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苏茜-希利尔  财富规划主管


作为财富规划主管,苏茜拥有超过20年的经验,为众多专业人士、企业家和董事会成员提供值得信赖的咨询服务,并与她多年来提供咨询的众多家族持续合作。苏茜为Stonehage Fleming集团制定了高标准的、技术规范的咨询服务——她在市场上受到广泛认可,尤其是在英国的养老金条款这一复杂的领域。 苏茜于2012年加入该团队,此前,她的大部分职业生涯都在伦敦金融城的特许会计师事务所德勤(Deloitte)、安达信(Andersen)和罗布森罗德(RSM Robson Rhodes)的专业咨询环境中,为私人客户提供服务。     在财富规划方面,我们集战略家和技术人员于一身。如果你能了解清楚客户财富的整体情况和目的,你就能帮助他们考虑他们的退休计划、投资、以及税务结构的选择。我认为,那些只专注于可投资资产或退休计划的公司,错过了太多可以为客户增值的机会。而我们则不同寻常地采用这种更广泛、更全面的远景观点。我们使用的最重要的工具是我们的耳朵。通常,我们对潜在客户说的第一件事就是“介绍一下您自己”。我们想知道客户对关键问题的看法和感受,而不仅仅是了解他们的资金流入和流出。我们想知道是什么驱使着他们,又是什么让他们夜不能寐。我们倾听他们说什么,并利用他们的反应来辅助建立其财富的战略。这些对话可能会非常有趣,而且通常与金钱无关。





English Version

Susie Hillier  

Head of Wealth Planning 

As Head of Wealth Planning, Susie brings over 20 years' experience as a trusted adviser to a wide client base of professionals, entrepreneurs and Board Directors and continues to work with many families that she has advised for many years. Susie sets our high standard of technical regulated advice delivery - she is widely recognized in the market particularly in the complex area of UK pension provision. Susie joined the team in 2012 having spent the majority of her career advising private clients from within the professional consultancy environment at City Chartered Accountants Deloitte, Andersen and RSM Robson Rhodes.

In wealth planning we are strategists and technicians in one. You can only help someone think about their retirement planning, investments or tax structuring options if you understand the big picture and the purpose of their wealth. I believe that those firms who focus solely for example on investable assets or retirement planning miss so many opportunities to add value for clients. We are unusual in adopting this broader, holistic perspective.

The most important tool we use is our ears. Very often the first thing we say to a potential client is, “tell me about yourself”. We want to know what our clients think and feel about key issues rather than just understand their financial inflows and outflows. We want to know what drives them and what keeps them awake at night. We listen to what they say and use their responses to help build a strategy for their wealth. These conversations can be very interesting and often have very little to do with money.

We generally start with a financial ‘health check’. We do this for clients, no matter what their level of wealth. This enables us to plot someone’s financial position today against their objectives and highlight areas they should consider. We look at ‘what if’ scenarios and demonstrate the relative impact different life events may have, such as a marriage, the arrival of children, retirement or philanthropy. This is a good start for any strategic conversation. Our clients find our approach refreshing and it helps to set us apart from our peers.

We work with a huge range of clients. At one end of the spectrum, we look after ‘accumulators’ who are in the first stages of building their wealth. They could be the next generation who will inherit and require education, or entrepreneurs starting out with limited disposable income. At the other, we look after ultra-high net worth individuals, including private equity professionals or owner managers exiting businesses for multiple millions.

Being part of a wider international family office has many advantages for our clients. Our broad in-house expertise allows us to advise complex clients in a streamlined and efficient way. Our clients have access to numerous specialists, who they can engage with without building relationships from scratch. They have confidence in us to refer them to the best person for the job, whether inside or outside of the firm.

We are a people business. Technology is revolutionizing client expectations around delivery but part of what differentiates us in the marketplace is that we build incredible relationships. We truly understand our clients and have the ability to share knowledge built from years of addressing similar issues faced by other families. We would be hard pushed to replace that with technology.



1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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