future dog owner addresses to its municipality of residence and provides the following pieces of information: · The dog owner ID· 3 valid phone numbers (in case the dog runs away)· A valid email address The AMICUS registration can be done by phone or at the municipality office directly: · Address : Rue de lHôtel-de-Ville 1 - 2000 Neuchâtel · Phone number: +41 32 717 72 60· Website:https://www.neuchatelville.ch/fr/votre-commune/fusion-neuchatel/guichets-daccueil/#panel-8894-0 · Opening hours: Once the registration is done, the AMICUS document is provided to the dog owner right away. 2. Bred dog acquisition 2.1. Prior to the bred dog acquisitionPrior to the acquisition, the future dog owner will prepare the AMICUS registration document in order to organize the transfer of the dog in the data base in the owner’s name. Once it is done, the future owner can adopt his dog providing the breeding with the following documents that are usually required:· Identity papers· Proof of residence· Proof of income· AMICUS registration document in the owner’s name 2.2. Documents provided by the breeding to the dog ownerThe breeding will take care of the following medical cares prior to the acquisition, which certificates will be given to the future dog owner the day of the acquisition:· Vaccination record· Microchipped with the AMICUS official document· Pedigree· Purchase contract· Dog passport 2.3. Estimated costs of bred dogs’ acquisition The estimated costs are between 1000 CHF to 3000 CHF according to the selected puppy and breeding. The parents receive regular medical checks to make sure the puppies will be healthy once they are born. The breeding also provides official certificates of the pure-bred dog 3. Shelter and protective societies dogs’ adoption 3.1. Prior to a shelter dog adoption Prior to the acquisition, the future dog owner will prepare the AMICUS registration document in order to organize the transfer of the dog in the data base in the owner’s name. Once it is done, the future owner can adopt his dog providing the shelter with the following documents that are usually required:· Identity papers· Proof of residence· Complete an ID form for the shelter record· AMICUS registration document in the owner’s name 3.2. Documents provided by the shelter to the dog owner· Vaccination record· Adoption contract· Dog passport 3.3. Estimated costs of shelter dogs’ adoption The costs will slightly change from a shelter/protective society to the other. In general, the Swiss average costs of a dog’s adoption are 120 CHF. They will include the followings:· Administrative costs· Medical cares · Food Timeline for a dog acquisition New-born puppies are available at the breeding within 6 months. As they are very demanded, this waiting list might slightly change, depending on the time of the acquisition’s request made by the future owner. It is recommended to contact the breeding to organize a first visit, which will also be useful to confirm the choice of puppy, and if not born yet, to pre-book one. 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
