生活在纳沙泰尔:户外文体娱乐 导读 纳沙泰尔这座古老又洋溢着青春气息的城市,除了丰富的民俗节日,还有各种独具当地特色的文化与休闲娱乐项目。让我们参与其中,深入体会这里的乐趣吧。制表参观 让我们踏入制表师的行列,来享受一小时的难忘体验。在制表实践中,您的耐心和灵巧度也会得到考验。 您将会沉浸在齿轮系统和弹簧的世界里,研究机械机芯的运动,以耐心和专业精神去了解制表业的无限微观世界。与此同时,还有一位制表大师为您解释组装手表机芯的各个关键步骤,并向您展示如何进行组装。 对于价格超过1000瑞士法郎(1000美元)的手表,95%以上都是在瑞士制造的。 钟表业是瑞士的第三大出口行业,仅次于医药化工和机床行业。 开放时间 全年均可举办活动,需提前预约 价格 310瑞士法郎--1至6人的团体(一名指导员) 595瑞士法郎--11至18人的团体(两名指导员) 贴士: 时长:1小时 人数:1至18人 最低年龄: 14岁 语言:法语、德语、英语、意大利语和汉语 地址: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds 咨询与预定: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 制表体验--制作您自己的手表 这是一次量身定做的独特制表体验! 在专业制表师的指导下,您将组装自己的手表,并将成果带回家去。 您将在一个专门用于制表培训和探索的车间里,扮演一天的制表师角色,制作您自己的机械表。通过培训师的详细指导,您将学会如何使用镊子、螺丝刀和钳子来完成这一切。活动结束后,您回家时手腕上还可以戴上自己的杰作。 开放时间 全年开放,需提前预约 价格 机械机芯手表:1,190瑞士法郎/人起 镂空机械机芯手表:2,090瑞士法郎/人起 可以购买包装盒:20瑞士法郎/个 贴士: 时长:4小时 人数:1至6人 最低年龄:12岁 语言:法语、德语、英语、意大利语和汉语 地址: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds 咨询与预定: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 迷你高尔夫(Minigolf) 迷你高尔夫是那些喜欢与朋友和家人共度时光的人的理想选择。 这个高尔夫界的小弟仍可谓是热门的家庭娱乐项目。纳沙泰尔地区有两个迷你高尔夫球场,环境对比鲜明:一个在湖边,另一个在山上。无论在哪里打迷你高尔夫,您都需要技巧和灵敏的身手,以避免罚分! 开放时间 3月1日至10月31日 周一至周六 11:30 - 19:00 周日 14:00 - 19:00 价格 成人:8瑞士法郎/人 儿童(16岁以下):5瑞士法郎/人 时长:1小时 联系方式 Minigolf Quai Robert-Comtesse 4 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 724 57 58 info@lacanebiere.ch minigolf-ne.ch 足球高尔夫(Footgolf) 您可以用这种有趣的、适合家庭参与的高尔夫来享受户外活动。 这是一种介于足球和高尔夫之间的新颖而有趣的运动。您需要相当高的技巧,才能将球射入皮埃尔·阿·博特(Pierre-à-Bot)球场的九个球洞中。游戏中您可以呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着大自然的绿意,并体验丰富的乐趣,它是理想的家庭出游项目。 价格 个人 成人:18瑞士法郎/人 老年人、学生 :15瑞士法郎/人 儿童:12瑞士法郎/人 团体(最少10人) 成人:15瑞士法郎/人 老年人、学生:12瑞士法郎/人 儿童:10瑞士法郎/人 联系方式 Footgolf Neuchâtel Parc de Pierre à Bot 2000 Neuchâtel +41 79 653 37 87 info@footgolfneuchatel.ch 公共交通:109路或421路公交车(皮埃尔·阿·波特Pierre-à-Bot 站) 游乐场 这里介绍纳沙泰尔市中心的两个游乐场,孩子们可以在此度过愉快的时光。 让孩子与家人、兄弟姐妹以及朋友们一道,在户外度过美好的时光吧。这对孩子的成长起着非常重要的作用。 埃沃勒湾(Baie de l’Evole)游乐场 Quai-Philippe-Godet 5 2000 Neuchâtel 博因路(Chemin de la Boine)游乐场 Chemin de la boine 39 2000 Neuchâtel Nid-du-Crô游泳馆 这是一所位于湖边的游泳馆,有室内和室外游泳池。 梦幻般的湖岸美景、一个奥林匹克游泳池,以及数个娱乐区,使该游泳馆成为瑞士最珍贵的游泳场所之一。这里有10米跳台和两个巨大的水滑梯,如果您足够大胆,可千万不要错过!您肯定会体验到不一样的新鲜与刺激! 价格 个人 成年人:7瑞士法郎/人 老年人、学生、儿童(5-15岁之间):3.8瑞士法郎/人 儿童(5岁以下):免费 开馆时间 周一至周四 08:00 - 22:00 周五 08:00 - 19:30 周六 08:00 - 18:30 周日 09:00 - 19:00 联系方式 Piscines du Nid-du-Crô Route des Falaises 30 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 717 85 00 piscines.nid-du-cro@ne.ch sportville-new-d2w.ne.ch 艾克罗兰公园 让我们在拉绍德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)山区的树林中进行一次旅行吧! 艾克罗兰(Acroland)公园有四条具有挑战性的路线:轻便栈桥、桥、梯子和滑索,它们将检测您的特技和杂技天赋,无论您的水平如何,都能保证让您肾上腺素激增,得到惊险的体验。您还能在树顶进行一番冒险! 开放时间 2021年5月15日至2021年10月31日 周三 13:00 - 20:00 周六 - 周日 13:00 - 20:00 价格 个人 成年人:28瑞士法郎/人 学生:22瑞士法郎/人 儿童:18瑞士法郎/人 团体 成人:26瑞士法郎/人 学生:20瑞士法郎/人 儿童:16瑞士法郎/人 贴士 建议游览时长:3小时 乘坐公共交通:301路公交车(在Lycée Blaise-Cendrars站下车) 最低身高:140厘米 建议穿运动服和舒适的鞋子 联系方式 Acroland Rue du Succès 62 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds +41 79 637 56 50 +41 32 926 70 84info@acroland.ch acroland.ch 小城堡森林动物园 小城堡森林(Bois du Petit-Château)是拉绍德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)的城市森林,百余年来一直是当地迷人的动物园所在地。 这里是约250种动物的家园,动物种类繁多,从驴子到野猪,不一而足。还有野餐的地方,有趣的游乐场,以及备受喜爱的生物馆,馆里有数目众多的鱼类、两栖动物和爬行动物。这个位于城市中心的小型绿洲(31000平方米)是免费参观的,强烈推荐您前往。在导览员的带领下参观动物园和生物馆,您可以对动物世界有更深入的了解。 开放时间 周一至周日 08:00 - 18:00 票价 免费 贴士 建议游览时长:2小时 生物馆:周一上午关闭 联系方式 Bois du Petit-Château Rue Alexis-Marie-Piaget 82 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds +41 32 967 60 74 zoo@ne.ch 英文原文 Introduction to watchmaking Stepinto the shoes of a watchmaker for an unforgettable hour-long
