带您感受纳沙泰尔的历史人文:雷梭勒瑞士办公室团建活动 I
带您感受纳沙泰尔的历史人文|雷梭勒瑞士办公室团建活动 I 导语: 在本篇文章中,我们将会为您介绍近期雷梭勒瑞士办公室所组织的一项团建活动,通过雷梭勒同事的第一视角,带领大家一起感受纳沙泰尔的历史人文气息。 3月11日,雷梭勒瑞士办公室组织了一场团建活动。此次团建不仅是为了让大家放松身心,也是为了加强员工之间的沟通与协作,借此机会让大家更好地了解纳沙泰尔地区的历史人文风貌。 当天,瑞士纳沙泰尔办公室的所有员工驱车来到拉绍德封市的一个名为Le Maillard的农场(距纳沙泰尔市仅15分钟车程),享用了一顿传统的瑞士午餐。 一进农场,我们就受到了这里小动物们的欢迎,胖乎乎的猫咪、小鸡和马儿们似乎都对我们这些新来的客人感到好奇。农场的外观非常漂亮,房屋、包括室内的桌椅都是木头制作而成。 农场主人一家热情地接待了我们,进屋之前,每个人都品尝了一杯主人自制的热葡萄酒。 之后,他们又带我们参观了厨房,向我们展示了如何制作这些美味的食物,在我们到来之前还在桌上贴心地准备了免费的酒水供我们品尝!午餐期间,他们还不时地过来询问食物是否可口,是否还有什么需要帮助的地方。他们的亲切让我们感到宾至如归,这是在其他任何地方都很难体验到的享受和服务。 午餐我们吃了传统的瑞士奶酪火锅和牛肉板烧。奶酪火锅是瑞士的传统菜肴,需要将溶化的奶酪放进炉子上的锅里,用蜡烛进行加热,食用时,只需用长柄的叉子取一块面包,蘸上奶酪即可。我们吃的奶酪火锅带有浓郁的白葡萄酒香味,搭配面包尤为美味。 牛肉板烧也是餐桌上最受欢迎的菜肴之一,大块的牛肉在火热的石板上滋滋作响,浓郁的香气伴随响声不断刺激着你的味蕾,带来了味觉、视觉与嗅觉的多重享受,每一口吃下去都让人感到异常满足。 此外,我们还品尝到了Röstis,一种煎土豆饼,最初它是瑞士德语区的经典农家早餐,而后逐渐发展成了瑞士的国菜之一。农场主人告诉我们,煎土豆饼有一个非常重要的诀窍:在煎第一面时我们要盖上锅盖,待它煎至酥脆,再小心地翻到另一面,此时无需再盖锅盖,待这一面也煎至金黄即可出锅。只有这样,我们吃到的Röstis才是外酥里嫩,口感丰富。 之后,他们又为我们端上了自制的焦糖咖啡和甜点,也都非常美味。农场主人告诉我们,他们用的牛奶是从其他农民那里购买来的,既新鲜又全天然。他们自制的焦糖香味浓郁,与咖啡搭配品尝,口感极佳。我们的一位瑞士同事在品尝了一块后,赞不绝口道:“我已经很久没有尝过这么好吃的焦糖方糖了!” 午餐后,大家自然而然地聊起了天,谈到中、瑞两国的国歌时,我们突然发现,虽然都是国歌,但它们的演唱风格却完全不同。兴之所至,我们就在餐厅里唱起了国歌,在悠扬的歌声中,隔壁桌的食客也情不自禁地鼓起掌来。直到离开之时,每个人都还依依不舍,这是一段如此美妙的经历,令人久久难以忘怀。 这顿特别的午餐,让我们的同事在这个温暖的午后变得更加亲密。而我们也在经过了一段时间的辛苦工作后,借此机会放松了身心,养足了精神,并将以更好的状态面对今后的工作。 纳沙泰尔“美好年代”导览游("Belle- Époque" Guide Tour of Neuchâtel) 所谓“美好年代”(Belle Époque)指的是从普法战争(1870-71年)结束至第一次世界大战(1914年)开始前,欧洲历史上和平安定的四十年。在此期间,第二次工业革命兴起,极大推动了社会的发展,由于医疗卫生水平的进步,人均预期寿命得以延长,与此同时,瑞士的经济文化水平也有了显著提升。 离开农场后,我们乘车返回纳沙泰尔,参加了“美好年代”导览游活动。在“普瑞广场”(Place Pury)的主广场上,我们见到了纳沙泰尔市的私人导游专家,她为我们介绍了本市的资助者大卫·德·普瑞 (David de Pury),他是瑞士贸易大使和外交官。他把自己大部分的财富都捐献给了这座城市,用于修建学校、医院和政府大楼,纳沙泰尔市因此获得了前所未有的发展。 1855年,普瑞广场中心竖起了大卫·德·普瑞的雕像,以纪念他对这座城市的巨大贡献。不过,人们对大卫的财富来源颇有争议,因为他曾经在一家从事奴隶贸易的公司拥有股份。为了让人们更清楚地了解这段历史,纳沙泰尔市支持并呼吁对公共空间的历史性研究与纪念性反思,宣扬人类尊严与平等。 导游告诉我们,一条名为“塞翁”(Seyon)的河流经通往普瑞广场的主要街道。到1843年之前,我们所看到的街道都还是一条河流,从汝拉山脉流向纳沙泰尔湖。尽管大多数情况下塞翁河都非常平静,但是一旦突降暴雨,河水就会迅速暴涨,引发洪灾。由于河水经常泛滥,早在1756年,纳沙泰尔居民就曾设想将这条河从市中心分流,以防再次出现类似1579年的洪灾事件。然而由于资金匮乏,直到1843年,这个项目才得以竣工。今天的塞翁河流经城市下方的一条隧道,最后流入市中心以西的埃沃勒( Évole )湾。 之后,我们上了普瑞广场上一辆名为Tramoscope的原始电车,电车上播放着动画视频与音频,瞬间就将游客带回了20世纪初“美好年代”的纳沙泰尔。我们在电车屏幕上看着那个时代的人们从早到晚的生活,犹如经历了一次奇妙的时光之旅。 结束这场时间旅行后,我们开始步行前往湖畔长廊。沿着湖边漫步,我们在雷梭勒纳沙泰尔办公室入口附近看到了两座青铜雕像。这两座雕像生动展现了“美好年代”时期男女着装风格:女士们习惯身穿宽松的连衣裙,头戴一顶大礼帽;男士们的潮流则是正式的西装三件套。在这一时期,中产阶级开始购买小件奢侈品,热衷旅行,以此彰显自己品味良好、与众不同。 在雕像的旁边,有一座延伸到湖边的桥,人称“乌托邦人行桥”。该桥建于1991年,本是建国700周年庆典临时展览的一部分,但是由于颇有魅力,以至于在庆典结束后仍被保留了下来,现已成为纳沙泰尔市标志性场所之一。 接着,我们又沿着湖岸向港口走去,途中,我们捡到了一块黄色和一块白色的小石头。这两种石头都是瑞士传统建筑材料,白色石头多用于地基工程,黄色石头则用于建筑的其他部分,握在手里可以明显感受到,白色石头要重得多。 最为典型的这类建筑就是“邮政酒店”(Hotel des Postes),耗时三年建成,于1896年4月1日正式启用。该建筑曾是万国邮政联盟的所在地,这是有史以来的第一个国际联盟,由纳沙泰尔的一位前联邦议员创立。在它的屋檐下,刻着31个成员国的名字,包括波斯(今天的伊朗)——一个在1935年之前曾经存在的国家!如今,这座建筑已是纳沙泰尔市邮政局和旅游局的所在地。 