生活在纳沙泰尔:艺术与博物馆之旅探索过纳沙泰尔的现代城市风光后,再让我们穿越她的记忆宫殿,通过封存完好的馆藏珍品,体会这座千年古都的悠久魅力! 01艺术和历史博物馆Museum of Art and History 对艺术和历史爱好者来说,这里可谓为完美的度假胜地。 艺术与历史博物馆位于美丽的 “艺术宫 ”(Palais des Beaux-Arts)建筑内,拥有四个独立的主题藏品集:美术、应用艺术、钱币学(钱币和货币研究)以及历史。 这栋文艺复兴风格的建筑里罗列着当地各项历史珍品,从日常生活、文化和政治等各方面展示出14世纪至今的景象。 开放时间周二至周日11:00 - 18:00 入场价格个人(周三:免费进入)成人:8瑞郎/人老年人、学生:4瑞郎/人儿童(16岁以下):免费团体(最少10人)4瑞郎/人导游服务(每个导游最多可带20-25人)120瑞郎 贴士建议游览时长:1小时30分钟乘坐公交车:101路或121路公交车(在邮局停靠)根据需求提供导游服务(法语、德语和英语) 联系方式及地址Musée dart et dhistoireEsplanade Léopold-Robert 12000 Neuchâtel+41 32 717 79 20mahn@ne.chmahn.ch 02雅克-德罗自动玩偶The Jaquet-Droz Automata 皮埃尔·雅克-德罗(Pierre Jaquet-Droz)是18世纪的钟表制造商,他决定制造自动玩偶(玩偶娃娃),并将其作为销售手表和机械鸟的营销策略。 图中三个人形自动玩偶的形象分别为18世纪的作家、绘图员和音乐家,它们堪称精工机械领域的神作,体现了那个时代令人惊艳的高超工艺。在艺术和历史博物馆的公开演示中,玩偶们将个中奥秘一一呈现在观众眼前。 这些机械妙物被广泛认为是当代计算机的早期雏形,其中又属 “作家 ”玩偶最为复杂。将这台可编程的机器通过一根曲柄上紧发条后,“作家”便会一边扭动脑袋,一边眨着眼睛,一边开始一笔一画地写出40个字母文字。字里行间,玩偶也会将羽毛笔蘸几滴墨水,而写出的文字则可以随操作者的想法定制。“作家”玩偶由超过6000个零件组成,从1770年代的眼光看来,它已经接近于一台计算机了。 开放时间周二至周日11:00 - 18:00 入场价格成人:8瑞郎/人老年人、学生:4瑞郎/人儿童(16岁以下) 免费 导游服务10人及以下:120瑞郎10人以上:10瑞郎/人德语、英语、中文或日语翻译:70瑞郎 贴士游览时长:1小时个人参观:每月的第一个周日下午2点、3点和4点团体参观:仅按需组团,每团5人起 联系方式及地址Musée dart et dhistoireEsplanade Léopold-Robert 12000 Neuchâtel+41 32 717 79 20mahn@ne.chmahn.ch 03自然历史博物馆Natural History Museum 让我们去瑞士的哺乳动物和鸟类栖息地探寻一番吧。 在这里,除了国际知名的临时展览外,还会通过一幅幅传统的西洋景透视图,对当地动物群落的自然栖息地进行展示。而昆虫和地质类专项展览,则会让所有年龄段的自然博物爱好者,都能感受到参观的乐趣。 展区含有111幅透视图,展示出三维全尺寸自然景观模型。 在地质展里,让我们穿越时空,去发现45亿年前形成的化石和矿物岩吧! 开放时间周二至周日10:00 - 18:00 入场价格成人:8瑞郎/人老年人、学生:4瑞郎/人儿童(16岁以下)免费周三:免费进入 导游服务不超过25人100瑞郎 贴士游览时长:2至4小时可根据需求提供法语和德语导游服务 联系方式Musée dhistoire naturelleRue des Terreaux 142000 Neuchâtel+41 32 718 37 00Info.museum@unine.chMuseum-neuchatel.ch 04拉绍德封国际钟表制造博物馆International Clock-making Museum La Chaux-de-Fonds 对钟情于钟表的人来说,这将是一次完美的旅行! 拉绍德封国际钟表制造博物馆是世界上最大的钟表制造专业博物馆。 在这所别具一格的博物馆里,时间的故事通过4000件精湛卓绝的计时器具娓娓道来:各种日晷、原子钟、华丽的手表、时钟,珠宝商和金匠的艺术样品,以及科学和技术展品,玲琅满目。 开放时间周二至周日10:00 - 17:00 价格个人成人:15瑞郎/人老年人、学生:12.5瑞郎/人儿童(12-16岁之间):7.5瑞郎/人家人团体:30瑞郎/团儿童(12岁以下) 免费团体(最少10人)成人:12.5瑞郎/人学生:7.5瑞郎/人导游服务不超过20人110瑞郎 贴士游览时长:1小时30分可根据需求提供导游服务(法语、德语、英语、意大利语、中文、日语、西班牙语和俄语)可提供智能手机应用程序 联系方式及地址Musée international d’horlogerieRue des Musées 292300 La Chaux-de-Fonds+41 32 967 68 61mih@ne.chmih.ch 英文原文 Museum Tour in Neuchâtel Museum of Art and History A perfect getaway for art and history lovers! The Museum of Art and History is housed in the beautiful “Palais des Beaux-Arts” building and houses four thematically separate collections: fine arts, applied arts, numismatics (the study of coins & currencies) and history. Historical treasures from the region presented in a Renaissance-style building portray daily life, culture and politics from the 14th century to today. OPENING HOURSTuesday - Sunday11:00 - 18:00 PRICESPrices per personAdults CHF 8.-Seniors, Students CHF 4.-Children (up to 16 years old) Free Prices for groups (min. 10 persons)EntranceCHF 4.-Guided tourUp to 20-25 persons per guideCHF 120.- INFORMATIONS:Recommended duration : 1 hour 30Access by public transport: bus n° 101 or 121 (stop Poste)Wednesday : free entryGuided tour on requestLanguages: French, German and EnglishDemonstration of the Jaquet-Droz automates: first Sunday of the month (or upon reservation) CONTACT & ADDRESSMusée dart et dhistoireEsplanade Léopold-Robert 12000 Neuchâtel+41 32 717 79 20mahn@ne.chmahn.ch The Jaquet-Droz Automata Pierre Jaquet-Droz was an 18th century watchmaker who decided to build automata (animated dolls) as a marketing ploy to sell