瑞士博浩特银行(Bonhote bank):经济趋势可能在2023年中发生转变
瑞士博浩特银行(Bonhôte bank):经济趋势可能在2023年中发生转变 本文内容由雷梭勒家族办公室根据Banque Bonhôte英语文章翻译整理,版权归原作者所有。更多信息可以访问银行官网:https://www.bonhote.ch/en/ 疫情的减退,给全球经济解除了桎梏,商品和服务需求因此得以复苏,而通胀已然高启。 长期的停滞已经扰乱了多个经济领域,造成了严重的物流障碍和瓶颈。更糟糕的是,乌克兰和俄罗斯之间突然发生军事冲突,让天然气和石油价格飙升,引发了整个欧洲的能源危机。 为遏制失控的通胀,各国央行转而采用限制性货币政策,稳步提高利率,从而为全球经济增长踩下了刹车。根据央行的风险理念,过度紧缩总比让通胀任意发展的危险要小。目前短期利率高于长期利率,这预示着在未来几个季度,欧洲和美国面临经济衰退的风险加剧。 限制性货币政策的影响在实体经济中体现出来需要时间。美国就业市场强劲,失业率为3.7%,是50年来的最低水平,而最近的工资增长则继续刺激着消费支出。平均每个求职者有两个职位空缺,因此员工仍有强大的议价力。但现在,面对迫在眉睫的经济衰退,一些公司开始宣布裁员了。 欧元区去年11月的通胀率为10%,政府有可能继续通过财政援助和价格上限管制(price caps)保护家庭和公司免受能源价格上涨的影响。这些措施对于维持社会凝聚力是必要的,但会阻止通胀率回落到目标水平,并迫使央行更加收紧。 基准利率和通胀率资料来源:彭博(Bloomberg) 瑞士的情况则完全不同,其通胀率尚未超过3%。这要归功于瑞郎的坚挺压制了输入型通胀(译者注:imported inflation,指由于国外商品或生产要素价格上涨,导致国内物价持续上涨的现象)。问题是,几近饱和的劳动力市场(失业率仅为2%)抑制了工资水平,从而让瑞士国家银行(SNB)不得不提高其基准利率。我们预计瑞士利率将在2023年中达到1.75%-2.0%的峰值。 经济展望 能源和食品价格终将会在未来12个月内稳定下来甚至下降,从而有利于通胀率在2024年底或2025年初回落到各国央行的目标值。 目前,各国央行仍然不为所动。未来几个月政策的持续收紧,可能会让利率在2023年中达到峰值。预计美国和欧洲的终端利率(译者注:terminal rate, 指升息周期的最终利率)将分别高于5%和3%。全球经济软着陆的可能性仍然存在,但这需要通胀率下降幅度大于目前的预期值才能实现。 因此,2023年全球经济增长率预计仅为2%左右,这将给企业未来利润带来不利影响。 那些迄今受益于家庭高储蓄率和低借贷成本的企业都能够保持其利润水平。 如果明年(译者注:原文为next year,指2023年)真的发生经济衰退,则很可能预示着价格下跌的开始,从而导致货币政策的改变。我们预计到明年(译者注:指2023年)下半年,通胀率一旦下降到4%以下,美联储就会转变策略。 一旦投资者认为自己确定了这一转折点,就可能引起股市和债市止跌回升。 政府债券或投资级公司债券等固定收益投资的魅力重现,这样的收益率在一年前我们是完全想不到的。 Original English Text Potential change of course in mid-2023 The shackles were removed from the global economy once the pandemic abated, sparking a brisk recovery in demand for goods and services that has sent inflation soaring. The prolonged period of inactivity has disrupted several economic sectors, causing serious logistical glitches and bottlenecks – particularly in China, where restrictions have been left in place for longer. Making matters worse, the sudden military conflict between Ukraine and Russia has triggered an energy crisis across Europe as gas and oil prices have surged. To curb the runaway inflation, central banks have switched to restrictive monetary policies by steadily raising interest rates, thus applying the brakes to global economic growth. According to central banks’ risk philosophy, excessive tightening is always less perilous than letting inflation run out of control. Short-term rates are now higher than their long-term counterpart, signalling a heightened risk of recession within Europe and the US in the quarters ahead. The effects of restrictive monetary policies are taking time to materialise in the real economy. In the US, the job market is robust. At 3.7%, the unemployment rate is the lowest in 50 years, and recent wage increases continue to fuel consumer spending. Employees still have strong bargaining power, considering that there are two vacancies for every job seeker. But now companies are starting to announce job cuts in the face of the looming economic downturn. In the Eurozone, where inflation was 10% in November, governments are likely to continue shielding households and companies from energy price rises through fiscal