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"多蕾(La Torree)"野炊——雷梭勒家族办公室组织的传统秋季活动


“多蕾(La Torrée)”野炊——雷梭勒家族办公室组织的传统秋季活动





















这次“多蕾”野炊活动办得非常成功和愉快,两代人在瑞士秋色的美景中尽情享受,有很多讨论,很多笑声,各种游戏,甚至还有一节充满活力的瑜伽课!虽然 “多蕾”已经是当地的传统项目,但我们相信, “雷梭勒家族办公室的多蕾”也将很快成为我们的一个传统。这不仅仅是一场普通的户外烧烤派对,它有着更丰富的含义——所以,我们期待着明年有更多的朋友们来加入我们的聚会!


«La Torrée» 

- a traditional autumn event organized by LSFO

Switzerland is world-renowned for its seasonal beauty. Gushing waterfalls in spring; alpine meadows covered with wildflowers during summer, and exhilarating winter sports on snow-covered slopes. But what about autumn, when dense forests, rolling vineyards and villages are a riot of golden foliage

Switzerland is home to approximately 535 million trees, 66 trees per inhabitant. About one-third of the trees are deciduous.

The country’s third season is arguably the prettiest time to be in Switzerland as countless leafy trees turn yellow, orange, red and burnished bronze from September to November before their delicate leaves tumble to the ground.

With the merest hint of a chill in the air, this is the time when the cows return from their alpine pastures adorned with garlands of fresh flowers, seasonal specialities grace restaurant tables, and woodsmoke curl from the chimneys of picturesque timber chalets.

There’s no better time than autumn to slip on a sweater, lace up your trusty pair of walking boots and go hiking, biking, wildlife-watching and touring by rail or road via some of the most picturesque nature trails, vineyards, lakes and mountain scenery in Europe.

Since generations “La Torrée” is a living tradition in the Neuchatel region, home of LSFO, that consists of preparing a big fire in a pasture and cooking special sausages and potatoes in the embers. It’s traditionally done in the autumn surrounded by the colourful trees and green meadows.

A “torrée” is not a proper “torrée” without a saucisson neuchâtelois. On a sunny day, a fire is lit at the edge of a forest. The sausage is wrapped in cabbage leaves, butcher paper, newspaper or aluminium foil, tie it up with a string, form a hollow in the embers place the sausages inside and cover with embers. Aluminium foil is optional, if you only use butcher paper or newspaper to wrap the sausage, it is very important to dip the sausage rolled in newspaper in water. The paper needs to be soaked with water. It prevents it to burn and allow the ingredient to cook properly. Let the sausage cook between 40-50 minutes and the potatoes 20-25 minutes.

It is then served with potatoes, salad, bread as well as other treats including a glass of white wine and a spoonful of mustard to bring out all the delicious flavours of the meat. This custom which is exclusive to Neuchâtel has become a fun day out with family and friends, but originally served a purely utilitarian function. On a particular day every year local farmers would set about clearing away trees and other vegetation that encroached on their land. They would bring a sausage with them, which they would cook on a huge fire made from the trees and bushes they had felled. Although the torrée is practised nowadays purely for fun and enjoyment, respect for the natural environment is still a concern for those involved, with every effort taken to collect and dispose of their rubbish appropriately. This much-loved tradition has become synonymous with the region.

For the first time LSFO organized a “Torrée” to enjoy a day out with our families and the LSFO team. Equally fun for parents and kids, the objective is that everybody is participating in the organization and execution of the meal around a big warming fire. We all met at the office, well dressed in warm clothes with good shoes and drove to a remote place near to the colourful autumn forest.

Some of the LSFO team had already started preparing a warming fire and decorated wooded tables in autumn colours. Once the rest of the group arrived on site, everybody started scouting the area looking for some wood to feed the fire. Depending on the thickness of your wood it is important to prepare the fire in advance since it takes time for the wood to become red glowing embers you want to cook your sausages and potatoes in the burning embers. You don’t want to use too thin wood otherwise it will not give you the durable embers required for a proper baking for the sausages and potatoes. It is also not a good alternative to use too thick wood since it will take much longer to transform it in glowing embers. You need to find an in-between in order to create a fine fire with blazing embers.

While the fireplace was brightly burning, everybody started to get involved with the preparation of the traditional meal. We had a workshop specially dedicated to the wrapping of the sausages. The LSFO team member showed the way and the rest of the group meticulously started to wrap the delicious local sausages in the traditional method.

During the sausages wrapping workshop, a class of little kids accompanied by several teachers joined us at the fireplace. The place was swarmed by little joyful children. In Switzerland, every fireplace is a public space open to everybody. We were more than happy to share the place with them and we even gave them our secondary bonfire for their own purpose. All they had to do is cook their ingredient above the already blazing fire. Actually, this kind of field trip is very common and is an integral part of the Swiss education system. In fact, in Switzerland it is believed spending quality time outside with classmates, friends, siblings or parents play an important role in the development of the children.

After we placed the packets of sausages and the potatoes in the middle of the embers and with the help of a shovel buried them properly, we added more dry wood on top of the fire to create even more fresh embers. Most of the fireplace in the country usually have a grill so you can easily cook your meat, fish and vegetables. We used the grill to cook our vegetables and keep the ingredients warm.

Today we can proudly say our team is very unique, united and diversified. We have the chance to have a yoga instructor among our team members. She has the pleasure to share her passion occasionally with our team and the clients. So, we decided to add a yoga session to the program of the day. While all the ingredients were cooking in the blazing embers and under the surveillance of some members of LSFO. The rest of the group attended the session in the forest between the beech trees in the colours of autumn, our instructor guided us through a beginner’s yoga class. A few deep breaths reconnected us to the present moment and let us feel the freshness and the humid scents of autumn. The warrior postures enlivened the class and toned us up.

Everyone participated attentively, concentrating progressively to follow the flow of movements coordinated with the breath. The balancing postures were a real challenge on the unstable and slightly soft floor. The laughter that followed was part of the fun and relaxation of a yoga class. At the end, the stretching relieved all the muscles.

After the yoga session around 45 minutes later we digged out one sausage to control the cooking process. The sausages were indeed well cooked. We started to unwrap the packets, the sausages were oozing, and the cabbages were soaked with the juice. It was a delightful sight for anybody around witnessing the unwrapping of the packets. You could hear the amazement of each participant, like little children unwrapping some Christmas gifts.

A very successful and joyful event where two generations enjoyed themselves in the beauty of Swiss autumn colours with lots of discussions, lots of laughter, games and even a session of energising yoga! While “Torrée” already is a regional tradition, the “Torrée by LSFO” will soon become a tradition as well! It is much more than just an outdoor barbecue party – so join us next year!!




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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