生活在纳沙泰尔:户外文体娱乐 导读 纳沙泰尔这座古老又洋溢着青春气息的城市,除了丰富的民俗节日,还有各种独具当地特色的文化与休闲娱乐项目。让我们参与其中,深入体会这里的乐趣吧。制表参观 让我们踏入制表师的行列,来享受一小时的难忘体验。在制表实践中,您的耐心和灵巧度也会得到考验。 您将会沉浸在齿轮系统和弹簧的世界里,研究机械机芯的运动,以耐心和专业精神去了解制表业的无限微观世界。与此同时,还有一位制表大师为您解释组装手表机芯的各个关键步骤,并向您展示如何进行组装。 对于价格超过1000瑞士法郎(1000美元)的手表,95%以上都是在瑞士制造的。 钟表业是瑞士的第三大出口行业,仅次于医药化工和机床行业。 开放时间 全年均可举办活动,需提前预约 价格 310瑞士法郎--1至6人的团体(一名指导员) 595瑞士法郎--11至18人的团体(两名指导员) 贴士: 时长:1小时 人数:1至18人 最低年龄: 14岁 语言:法语、德语、英语、意大利语和汉语 地址: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds 咨询与预定: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 制表体验--制作您自己的手表 这是一次量身定做的独特制表体验! 在专业制表师的指导下,您将组装自己的手表,并将成果带回家去。 您将在一个专门用于制表培训和探索的车间里,扮演一天的制表师角色,制作您自己的机械表。通过培训师的详细指导,您将学会如何使用镊子、螺丝刀和钳子来完成这一切。活动结束后,您回家时手腕上还可以戴上自己的杰作。 开放时间 全年开放,需提前预约 价格 机械机芯手表:1,190瑞士法郎/人起 镂空机械机芯手表:2,090瑞士法郎/人起 可以购买包装盒:20瑞士法郎/个 贴士: 时长:4小时 人数:1至6人 最低年龄:12岁 语言:法语、德语、英语、意大利语和汉语 地址: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds 咨询与预定: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 迷你高尔夫(Minigolf) 迷你高尔夫是那些喜欢与朋友和家人共度时光的人的理想选择。 这个高尔夫界的小弟仍可谓是热门的家庭娱乐项目。纳沙泰尔地区有两个迷你高尔夫球场,环境对比鲜明:一个在湖边,另一个在山上。无论在哪里打迷你高尔夫,您都需要技巧和灵敏的身手,以避免罚分! 开放时间 3月1日至10月31日 周一至周六 11:30 - 19:00 周日 14:00 - 19:00 价格 成人:8瑞士法郎/人 儿童(16岁以下):5瑞士法郎/人 时长:1小时 联系方式 Minigolf Quai Robert-Comtesse 4 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 724 57 58 info@lacanebiere.ch minigolf-ne.ch 足球高尔夫(Footgolf) 您可以用这种有趣的、适合家庭参与的高尔夫来享受户外活动。 这是一种介于足球和高尔夫之间的新颖而有趣的运动。您需要相当高的技巧,才能将球射入皮埃尔·阿·博特(Pierre-à-Bot)球场的九个球洞中。游戏中您可以呼吸着新鲜的空气,享受着大自然的绿意,并体验丰富的乐趣,它是理想的家庭出游项目。 价格 个人 成人:18瑞士法郎/人 老年人、学生 :15瑞士法郎/人 儿童:12瑞士法郎/人 团体(最少10人) 成人:15瑞士法郎/人 老年人、学生:12瑞士法郎/人 儿童:10瑞士法郎/人 联系方式 Footgolf Neuchâtel Parc de Pierre à Bot 2000 Neuchâtel +41 79 653 37 87 info@footgolfneuchatel.ch 公共交通:109路或421路公交车(皮埃尔·阿·波特Pierre-à-Bot 站) 游乐场 这里介绍纳沙泰尔市中心的两个游乐场,孩子们可以在此度过愉快的时光。 让孩子与家人、兄弟姐妹以及朋友们一道,在户外度过美好的时光吧。这对孩子的成长起着非常重要的作用。 埃沃勒湾(Baie de l’Evole)游乐场 Quai-Philippe-Godet 5 2000 Neuchâtel 博因路(Chemin de la Boine)游乐场 Chemin de la boine 39 2000 Neuchâtel Nid-du-Crô游泳馆 这是一所位于湖边的游泳馆,有室内和室外游泳池。 梦幻般的湖岸美景、一个奥林匹克游泳池,以及数个娱乐区,使该游泳馆成为瑞士最珍贵的游泳场所之一。这里有10米跳台和两个巨大的水滑梯,如果您足够大胆,可千万不要错过!您肯定会体验到不一样的新鲜与刺激! 价格 个人 成年人:7瑞士法郎/人 老年人、学生、儿童(5-15岁之间):3.8瑞士法郎/人 儿童(5岁以下):免费 开馆时间 周一至周四 08:00 - 22:00 周五 08:00 - 19:30 周六 08:00 - 18:30 周日 09:00 - 19:00 联系方式 Piscines du Nid-du-Crô Route des Falaises 30 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 717 85 00 piscines.nid-du-cro@ne.ch sportville-new-d2w.ne.ch 艾克罗兰公园 让我们在拉绍德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)山区的树林中进行一次旅行吧! 艾克罗兰(Acroland)公园有四条具有挑战性的路线:轻便栈桥、桥、梯子和滑索,它们将检测您的特技和杂技天赋,无论您的水平如何,都能保证让您肾上腺素激增,得到惊险的体验。您还能在树顶进行一番冒险! 开放时间 2021年5月15日至2021年10月31日 周三 13:00 - 20:00 周六 - 周日 13:00 - 20:00 价格 个人 成年人:28瑞士法郎/人 学生:22瑞士法郎/人 儿童:18瑞士法郎/人 团体 成人:26瑞士法郎/人 学生:20瑞士法郎/人 儿童:16瑞士法郎/人 贴士 建议游览时长:3小时 乘坐公共交通:301路公交车(在Lycée Blaise-Cendrars站下车) 最低身高:140厘米 建议穿运动服和舒适的鞋子 联系方式 Acroland Rue du Succès 62 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds +41 79 637 56 50 +41 32 926 70 84info@acroland.ch acroland.ch 小城堡森林动物园 小城堡森林(Bois du Petit-Château)是拉绍德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds)的城市森林,百余年来一直是当地迷人的动物园所在地。 这里是约250种动物的家园,动物种类繁多,从驴子到野猪,不一而足。还有野餐的地方,有趣的游乐场,以及备受喜爱的生物馆,馆里有数目众多的鱼类、两栖动物和爬行动物。这个位于城市中心的小型绿洲(31000平方米)是免费参观的,强烈推荐您前往。在导览员的带领下参观动物园和生物馆,您可以对动物世界有更深入的了解。 开放时间 周一至周日 08:00 - 18:00 票价 免费 贴士 建议游览时长:2小时 生物馆:周一上午关闭 联系方式 Bois du Petit-Château Rue Alexis-Marie-Piaget 82 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds +41 32 967 60 74 zoo@ne.ch 英文原文 Introduction to watchmaking Stepinto the shoes of a watchmaker for an unforgettable hour-long
