传承宝典 | 新冠疫情如何影响了财富大转移导读 在最近一期举办的“家族办公室幕后”网络研讨会上,Stonehage Fleming就“新冠疫情如何影响了财富大转移”这一主题与其专家组成员展开交流。专家们立足经验,围绕着团队在疫情时期服务全球家族的一些关键经历展开,分享了未来关于财富转移的趋势。 本文内容由雷梭勒家族办公室编译整理,版权归原作者所有。 Philippe de Salis -瑞士信托机构负责人:人们对税收的看法正在发生变化。最近,应某家族要求,我们将其名下的一大笔资金用于资助一家慈善基金会。但该笔资金并未直接流向基金会,而是先交由一位居留英国的家族成员,再由他赠予该基金会。结果综合下来税率高达25%——但该家族认为这一数目非常合理,交税也是理所应当。这种情况目前为止还比较少,但在未来几年可能会越来越常见。 Cora Binchy-家族办公室合伙人:信托机构对家族提供的服务也在发生本质上的变化。疫情期间,很多企业收入一落千丈,业务受旅行限令限制,员工大规模停职,公司在重重压力之下转而向家族信托寻求经济支持。虽然从利益角度来看,这样的投资并无直接经济回报,但从道德层面来看,信托机构有义务帮受益人履行其对员工的社会责任。 Priyanka Hindocha-家族办公室总监:越来越多的家族在关注内部财富传承的同时,也希望能更好地回馈社会,给社会带来积极影响。而作为一家服务多个家族的专门机构,我们的职责是为他们提供战略和实施方面的支持。近年来在环境、社会和治理(ESG)方面的投资项目越来越受到主流关注,我们也期待这一趋势能在未来有所持续。 Johan van Niekerk-美国家族办公室负责人:慈善事业在美国社会中一直扮演着重要角色。据彭博财富(Bloomberg Wealth)统计,美国平均捐赠数额在2020年上升了48%。越来越多的富人开始参与当地的慈善事业,其中也包括我们的客户。在积累了可观的财富之后,他们也希望能尽力回馈自己所在的社会与社区。 Original English Text Giving back - how Covid-19 has affected the Great Wealth Transfer Five trends identified by our experts We asked our panellists at a recent Behind the Scenes of a Family Office webinar how Covid-19 has affected the Great Wealth Transfer. Taking guests on a wide-ranging journey that considered the speakers’ shared experiences the discussion centred around some key themes our international advisers have seen working with global families. Philippe de Salis - Head of Fiduciary, Switzerland: Attitudes towards tax are evolving. A recent decision was taken to make a significant tax-inefficient distribution at the request of a beneficiary family. The purpose was to fund a charitable foundation. Instead of distributing the funds directly, however, they were distributed to a UK resident beneficiary who gifted the funds to a foundation. The result was a ‘blended’ tax rate of 25% - the family felt it was their responsibility to pay what they saw as a fair share. Although still unusual, I think we may see more of this sort of planning in the years to come. Cora Binchy – Partner, Family Office: Many trustees have had to reassess the nature of their obligations to beneficiaries. A sudden halt in income, restrictions on travel and furloughed employees have put companies under incredible pressure leading beneficiaries to ask trustees to support their businesses. Even where giving funds to a business would not directly benefit the beneficiaries financially, as trustees we have had to weigh that against the moral obligation beneficiaries felt towards their employees. Priyanka Hindocha – Director, Family Office: A rising number of families are considering how