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带您感受纳沙泰尔的历史人文:雷梭勒瑞士办公室团建活动 I


带您感受纳沙泰尔的历史人文|雷梭勒瑞士办公室团建活动 I




当天,瑞士纳沙泰尔办公室的所有员工驱车来到拉绍德封市的一个名为Le Maillard的农场(距纳沙泰尔市仅15分钟车程),享用了一顿传统的瑞士午餐










纳沙泰尔“美好年代”导览游("Belle- Époque" Guide Tour of Neuchâtel

所谓“美好年代”(Belle Époque)指的是从普法战争(1870-71年)结束至第一次世界大战(1914年)开始前,欧洲历史上和平安定的四十年。在此期间,第二次工业革命兴起,极大推动了社会的发展,由于医疗卫生水平的进步,人均预期寿命得以延长,与此同时,瑞士的经济文化水平也有了显著提升

离开农场后,我们乘车返回纳沙泰尔,参加了“美好年代”导览游活动。在“普瑞广场”(Place Pury)的主广场上,我们见到了纳沙泰尔市的私人导游专家,她为我们介绍了本市的资助者大卫·德·普瑞 (David de Pury),他是瑞士贸易大使和外交官。他把自己大部分的财富都捐献给了这座城市,用于修建学校、医院和政府大楼,纳沙泰尔市因此获得了前所未有的发展


导游告诉我们,一条名为“塞翁”(Seyon)的河流经通往普瑞广场的主要街道。到1843年之前,我们所看到的街道都还是一条河流,从汝拉山脉流向纳沙泰尔湖。尽管大多数情况下塞翁河都非常平静,但是一旦突降暴雨,河水就会迅速暴涨,引发洪灾。由于河水经常泛滥,早在1756年,纳沙泰尔居民就曾设想将这条河从市中心分流,以防再次出现类似1579年的洪灾事件。然而由于资金匮乏,直到1843年,这个项目才得以竣工。今天的塞翁河流经城市下方的一条隧道,最后流入市中心以西的埃沃勒( Évole )湾





最为典型的这类建筑就是“邮政酒店”(Hotel des Postes),耗时三年建成,于1896年4月1日正式启用。该建筑曾是万国邮政联盟的所在地,这是有史以来的第一个国际联盟,由纳沙泰尔的一位前联邦议员创立。在它的屋檐下,刻着31个成员国的名字,包括波斯(今天的伊朗)——一个在1935年之前曾经存在的国家!如今,这座建筑已是纳沙泰尔市邮政局和旅游局的所在地

Original English Text

Team Building Event – Neuchâtel Office

On March 11, 2022, La Soleille Family Office organized a Team Building event. Jinling Sun, the CEO of La Soleille Family Office, stated the purpose of this team building, is not only to let everyone relax but also to strengthen the communication and collaboration between employees and to take the opportunity to get to know the region of Neuchâtel better. All employees in Switzerland, the Neuchâtel office, had a traditional Swiss lunch at a farm called Le Maillard in La Chaux-de-fonds, a Swiss city in the canton of Neuchâtel, and it is a 15-minute drive from the city of Neuchâtel.

We drove up to the farm in the mountain and were welcomed by a chubby cat, chickens, and horses of the farm. The exterior of the farm is very beautiful and the house, including the interior tables and chairs, is made of wood. Almost everyone tasted the farm's homemade mulled wine before going inside, and we were greeted very warmly by the family who owns the farm. The owners of the farm were very gracious, they gave us a tour of the kitchen, showed us how the delicious food was made, and kindly prepared free liquors on the table before we arrived for us to taste! And during lunch, they often came over to ask if the food was good and if there was anything else they could do to help. They give us a sense of home, an experience and service that we can't experience anywhere else.