help and price caps. Such measures are necessary to maintain social cohesion, but this is preventing inflation from ebbing to target levels and forcing central banks to tighten more than they would otherwise. The context is quite different in Switzerland, where inflation has not risen above 3%. This is thanks to the strength of the Swiss franc, which is keeping a lid on imported inflation. The problem is that the tight labour market – with unemployment at only 2% – is putting pressure on wages, which is forcing the SNB to raise its benchmark rate. We expect the Swiss rate to peak at 1.75-2.0% in mid-2023. Economic outlook Energy and food prices should eventually stabilise or even subside in the next 12 months, helping to bring inflation back into line with central banks’ targets by the end of 2024 or early 2025. Central banks remain undaunted, for now. The continued tightening in policy over the coming months is likely to produce a peak around mid-2023. Terminal rates are expected somewhere upwards of 5% and 3% in the US and Europe, respectively. A soft landing for the global economy is still a possibility, but this would require a sharper decline in inflation than is currently anticipated. Global economic growth is therefore expected around a paltry 2% in 2023, which will have a negative impact on companies’ profit forecasts. Those companies so far benefiting from high household savings and low borrowing costs have been able to shield their margins. The onset of recession – if this does occur next year – would probably signal the start of a price decline, leading to changes in monetary policy. We expect the Fed to pivot in the second half of next year, once inflation has started falling below 4%. A rally could be sparked in both equity and bond markets once investors think they have identified that specific turning point. Fixed-income investments such as government bonds or investment-grade corporate bonds have once again become attractive, exhibiting yields we would not have even dreamed of a year ago. Benchmark and inflation ratesSource: Bloomberg For more detailed information on Bonhôte bank: https://www.bonhote.ch/en/ 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
“黄金签证”或关停,投资移民新选择 导语: 针对非欧盟公民的“黄金签证”项目自颁发以来,特别受中国投资人、企业家的欢迎。但在最近两周,爱尔兰和葡萄牙相继宣布终止其“黄金签证”项目,随后希腊也表示将提高签证门槛。面对欧洲各国“黄金签证”项目的逐步紧缩,希望办理第二身份、规划海外资产的中国公民又该何去何从呢?本篇文章将为您进行详细解析。 欧洲多国叫停“黄金签证”项目 2023年2月14日,爱尔兰司法部突然发表声明,宣布关闭针对非欧盟公民的“黄金签证”项目,自2月15日起将不再接受此类签证申请。这也就意味着,投资移民爱尔兰之路被彻底关闭! 紧跟爱尔兰的步伐,葡萄牙总理安东尼奥·科斯塔(António Costa)于2月16日也宣布,葡萄牙政府即将停止发放新的“黄金签证”。过渡期及停止日期将会在3月16日正式公布。 这一消息的公布并不是毫无预兆的。早在2022年11月,葡萄牙总理就曾在接受采访时表示,当下正重新评估一些计划,其中之一就是黄金签证,它可能已经履行了其应有的职责,并完成了历史使命,因此目前不再有理由继续维持。 短短两天之内,欧盟就已决定关停两个移民项目。 其实不仅仅是爱尔兰和葡萄牙,欧洲多国都已显露出相同的迹象——黄金签证项目即将变天! 此前,在2022年2月17日,英国政府就已宣布关闭了其“黄金签证”项目(即投资移民Tier 1 investor签证)。 而随着俄乌冲突的持续发酵,欧盟多个成员国都已针对俄罗斯公民开始限制“黄金签证”。西班牙首先取消了对俄罗斯国民居留签证的发放,随后,葡萄牙、马耳他和希腊等国也纷纷表示要“限制公民身份的出售”,以防止“与俄罗斯政府有联系的俄罗斯富人成为我们国家的公民,并进入我们的金融系统。” 另外,欧盟委员会也开始呼吁其成员国逐步取消所有不符合欧盟法律要求的“黄金签证计划”。 而根据最新计划,欧盟很有可能在2025年左右全面取消“黄金签证”项目! 