their wealth and their succession planning may benefit not only the next generation of family members, but wider society. For many, the purpose of their wealth has evolved to include how best they can ‘make an impact’ and as a multi-family office, part of our role is to provide support on both the strategic and implementation side of this. Conversations around investing with an ESG focus are also becoming more mainstream. It will be interesting to see to what extent this continues over the coming years. Johan van Niekerk – Head of Family Office US: Philanthropy has long been a critical element of American society. According to Bloomberg Wealth, average giving surged by 48% in 2020, with wealthy people increasingly drawn to local causes. This culture of giving has been mirrored by our clients who are committed to giving back to the society and communities that have helped them build up their wealth. 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
生活在纳沙泰尔:户外探险 导读在纳沙泰尔,具有挑战性的户外项目也有很多可供选择。人们可以以一种直面大自然的方式进行体验,对自己的身心进行放松,尝试大胆的探险! 徒步项目推荐 – 马蹄谷(Le Creux du Van) 马蹄谷位于瑞士西北部,它是一个由峭壁围成的狭长半圆,高150米,宽约1,400米。在水和冰的侵蚀下,形成了一个令人叹为观止的天然圆形剧场山谷。 这一地标性的景观是由几世纪前的水和冰的侵蚀力量形成的。它高耸的悬崖呈马蹄形,因此而被称作“马蹄谷”。目前它也被纳沙泰尔州政府设立成为自然保护区。 马蹄谷的岩石拱门分三个阶段形成: 第一阶段:大约1.4亿年前(冰河时代),冰川覆盖了今天的横谷(Val de Travers)地区。融化的冰川形成的溪流侵蚀着土质,从而形成了一个V形山谷。 第二阶段:在新的冰河时代,其它的冰川形成,山谷变得空旷。在气候更温暖的时期,土质被融化的雪水侵蚀。 第三阶段:地质断层形成的岩石不复存在,新时代形成的更牢固的土质层使得侵蚀变得更缓慢。 您在绕着这个壮观的圆形剧场散步的过程中,可能会看到阿尔卑斯山的野山羊(Alpine Ibex,当地汝拉山脉独有的兽群)攀爬陡峭的悬崖,目睹它们挑战地心引力的情景。 徒步以及到达马蹄谷有3种不同的方式: 1. 从纳沙泰尔市乘坐公共交通工具到达马蹄谷: 游览时间: 2小时 在纳沙泰尔火车站搭乘1号线弗勒里耶(Fleurier)方向,在诺伊拉伊格(Noiraigue)站停靠。 车程: 19-21分钟 往返价格: 成人12.4瑞士法郎儿童6.4瑞士法郎 抵达诺伊拉伊格站后,您可以乘坐出租车到马蹄谷。 车程: 15-20分钟 价格:单程24-29瑞士法郎 此处提供部分出租车公司信息,供您选择联系: 塔克西卡姆(Taxi-Kam)出租车公司:032 725 22 22 阿罗(Allo)出租车公司: 032 754 33 33 出租车会将你送至离悬崖300米的索利亚特小镇(Soliat)。您然后可以步行至观景台,也可以选择沿着悬崖漫步,将山谷景色尽收眼底。 2. 从纳沙泰尔市自驾到马蹄谷: 车程:35分钟 距离: 37.1公里 自驾前往是参观马蹄谷最简单的方法。您可以直接开车到达费尔曼·索利亚特(Ferme Soliat)餐厅,然后步行到达只有约300米远处的著名的岩石拱门。 从纳沙泰尔出发,驾车约35分钟即可到达索利亚特餐厅的停车场。 3. 从诺伊拉伊格(Noiraigue)徒步到马蹄谷: 步行时间: 4.5小时 距离: 8公里 上坡到马蹄谷需要大约1小时30分钟。 由于徒步对体力要求较大,该方式只适合有经验的徒步旅行者。 若您想徒步进入到马蹄谷,需要先前往诺伊拉伊格的火车站。在那里,你会发现一家旅行社及精品店,它出售当地的奶酪、啤酒、香肠和苦艾酒。旅行社里可免费领取徒步地图,以及抵达包括马蹄谷在内的该地区小路指南。 从火车站往下游方向走大约200米,并穿过阿勒斯河(LAreuse)上方的桥,然后沿着铺面公路往山坡上走。当道路向左急转时,继续往上走约200米,您会看到一个路标,上面写着您已进入自然保护区。这同时也表示,您将离开铺面公路,往右进入一条上坡的碎石路。 之后您会进入森林并经过一段长长的直线上坡路,到达Les Oeuillons,它是一个农场兼餐厅,您可以在那里享用小吃。沿着路走下去,您将到达索利亚特餐厅,接着步行约300米便到达马蹄谷。 巨型雪橇速滑(Giant Toboggan) 除了自然形成的壮观山谷以外,坐落在纳沙泰尔州阿尔卑斯山脉的“巨型雪橇速滑”也是一个吸引众多当地人民游玩的地方。 “通过700米长的滑道滑行穿过山区草地,保证让您感受到惊险与刺激。” “在阿尔卑斯之窗(La Vue des Alpes)山口,雪橇将沿着陡峭坡度急速滑下:雪橇爱好者能够以每小时40公里的令人目眩的速度跨越开阔的乡村!” 