Original English Text Team Building Event – Neuchâtel Office On March 11, 2022, La Soleille Family Office organized a Team Building event. Jinling Sun, the CEO of La Soleille Family Office, stated the purpose of this team building, is not only to let everyone relax but also to strengthen the communication and collaboration between employees and to take the opportunity to get to know the region of Neuchâtel better. All employees in Switzerland, the Neuchâtel office, had a traditional Swiss lunch at a farm called Le Maillard in La Chaux-de-fonds, a Swiss city in the canton of Neuchâtel, and it is a 15-minute drive from the city of Neuchâtel. We drove up to the farm in the mountain and were welcomed by a chubby cat, chickens, and horses of the farm. The exterior of the farm is very beautiful and the house, including the interior tables and chairs, is made of wood. Almost everyone tasted the farms homemade mulled wine before going inside, and we were greeted very warmly by the family who owns the farm. The owners of the farm were very gracious, they gave us a tour of the kitchen, showed us how the delicious food was made, and kindly prepared free liquors on the table before we arrived for us to taste! And during lunch, they often came over to ask if the food was good and if there was anything else they could do to help. They give us a sense of home, an experience and service that we cant experience anywhere else. We enjoyed a traditional Swiss cheese fondue and meat on the slate. Fondue is a traditional Swiss melted cheese dish served in a pot over a stove and heated with a candle and eaten by dipping bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. The cheese fondue we had has a strong aroma of white wine and is very tasty with the bread. The beef was very large pieces, on the slate emitting a burst of bared sound, each bite to eat was very satisfied. Then we had röstis, a type of fried potato pancake, originally a typical farmhouse breakfast in German-speaking regions of Switzerland is now one of the national dishes of Switzerland. The owner of the farm told us the first side was covered with a lid until crispy, then carefully turned and cooked the second side without the lid to golden perfection. So the röstis we had was crispy on the outside and very soft on the inside, and it was very richly layered to eat. Their homemade caramel coffee had a caramel aroma and the farmer came over to explain that the milk they use is all-natural, fresh, and purchased from other farmers. Their desserts were also very delicious, they had homemade caramel sugar cubes, which can be eaten together with coffee and their flavors blend very well. Our Swiss colleague was surprised after tasting a piece and said, “I havent had such delicious caramel sugar cubes for a long time!" After lunch, we all chatted together and found that although they were both national anthems, the Swiss and Chinese national anthems were sung in completely different styles. So we sang the song in the restaurant together and the diners at the next table applauded after they heard it. When it was time to leave, each of us felt a little sad that we had such a wonderful experience here. Our staff members were also getting closer to each other than they were before having this lunch. After a period of hard work, we all took this opportunity to relax and refresh ourselves to be in better shape to face the work ahead. “Belle- Époque” Guide Tour of Neuchâtel The Belle Époque took place after the French-German War of 1870/71, during which