experience and test your patience and dexterity on a practice watch. Immersing yourself in the world of geartrains and springs, you’llwork on a mechanical movement and learn all about the infinitely tiny
world of watchmaking with patience and professionalism, a master
watchmaker will explain the various crucial stages in the assembly of a
watch movement and show you how to carry them out. Over 95% of watches that cost over CHF1,000 ($1,000) are manufactured in Switzerland. The watch industry is Switzerland’s third biggest export sector behind the pharmaceutical-chemical, and machine tool sectors. OPENING HOURS Activity available all year long only on request PRICES CHF 310.- for a group from 1 to 6 persons (with one instructor)
CHF 595.- for a group from 11 to 18 persons (with two instructors). INFORMATIONS: Duration: 1 hour Number of persons: from 1 to 18 persons Minimum age: 14 years old Languages: French, German, English, Italien and Chinese ADDRESS: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds CONTACT FOR REQUEST & BOOKING: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 Watch Making Experiences – Make your own watch A tailored and unique watchmaking experience! Under the watchful eye of a watchmaking professional, assemble your very own watch to take home with you. In a workshop specially dedicated to watchmaking education and exploration, you’ll become a watchmaker for the day and build your own mechanical watch. Through the detailed instructions of your trainer, you’ll learn how to use tweezers, screwdrivers and pliers, going home with your masterpiece on your wrist. OPENING HOURS Activity available all year long only on request PRICES Watch with a mechanical movement, from CHF 1’190.-/person
Watch with a skeleton mechanical movement, from CHF 2’090.-/ person Possibility to purchase a box : CHF 20.- INFORMATIONS: Duration: 4 hours Number of persons: from 1 to 6 persons Minimum age: 12 years old Languages: French, German, English, Italien and Chinese ADDRESS: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds CONTACT FOR REQUEST & BOOKING: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 Minigolf Ideal for those who enjoy spending time with friends and family. Golfs baby brother is still a great favourite for family fun. Pays de Neuchâtelhas two minigolf courses in contrasting settings: one by the lake and
another in the mountains. Either way, youll need all your skill and
dexterity to avoid those penalty points! OPENING HOURS From 1 Mar 2021 to 31 Oct 2021 Monday - Saturday 11:30 - 19:00 Sunday 14:00 - 19:00 PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 8.- Children (up to 16 years old) CHF 5.- Duration : 1 hour CONTACT Minigolf Quai Robert-Comtesse 4 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 724 57 58 info@lacanebiere.ch minigolf-ne.ch Footgolf Enjoy the great outdoors with this fun and family-friendly form of golf. Thisnovel and entertaining cross between football and golf calls for
