生活在纳沙泰尔:瑞士及纳沙泰尔概况 导读 依偎在瑞士汝拉山麓的纳沙泰尔,是其同名湖泊的皇冠上的一颗明珠。这样一个中世纪的湖滨之地,同时散发出古朴与青春的气息,对于向往瑞士这个国度的人而言,当然不可错过。这是一个怎样的地方?它具有哪些得天独厚的优势?当地风土人情如何?初来乍到,需要了解哪些当地饮食与特色餐厅?又有哪些地方值得游览或者驻足?平日里都有哪些节日庆典? 为解答这些疑问,雷梭勒家族办公室特推出《生活在纳沙泰尔》系列短文,并将围绕这些主题一一道来,带您一起领略纳沙泰尔州以及它的同名城市的独特魅力,并深入当地的各个角落,让您如身临其境般了解它生活的方方面面。 作为此系列的开篇,本篇将首先带您了解一下瑞士和纳沙泰尔,以及该地区的整体特色与生活环境,为您提供详解。 关于瑞士的事实与数字 在了解纳沙泰尔之前,我们先来认识一下瑞士。瑞士是世界上最具竞争力的商业中心,同时也是生活幸福指数很高的国家。众多优秀企业选择瑞士的理由很多:一流的创新和技术、自由的经济体系、政治稳定、与国外市场的密切联系、优秀的教育和医疗系统、出色的基础设施、高标准的生活以及具有竞争力的税收制度。以下简要列出了这个国家的整体特色,通过数据和事实向您展现它的过人之处:瑞士有四种民族语言 26个州 全国有208座山,有7,000多个湖泊 在OECD/PISA 2021年的调查中,是对15岁孩子的教育水平最高的10个国家之一 诺贝尔奖由瑞典人创立,但瑞士的大学培养出了数量最多的诺贝尔奖获得者 机电金属、信息和通讯技术、金融银行、生命科学、清洁能源、泛服务业是瑞士的六大支柱产业 非常环保,事实上,瑞士在回收和废物管理方面处于世界领先地位 爱因斯坦在伯尔尼生活时提出了他最著名的方程式(E=MC²) 瑞士为核战争做好了充分的准备,专设的地堡可容纳全国人口 瑞士的语言 瑞士讲四种语言:德语、法语、意大利语,以及罗曼什语,四个语种的使用人口占比如下:德语 - 62.6% 法语 - 22.9% 意大利语 - 8.2% 罗曼什语 - 0.5% 英语是瑞士全国通用的语言。瑞士全国估计约有三分之二的人讲英语。游客只需使用英语就能在当地应付自如。然而,各州或各地区的英语水平确实有所不同,掌握一些当地语言对想获得更多工作和社交机会的长期居民来说很有帮助。 瑞士各州 瑞士境内最大的行政区级单位就是瑞士各州了。事实上,各州对于日常生活的方方面面都具有自行管辖权;一般而言,州政府对于各种机构及大小事务起到监督作用,从学校到警察部队,到医疗,再到税收,不一而足。可以说,州政府是在瑞士生活的居民最常打交道的机构。 瑞士有26个州,所有这些州都自行管辖着它们的教育、医疗、执法、税收以及社会福利。每个州都有自己的官方语言;事实上,在说四种语言的瑞士,只有四个州的官方语言采用双语。 纳沙泰尔州 纳沙泰尔州是瑞士六个讲法语的州之一。州内有37个市镇,总人口为176,850人。 纳沙泰尔州环境安宁平和,居家生活便利。它地处清澈的湖泊与壮美的群山之间,有着一系列丰富和令人惊叹的自然景观。在如田园诗般的美景之中,附近的湖泊与众多的山地都是进行户外活动的完美选择。 纳沙泰尔州有着丰富的文化和历史,其中有不止两座城市被列入联合国教科文组织的《世界遗产名录》。地处海拔1000米的拉绍德封市(La Chaux-de-Fonds),以及它的邻城力洛克(Le Locle),都是制表业的先驱之一。两座城市都因其独特的城市规划遗产而得到了联合国教科文组织的认可。 纳沙泰尔州因其在制表、微/纳米技术和精密加工领域的专业知识而闻名于世。 纳沙泰尔市 与该州同名的纳沙泰尔市则是一座充满魅力的千年之城,它以其优雅的建筑和地处全瑞士最大湖泊的优越位置而令人着迷。 纳沙泰尔位于三湖地区和汝拉山麓的交界处。得益于其优越的地理位置,纳沙泰尔市具备良好的公共交通和高速公路服务。与其他较大的城市不同的是,纳沙泰尔市内交通拥堵情况非常少见,甚至可以说是市内没有交通堵塞。 城市里各种文化活动丰富多样,剧院林立,也有多所博物馆可供参观。 纳沙泰尔市也以其历史悠久的城堡而闻名。城市里如网状结构的小巷周围环绕着一座座由欧特里沃石(Hauterive stone)砌成的优雅建筑,黄色的石灰石色彩亮丽,让整个城市焕发出光彩。 在纳沙泰尔市,您会发现全年里人们会举办多种节日庆典,例如9月的葡萄酒丰收节(The Wine Harvest Festival)、露天音乐节(FestiNeuch),以及纳沙泰尔国际奇幻电影节(Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival)。 纳沙泰尔也有其独具特色的餐饮业。在下一篇里,我们将带您一起逛逛该市几家得到雷梭勒家族办公室推荐的餐厅。Original English Text Switzerland : Facts & Numbers Four national languages in Switzerland 26 Cantons 208 mountains in the country Over 7,000 lakes in Switzerland Ranks in the top 10 countries in the OECD/PISA 2021 survey for educational standards among 15-year-olds The Nobel Prize may be Swedish, but Switzerland’s universities have produced the most number of Nobel Laureates Very environmentally friendly; in fact, it is a world leader in recycling and waste management Despite the population’s penchant for chocolate, cheese, and bread, Switzerland is the least obese country in Europe Albert Einstein developed his most famous equation (E=MC²) The country is fully prepared for nuclear war; its entire population can fit