从上述当地的宣传标语,即可看出这项运动的趣味之处。 开放时间: 周一 - 周五 13:00 - 18:00 周六 - 周日 10:00 - 18:00 价格: 个人 成人4瑞士法郎 儿童3.5瑞士法郎 团体(最少10人) 成人3.5瑞士法郎 儿童2.5瑞士法郎 联系方式: Toboggan géant 2052 La Vue-des-Alpes +41 32 761 08 00 +41 79 349 51 78 mail@rhw.chtoboggans.ch 公共交通: 370路公交车(Vue-des-Alpes站) 双人滑翔伞(Tandem Paraglider) 滑翔伞一直是瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉中比较常见的运动,在纳沙泰尔州您依然可以体验到这项刺激运动。 参与者将从肖蒙(Chaumont)或夏瑟尔(Chasseral)出发,在专业人员的指导下,乘坐滑翔伞飞向纳沙泰尔地区,将瑞士法语区中部的阿尔卑斯山脉尽收眼底。 项目时长: 1小时 年龄: 8岁以上 联系方式: Jacques-Antoine Besnard +41 79 413 34 76 besnard@net2000.ch拉罗贝拉-滑板车探险(La Robella - Scooter adventure) 滑板车在瑞士不仅仅是一种城市交通手段,它还可以成为一项刺激的运动。在纳沙泰尔州的拉罗贝拉休闲公园,您可以戴上头盔,踩上双轮滑板车,从规定的三条路线中与好友一起自由滑下。公园中有两种型号的滑板车可供选择:经典的全地形滑板车,适合有骑行经验并希望体验刺激的人们;而配备超宽轮胎的滑板车,适合没有骑行滑板车的经验,追求稳定的驾驶者。 价格: 成人 1次(包括吊椅索道) 18瑞士法郎 2次(包括吊椅索道) 34瑞士法郎 1次(仅下坡) 12瑞士法郎 2条跑道(仅下坡) 22瑞士法郎 儿童 1条跑道(包括吊椅索道) 16瑞士法郎 2次(包括吊椅) 30瑞士法郎 1条滑道(仅下坡) 10瑞士法郎 2条跑道(仅下坡) 18瑞士法郎 贴士: 在拉罗贝拉吊椅索道的底部,有滑板车和头盔出租。 该项目适用于8岁以上的孩子(身高在1.35米以上)。 由于疫情防控,为减少交叉感染,建议活动参与者携带自己的头盔。 联系方式: Robella Val-de-Travers Place de lAbbaye 2 2115 Buttes +41 32 862 22 22 info@robella.ch robella.ch 滑水俱乐部(Ski Nautique Club) 纳沙泰尔湖中最受欢迎的运动莫过于湖上划水。在坐落于湖边的Bains des Dames俱乐部,您可以尝试湖中尾浪划水(wakeboarding)和快艇冲浪运动的乐趣。 开放时间: 2021年9月1日至2021年9月30日 周二 - 周日 11:00 - 20:00 2022年5月1日至2022年5月31日 周二 - 周五 11:00 - 20:00 周六 - 周日 09:00 - 20:00 2022年6月1日至2022年6月30日 周一 - 周五 11:00 - 20:00 周六 - 周日 09:00 - 20:00 2022年7月1日至2022年8月31日 周一 - 周日 09:00 - 21:00 价格: 个人 成人入门课程(12分钟) 35瑞士法郎 青少年入门课程(12分钟) 25瑞士法郎 团体(最少10人) 1小时 250瑞士法郎 建议时长: 1小时 联系方式: Ski Nautique Club Neuchâtel Quai Louis-Perrier 1 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 725 82 45 info@sncn.ch sncn.ch 到此,我们的《生活在纳沙泰尔》系列就全部结束了,希望本系列文章能够为您了解纳沙泰尔当地生活带来帮助。如果您有任何需求,欢迎随时通过400-006-7726或info@lasoleille.com联系我们。 英文原文 Hike – Le Creux du Van Creuxdu Van is an impressive natural rock arena in northwestern Switzerland,with a long half circle of sheer cliffs 150m tall. Approximately 1,400 mwide. A breathtakingly beautiful cirque created from water and ice erosion. A soaring cliff in the shape of a horseshoe. This regional icon has been created by the eroding power of water and ice centuries ago. It is also a nature reserve area. The rock arch of Creux du Van was created in 3 phases: Phase 1: A glacier wascovering the area of todays Val de Travers around 140 million years ago(Ice Age). The river stream of the melt water eroded material, making aV-shaped valley. Phase 2: Duringnew ice ages, other glaciers were created and hollowed out the valley.