Europe enjoyed a period of internal peace for over forty years until the start of World War I in 1914. The Second Industrial Revolution was its main driving force, as advanced in medicine and health, increased life expectancy, and a significant rise in the countrys economy and culture. Afterward, the team returned to Neuchâtel to have a “Belle- Époque” guide tour and learn about its history. We met our private tour guide expert of the city of Neuchâtel on the main square called “Place Pury”, thanks to the city benefactor David de Pury who was a Swiss trade ambassador and diplomat. A statue of David de Pury was erected in the center of Place Pury in 1855 to commemorate his contribution to the city, to which he donated most of his wealth to construct schools, hospitals, and government buildings, which has allowed Neuchâtel to experience unprecedented urban development. However, the origin of his wealth is controversial, as he once owned shares in a company active in the slave trade. In order to shed light on this history, the City of Neuchâtel supports the dissemination of historical research and commemorative reflections in public spaces to affirm the equal dignity of hu...
亚洲顶尖家族中的女性角色 导读: 根据毕马威《全球家族企业调查》对于女性在家族企业中的角色和贡献的研究,由于女性多样的角色定位和女性特征,如忠诚度、关注度、对他人需求的敏感度以及解决问题和冲突的能力等,塑造了女性在领导企业方面所特有的领导风格。在家族企业中,这些独特素质和相关管理风格结合了家族企业领袖对公司和家族的忠诚度、对个人需求的敏感度以及基于直觉、第六感和证据的决策过程,对家族和企业来说都是珍贵的资产。这对任何企业来说都具有正面影响,尤其可以为家族企业创造潜在的竞争优势。 在今天的文章里,我们将与大家分享三位亚洲顶尖家族中的女性故事——她们是企业家,是领导家族事业的领军人物。她们通过自己的能力在商业领域崭露头角,并为家族的繁荣而耕耘奉献。 周玉琴,新加坡海峡贸易公司主席 周玉琴是新加坡籍的商人和投资人,是34家公司的执行主席,其中就包括新加坡海峡贸易公司。这是一家企业集团投资公司,专注于房地产和酒店业的运营、物业管理和金融运营。周玉琴的外祖父是新加坡的金融及房地产大亨陈振传。在他的经营之下,新加坡华侨银行稳步发展,并成功跻身于世界500家最大的银行之列。陈振传的成功也为其后代积累了大量的家族财富。尽管出生于这样一个富裕的家庭,但周玉琴的外祖父并没有溺爱她。相反,他在各个方面都以身作则。不论是对于工作的执着、认真和自我挑战的精神,周玉琴都深受外祖父的影响。她的家庭价值观和教育方式一直是她个人成长的基石。 在周玉琴加入家族企业后,华侨银行遭遇了危机。当时的新加坡政府宣布商业银行无权再持有非金融公司的股份,这意味着她必须与其它家族竞争收购华侨银行所拥有的非金融公司。成功收购海峡贸易公司使得周玉琴这个名字首次独立出现在商界。在这一亲身实践中,她也收获了独立与自我成长的宝贵经验。此后,她接管了海峡贸易公司和家族企业,并登上了福布斯年度最具影响力的亚洲女商人名单。 宗馥莉,娃哈哈集团主席 娃哈哈集团诞生于1987年,是中国最大,全球第五大的食品饮料公司。娃哈哈在中国饮料行业拥有不可撼动的主导地位,连续13年都在食品饮料产量、销售总额、利润及收益上位居中国饮料行业榜首。 毕业于美国洛杉矶大学国际商务专业后,宗馥莉加入了娃哈哈集团,并从最枯燥的生产管理岗位做起。她先在娃哈哈萧山二号基地管委会担任主任助理,后又担任娃哈哈集团下属的杭州娃哈哈童装有限公司总经理。 2007年,宗馥莉成为了娃哈哈子公司之一的宏盛饮料集团的总裁。宏盛集团是娃哈哈的OEM(原始设备制造商),主要承担娃哈哈相关产品的加工业务。在短短7年时间里,她将宏盛集团从单一的生产线发展到拥有40多家子公司并拥有完整产业链布局的企业,使宏盛集团跻身中国民营企业500强之列。但从2014年开始,在新零售浪潮的冲击下,娃哈哈的主打产品受到了其他饮料品牌的围剿,业绩逐年缩水。为此,宗馥莉于2018年主动请缨担任娃哈哈品牌公关部负责人,正式进入了娃哈哈集团,并用了一年时间结束了娃哈哈五年来利润下滑的局面。 林世玲,大象集团名誉总裁 林世玲是世界三大食品发酵公司之一、韩国排名第一的综合食品公司大象集团名誉总裁林昌郁的长女,也是三星集团前主席李健熙的独子李在镕的前妻。 2008年,林世玲离婚后,大象集团陷入危机,濒临破产。临危之际,她担任了大象集团子公司YZ&P的代表董事,进行了一系列经营策略的调整和布局规划,并改变了品牌的扩张战略,对激烈的市场竞争进行了切实的分析和应对。2012年,林世玲加入大象集团,担任创意总监,负责食品品牌的管理、策划、营销、设计等工作。2018年,她将大象集团的销售额提高到19亿美元,成功将其从生死边缘拉回到金字塔的顶端。 "有钱人"、"继承人",这些出身名门的女性身上的标签似乎总令人遐想无限。但从她们身上,我们也可以看到独立果断的特质和对市场准确而敏锐的判断力。正是这些闪闪发光的独特女性特质,使得她们能力挽狂澜,拯救家族企业于危难之中。与此同时,身处复杂家庭关系中的她们,也展现了自身在人际关系和冲突处理方面的巨大优势。她们在立足家庭价值观的同时,也张开双臂拥抱未来,欣然迎接新的变化。 时代在变迁,女性在不断为自己争取更好的教育和发挥自身优势的机会。即使身处豪门大家,女性的角色也不只是相夫教子,她们同样有着自己的事业与奋斗的目标。她们利用自身的独特优势,将家族事业发扬光大,并为家族的传承与事业而耕耘奉献。 最后,我们希望所有的女性朋友都能做到勇敢自由,努力追寻不设限的人生。 