experience and test your patience and dexterity on a practice watch. Immersing yourself in the world of geartrains and springs, you’llwork on a mechanical movement and learn all about the infinitely tiny
world of watchmaking with patience and professionalism, a master
watchmaker will explain the various crucial stages in the assembly of a
watch movement and show you how to carry them out. Over 95% of watches that cost over CHF1,000 ($1,000) are manufactured in Switzerland. The watch industry is Switzerland’s third biggest export sector behind the pharmaceutical-chemical, and machine tool sectors. OPENING HOURS Activity available all year long only on request PRICES CHF 310.- for a group from 1 to 6 persons (with one instructor)
CHF 595.- for a group from 11 to 18 persons (with two instructors). INFORMATIONS: Duration: 1 hour Number of persons: from 1 to 18 persons Minimum age: 14 years old Languages: French, German, English, Italien and Chinese ADDRESS: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds CONTACT FOR REQUEST & BOOKING: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 Watch Making Experiences – Make your own watch A tailored and unique watchmaking experience! Under the watchful eye of a watchmaking professional, assemble your very own watch to take home with you. In a workshop specially dedicated to watchmaking education and exploration, you’ll become a watchmaker for the day and build your own mechanical watch. Through the detailed instructions of your trainer, you’ll learn how to use tweezers, screwdrivers and pliers, going home with your masterpiece on your wrist. OPENING HOURS Activity available all year long only on request PRICES Watch with a mechanical movement, from CHF 1’190.-/person
Watch with a skeleton mechanical movement, from CHF 2’090.-/ person Possibility to purchase a box : CHF 20.- INFORMATIONS: Duration: 4 hours Number of persons: from 1 to 6 persons Minimum age: 12 years old Languages: French, German, English, Italien and Chinese ADDRESS: Le Garde Temps Rue des Recrêtes 1 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds CONTACT FOR REQUEST & BOOKING: info@explorewatch.swiss
+41 32 889 68 82 Minigolf Ideal for those who enjoy spending time with friends and family. Golfs baby brother is still a great favourite for family fun. Pays de Neuchâtelhas two minigolf courses in contrasting settings: one by the lake and
another in the mountains. Either way, youll need all your skill and
dexterity to avoid those penalty points! OPENING HOURS From 1 Mar 2021 to 31 Oct 2021 Monday - Saturday 11:30 - 19:00 Sunday 14:00 - 19:00 PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 8.- Children (up to 16 years old) CHF 5.- Duration : 1 hour CONTACT Minigolf Quai Robert-Comtesse 4 2000 Neuchâtel +41 32 724 57 58 info@lacanebiere.ch minigolf-ne.ch Footgolf Enjoy the great outdoors with this fun and family-friendly form of golf. Thisnovel and entertaining cross between football and golf calls for
