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瑞士小记者 | 我的多蕾(Torrée)初体验

作者:Heiman Vanessa Zhu,11岁,就读于日内瓦国际学校-La Grande Boissière校区,已在瑞士学习生活了两年

本篇文章为雷梭勒瑞士办公室组织VIP客户进行秋游活动后,Vanessa Zhu投稿参与该活动的所见所感。让我们以她的第一视角,感受纳沙泰尔传统多蕾式野炊的趣味。


多蕾(Torrée),有时也被称为“牧羊人之火”(“feux de berger”),是纳沙泰尔的一项传统。它是指在牧场上生起一个大的篝火,然后用余烬烤制香肠和土豆。传统上是在秋季进行,随着越来越多的人了解并喜爱多蕾,只要天气好,并找到一个合适的位置,瑞士当地居民一年中的任何时候都可以组织一场多蕾








火堆准备好后,我们便开始制作 “纳沙泰尔腊肠”(“Saucisson Neuchâtelois”)。这是纳沙泰尔的一种特制的香肠










在返回日内瓦的路上,我想到这一天是多么令人兴奋和美妙。到了晚上,我还能闻到纳沙泰尔香肠的味道,这让我不禁期待,下一次活动是什么时候呢?对我来说,这趟旅程是值得的,它绝对是一个必去的活动 。这是我第一次参加多蕾活动,它给我带来了特别独特的体验。我已经迫不及待地想参加下一次多蕾之行了



------ By Heiman Vanessa Zhu. 11 years old Studying in Ecole internationale de Genève - La Grande Boissière. Started living in Switzerland for two years.

On October 28th of 2021, I went to Neuchatel for an autumn Torée event held only at Neuchatel. It was an extremely long and exciting day!

A torrée, sometimes called "feux de berger", is a Neuchâtel tradition that consists of preparing a big fire in a pasture and cooking sausages and potatoes in the embers. It’s traditionally done in the Autumn (after the flocks are brought in) but it can be organised at any time of year provided you find a good place.

We had to wake up extremely early for the event because it started in the morning. We immediately went to the train station to catch our train. We almost thought we were late for a second. Once the train came, we ambled to the train entrance. Since we weren't going to plan to stay in Neuchâtel, the trip was easy without much luggage. The train ride was long, but it was a great way to see the mountains and lakes of Switzerland that I never got tired of. Unwittingly we had been on the train for an hour, when I looked out the window and saw that we had arrived in Neuchâtel!

Once we arrived, we headed to an office that would bring us to our location! I made some new friends and met a lot of other people! The office used to be a bank. We all met up inside of the building.It was amazingly huge. We had a briefing here about today's trip torree and I was excited and couldn’t believe that i got a chance to try out the torrée!

After that we all got prepared to set off to make our own fireplace. We had to use two cars because of the number of people who were going to join as well. We all get into the car and chatted with new friends along the way , it took about thirty minutes before we arrived.

Once we arrived at our location next to a forest, the first thing that caught my eye was a small flame on the ground. I assumed that we had to collect resources to set the flame up, and I was right! Once we headed off the car the adults told us we could go venture into the woods to collect. We all then started collecting sticks and pieces of wood inside of the forest for the fireplace. There were sticks as tall as a giraffe! It was extremely tiring but well worth the upcoming food.

Time flew by like the speed of light. We all got enough wood for the fire to light up, everyone scurried to the fireplace and one by one we all slowly threw the sticks and wood pieces we found inside of the forest. The fire rises up like a rising sun and it lit up like a blazing volcano!

The only pity is that the weather was a little cloudy that day, so we didn't feel the sunshine of Switzerland.

Once the fire was ready to go, we all started making the “Saucisson Neuchâtelois” a special type of sausage which is found in Neuchatel.

The process is quite easy. First of all we had to put a piece of baking paper on the table like a table mat. Then we took out the Neuchatel sausage and some pieces of lettuce. After that we placed the sausage on top of the paper and covered it with the lettuce pieces. Then we wrapped it up tightly with the baking paper so it wouldn’t get loose when we cooked it. Lastly we wrapped a layer of newspaper and tightened it up with a string.

Once it was done it was ready to be cooked inside the burning fire!

We had to wait a couple of minutes until it was ready and edible. The adults were already laying out the drinks and snacks for us to eat! The paprikas were a good choice of snacks!

Then I went to the fireplace to check out the sausages. Someone offered me to cook a sausage for myself. They took out a stick and carved the very top, then stuck the sausage on the carved area. I held a stick and cooked my beautiful sausage! I even decorated it with some tomatoes, cheese and leaves!

When it was all cooked we started to feast on our food. We were all starving at that time, when the food was ready, we all enjoyed it very much.. First came some vegetables, then came the mini sausages and finally came the Neuchatel sausage! I was so full I could barely fit a singular piece of lettuce in my stomach. After enjoying our food, we had an exploration in the surrounding forest. We even found a tree that fell off it’s place! We got to touch the top of a tree. I even wanted to climb one.

After that, we heard someone call us. We all ran to the dining table and it was yoga time. It was relaxing and hilarious at the same time for me and my new friend! We had to do some balancing and stretching! I felt so relaxed after it.

After the yoga, we all threw away the trash. Just then the sun slowly came out and lit up the whole forest, and with the last rays of sunlight we returned to the city of Neuchâtel, ending the day's journey.

On the ride back to Geneva I thought about how exciting and wonderful that day was. At night I could still smell the Neuchatel sausage, and I then wondered when the next event would be held. For me it was worth the ride and it was definitely a have to go event! It was my very first time I’ve ever been to a torrée, it gave me a particularly unique experience and I can't wait to take the next Torree trip!




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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