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D. 领养后的规定










- 6节课在受保护的环境中(有围栏)进行

- 2节课在城市环境中进行







- 必修训练课:根据主人的空余时间安排 - 300瑞士法郎

- 幼犬训练课:每周三下午6点- 15瑞士法郎/课

- 额外的私教课:50瑞士法郎/课,周末提供


- 必修训练课:星期四下午6点30分或7点30分 - 300瑞士法郎

- 幼犬训练班:周一下午6点 - 15瑞士法郎/课

- 额外的私教课:50瑞士法郎/课,工作日可参加

E. 犬只豢养年税


F. 在瑞士可领养到比熊犬的育种所举例

1、珠光宝气(Pearl Shine)育种所

联络人:Baumann Kathrin女士

城市:8637 Laupen

电话:+41 79/602.30.71




联系人:Nanine Jung女士

城市: 5712 Beinwil am See

电话:+41 79/847.87.82



G. 在瑞士境内被视为猛犬的犬种






· 美国斯塔福郡梗犬(American Staffordshire Terrier)

· 南非獒犬(Boerbull)

· 斗牛獒(Bullmastiff)

· 意大利卡斯罗犬(Cane Corso)

· 阿根廷杜高犬(Dogue of Argentin)

· 波尔多獒犬(Dogue of Bordeaux)

· 巴西菲勒獒犬(Fila Brasileiro)

· 英国獒犬(English Mastiff)


H. 瑞士小型名犬俱乐部协会




1. 联合国日内瓦办事处及其它国际组织常驻瑞士代表团(Mission permanente de la Suisse auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies et des autres organisations internationales à Genève)


2. 消费者和兽医事务局(SCAV)

- 联系人:比斯坎女士

- 地址:Rue Jehanne-de-Hochberg 5 - 2000 Neuchâtel

- 电话号码:+41 32 889 68 30

- 网站链接:https://www.ne.ch/autorites/DDTE/SCAV/animaux/Pages/accueil.aspx

3. 纳沙泰尔市政局,AMICUS登记处

- 地址:Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 1 - 2000 Neuchâtel

- 电话:+41 32 717 72 60

- 网站:https://www.neuchatelville.ch/fr/votre-commune/fusion-neuchatel/guichets-daccueil/#panel-8894-0


Acquisition of a dog in Neuchâtel

Rules after the acquisition

1. Animals' protection

Regarding the way to treat and own a dog, the Federal Ordinance of April 23, 2008, on the protection of animals (OPAn) provides the following provisions (cf. articles 22 and 68 to 79):

  • Dogs should have sufficient daily contact with humans and, when possible, with other dogs;
  • They should be able to exercise daily according to their needs and also be able to play outdoors as much as possible;
  • Those held in the tether must be able to move over an area of at least 20 m2 and must not be attached with a choke collar;
  • Those held in the open air must have water, food and a shelter;
  • Whoever owns a dog must take the necessary preventive measures so that the dog does not endanger humans and animals;
  • It is forbidden to treat dogs with excessive harshness, to fire shots to punish them or to use spiked collars.

2. Rules in force in the majority of canton

  • The household insurance of the dog owner must be informed of the dog acquisition.
  • Dogs must be always kept on a leash in public areas.
  • If a dog seriously injures a human being, an animal, or if it is particularly aggressive, veterinarians, doctors, managers of shelters / pensions, customs and dog trainers must notify the competent cantonal veterinary office. To be sure of the cantonal rules, it is recommended to the dog owner to address directly to their canton of residence.

3. Obligation to take theoretical and practical dogs' training classe

Any new dog owner since January 1, 2021, resident of the canton of Neuchâtel and at least 18 years old, must take the compulsory training dog classes. The classes must be taken no later than 6 months after the dog acquisition and end within one year of the date of its acquisition.

The training classes are meant to provide the dog with:

  • a successful integration into life and society thanks to the owners' awareness of public safety (reduction of bites and attacks),
  • harmonious cohabitation in society (education, collection of droppings),
  • animals' protection (well-being of the dog and respect for its needs),
  • animals' health (vaccines, basic care),
  • behavior in nature and towards herds.
  • Every canton decides for itself whether the training classes are compulsory.