the watches and mechanical birds. These three 18th-century humanoid automata are miracles of precision that display an amazing mastery of technology for their period. The Writer, the Draughtsman and the Musician reveal their secrets during public demonstrations at the Museum of Art and History. These mechanical wonders are considered by many to be the early descendants of our modern-day computers, with The Writer being the most complicated of the three. The programmable machine is wound up with a crank, and with a moving head and blinking eyes, proceeds to write 40 letters of text, which can be customized to anything the operator wishes, dipping his quill into an ink well between words. With over 6,000 parts, The Writer is as close to a computer as the 1770’s would see. OPENING HOURSTuesday - Sunday11:00 - 18:00 PRICESPrices per personAdults CHF 8.-Seniors, Students CHF 4.-Children(up to 16 years old)FreeGuided tourUp to 10 personsCHF 120.-Additional personCHF 10.-With German, English, Chinese or Japanese translationCHF 70.- INFORMATIONSDuration: 1 hourFor personal tours: first Sunday of the month at 2, 3 and 4 p.mFor groups: on request only, 5 people per group minimum CONTACT & ADDRESSMusée dart et dhistoireEsplanade Léopold-Robert 12000 Neuchâtel+41 32 717 79 20mahn@ne.chmahn.ch Natural History Museum Discover the mammals and birds of Switzerland in their habitat. Alongside internationally renowned temporary exhibitions, conventional dioramas present local fauna in their natural habitats. Rooms devoted to insects and geology round off a visit that will appeal to naturalists of all ages. 111 dioramas, three-dimensional full size model of a landscape showing natures scenes. Travel back in time with the geology exhibition and discover fossils and mineral rocks that formed 4.5 billions years ago! OPENING HOURSTuesday - Sunday10:00 - 18:00 PRICESPrices per personAdultsCHF 8.-Seniors, StudentsCHF 4.-Children (up to 16 years old)FreeGuided tourUp to 25 personsCHF 100.- CONTACTMusée dhistoire naturelleRue des Terreaux 142000 Neuchâtel+41 32 718 37 00Info.museum@unine.chMuseum-neuchatel.ch INFORMATIONDuration: 2 to 4 hoursWednesday: free entryGuided tour on request: French and German International clock-making museum La Chaux-de-Fonds The perfect getaway for any watch passionate! The biggest museum specialised in clock-making in the world. This unique museum tells the story of time through 4000 extraordinary timepieces: sundials, atomic clocks, magnificent watches, clocks and examples of the jewellers and goldsmiths art, as well as scientific and technical exhibits. OPENING HOURSTuesday - Sunday10:00 - 17:00 PRICESPrices per personAdultsCHF 15.-Seniors, StudentsCHF 12.50Children (between 12 and 16 years old)CHF 7.50FamiliesCHF 30.-Children (up to 12 years old)FreePrices for groups (min. 10 persons) AdultsCHF 12.50StudentsCHF 7.50Guided tourUp to 20 personsCHF 110.- INFORMATIONSDuration: 1 hour 30Guided tour on request (french, German, English, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Russian)A smartphone app is available Contact & Address:Musée international d’horlogerieRue des Musées 292300 La Chaux-de-Fonds+41 32 967 68 61mih@ne.chmih.ch 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com