We enjoyed a traditional Swiss cheese fondue and meat on the slate. Fondue is a traditional Swiss melted cheese dish served in a pot over a stove and heated with a candle and eaten by dipping bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. The cheese fondue we had has a strong aroma of white wine and is very tasty with the bread. The beef was very large pieces, on the slate emitting a burst of bared sound, each bite to eat was very satisfied. Then we had röstis, a type of fried potato pancake, originally a typical farmhouse breakfast in German-speaking regions of Switzerland is now one of the national dishes of Switzerland. The owner of the farm told us the first side was covered with a lid until crispy, then carefully turned and cooked the second side without the lid to golden perfection. So the röstis we had was crispy on the outside and very soft on the inside, and it was very richly layered to eat. Their homemade caramel coffee had a caramel aroma and the farmer came over to explain that the milk they use is all-natural, fresh, and purchased from other farmers. Their desserts were also very delicious, they had homemade caramel sugar cubes, which can be eaten together with coffee and their flavors blend very well. Our Swiss colleague was surprised after tasting a piece and said, “I haven't had such delicious caramel sugar cubes for a long time!"

After lunch, we all chatted together and found that although they were both national anthems, the Swiss and Chinese national anthems were sung in completely different styles. So we sang the song in the restaurant together and the diners at the next table applauded after they heard it. When it was time to leave, each of us felt a little sad that we had such a wonderful experience here. Our staff members were also getting closer to each other than they were before having this lunch. After a period of hard work, we all took this opportunity to relax and refresh ourselves to be in better shape to face the work ahead.

“Belle- Époque” Guide Tour of Neuchâtel

The Belle Époque took place after the French-German War of 1870/71, during which Europe enjoyed a period of internal peace for over forty years until the start of World War I in 1914. The Second Industrial Revolution was its main driving force, as advanced in medicine and health, increased life expectancy, and a significant rise in the country's economy and culture.

Afterward, the team returned to Neuchâtel to have a “Belle- Époque” guide tour and learn about its history. We met our private tour guide expert of the city of Neuchâtel on the main square called “Place Pury”, thanks to the city benefactor David de Pury who was a Swiss trade ambassador and diplomat. A statue of David de Pury was erected in the center of Place Pury in 1855 to commemorate his contribution to the city, to which he donated most of his wealth to construct schools, hospitals, and government buildings, which has allowed Neuchâtel to experience unprecedented urban development. However, the origin of his wealth is controversial, as he once owned shares in a company active in the slave trade. In order to shed light on this history, the City of Neuchâtel supports the dissemination of historical research and commemorative reflections in public spaces to affirm the equal dignity of human beings.

Flowing through the main street leading up to Place Pury is a little river called the “Seyon”. Until 1843, the street we can see used to be a river flowing from the Jura mountains to the lake. Although the Seyon is most often a peaceful river, it was subject to rapid and devastating floods in case of heavy rainfall. Victims of its regular overflows, sometimes dramatic as in 1579, the people of Neuchâtel envisaged as early as 1756 to divert the river from the city centre. Due to a lack of funds, this project was not realized until 1843. The Seyon today flows through a tunnel under the city before flowing into the Bay of Évole, west of downtown.

Entering an original tram called the Tramoscope on Place Pury, it shows a visual and auditory animation that takes visitors back to old Neuchâtel during the Belle Époque at the beginning of the 20th century. We experienced a trip back in time and saw how people lived their day from morning to night in that period on the screens in the tram.

After the time travel in this tram, we started the walking tour direction to the lake promenade. Along the lake we met two bronze statues very close to the entrance of La Soleille Family Office, depicting women’s and men’s styles of dress during the period of the Belle Époque. Ladies used to wear a voluminous dress with a large hat, whereas the gentlemen’s trend was a formal three-piece suit. The Belle Époque was also the time when upper and middle-class people started to buy small luxuries and travel, showed their good taste, and thus distinguished themselves. Next to the statue, there is a bridge extending to the lake, which is called the Utopia footbridge and it was built in 1991 as part of a temporary exhibition for the festivities of the 700th anniversary of the Confederation. However, the footbridge was too appealing that it was kept after the festival and is now a part of the city's emblematic places.

Next, we walked along the lakeshore to the harbor, feeling the difference between two small pieces of yellow and white stones in our hands. The white stones, which are used as the base of the traditional Neuchâtel buildings are much heavier than the yellow stones which are used for the rest of the building. In the image below we can see the “Hotel des Postes”. It was built within three years and inaugurated on April 1, 1896. The building once housed the Universal Postal Union, the first-ever international union created, which was founded by a former federal councilor from Neuchâtel. The names of the 31 member countries are inscribed under its cornice, including Persia (today’s Iran), a state that no longer exists today since 1935! Today, the building houses the city's postal office as well as the tourist office.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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