Original English Text Womens Roles in Asias Top Families Traditionally feminine characteristics such as loyalty, concern, sensitivity to the needs of others, problem-solving and conflict resolution genuinely reflect a holistic leadership style – for women and men. In a family business, these unique characteristics and the associated management style are assets to both the family and the business, combining loyalty to the firm and family with a sensitivity to individuals needs and a decision-making process that is based on instinct and intuition as well as evidence. This is a constructive approach for any business and can create a potential competitive advantage in family businesses in particular. With this post, we would like to share stories about women in Asias top families. They are entrepreneurs and the heads of the companies that lead the employees of the family business, and they are able to make a name for themselves in the business world and work hard to make the family prosperous. (Chew Gek Khim, the chairperson of Straits Trading Corporation) Chew Gek Khim is a Singaporean businessperson and investor and is the executive chairperson of 34 companies, including Straits Trading Corporation, which is a conglomerate-investment company focusing on operations, property management, and financial interests in property and hospitality. Her grandfather was Singapores financial and real estate tycoon Tan Cheng Siong, who later ran OCBC Bank and made it one of the 500 largest banks in the world, creating a substantial family fortune for his descendants. Chew Gek Khim grew up in such a wealthy family, but her grandfather did not spoil her; instead, he modeled how to behave in every aspect of the world. Her grandfathers dedication to his work, seriousness, and emphasis on self-challenge spirit have all influenced Chew Gek Khim, and her family values and education have been the cornerstones of her upbringing. After she joined the family business, OCBC bank was hit by a crisis when the Singapore government announced that commercial banks were no longer entitled to hold shares in non-financial companies, which meant that the she has to acquire the non-financial companies that OCBC bank was owning with competitions with other rival families. The successful acquisition of the Straits Trading Company led to the first independent appearance of the name Chew Gek Khim in the business world, the real-world experience that led to her independence and self-growth, and since then, she has taken over the Straits Trading company and family business and has been on Forbes annual list of the most influential Asian businesswomen. (Zong Fuli, the chairperson of Wahaha Group) Born in 1987, the Wahaha Group is Chinas largest food and beverage company and the fifth largest globally. This group has an unshakeable dominant position in Chinas beverage industry, in which its groups food and beverage production, total sales, profits, and earnings have ranked first in Chinas beverage industry for 13 consecutive years. After graduating from University in Los Angeles with a degree in International Business, Zong Fuli joined the Wahaha Group, starting from the most boring production