何为“黄金签证”? 所谓“黄金签证”是部分欧盟国家为非欧盟公民提供的一些长期签证类型的统称,被普遍认为是一种投资移民的渠道。非欧盟公民可以通过在当地投资房地产、开办企业或进行资本投资等方式获得该国的“黄金签证”及长期居留许可。 通过办理“黄金签证”,投资者和家人即可成为该国的合法居民,享有在当地自由居住、生活的权利,还可享受欧洲卓越的医疗、养老福利,其子女则可享受当地优质的教育资源,更有利于他们今后进入世界名校。此外,申请者还可获得在整个欧盟地区自由旅行的权利。 在欧盟范围内,爱尔兰、葡萄牙、希腊、西班牙等均设有此类签证项目。 “黄金签证”时代落幕,中国公民最受影响 有数据显示,在来欧洲移民投资的群体中,中国公民比例最为突出。 以爱尔兰为例,爱尔兰政府自2012年推出了投资移民计划(IIP),要求申请者需拥有至少200万欧元的个人财富,在爱尔兰至少投资100万欧元,且为期至少三年,或50万欧元作为捐赠基金的一部分(或40万欧元作为联合捐赠基金的一部分)。根据政府数据,该计划自启动以来已批准了约12.5亿欧元的投资。 在该计划中,来自中国的申请人占大多数。据统计,爱尔兰投资移民计划自启动以来,截止到2022年11月,共有1,613位主申请人通过了黄金签证申请,其中中国家庭的申请数量为1,151份,占比高达94%。 同样,葡萄牙“黄金签证”项目自实施以来,也深受中国高净值投资者欢迎。根据葡萄牙移民局最新数据,自2012年该项目启动以来,截止到2022年12月,共有11,628份申请获得批准,其中有5,258份都是来自中国,占总通过量的一半以上,历史总量排名第一。 投资移民新选择:瑞士居留计划 可以说,随着欧盟各国相关政策的逐步收紧,“黄金签证”时代或将落幕,作为申请主力军的中国人必将受到最大影响,那么他们又将何去何从呢? 众所周知,瑞士是非移民国家,没有移民法,但这并不意味着外国居民就没有机会入籍瑞士。 所谓瑞士居留计划,就是瑞士移民,居留名额将根据各州人口每年按照额度发放,数量十分有限,且异常稀缺。瑞士的长期居留是取得该国籍的唯一路径。 相较于其他国家,瑞士居留有着其得天独厚的优势。 1. 资产和人身安全 身份规划的目的首先是资产安全。 瑞士是世界公认的永久中立国,这一身份从根本保证了瑞士免受战火的侵袭,极大程度上维护了国家和社会的安全安定,也为经济的发展创造了良好的环境,使得瑞士成为了全球最富裕、社会最安定、经济最发达和拥有最高生活水准的国家之一。 同时,瑞士也是世界上对私人财产保护力度最大的国家之一。私人财富神圣不可侵犯,已被写进瑞士宪法。放眼全世界,把资产放到瑞士才能更好地实现资产的终极安全,子孙传承也能更有保障。 2. 福利优渥的品质生活 瑞士拥有全球顶级的教育资源。持有瑞士居留证,可在瑞士就读免费的公立学校,之后无须入学考试,就有机会申请就读瑞士所有公立大学;同时持有瑞士居留证也更有利于对接世界各大院校。8~18岁的孩子,在瑞士居住一年算两年,居住满5年就可申请永居,获得永居后即可申请国籍。 除教育资源外,瑞士还拥有全球最高品质的医疗福利。持有瑞士居留身份,成人每年只需缴纳7000瑞郎的医疗保险,最多每年承担3300瑞郎的医疗费(不含口腔科),其他所有的医疗费用由保险公司和政府拨款全额报销,不限制疾病种类和药品类别,并且自由选择主治医师并入住私立医院单间病房治疗,享瑞士最好的医疗体系和福利。 3. 欧洲最低税负 瑞士是一个低税率国家,企业税负很低。瑞士联邦宪法保护经济自由,非常允许和鼓励任何人(包括外国公民)在瑞士开展业务成立公司,为该地区的经济带来收益。 瑞士是欧洲综合税负最低的国家,普通企业所得税平均在13%左右,增值税7.7%。此外,还有其它税务优惠政策,比如瑞士控股公司对消极收入无所得税等。正因如此,众多国际跨国企业都选择把欧洲总部设立在瑞士。 瑞士也是全球最大的离岸财富中心。瑞士融资成本低,银行贷款利率最低可到1%,而且融资形式非常多样、便捷。持有瑞士居留证,可在瑞士购买住宅类房产,通过在银行贷款做稳健投资来撬动更多的资产,实现投资置业的最优化。 如需了解更多有关瑞士居留证的信息,欢迎随时通过邮箱info@lasoleille.com或电话400-006-7726与我们的客户经理联系。 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士——引领全球创新的内陆国家 导语: 鲜为人知的是,瑞士已连续12年成为全球创新引领者。这样一个内陆国家,面积不大,是如何变劣势为优势,多年来保持全球创新标杆的位置?瑞士在创新领域又有哪些特色?本文将带您一探究竟。 历史表明,积极创新往往有助于改善生活水平、提高生产力。瑞士在历史上克服了许多劣势,让国土面积小这类因素为其所用,创造收益。 显然,技术创新将是应对气候变化、地球环境治理及人类面临的其他各项挑战的关键。 全球创新指数由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)编制,根据每年申报专利数量、研发投入占GDP百分比、教育体系的稳健性等指标对各国进行排名。瑞士聚焦于金融科技、医药和食品体系等多个领域并投入资源,在以上多项指标方面一直成绩显著。 瑞士在全国各个地区鼓励和支持特定领域的创新,由此形成了多个中心——考虑到地形因素,这些中心被称作“山谷”。瑞士在创新方面还设有政府专门机构“瑞士创新局”(innosuisse),其使命是为科学创新提供资金,而瑞士大学的研究成果往往有助于创建初创企业。 挑战: 乍看之下,瑞士并没有什么优势。它国土面积不大,处于内陆山地,只有870万居民,周围都是更大、更有影响力的国家。然而,这些一般人认为不利的条件却被瑞士利用起来,成为对自己有利的因素。 教育是瑞士成功的根本。瑞士拥有从幼儿到研究生阶段强大的教育系统。按人均计算,瑞士拥有全球最多的500强大学,其中两所联邦理工大学更是排在全球前列:苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETHZ)和洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)。 瑞士既进行基础研究,也进行应用研究,既追求知识,也寻求社会和经济问题的解决方案。因此,瑞士的大学和产业之间有着紧密的合作也就不足为奇了。八所瑞士应用科技大学形成的网络将这种合作正式化,在大型机构的基础研究与产业界之间、尤其是中小企业之间起到了桥梁作用。 瑞士的这种活力以及不大的国家规模为其发展各个主题创新区域创造了条件。这些区域包括起源于楚格(Zug)的加密谷协会(Crypto Valley Association),专注于国际区块链的发展;总部位于洛桑和苏黎世两地的无人机谷(Drone Valley),专注于开发应用于太阳能和环保等领域的无人机;以及瑞士食品和营养谷(Swiss Food and Nutrition Valley),致力于食品体系创新。 瑞士在研发方面的支出超过GDP的3%(2019年达255亿美元),其中私营部门的研发支出约占三分之二。它的有利影响体现在瑞士每年注册的专利数量上。