considerable skill to shoot the ball into the nine holes of the Pierre-à-Bot course. Fresh air, natural greenery and plenty of fun: an ideal outing for the family. PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 18.- Seniors, Students CHF 15.- Children CHF 12.- Prices for groups (min. 10 persons) Adults CHF 15.- Seniors, Students CHF 12.- Children CHF 10.- CONTACT Footgolf Neuchâtel Parc de Pierre à Bot 2000 Neuchâtel +41 79 653 37 87 info@footgolfneuchatel.ch Access by public transport: bus n° 109 or 421 (stop Pierre-à-Bot) Playgrounds Here are two playgrounds in Neuchâtel kids can enjoy your time. Spendingsome quality time outside with family, siblings or even friends play a
really important part in the development of a child. Baie de l’Evole Playground Quai-Philippe-Godet 5 2000 Neuchâtel Chemin de la Boine Playground Chemin de la boine 39 2000 Neuchâtel Swimming Pool Nid-du-Crô Lakeside swimming pool, with inside and outdoor pools. A dream location on the lake shore, an Olympic pool and several recreation areas make this one of Switzerland’s most highly prized bathing spots. Don’t miss: the 10-meter diving platform and the two giant water-slides – guaranteed thrills, if you’re daring enough! PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 7.- Seniors, Students, Children (between 5 and 15 years old) CHF 3.80 Children (up to 5 years old) Free OPENING HOURS Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 22:00 Friday 08:00 - 19:30 Saturday 08:00 - 18:30 Sunday 09:00 - 19:00 ...
生活在纳沙泰尔:当地文化庆典 导读 作为一个有着悠久历史和文化传统的城市,纳沙泰尔每年会定期举办一些当地的文化庆典活动,吸引着来自瑞士各地的欢庆者。让我们一起来探索纳沙泰尔的各种文化庆典,以及当地特色活动的亮点! 九月葡萄酒丰收节 The Wine Harvest Festival纳沙泰尔的葡萄庄园向您致敬! 在这个节日里,会有盛大的乐队以及花车游行,您绝对不容错过! 在纳沙泰尔州,九月葡萄酒丰收节极有可能是一年当中最令人期待的盛事之一了! 每年举办时间:9月底的最后一周 开放时间:周五18:00-周日00:00 入场人数: 超过10万人 适合对象:所有人!这是一个适合家庭参加的活动 价格:免费! 地点:纳沙泰尔 每年9月的最后一个周末,纳沙泰尔州都会开始采摘葡萄并展开庆典活动。在这三天里,市中心会禁止车辆通行,以方便人们在灯光、音乐和欢声笑语中以传统方式进行庆祝。 每年的葡萄酒丰收节,十万多人会欢聚在纳沙泰尔。而纳沙泰尔本地才只有4.5万名居民! 在星期五的晚上,会举办盛大的夜间游行与"Guggenmusik"(或称“欢乐音乐”),不过在整个节日期间,各个团体都会身着盛装在户外活动。到了星期六下午,孩子们则会穿上化装舞会的服装游行,这是一个充满欢乐、多姿多彩的传统活动。星期天下午的花车巡游也会吸引大量的围观者。 在游行队伍中,您既可感受号角花彩的点缀,还能不时看到部分团体身着颇具幽默感的服装。节日沿袭了葡萄采摘车游行的传统。每年葡萄采摘结束时,一架架的葡萄采摘车便会装饰着鲜花,并装载着葡萄种植者的各种工具,进行巡游。 纳沙泰尔露天音乐节 Festi Neuch每年举办时间:6月初 开放时间:15:00至23:30 入场人数: 超过3.5万人 适合对象:成人 价格:64瑞郎-210瑞郎 地点:纳沙泰尔在所有的露天音乐节当中,纳沙泰尔露天音乐节可谓首个 “必去”的盛典! 纳沙泰尔露天音乐节的节目众多,包括摇滚、流行、雷鬼、世界音乐和电子音乐风格的最新热门歌曲。活动现场设在纳沙泰尔湖畔的“新岸”(Jeunes-Rives),届时将举办约40场音乐会,吸引逾3.5万名音乐爱好者前来参加。 纳沙泰尔奇幻电影节 Neuchâtel Fantasy Film Festival 纳沙泰尔奇幻电影节(NIFFF)已迅速成为了瑞士电影界的重要活动之一。由于节目内容创新,并多有著名嘉宾参加,纳沙泰尔奇幻电影节赢得了公众以及评论家们的青睐。 该电影节的精髓在于其节目丰富多样,并围绕一个中心主题(奇幻电影)和两个次级主题(亚洲电影和数字影像)展开。 每年举办时间:7月初 开放时间:19:00至00:00 入场人数: 超过3万人 适合对象:儿童和成人 价格:一部电影 14瑞郎 联票4部电影 50瑞郎 联票10部电影 110瑞郎 电影节通票 170瑞郎地点:纳沙泰尔英文原文 Cultural celebration in Neuchâtel The Wine Harvest Festival in September The vineyards of Neuchâtel in honor! Marching bands and parades, a festival you should definitely not miss! Probably one of the most if not the most anticipated event of the year in the canton! Period of the year: Last week end of September Opening hours :From Friday 18.00 until Sunday 00.00 Attendance: over 100000 persons Who is it for?: Everybody! It is a family friendly event. Price: Free! Place: Neuchâtel Eachyear, the start of the grape harvests in the Canton of Neuchâtel is
celebrated on the last weekend in September. For three days, traffic is
banished from the city centre so that people can make merry in the
accustomed style amid an ambience of light, music and laughter. Every year the festival gather over 100000 persons. Neuchâtel has approximately 45000 inhabitants! Thegrand night-time procession with "Guggenmusik" (or "Happy Music") takesplace on the Friday night, but groups in costume are out and about all