4. Compulsory training classes content

It consists of a theoretical part of 2 hours and a practical part with the dog composed of eight periods of 45 minutes:

  • 6 periods in a protected environment (fenced),

  • 2 periods in an urban environment.

The practical part is limited to 6 owners at the same time. The aim is to socialize the dog when he is 6 months old, therefore private classes are not possible at this point. A validation of the acquired knowledge will be prepared at the end of the training. This certificate is provided to the dog owner right away. The approved dog educator also informs the canton's veterinary services of the provided certificate to the dog owner.

If the adopted dog is a puppy, it will be important to take puppy training classes to create a real bond with its owner, to make sure that it is clean and to work on its socialization, before the compulsory training classes. For more details on approved dog educators and prices, please refer to points 6 and 7 here below.

5. Training classes' costs

The training classes’ costs are set by the approved dog educator, but it must correspond to the usual costs, which are estimated between 300 CHF to 400 CHF.

6. Approved dogs’ educators nearby Neuchâtel

Mrs Ronsse Doris provides the compulsory training classes (from 6 months old), as well as the puppy training classes (from 10 weeks old). Classes in English language are available. The classes take place on weekdays and weekends

  • Compulsory training classes: depending on the owners’ availability – 300 CHF
  • Puppy training classes: on Wednesdays at 6 pm – 15 CHF/ classes
  • Extra private classes: 50 CHF / classes available on weekends

Mrs Isaaz Audrey and  Mr Citiso Massimo both provide the compulsory training classes (from 6 months old), as well as the puppy training classes (from 10 weeks old). Classes in English language are available. The classes take place only on weekdays:

  • Compulsory training classes: on Thursdays at 6.30pm or 7.30 pm - 300 CHF
  • Puppy training classes: on Mondays at 6 pm – 15 CHF/ classes
  • Extra private classes: 50 CHF / classes available on weekdays

Dog detention yearly taxes

According to the domestic dog law (636.20) art.3, for each dog held on the Swiss territory, the municipalities collect a tax from the dog owner on a yearly basis, which will not exceed 120 CHF.

Examples of a Bichon Frise acquisition in a breeding, Switzerland

1. Pearl Shine breeding

Person of contact: Mrs Baumann Kathrin
City: 8637 Laupen
Phone number: +41 79/602.30.71
Link to their website: https://www.pearlshine.ch/
    Email: info@pearlshine.ch

2. Swiss breed of Litzibuch

Person of contact: Mrs. Nanine Jung
City: 5712 Beinwil am See
Phone number: +41 79/847.87.82
Link to their website: https://www.swiss-kennel-litzibuch.com/ 
    Email: swiss.bichonfrise@bluewin.ch

Dogs considered as dangerous on the Swiss territory

1. Definition of a considered dangerous dog

A dangerous dog breed is showing natural signs of aggressivity, difficulties in socialization, impulsive behavior as well as a tendency to bite and fight. Considered dangerous dogs are not forbidden in Switzerland, however the procedures to acquire one of them is more complicated.

2. List of the dogs’ breeds considered dangerous

The following dog breeds are considered restricted breeds or potentially dangerous in the country:

In Switzerland, this list might slightly change from one canton to the other. The local veterinary services are in charge to inform the residents of their own canton.

Swiss Club of small size breed dogs Association

For any research or advice on small size breed dogs, we can address our questions to this association.

Link to the website:



1. Mission permanente de la Suisse auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies et des autres organisations internationales à Genève


2. Service de la consommation et des affaires vétérinaires (SCAV)

  • Person of contact: Mrs Biscan
  • Address: Rue Jehanne-de-Hochberg 5 - 2000 Neuchâtel
  • Phone number: +41 32 889 68 30
  • Link to their website: https://www.ne.ch/autorites/DDTE/SCAV/animaux/Pages/accueil.aspx

3. Neuchâtel municipalityAMICUS registration service

  • Address :  Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 1 - 2000 Neuchâtel
  • Phone number:  +41 32 717 72 60
  • Website: https://www.neuchatelville.ch/fr/votre-commune/fusion-neuchatel/guichets-daccueil/#panel-8894-0




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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