按人均计算,瑞士多年来是全球专利注册项目最多的国家;2021年为8,442项,主要集中在医疗技术领域。 如此骄人的创新成绩得益于两个关键词:安全和信任。无论是金融还是政治,瑞士都是一个安全的避风港。低资本成本、稳定的货币、强大的购买力、适度的税收、联邦国家制度以及稳定的经济和政治,保证了在瑞士投资的高度安全性。 方案: 如果您想知道在瑞士如何投资以及在哪里投资最有意义,雷梭勒家族办公室可以为您提供最佳答案。因为信任、审慎和安全也是雷梭勒过去十年来在中瑞两地取得成功的基石。十多年来,我们始终为您提供值得信赖且可靠的顾问服务。 联系方式: 电话:400-006-7726 邮箱:info@lasoleille.com 资料来源:Alois Zwingii,世界经济论坛,2023年1月 Original English Text Switzerland, a small, landlocked country serves since many years as a global model for innovation History shows that radical innovation typically contributes to higher living standards and improved productivity. In its history, Switzerland has overcome many of its disadvantages, using factors like its small size to its benefit. It is obvious that technological innovation will be key to deal with climate change, repairing the planet together with other challenges that humanity faces. It is less known that since 12 years in succession, Switzerland is the world’s leader in innovation. The index, compiled by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), ranks countries in areas such as the number of patents filed annually, the percentage of GDP that goes into research and development, and the robustness of their education systems. Switzerland has shown unwavering consistency in these areas and beyond, pouring resources and focus into areas as diverse as fintech, pharmaceuticals and food system. As a result, centres - or rather, given the topography - "valleys" have formed throughout the country where innovation in a particular field is encouraged and supported. Switzerland also has its own agency - Innosuisse - whose mission is to fund science-based innovation, and the work of its universities often contributes to the creation of start-ups. The challenge: At first glance, Switzerland does not have many advantages. It is small, mountainous and landlocked, has only 8.7 million inhabitants and is surrounded by larger, influential countries. However, it has used what some would consider a disadvantage in its favour. Education is fundamental to its success. It has a strong system of learning from early childhood through to post-graduate level. It has the world’s highest density of Top 500 universities in per capita terms, led by global luminaries, the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, ETHZ in Zurich and EPFL in Lausanne. Both basic and applied research is conducted here, supporting both the pursuit of knowledge and solutions to social and economic problems. Not surprisingly, this leads to intensive collaboration between the countrys universities and industry. This is formalised by the network of eight Swiss universities of applied sciences, which acts as a bridge between basic research at the larger institutions and industry, especially SMEs. This dynamic and the country’s small size has helped develop thematic areas of innovation. Among these are the Crypto Valley Association, which originated in Zug, and focuses on international blockchain development; Drone Valley, with its dual bases in