through the festival. The childrens fancy-dress parade, a joyful and
colorful event, is traditionally held on the Saturday afternoon. The
Sunday afternoon floral procession also attracts a vast crown of
onlookers. Punctuated by fanfares and peppered with humorous touches by
some of the groups in costume, this parade carries on the tradition of
the procession of the grape-harvest carts, decorated with flowers and
loaded with the wine-growers tools, which takes place at the end of thegrape harvest. The Open Air Festival Festi Neuch Period of the year: Early June Opening hours : 15.00 until 23.30 Attendance: over 35000 persons Who is it for?: Adults Price: From 64.00 CHF to 210.00 CHFPlace: Neuchâtel The first "must" on the open-air festival calendar! FestineuchNeuchâtel openair Festivals program includes the latest hits from the
worlds of rock, pop, reggae, world music and electro. The magical
setting for this event is at Jeunes-Rives on the shores of Lake
Neuchâtel. It suggests about forty concerts and attracts an audience of
more than 35000 festival-goers. Neuchâtel Fantastic Film Festival TheNeuchâtel Fantasy Film Festival (NIFFF) has quickly become one of the
key events in the Swiss cinema world. Innovative programmes and
prestigious guests have helped the NIFFF to win over the public as well
as the critics. The quintessence of this festival is its richly varied
programme, based on one central theme (Fantasy Cinema) and two secondarythemes (Asian Cinema and Digital Images). Period of the year: Early July Opening hours : 19.00 until 00.00 Attendance: over 30000 persons Who is it for?: Children and Adults Price: 1 movie CHF 14. Multipass 4 movies CHF 50. Multipass 10 movies CHF 110. Festival Pass CHF 170. Place: Neuchâtel本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士小记者 | 我的多蕾(Torrée)初体验 作者:Heiman Vanessa Zhu,11岁,就读于日内瓦国际学校-La Grande Boissière校区,已在瑞士学习生活了两年。 本篇文章为雷梭勒瑞士办公室组织VIP客户进行秋游活动后,Vanessa Zhu投稿参与该活动的所见所感。让我们以她的第一视角,感受纳沙泰尔传统多蕾式野炊的趣味。 2021年10月28日,我前往纳沙泰尔参加了只有在当地才举行的秋季多蕾野炊活动。那是个极其充实而开心的一天! 多蕾(Torrée),有时也被称为“牧羊人之火”(“feux de berger”),是纳沙泰尔的一项传统。它是指在牧场上生起一个大的篝火,然后用余烬烤制香肠和土豆。传统上是在秋季进行,随着越来越多的人了解并喜爱多蕾,只要天气好,并找到一个合适的位置,瑞士当地居民一年中的任何时候都可以组织一场多蕾。 多蕾野炊小分队——集合! 因为活动在早上开始,所以我们起的很早前往火车站去赶从日内瓦前往纳沙泰尔的火车。火车一进站,我们就漫步前往车门处准备上车。由于我们并不打算在纳沙泰尔过夜,所以都是轻装上阵。虽然我们待在火车上的时间很长,不过利用这个机会可以好好观赏一番瑞士的山川湖泊,这是我永看不厌的景色。不知不觉中,我们已经在火车上呆了一个小时,当我向窗外看去时,这才发现,原来我们已经来到了纳沙泰尔!我们到达之后,便立即前往雷梭勒的办公室集合,这家办公室之前是一家银行,开阔且气派。我们在这里听了关于今天的多蕾之行的介绍,也结识了一些新的朋友。我兴奋极了,简直不敢相信我有机会去尝试多蕾! 多蕾初体验 由于参加的人很多,我们用了两辆车。所有人都上了车,一路上我都在和新认识的朋友们聊天,大约过了三十分钟,我们就到了。到了野炊地点之后,我们便都整装待发,去生起自己的篝火。 当我们到达森林旁边的一个位置时,首先映入眼帘的便是地上的一团小火焰。我猜想,我们应该需要找些柴火把火烧旺,果然不出所料!我们下车后,大人们就告诉我们,可以去森林里探险,以便收集燃料。于是我们都开始在森林里为篝火收集起树枝和木片来。有的树枝有长颈鹿那么高!虽然过程很辛苦,但我们一想到将有美食,就觉得这点辛苦是值得的。 时光飞逝,我们都弄到了足够的木头来点火,大家都跑到篝火前,一个个慢慢地把在森林里找到的树枝和木片扔到火里。火苗像初升的太阳一样生起,像一座炽热的火山一样燃了起来! 火堆准备好后,我们便开始制作 “纳沙泰尔腊肠”(“Saucisson Neuchâtelois”)。这是纳沙泰尔的一种特制的香肠。 “多蕾”的制作过程相当简单。首先,我们必须在桌子上放一张烤盘纸,就像铺桌垫一样。然后我们拿出纳沙泰尔香肠和一些生菜叶。接着,我们把香肠放在纸上,用生菜叶盖住它。然后我们用烘焙纸包严实,这样它在烤的时候就不会松开。最后,我们又包了一层报纸,用绳子把它捆紧。 这就是我的多蕾 一切就绪,就可以在烧起来的火堆里烤菜了! 要让菜烤到可以吃的程度,我们需要等上几分钟。大人们已经为我们准备好了饮料和零食。红辣椒(Paprikas)作为零食还是不错的! 然后我到篝火跟前查看了一下香肠。有人提出,我可以为自己烤一根香肠。他们拿出一根树枝,将顶部切开,然后把香肠插在树枝切开的地方。我拿了一根树枝,开始烤起我漂亮的香肠来!我甚至用了一些西红柿、奶酪和树叶来装饰它。 当香肠烤透后,我们就开始大吃特吃起来。当时我们都饿坏了,当吃的都做好以后,我们都非常开心。首先上来的是一些蔬菜,然后是一些迷你香肠,最后是纳沙泰尔香肠!我吃得太饱了,肚子里再多一片生菜都装不下。唯一遗憾的是,那天的天气有点阴,所以我们没有在瑞士的阳光里享用这份丰盛的午餐。 