在瑞士国际寄宿学校如何做好考前准备 第一章:课堂之内 春季学期已经开学,我们的学生将开始认真积极地上课,并多尝试新的课外活动,广交新的伙伴,还有很重要的一点:要做好考前的认真复习工作。 春季学期有很多重要的考试,考试可以打磨一个学生的意志品格、铺设未来前进的道路,所以学校均设有学制众多、专业权威的考试,如:IGCSE, A Level, SAT, IELTS和欧洲各国语言考试。 以下的贴士和建议可以让你在春季考试前,始终处于一个相对优势的位置。包括一些具有里程碑意义的考试,如:A Level和SAT等。其实,学生在每个阶段,都可以接受这些良性有益的学习建议。 第二章:获得先机的小贴士 1.按时参加每一节课程 无论是平时的课程、调研还是考试,学生需要保证每节课的出勤率才不会遗漏任何一个知识点或教学素材。准时出勤体现了学生对老师的尊重和对知识的渴求,学生还需养成课前预习的习惯。如果你因为生病不能参加,让一位朋友帮你做好笔记,或者直接去问问老师你错过了什么。 2.上课时坐在前排位置 当你坐在教室的前排时,会很容易保持注意力和专注力。瑞士的寄宿制国际学校独特且精品,这种班级规模可让所有学生以最佳方式融入进来。充分发挥师生比的优势。 3.养成在课堂上勤记录的好习惯 学会随时记笔记是一项非常重要的技能,并且将会伴随你直到大学。尽早建立起这个好习惯对你的帮助会很大。每年的阅读周,学校都会请到一位著作记者来到校园,为学生们讲解写作上的心得感受。像这样的嘉宾讲座、展示活动和更多机会,可以为学生们多多利用,在这样的平台上,加以练习和记录,这样就会自然而然地养成习惯了。 4.确保学会了所有知识点 在校老师鼓励他们的学生随时提问。来学校听课的嘉宾,都着重提到了学生们展示出了很强的课程参与感。如果你对老师教授的知识感到困惑,或者说对解释的概念有拿不准的情况,不要害怕主动提出问题。通常,勤学好问的学生能学到更多的知识。在学习过程中如果有不理解的地方,学会随时寻求帮助,如果你向其他同学请教问题,他会对此十分感激。 5.课后复习课堂笔记 考前最好的方式就是仔细研读你的课堂笔记,最好是在考试的当天,可以让你达到最好的复习效果。即使只是快速浏览一下你记录过的内容,也能帮助巩固你所学的课程知识,很容易帮你回忆起关键的考点。学校全体老师和员工,很愿意随时给学生提供单独的学术辅导。小班授课可让每名学生认真投入到课堂,并确保他们的吸收率,不会忽略任何一名孩子的感受。 第三章:如何化解学习压力的贴士——学习与自我呵护的平衡 学生如果能关注一些化解压力的贴士,对他们来说会很有帮助。在备考之前,老师、员工和家长会说出一些积极鼓励的话语,同样能缓解压力。相反,如果你无法合理化解压力的话,你很可能会面临困境、或陷入到沉重的压力中。如果你面临压力,往往很难获得一个舒适放松的睡眠,你的注意力会开始衰退,很简单的任务也会耗费很长的时间,更不用说广泛地学习了。因此,平衡好学习和健康之间的关系,就变得至关重要。 以下是在瑞士的布里蒙(BrillantMont)国际学院:学生福利和关怀协调员布朗夫人、及其副教务长维克多•麦克莱恩的帮助下,整理出的9点建议: 1.提前做好学习和复习计划,确立自己的社交和休息时间。有组织、有条理性的学生,意味着他们不必牺牲自己的睡眠、健康、社交生活、或者其他写作业的时间,这样你就可以轻松从容地应对各种任务和要求,有了这份计划还不会忘记任何重点。 2.不要设立不切现实的目标:像周六一天学习10个小时之类。而最好是设立一个能在短期内完成的目标,并做到劳逸结合。 3.你不必掌握一切知识,你可以先从自己熟知的章节开始学习,增强自信心,勤学好问。 4.健康饮食并多喝水。看上去这是再基础不过的贴士,但是当学生一门心思地倾注在学习中时,很容易遗忘这点。 5.加强体育锻炼。最能让大脑得到充分休息并激活它的方式就是经常锻炼,不断获取能量,包括:伸展热身、户外跑步或快走、与你的朋友结伴踢一场球,乃至任何能让你动起来,离开大脑运转几分钟的活动。 6.睡眠是至关重要的。不要把事情拖到最后一分钟,然后再通宵(all-nighter)来完成。根据最新的一项研究,熬夜会导致运动和注意力受损,同样还会造成记忆力减退。此外,刚学习完就尝试入睡的话,会极大的影响睡眠质量,所以在睡前最好还是做一些放松或有益身心的事情。 7.考试当天的早晨,不要再去复习功课,也尽量避免和同学去过多地讨论考试的答案,以免产生更多压力。 8.找一处整洁干净的地方,你所处的环境非常重要,得避免让你分心。如果你听着舒缓的音乐,也会让你更专注地学习。如果你的环境是杂乱无章的,那会产生很多的压抑感。 9.对自己坦诚些,并知道自己的极限。可以养成良好的学习习惯。10.多利用校方的教学资源支持。向他人寻求帮助永远不会太早或太晚,根据你的学习计划来审视需要哪些帮助。询问其他同学是否能让你加入进一个学习小组。一旦老师在你身旁时,就多向他们提问题。 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 English Version Exam Prep at Swiss Boarding School Part I: In the Classroom The spring term has begun and as our students begin immersing themselves in their classes, trying out new activities, and making new friends, it is important not to forget to start preparing for exams. Spring is the time for many of the important exams of your boarding school career, tests that will shape your future. School prepares students to take IGCSE, A Levels, SAT, IELTS and European language exams. The following are some tips for how to get ahead in your exam prep. Whether this spring includes a milestone exit exam for you such as the A levels or SATs, or just a challenging term of regular classes, every student at every level can start to adopt some of these healthy learning habits. Part II: Tips for getting ahead 1. Attend every class and be on time Whether it is a class or an exam workshop, attend every one so that you do not miss any important material. Being on time shows respect to the teachers and shows them that you are eager to learn, plus sometimes reviewing is done at the beginning of class. If you cannot attend because youre ill, have a friend take notes for you or ask the teacher what you missed. 2. Sit near the front It is easier to pay attention and stay focused when you sit near the front of the class. Swiss boarding schools are unique in being a small international school, so class sizes allow for all students to engage in ways that work for them. Take advantage of the fantastic student to teacher ratio. 3. Get into the habit of taking notes Taking notes is an important skill that you will need in university. Start getting into the habit of taking them early on. Every year during reading week, school brings in an author to talk to the students about their work. Guest lectures and workshops like this allow for even more practice opportunities. The more you do it the more natural and easy it becomes! 