Lausanne and Zurich, and focus on developing drones that have application in areas like solar energy and environmental protection; and the Swiss Food and Nutrition Valley, which strengthens food system innovation. The country spends more than 3% of GDP on R&D (amounting to $25.5 billion in 2019), with the private sector accounting for approximately two-thirds of this. An indication of the beneficial effects of this are the number of patents that Switzerland registers annually. On a per capita basis, it has registered the most globally for years; 8,442 in 2021, with a focus on medical technology. The key words for such innovation are security and trust. Switzerland is a safe haven, both financially and politically. Low capital costs, a stable currency, strong purchasing power, moderate taxation, a federal state system, and economic and political stability guarantee a high level of security for investments in Switzerland. The solution: If you want to know how and where it makes the most sense to invest in Switzerland, La Soleille Family Office is the best address for your questions. Because trust, discretion and security are also La Soleilles basis for the successful last ten years in China and in Switzerland. We have been providing you with trustworthy and reliable advice for over a decade. Source: Alois Zwingii, World Economic Forum, January 2023 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士博浩特银行(Bonhote Bank):2023年金融市场预期走势向好
瑞士博浩特银行(Bonhote Bank):2023年金融市场预期走势向好 导言 近日,雷梭勒陪同我们一位家族客户参访了位于瑞士的博浩特银行(Bonhote Bank)。参访过程中,该行的一位高管简要回顾了该客户的投资组合在2022年的业绩表现,并分享了2023年的投资策略。预计2023年股市将出现反弹,而债市则较为低迷。然而,投资者应继续持审慎态度,并对市场环境和全球事件的变化保持关注。 本文观点仅代表瑞士博浩特银行的意见,不作为投资建议,也未考虑任何个人的财务状况或潜在投资者的需求。上周,雷梭勒团队陪同我们的一个家族客户来到博浩特银行,对其投资组合业绩进行了年度总结。银行的一位高管接待了我们。 “2022年是自1871年以来股票和债券市场表现最差的一年,无论是哪种资产类别,均未能成为投资的避风港。” 对于该家族投资组合的不良业绩,这位高管在解释时展示了如下的图表,图中每个点代表过去每一年的金融业绩,2022年在左下象限跌至谷底,它标志着这一年的股票和债券业绩都在急剧下跌。 1871年-2022年美国股票和债券的名义回报率资料来源:《金融时报》 “相应地,我们在年中调整了投资策略,”这位高管随后解释了为何必须将40%的资产分配在现金中。“我们一看到股市在大幅跳水,就做出了反应”。 在2022年终,该投资组合情况如下: 45% 为权益类资产 40% 为现金 10% 为可转换和结构性产品 5% 为房地产基金 2022年,每一类资产都大幅缩水;全球通胀和利率上升、欧洲俄乌战争,以及年底大型科技公司大规模裁员,都是造成经济严重下滑的原因。 “好消息是,我们注意到2023年初以来有不错的复苏迹象。”自2023年2月中旬起,该家族的投资组合就保持着3.4%的增长率,这主要是由于股市出现了反弹。这位高管表示他对2023年金融市场的表现充满信心,同时对近期中国开放出入境举措表示赞赏。 “由于全球经济复苏,当然也包括中国近期开放出入境的政策因素,股市预计会有反弹并保持强劲态势。企业预计将从消费和商业活动复苏中受益,从而推动盈利增长,并提升股价。 债市则预计较为低迷。不过总而言之,2023年金融市场有可能保持其积极走势。” 对于正在进行的投资组合,这位高管建议该家族客户在权益类投资方面保持原有板块配置不变,对此,雷梭勒和客户都表示赞同。这些板块的分布情况如下:- 市场类 37%- 医疗卫生类 20%- 消费类 16%- 科技类 13%- 金融类 10%- 周期型 4% 投资者应继续持审慎态度,并对市场环境和全球事件的变化保持关注。成功投资的关键是保持投资对象多样化、严守纪律,并坚持以长期视角对待投资。 