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Women's Roles in Asia's Top Families

Traditionally feminine characteristics such as loyalty, concern, sensitivity to the needs of others, problem-solving and conflict resolution genuinely reflect a holistic leadership style – for women and men. In a family business, these unique characteristics and the associated management style are assets to both the family and the business, combining loyalty to the firm and family with a sensitivity to individuals' needs and a decision-making process that is based on instinct and intuition as well as evidence. This is a constructive approach for any business and can create a potential competitive advantage in family businesses in particular.

With this post, we would like to share stories about women in Asia's top families. They are entrepreneurs and the heads of the companies that lead the employees of the family business, and they are able to make a name for themselves in the business world and work hard to make the family prosperous.

(Chew Gek Khim, the chairperson of Straits Trading Corporation)

Chew Gek Khim is a Singaporean businessperson and investor and is the executive chairperson of 34 companies, including Straits Trading Corporation, which is a conglomerate-investment company focusing on operations, property management, and financial interests in property and hospitality. Her grandfather was Singapore's financial and real estate tycoon Tan Cheng Siong, who later ran OCBC Bank and made it one of the 500 largest banks in the world, creating a substantial family fortune for his descendants. Chew Gek Khim grew up in such a wealthy family, but her grandfather did not spoil her; instead, he modeled how to behave in every aspect of the world. Her grandfather's dedication to his work, seriousness, and emphasis on self-challenge spirit have all influenced Chew Gek Khim, and her family values and education have been the cornerstones of her upbringing.

After she joined the family business, OCBC bank was hit by a crisis when the Singapore government announced that commercial banks were no longer entitled to hold shares in non-financial companies, which meant that the she has to acquire the non-financial companies that OCBC bank was owning with competitions with other rival families. The successful acquisition of the Straits Trading Company led to the first independent appearance of the name Chew Gek Khim in the business world, the real-world experience that led to her independence and self-growth, and since then, she has taken over the Straits Trading company and family business and has been on Forbes' annual list of the most influential Asian businesswomen.

(Zong Fuli, the chairperson of Wahaha Group)

Born in 1987, the Wahaha Group is China's largest food and beverage company and the fifth largest globally. This group has an unshakeable dominant position in China's beverage industry, in which its group's food and beverage production, total sales, profits, and earnings have ranked first in China's beverage industry for 13 consecutive years.

After graduating from University in Los Angeles with a degree in International Business, Zong Fuli joined the Wahaha Group, starting from the most boring production management, working successively in Xiaoshan No. 2 Production Base Management Committee as the assistant director, and then as the general manager of Hangzhou Wahaha Children's Clothing Co. which was founded in 2002, affiliated with Wahaha group.

In 2007, she became the president of one of the subsidiary Wahaha Hongsheng Beverage Group. Hongsheng Group is the OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) factory of Wahaha, mainly undertaking the processing business of Wahaha related products. In only seven years, she developed Hongsheng Group from a single production line to a complete industrial chain layout with more than 40 subsidiaries, enabling Hongsheng Group to appear on China's top 500 private enterprises. But from 2014 onwards, under the impact of the new retail wave, Wahaha's main products received the siege of other beverages, making its performance shrink year by year. So in 2018, Zong Fuli volunteered to be the head of Wahaha's brand public relations department, officially entering the Wahaha Group, with one year to end the five-year decline in profits of Wahaha's tragic situation.

(Im Se-ryung, the honorary president of Daesang corporation)

Im Se-ryung is the eldest daughter of Lim Chang-wook, the honorary president of Daesang corporation, one of the world's top three fermentation companies and Korea's top-ranked public food company, and the former wife of Lee Jae-yong, the only son of former Samsung Group Chairperson Lee Kun-hee.

After her divorce in 2008, Daesang corporation fell into a business crisis. It was on the verge of bankruptcy, so she became the representative director of YZ&P, the subsidiary of Daesang corporation, adjusted the business strategy, rearranged the layout, revised the brand expansion strategy, and made a practical analysis and respond to the fierce competition in the market. In 2012, Im Se-ryung joined Daesang corporation as a creative director, responsible for food brand management, planning, marketing, and design. In 2018, she brought the Daesang corporation's sales to $1.9 billion, successfully pulling it back from the edge of life and death to the top of the pyramid.

"Rich people", "heirs", these labels attached to them always bring much space for imagination. But from these women in the family business, we can see that they are independent, decisive, have a precise and sharp judgment of the market, and have a unique feminine quality that allows them to save the family business from difficulties. Especially in more complex family structures, they show clear advantages in managing interpersonal relationships and conflicts. They emphasize family values, while at the same time, they embrace the future and change with open arms.

The times are changing, and women are working hard to receive a better education and utilize their strengths. Even when they are in a huge family, they do not return to the family to solely take care of their husband and raise their children. They also have their own business and goals, using their feminine qualities and strengths to carry forward the family business, making outstanding contributions to the family heritage and business.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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