into its specially prepared bunkers Languages of Switzerland Four languagesGerman – 62.6% French – 22.9% Italian – 8.2% Romansh – 0.5% Cantons of Switzerland Swiss cantons are the largest levels of regions inside of Switzerland. Indeed, the cantons themselves manage many aspects of everyday life; they generally oversee everything from schools and police forces to healthcare and taxes. It’s safe to say that the canton is the government that a Swiss resident will interact with the most while living in the country. There are 26 Swiss cantons, all of which manage education, healthcare, law enforcement, taxes, as well as social welfare themselves. Each canton also has its’ own official language or languages; in fact, only four Swiss cantons are officially bilingual in quadrilingual Switzerland. Canton of Neuchâtel The canton of Neuchâtel is one of the six French-speaking cantons in Switzerland. with 37 communes and a total population of 176850 inhabitants. Neuchâtel offers a peaceful, family-orientated environment. Situated between crystal clear lakes and beautiful mountains, the canton of Neuchâtel offers an incredible range of breathtaking and diverse landscapes. The nearby lake and accessible mountains are perfect for outdoor activities in an idyllic setting. Rich in culture and history, Neuchâtel has no less than two cities registered on the UNESCO list of the World Heritage Sites. In the town of La Chaux-de-Fonds situated at 1,000 meters altitude, is together with its neighbour, Le Locle, one of the pioneers of the watchmaking industry. Both have been recognized for its unique urban planning heritage. The canton of Neuchâtel is recognized around the world for its expertise in the fields of watchmaking and micro/nanotechnologies and microfabrication. Millennial city with lots of charm, Neuchâtel will enchant you with its elegant buildings and its privileged location at the largest entirely Swiss lake. Neuchâtel is located at the junction of the Three-Lakes-Region and Jura. Due to it’s situation, Neuchâtel is well served by public transportation and motorways. There is only a little to no traffic jam unlike others bigger cities. The city has a wide variety of cultural activities such as theatres and museums to visit. Neuchâtel is famous for its historical castle. It is also a network of alleys bordered by elegant buildings made of Hauterive stone, the yellow limestone that lights up and brightens the whole city. There are also many festivals throughout the year to enjoy such as The Wine Harvest Festival in September, The open air festival Festi’Neuch and also the Neuchatel international fantastic film festival.本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com