In warmer periods, the material was eroded by the meltwater. Phase 3: Afterthe removal of the rocks from the geological fault, another stronger
layer from a different age makes the erosion much slower. Encounter wild Alpine Ibex, the only herd of the Jura mountains Duringyour promenade around the spectacular cirque. You might be able to
observe ibexes climbing the steep cliffs and witness them defying
gravity itself. 3 differents ways to hike and reach le Creux du Van 1. Le Creux du Van with public transportation: Difficulty : Easy Duration : 2 hours From Neuchâtel railway station track 1 direction Fleurier, stop at Noiraigue station. Duration: 19-21 min. Price: 12.40 CHF for adults and 6.40 CHF for children round-trip Once in Noiraigue you can take a taxi to le Creux du Van. Duration: 15-20 min. Price: 24.00 – 29.00 CHF one-way Here are taxi companies you can call if necessary: Taxi-Kam: 032 725 22 22 Allo Taxi: 032 754 33 33 Thetaxi will drop you at the Soliat, 300 meters from the cliffs. Then a
short walk to the viewpoint and optionally stroll along the cliffs,
either on the edge or behind a stone wall for safety. 2. Le Creux du Van by car: Difficulty : Easy Duration : 2 hours Distance : 31.7 Km Arrive directly in front of the Creux du Van – 300m walk to the Grand Canyon of Switzerland. Theeasiest way to visit the Creux du Van. Drive directly to the Ferme
Soliat restaurant, the famous rock arch is then only about 300 meters
away by foot. From Neuchâtel it takes about 35 minutes by car to reach the restaurant Le Soliat’s parking. 3. Hiking to Le Creux du Van from Noiraigue: Difficulty: Hard, for good hikers only Duration: 4.5 hours Length: 8 km Ascents | Descents: 670 M | 670 M Ascending to Le Creux du Van will take you about 1 hour 30 minutes. Thehike begins at the train station in Noiraigue where youll find a
tourism office and boutique selling local cheeses, beer, sausages, and
absinthe. Hiking maps and a free guidebook to the trails in the region,
including le Creux du Van, are available at the tourism office. Fromthe train station walk downriver about 200m and cross the bridge over
the LAreuse. Then follow the paved road up the hillside. As the road
turns sharply to the left, continue on up about 200m to a sign
announcing your entrance into the nature preserve. At the sign, depart
the paved road onto a gravel track ascending to the right. Nowin the forest, youll make a long straight ascent to Les Oeuillons, a
farm and restaurant where you can enjoy a snack. Continuing on, the
trail narrows and enters forest. After following this path you will
reach Le Soliat restaurant Le Creux du Van is then only about 300 metresaway by foot. Giant Toboggan 700 metre slide through mountain meadows. Guaranteed excitement. AtopLa Vue des Alpes pass, your bobsled hurtles down gradients as steep as
you like: sledding enthusiasts sail across open country at the dizzying
speed of 40 km/h! At the end of the run, all you want to do is start
over! OPENING HOURS Monday - Friday 13:00 - 18:00 Saturday - Sunday 10:00 - 18:00 PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 4.- Children CHF 3.- Prices for groups (min. 10 persons) Adults CHF 3.50 Children CHF 2.50 CONTACT Toboggan géant 2052 La Vue-des-Alpes +41 32 761 08 00 +41 79 349 51 78 mail@rhw.chtoboggans.ch Access by public transport: bus n° 370 (stop Vue-des-Alpes) Tandem Paraglider From Chaumont or the Chasseral, an unforgettable moment in the air. Supervised by a pro, you will fly away to discover the Neuchâtel region. Breathtaking landscapes and thrills guaranteed! Duration: 1 hour Age: from 8 years old CONTACT Jacques-Antoine Besnard +41 79 413 34 76 besnard@n...