considerable skill to shoot the ball into the nine holes of the Pierre-à-Bot course. Fresh air, natural greenery and plenty of fun: an ideal outing for the family. PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 18.- Seniors, Students CHF 15.- Children CHF 12.- Prices for groups (min. 10 persons) Adults CHF 15.- Seniors, Students CHF 12.- Children CHF 10.- CONTACT Footgolf Neuchâtel Parc de Pierre à Bot 2000 Neuchâtel +41 79 653 37 87 info@footgolfneuchatel.ch Access by public transport: bus n° 109 or 421 (stop Pierre-à-Bot) Playgrounds Here are two playgrounds in Neuchâtel kids can enjoy your time. Spendingsome quality time outside with family, siblings or even friends play a
really important part in the development of a child. Baie de l’Evole Playground Quai-Philippe-Godet 5 2000 Neuchâtel Chemin de la Boine Playground Chemin de la boine 39 2000 Neuchâtel Swimming Pool Nid-du-Crô Lakeside swimming pool, with inside and outdoor pools. A dream location on the lake shore, an Olympic pool and several recreation areas make this one of Switzerland’s most highly prized bathing spots. Don’t miss: the 10-meter diving platform and the two giant water-slides – guaranteed thrills, if you’re daring enough! PRICES Prices per person Adults CHF 7.- Seniors, Students, Children (between 5 and 15 years old) CHF 3.80 Children (up to 5 years old) Free OPENING HOURS Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 22:00 Friday 08:00 - 19:30 Saturday 08:00 - 18:30 Sunday 09:00 - 19:00 ...
对话业内人士|为什么说瑞士护肤品牌是中国市场的热门商机? 导语 瑞士的护肤产品以其天然、高效的品质与口碑,在全球市场广受欢迎,近年来也吸引了不少中国投资者的目光。
针对这些问题,我们对雷梭勒家族办公室副总裁Christoph K. Sanne先生进行了专访。作为深耕美妆护肤行业多年的业内人士,他希望能借此机会为中国投资者提供相关的行业背景与专业建议。采访对象 Christoph K. Sanne(后文简称Chris),瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室副总裁。曾先后就职于瑞士各大化妆品及香水公司,包括Firmenich SA(瑞士、奥地利、德国、象牙海岸)、Victorinox(主要在美国和亚洲)及 Clinic La Prairie(莱珀妮抗老疗养中心),后致力于为瑞士小众创新品牌和化妆品初创企业从事高端护肤品品牌开发。 问:您是瑞士美妆护肤行业的资深从业人士。在您看来,瑞士的护肤品牌为什么能享誉全球?与其它护肤品牌相比,它的优势和亮点在哪里? Chris:首先在于产品的质量保证。瑞士产品(比如手表)一直以高精度制造和高质量闻名世界。而瑞士的护肤品牌也同样以质量高和护肤效果显著著称。“瑞士制造”四个字即能代表产品的质量。其次是重视成分“天然”。“自然”可以说是瑞士的代名词,而瑞士的化妆品及药品也十分注重成分天然。真正的瑞士护肤品牌不含任何合成化合物或有毒化学物质,通常使用花卉、水果和根茎提取物、矿物质和精油等天然成分,每一种都经过精心挑选,达到“生物”质量标准,并通过精心设计以配合皮肤自身的自然再生系统。第三在于行业技术的领先。我们都知道瑞士的制药业非常发达,而它的护肤品研发技术也同样世界领先,并且创新不断。举个例子,热销全球的护肤品牌莱珀妮(La Prairie)依托的就是瑞士先进的活细胞护理科技。虽然该品牌后来被德国企业收购,但其所有生产研发基地依旧位于瑞士。 问:在您的从业生涯中,有哪些瑞士护肤品牌的成功经验值得借鉴? Chris:莱珀妮(La Prairie)就是一个很好的例子。这一国际化的护肤大品牌最初起源于瑞士的一家小小的疗养中心——莱珀妮抗老疗养中心(Clinic La Prairie)。该品牌正是以瑞士自然风景为灵感理念,并以瑞士活细胞护理科技作为技术依托,传承九十年至今,已成为世界十大奢侈护肤品牌之一,也是最为享誉全球的瑞士护肤品牌之一。 问:为什么说瑞士护肤品牌非常符合中国市场近年来的趋势? Chris:首先是中国消费者消费观念的升级。随着经济的发展和人均收入的提高,中国消费者对于护肤产品的需求与日俱增,对产品的预期也大大提升。护肤产品光靠包装亮眼已无法吸引消费者。相比之下,产品质量、肉眼可见的护肤效果才是消费者的核心关注点。因此,相比一些重营销、轻研发的国际大品牌,那些技术领先,护肤效果显著,产品线短而精的新兴小众护肤品牌则拥有更大的市场空间。同时,越来越多的中国消费者开始注重护肤产品的成分天然,这也与瑞士护肤品牌的市场定位相吻合。其次,随着中国市场的进一步扩大,瑞士护肤品行业也开始关注中国消费者的特殊需求。中国护肤品市场的需求有别于欧洲,比如更加注重“以白为美”。因此,许多瑞士护肤品牌近年来都重点针对中国市场,推出有美白亮肤、祛痘、抗衰老、紧致、抗污染、防紫外线等效果的护肤产品。 问:如果要针对中国市场开发一条护肤品产品线,有哪些细分市场值得关注? Chris:一般来说,一个完整的护肤系列应该包括面部清洁、日/晚霜、特效乳液及精华、眼部护理和一到两款面膜。其中,解决特定皮肤问题的特效乳液及精华通常是主推产品。根据中国消费者需求,乳液和精华可以着重关注控油或美白/淡化/提亮等问题。