Original English Text Positive Trajectory in 2023 is Expected for the Financial Market Overview During a recent visit to Bonhote Bank, an exetutive from the bank gave us a recap of the performance of one of our families’ portfolio in 2022 and shared with us their investment strategy in 2023. A bounce back is expected for the equity market while the bond will be more subdued. However, investors should remain cautious and stay attuned to changes in market conditions and global events. The views expressed in this article only represents the opinions of Bonhote Bank, and are not intended as investment advice or in consideration of any specific individual’s financial situation or potential investor’s demands. Last week, La Soleille’s team accompanied a client family to the Bonhote Bank for their annual portfolio review.One of the executives from the bank received us. “2022 was the worst year for stock and bond marketcombined since 1871. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to hide in the different asset classes last year.” While explaining the negative performance of the family’s portfolio, the bank executive showed a graphic as above where each dot represented a year’s financial perfomance in the history, 2022 fell bottom in the left lower quadrant, it signifies both a steep decrease in stock and bond performance of the year. Nominal return for US stocks and bonds from 1871-2022Source: Financial Times “Accordingly we adjusted the investment strategy in the middle of the year”, the bank executive then explained why 40% of the asset had to be allocated in cash. “As soon as we saw the drastic drop in stock market, we reacted.” At the year-end standing, the portfolio read as:45% in equities 40% in cash 10% in convertible and structural products 5% in real estate fund Every single asset class was down significantly in 2022; global rising inflation and interest rates, the Russia-Ukrain war in Europe, and the massive layoffs from big techs towards the end of year, were to blame for the toughest decline.“Good news is since thebeginning of 2023, we’ve been noticing a nice bounce back.” The family portfolio has been seeing a 3.4% increase as of mid February 2023, largely due to the rebound in the stock market. the executive expressed his confidence in the 2023 financial market performance, while complimented the recent boarder opening from China.“For the equity market, a bounce back is expected and it will remain strong, supported by a global economic recovery, which obviously included China’s recent boarder opening. Companies are expected to benefit from the rebound in consumer spending and business activity, and this should drive earnings growth and support higher stock prices.For the bond market, it is expected to be more subdued. But in conclusion, the financial market is likely to continue their positive trajectory in 2023.”For the ongoing potfolio,the executive suggested the family hold the same sector allocation in terms of equities, to which La Soleille and the clients were in favor of. To give a bit of idea to our readers, the sectors are spread out in: Market 37% Health 20% Consumer 16% Tech 13% Finance 10% Cyclical 4% Investors should remain cautious and stay attuned to changes in market conditions and global events. The key to successful investing is to remain diversified, stay disciplined, and maintain a long-term investment perspective. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com