享受完食物后,我们又在周围的森林里探索了一番。我们甚至发现了一棵从原地倒下来的树!我们摸到了树的顶端。我甚至还想爬上一棵。伴随着大人们的呼唤,我和朋友们又都跑回到餐桌前,因为这时饭后瑜伽时间到了。对我和我的新朋友们来说,这既是一种餐后健康运动,又很让人开心!我们做了一些平衡和伸展的动作。做完后我感觉身心无比放松,将自己充分的与纳沙泰尔的秋天融为一体。 尾声 做完瑜伽后,在我们整理用餐垃圾的同时,太阳慢慢出来了,照亮了整个森林。在最后一缕阳光的照耀下,我们回到了纳沙泰尔市,结束了一天的旅程。 在返回日内瓦的路上,我想到这一天是多么令人兴奋和美妙。到了晚上,我还能闻到纳沙泰尔香肠的味道,这让我不禁期待,下一次活动是什么时候呢?对我来说,这趟旅程是值得的,它绝对是一个必去的活动 。这是我第一次参加多蕾活动,它给我带来了特别独特的体验。我已经迫不及待地想参加下一次多蕾之行了! 英文原文 TORRÉE ------ By Heiman Vanessa Zhu. 11 years old Studying in Ecole internationale de Genève - La Grande Boissière. Started living in Switzerland for two years. On October 28th of 2021, I went to Neuchatel for an autumn Torée event held only at Neuchatel. It was an extremely long and exciting day! A torrée, sometimes called "feux de berger", is a Neuchâtel tradition that consists of preparing a big fire in a pasture and cooking sausages and potatoes in the embers. It’s traditionally done in the Autumn (after the flocks are brought in) but it can be organised at any time of year provided you find a good place. We had to wake up extremely early for the event because it started in the morning. We immediately went to the train station to catch our train. We almost thought we were late for a second. Once the train came, we ambled to the train entrance. Since we werent going to plan to stay in Neuchâtel, the trip was easy without much luggage. The train ride was long, but it was a great way to see the mountains and lakes of Switzerland that I never got tired of. Unwittingly we had been on the train for an hour, when I looked out the window and saw that we had arrived in Neuchâtel! Once we arrived, we headed to an office that would bring us to our location! I made some new friends and met a lot of other people! The office used to be a bank. We all met up inside of the building.It was amazingly huge. We had a briefing here about todays trip torree and I was excited and couldn’t believe that i got a chance to try out the torrée! After that we all got prepared to set off to make our own fireplace. We had to use two cars because of the number of people who were going to join as well. We all get into the car and chatted with new friends along the way , it took about thirty minutes before we arrived. Once we arrived at our location next to a forest, the first thing that caught my eye was a small flame on the ground. I assumed that we had to collect resources to set the flame up, and I was right! Once we headed off the car the adults told us we could go venture into the woods to collect. We all then started collecting sticks and pieces of wood inside of the forest for the fireplace. There were sticks as tall as a giraffe! It was extremely tiring but well worth the upcoming food. Time flew by like the speed of light. We all got enough wood for the fire to light up, everyone scurried to the fireplace and one by one we all slowly threw the sticks and wood pieces we found inside of the forest. The fire rises up like a rising sun and it lit up like a blazing volcano! The only pity is that the weather was a little cloudy that day, so we didnt feel the sunshine of Switzerland. Once the fire was ready to go, we all started making the “Saucisson Neuchâtelois” a special type of sausage which is found in Neuchatel. The process is quite easy. First of all we had to put a piece of baking paper on the table like a table mat. Then we took out the Neuchatel sausage and some pieces of