而在品牌定位方面,可以主打有机、植物或药妆等关键词。近年来中国消费者越来越重视环境、卫生问题,对天然认证的产品及药妆产品也越来越关注。 问:那么该如何创立自己的瑞士护肤品牌呢?对于有此意向的中国投资者,您有哪些建议? Chris:首先需要根据细分市场定位,明确一款明星产品。这款产品将会是您未来的主打产品和畅销产品,代表着您品牌的DNA,必须做到新颖和吸引人眼球。其次,品牌形象的树立非常重要,这涉及到品牌名称、标志和包装的设计,以及构思一个引人入胜的品牌故事。有很多中国投资者在瑞士购有城堡、庄园或别墅,这些都可以成为品牌形象的灵感来源,甚至可以用于设立品牌专属的疗养中心,增加品牌立体性。近年来,护肤品行业发展态势良好。据估计,到2025年全球行业规模将达到2002.5亿美元。对于有意向开创自己的护肤品牌的企业家来说,当下确实是难得的机遇。 您准备好开启自己的护肤事业了吗? 随着全球护肤品行业的高速发展,如今是在中国及其他地区推出您自己的护肤品牌的大好时机。假如您有兴趣创立自己的原创瑞士护肤品牌,雷梭勒家族办公室将竭诚为您提供帮助。 作为您的100%瑞士创新品牌建设顾问,雷梭勒可为您提供专业的业务咨询和合同服务。从品牌概念到产品销售,我们将为您提供完整的专业方案,100%瑞士制造、欧洲/瑞士真实销售,让我们助您将您的品牌变成现实!如您对该投资项目感兴趣,意欲了解更多详情,欢迎发送邮件至swiss-skincare@lasoleille.com。 英文原文 Insights by Expert: Why Is Swiss Skincare a Promising Business Opportunity for China? Swiss skincare products are popular in the global market for using natural ingredients and for visible skincare results, and have attracted many Chinese investors in recent years. What makes Swiss skincare a global success? How does it fit in with the latest needs of the Chinese market? How to start your own Swiss skincare brand? To answer these questions, La Soleille had an interview with its VP, Mr. Christoph K. Sanne, a seasoned expert of the beauty and skincare industry. The aim is to provide Chinese investors with industrial background as well as professional advice. Christoph K. Sanne is VP of La Soleille Family Office in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. In his professional past he worked for Swiss cosmetic and perfume companies such as Firmenich SA (Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Ivory Coast), Victorinox (mainly in US & Asia) and Clinic La Prairie before focusing on premium skincare brand development for Swiss innovative niche brands and cosmetic start-ups. Q: As an experienced professional of the beauty and skincare industry, what do you think makes Swiss Skincare a global success? What are its advantages over other brands? Chris: First of all, the quality of Swiss products usually speaks for itself. Switzerland has a long history of providing the best quality consumer products in the world. Think about watches. This also reflects on reliable and efficient Swiss skincare brands. Secondly, the concept of nature is a great hallmark of Swiss brands. Switzerland stands for nature like no other country in Europe. Truly Swiss skincare brands are free from synthetic compounds or toxic chemicals. Instead, many brands focus on flower, fruit and root extracts, minerals, and essential oils, each one carefully selected (often of “bio” quality) and orchestrated to work with the skin’s own natural rejuvenation system. Thirdly, advanced Swiss technologies distinguish Swiss skincare brands from all others. The fact that Switzerland is also famous for its pharmaceutical industry also reflects on the high innovation level of Swiss skincare. For example, the success of the globally renowned brand “La Prairie” is largely built on its advanced Cellular Science. While “La Prairie” is belonging now to a German group, its products are still developed and manufactured in Switzerland only. Q: From your experience in the industry, what are the best success stories of Swiss skincare brands? Chris: La