management, working successively in Xiaoshan No. 2 Production Base Management Committee as the assistant director, and then as the general manager of Hangzhou Wahaha Childrens Clothing Co. which was founded in 2002, affiliated with Wahaha group. In 2007, she became the president of one of the subsidiary Wahaha Hongsheng Beverage Group. Hongsheng Group is the OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) factory of Wahaha, mainly undertaking the processing business of Wahaha related products. In only seven years, she developed Hongsheng Group from a single production line to a complete industrial chain layout with more than 40 subsidiaries, enabling Hongsheng Group to appear on Chinas top 500 private enterprises. But from 2014 onwards, under the impact of the new retail wave, Wahahas main products received the siege of other beverages, making its performance shrink year by year. So in 2018, Zong Fuli volunteered to be the head of Wahahas brand public relations department, officially entering the Wahaha Group, with one year to end the five-year decline in profits of Wahahas tragic situation. (Im Se-ryung, the honorary president of Daesang corporation) Im Se-ryung is the eldest daughter of Lim Chang-wook, the honorary president of Daesang corporation, one of the worlds top three fermentation companies and Koreas top-ranked public food company, and the former wife of Lee Jae-yong, the only son of former Samsung Group Chairperson Lee Kun-hee. After her divorce in 2008, Daesang corporation fell into a business crisis. It was on the verge of bankruptcy, so she became the representative director of YZ&P, the subsidiary of Daesang corporation, adjusted the business strategy, rearranged the layout, revised the brand expansion strategy, and made a practical analysis and respond to the fierce competition in the market. In 2012, Im Se-ryung joined Daesang corporation as a creative director, responsible for food brand management, planning, marketing, and design. In 2018, she brought the Daesang corporations sales to $1.9 billion, successfully pulling it back from the edge of life and death to the top of the pyramid. "Rich people", "heirs", these labels attached to them always bring much space for imagination. But from these women in the family business, we can see that they are independent, decisive, have a precise and sharp judgment of the market, and have a unique feminine quality that allows them to save the family business from difficulties. Especially in more complex family structures, they show clear advantages in managing interpersonal relationships and conflicts. They emphasize family values, while at the same time, they embrace the future and change with open arms. The times are changing, and women are working hard to receive a better education and utilize their strengths. Even when they are in a huge family, they do not return to the family to solely take care of their husband and raise their children. They also have their own business and goals, using their feminine qualities and strengths to carry forward the family business, making outstanding contributions to th...