lettuce. After that we placed the sausage on top of the paper and covered it with the lettuce pieces. Then we wrapped it up tightly with the baking paper so it wouldn’t get loose when we cooked it. Lastly we wrapped a layer of newspaper and tightened it up with a string. Once it was done it was ready to be cooked inside the burning fire! We had to wait a couple of minutes until it was ready and edible. The adults were already laying out the drinks and snacks for us to eat! The paprikas were a good choice of snacks! Then I went to the fireplace to check out the sausages. Someone offered me to cook a sausage for myself. They took out a stick and carved the very top, then stuck the sausage on the carved area. I held a stick and cooked my beautiful sausage! I even decorated it with some tomatoes, cheese and leaves! When it was all cooked we started to feast on our food. We were all starving at that time, when the food was ready, we all enjoyed it very much.. First came some vegetables, then came the mini sausages and finally came the Neuchatel sausage! I was so full I could barely fit a singular piece of lettuce in my stomach. After enjoying our food, we had an exploration in the surrounding forest. We even found a tree that fell off it’s place! We got to touch the top of a tree. I even wanted to climb one. After that, we heard someone call us. We all ran to the dining table and it was yoga time. It was relaxing and hilarious at the same time for me and my new friend! We had to do some balancing and stretching! I felt so relaxed after it. After the yoga, we all threw away the trash. Just then the sun slowly came out and lit up the whole forest, and with the last rays of sunlight we returned to the city of Neuchâtel, ending the days journey. On the ride back to Geneva I thought about how exciting and wonderful that day was. At night I could still smell the Neuchatel sausage, and I then wondered when the next event would be held. For me it was worth the ride and it was definitely a have to go event! It was my very first time I’ve ever been to a torrée, it gave me a particularly unique experience and I cant wait to take the next Torree trip! 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
如何在纳沙泰尔领养宠物狗(下) 导言 在上期,我们为您介绍了在瑞士如何领养宠物狗,本篇我们将再为您介绍一下宠物狗领养之后的相关贴士及注意事项。 D. 领养后的规定 1、动物保护 关于如何对待和拥有宠物狗,2008年4月23日关于动物保护的联邦法令(OPAn)规定了以下条款(参见第22条和第68至79条):宠物狗应该每天与人有足够的接触,并在可能的情况下与其它的犬类接触。 它们应该能够根据自己的需要每天进行锻炼,还应该能够尽可能多地在户外玩耍。 被拴绳拴住的宠物狗必须能够在至少20平方米的范围内活动,并且不能用索套颈圈拴住。 被拴在露天场地的宠物狗必须有水、食物和住所。 宠物狗的主人必须采取必要的预防措施,使其不会危及人类和动物。 禁止过分严厉地对待宠物狗,禁止鸣枪惩罚宠物狗,禁止使用带刺的项圈。 2、大多数州执行的规定 宠物狗主人必须告知其家庭保险机构有关领养宠物狗之事。 宠物狗在公共场所时必须始终用绳索拴住。 如果宠物狗对人或动物造成了严重伤害,或者宠物狗特别具有攻击性,则兽医、医生、收容所/养老院的管理人员、海关和训犬员必须通知主管的州兽医局。 为确保遵守不同的州的规定,建议狗主人直接联系其居住地的州政府。 3、参加宠物狗训练理论和实践课的义务 自2021年1月1日起,所有居住在纳沙泰尔州且年满18岁的新的宠物狗领养人士,都必须参加强制性的训犬课程。这些课程必须在领养宠物狗后的6个月内参加,并在领养之日起算的一年内结束。 训犬课的目的如下: 培养主人对公共安全的认识,从而让宠物狗成功地融入生活和社会(减少咬人和攻击事件) 让宠物狗与社会和谐共处(教育、收集粪便) 动物保护(宠物狗的福祉,以及对其需求的尊重) 动物健康(疫苗、基本护理) 训练宠物狗在自然界和畜群中的行为 各州可自行决定培训课程是否为必修。 4、必修训练课的内容 包括2小时的理论部分,以及与宠物狗一起参加的实践部分,实践部分由8节45分钟的课程组成。 - 6节课在受保护的环境中(有围栏)进行 - 2节课在城市环境中进行 实践部分仅限于6位主人同时参加。其目标是让宠物狗在6个月大的时候就能融入社会,因此在这个时候不可能有私教课。培训结束后,培训机构会立即给宠物狗的主人就所学知识出具一份证书。经认可的宠物狗培训机构也会告知州内的兽医部门宠物狗主人已获得了相关证书。 如果被收养的宠物狗是幼犬,那么在上必修训练课之前,必须参加幼犬训练课,以便让宠物狗与主人建立真正的情感联结,确保宠物狗的干净卫生,并努力提高其与人或者其它动物共处的能力。如需了解经认可的宠物狗培训机构及其价格的更多信息,请参考下文第5和第6点。 5、训练课的费用 训练课的费用由经批准的宠物狗培训机构自行确定,但必须符合通常的费用,估计在300瑞士法郎至400瑞士法郎之间。 