4. Make sure you understand everything Teachers encourage their students to ask questions. Guests that have come to our school have noted the high level of engagement that our students demonstrate. If you are confused by something being taught, or are unsure of a concept that was just explained, do not be shy to ask questions. It is often the people that speak up who end up learning the most. And chances are that if you do not understand something, you are not alone. Another classmate will be grateful that someone asked for clarification. 5. Review your notes after class One of the best tips for early exam preparation is to go over your notes after class, ideally the same day. Even a quick glance over what you wrote will help solidify and consolidate what you have been learning and make it easier to recall information on the test. The excellent teachers and staff at school are happy to work with you individually to provide study support. The small size of the school allows for individualized attention to be sure that no student falls behind or feels overwhelmed. Study Tips for Stress: Balancing Studying and Self-Care (Part III) It is all well and good to keep in mind all of the study tips for stress that we have provided, as well as the words of encouragement around exam preparation from teachers, staff and parents, but if you aren’t careful you can easily burn out on studying and fall under an oppressive cycle of stress.When you are under stress, it is often more difficult to get restful sleep, your focus will start to wane, and you will take longer to do simple tasks, let alone extensive learning. It is therefore essential that you carefully balance studying and self-care.、 The following are some tips compiled with the help of Mrs. Brown, the Brillantmont Student Well-Being and Pastoral Care Co-ordinator, and Victor McClean, the Assistant Academic Head.Plan ahead your study sessions or revision routine. Build in social time and breaks. Organization means you often do not have to sacrifice your sleep, health, social life, or other school assignments or studying and you can breath easier knowing aren’t forgetting something important.Do not set unrealistic goals like 10 hours of studying this Saturday. Instead set a goal of finishing a certain task and build in breaks.You do not have to know everything if you are worried about a topic start with your strengths to build confidence and always asks questions. Eat well and drink plenty of water. This seems pretty basic, but is often neglected when we get immersed in our studies.Do some physical activity. The best kind of break to reactivate your brain and get new energy includes stretching, going for a short run or walk, or kicking a ball around with friends. Anything that gets you moving and out of your head for a few minutes.Sleep is vital. Do not leave things to the last minute and then pull an “all-nighter.” According to a recent study, one night of no sleep results in impaired movement and focus as well as memory retention. In addition, you will not sleep well if you try to study right up to going to bed. Do something to wind down and relax before you go to sleep. Do not revise the morning of the exam and avoid talking to friends about the exam as this will lead to stress.Your environment is important. Find a tidy, clean space that will limit distraction and interruption. If you study well listening to calming music, put your headphones in. Clutter can increase stress and the sense of overwhelm.Be honest with yourself and know your limits. Allow this to guide your study habits. Use teachers and staff as resources and support. It is never too early or late to reach out. Ask for help in looking over your study plan. Ask other students to join you in a study session. Ask your teachers questi...