Prairie is an excellent example. The global skincare brand started out as a small clinic in Montreux, Switzerland – Clinic La Prairie. Inspired from its origin by the Swiss nature, and with the advanced Swiss Cellular Science, the brand has carried on with its heritage for more than 90 years and has become one of the top 10 global high-end skincare brands as well as one of the most renowned Swiss skincare brands in the world. Q: How does Swiss skincare fit in with the latest needs of the Chinese market? Chris: First of all, as a result of economic development and a growing disposable income, Chinese consumers now have higher expectations for skincare products. A beautiful packaging is not enough anymore – the content is key, “efficiency” and “visible results” are key words. Moving slowly away from big brands which invest more in marketing than in formulations, “niche” brands are increasingly successful, young brands which are technically advanced with proven results and with a small but effective range of products. What’s more, Chinese consumers are increasingly sensitive to environmental and hygienic issues, and are paying more attention to natural-certified products, which is a huge market opportunity for Swiss skincare brands. Secondly, Swiss skincare industry is also paying more attention to the special needs of Chinese consumers as they differ from those of the European market. For example, Chinese generally consider having ‘white’ skin as a major criterion of beauty. Thus, Swiss intelligent skincare brands do adapt to this characteristic of the Chinese market, by selling skin whitening / lightening products, or acne treatments, anti-aging, firming, anti-pollution / UV light products for example. Q: What are the Niche market opportunities in China for Swiss skincare brands? Chris: Generally speaking, a small but complete skincare line should consist of cleansing, day / night creams, specific problem-solver cream and serum, eye-care and one or two different masks. Problem-solvers are important. According to the specificities of the Chinese market, products against excess sebum and whitening / lightening / brightening products can be of special focuses. In addition, when doing brand positioning, keywords such as organic, bio, vegan, or cosmeceuticals can be featured, as they have been the latest trends among customer needs in China. Q: So how do I start my own Swiss skincare brand? What are your suggestions for Chinese investors? Chris: First of all, choosing a “hero” product is a key step – the one which will be your bestseller, the “DNA” of your future brand, the most innovative and exciting product. Second of all, brand image can be important. This involves a suitable name, an original logo and an emotional design - and an impressive story to tell your new clients. Castles, estates or villas owned by Chinese investors can be a source of inspiration. They can also be turned into skincare centers with the brand name so as to add dimensions to its image. The skincare industry is facing a boom, with experts predicting that it will be worth around $200.25 billion globally by 2025. That is indeed an incredible opportunity for asp...