6、纳沙泰尔附近经批准的宠物狗培训机构 朗斯·多丽丝女士提供犬只必修训练课(从6个月大的宠物狗开始),以及幼犬训练课(从10周大的幼犬开始)。可英语授课。这些课程可在工作日和周末进行。 - 必修训练课:根据主人的空余时间安排 - 300瑞士法郎 - 幼犬训练课:每周三下午6点- 15瑞士法郎/课 - 额外的私教课:50瑞士法郎/课,周末提供 伊萨斯·奥德丽女士和斯蒂索·马西莫先生也同样都提供犬只必修训练课(从6个月大的宠物狗开始),以及幼犬训练课(从10周大的幼犬开始)。可英语授课。这些课程只在工作日进行。 - 必修训练课:星期四下午6点30分或7点30分 - 300瑞士法郎 - 幼犬训练班:周一下午6点 - 15瑞士法郎/课 - 额外的私教课:50瑞士法郎/课,工作日可参加 E. 犬只豢养年税 根据家犬法(636.20)第3条,对于在瑞士境内所养的每只宠物狗,各市镇每年会向主人征收不超过120瑞士法郎的税款 F. 在瑞士可领养到比熊犬的育种所举例 1、珠光宝气(Pearl Shine)育种所 联络人:Baumann Kathrin女士 城市:8637 Laupen 电话:+41 79/602.30.71 网站链接:https://www.pearlshine.ch/ 电子邮件:info@pearlshine.ch 2、瑞士利奇布赫(Litzibuch)育种所 联系人:Nanine Jung女士 城市: 5712 Beinwil am See 电话:+41 79/847.87.82 网站链接:https://www.swiss-kennel-litzibuch.com/ 电子邮件:swiss.bichonfrise@bluewin.ch G. 在瑞士境内被视为猛犬的犬种 1、猛犬的定义 猛犬会天生表现出攻击性、社交困难、冲动行为以及倾向于咬人和打架等迹象。被视为猛犬的犬种在瑞士并不被禁止,但领养这类狗的程序比较复杂。 2、被视为猛犬的品种清单 以下品种的犬类在瑞士被认为是受限制的品种或有潜在危险: · 美国斯塔福郡梗犬(American Staffordshire Terrier) · 南非獒犬(Boerbull) · 斗牛獒(Bullmastiff) · 意大利卡斯罗犬(Cane Corso) · 阿根廷杜高犬(Dogue of Argentin) · 波尔多獒犬(Dogue of Bordeaux) · 巴西菲勒獒犬(Fila Brasileiro) · 英国獒犬(English Mastiff) 在瑞士,这份名单在不同的州可能会略有变化,当地的兽医服务部门负责为本州居民提供相关信息。H. 瑞士小型名犬俱乐部协会 在小型名犬的研究或建议方面,我们可以向该协会提出问题。 网站链接:https://www.kleinhundeclub.ch/Editeur/stw~19/php/14.php 资料来源: 1. 联合国日内瓦办事处及其它国际组织常驻瑞士代表团(Mission permanente de la Suisse auprès de lOffice des Nations Unies et des autres organisations internationales à Genève) https://www.eda.admin.ch/missions/mission-onu-geneve/fr/home/manuel-application-regime/introduction/manuel-animaux.html 2. 消费者和兽医事务局(SCAV) - 联系人:比斯坎女士 - 地址:Rue Jehanne-de-Hochberg 5 - 2000 Neuchâtel - 电话号码:+41 32 889 68 30 - 网站链接:https://www.ne.ch/autorites/DDTE/SCAV/animaux/Pages/accueil.aspx 3. 纳沙泰尔市政局,AMICUS登记处 - 地址:Rue de lHôtel-de-Ville 1 - 2000 Neuchâtel - 电话:+41 32 717 72 60 - 网站:https://www.neuchatelville.ch/fr/votre-commune/fusion-neuchatel/guichets-daccueil/#panel-8894-0 英文原文 Acquisition of a dog in Neuchâtel Rules after the acquisition 1. Animals protection Regardingthe way to treat and own a dog, the Federal Ordinance of April 23,
2008, on the protection of animals (OPAn) provides the following
provisions (cf. articles 22 and 68 to 79): Dogs should have sufficient daily contact with humans and, when possible, with other dogs; They should be able to exercise daily according to their needs and also be able to play outdoors as much as possible; Those held in the tether must be able to move over an area of at least 20 m2 and must not be attached with a choke collar; Those held in the open air must have water, food and a shelter; Whoever owns a dog must take the necessary preventive measures so that the dog does not endanger humans and animals; It is forbidden to treat dogs with excessive harshness, to fire shots to punish them or to use spiked collars. 2. Rules in force in the majority of canton The household insurance of the dog owner must be informed of the dog acquisition. Dogs must be always kept on a leash in public areas. Ifa dog seriously injures a human being, an animal, or if it is
particularly aggressive, veterinarians, doctors, managers of shelters /
pensions, customs and dog trainers must notify the competent cantonal
veterinary office. To be sure of the cantonal rules, it is recommended
to the dog owner to address directly to their canton of residence. 3. Obligation to take theoretical and practical dogs training classe Any new dog
owner since January 1, 2021, resident of the canton of Neuchâtel and at
least 18 years old, must take the compulsory training dog classes. The
classes must be taken no later than 6 months after the dog acquisition
and end within one year of the date of its acquisition. The training classes are meant to provide the dog with: asuccessful integration into life and society thanks to the owners
awareness of public safety (reduction of bites and attacks), harmonious cohabitation in society (education, collection of droppings), animals protection (well-being of the dog and respect for its needs), animals health (vaccines, basic care), behavior in nature and towards herds. Every canton decides for itself whether the training classes are compulsory. 4. Compulsory training classes content It consists of a theoretical part of 2 hours and a practical part with the dog composed of eight periods of 45 minutes: 6 periods in a protected environment (fenced), 2 periods in an urban environment. The practical
part is limited to 6 owners at the same time. The aim is to socialize
the dog when he is 6 months old, therefore private classes are not
possible at this point. A validation of the acquired knowledge will be
prepared at the end of the training. This certificate is provided to thedog owner right away. The approved dog educator also informs the
cantons veterinary services of the provided certificate to the dog
owner. Ifthe adopted dog is a puppy, it will be important to take puppy trainingclasses to create a real bond with its owner, to make sure that it is
clean and to work on its socialization, before the compulsory training
classes. For more details on approved dog educators and prices, please
refer to points 6 and 7 here below. 5. Training classes costs The training
classes’ costs are set by the approved dog educator, but it must
correspond to the usual costs, which are estimated between 300 CHF to
400 CHF. 6. Approved dogs’ educators nearby Neuchâtel MrsRonsse Doris provides the compulsory training classes (from 6 months
old), as well as the puppy training classes (from 10 weeks old). Classesin English language are available. The classes take place on weekdays
and weekends: Compulsory training classes: depending on the owners’ availability – 300 CHFPuppy training classes: on Wednesdays at 6 pm – 15 CHF/ classesExtra private classes: 50 CHF / classes available on weekendsMrsIsaaz Audrey and Mr Citiso Massimo both provide the compulsory
training classes (from 6 months old), as well as the puppy training
classes (from 10 weeks old). Classes in English language are available.
The classes take place only on weekdays: Compulsory training classes: on Thursdays at 6.30pm or 7.30 pm - 300 CHFPuppy training classes: on Mondays at 6 pm – 15 CHF/ classesExtra private classes: 50 CHF / classes available on weekdaysDog detention yearly taxes Accordingto the domestic dog law (636.20) art.3, for each dog held on the Swiss
territory, the municipalities collect a tax from the dog owner on a
yearly basis, which will not exceed 120 CHF. Examples of a Bichon Frise acquisition in a breeding, Switzerland 1. Pearl Shine breeding Person of contact: Mrs Baumann KathrinCity: 8637 LaupenPhone number: +41 79/602.30.71Link to their website: https://www.pearlshine.ch/ Email: info@pearlshine.ch 2. Swiss breed of Litzibuch Person of contact: Mrs. Nanine JungCity: 5712 Beinwil am SeePhone number: +41 79/847.87.82Link to their websi...