2019 Fete des Vignerons 瑞士沃韦葡萄酒节, 庆典晚会实况
2019 Fête des Vignerons 瑞士沃韦葡萄酒节, 庆典晚会实况 在瑞士的莱蒙湖畔(又称:日内瓦湖),有一座魅力小城沃韦(Vevey),沿岸风光旖旎,整年阳光明媚。玲珑优雅的度假别墅鳞次栉比,山坡上的葡萄梯田连绵蜿蜒,800多公顷的种植面积蔚为壮观。沃韦小镇地处沃州(Vaud),临近蒙特勒市(Montreux),从中世纪开始作为葡萄酒业的中心,逐渐发展繁荣起来。步行在鲜花盛开的湖畔,穿梭于葡萄园间的小径,都会是非常美妙的享受。 沃韦曾是喜剧大师卓别林(Charles Chaplin)晚年的定居地,世界闻名的雀巢公司(Nestle)总部和食品博物馆也坐落于此(当地的巧克力闻名于世)。但这座小镇还有一张“名片”,那就是每隔约20年才举行一次的民间传统葡萄酒节。2016年,“沃韦葡萄酒节”被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化遗产名录(intangible cultural heritage)。高山号角、奶牛牛铃、约德尔调和舞蹈演员组成的盛大仪式,为这个可以追溯到18世纪的节日拉开了序幕。 沃韦葡萄酒节(Fête des Vignerons)又被称为葡萄种植者节或酿酒师节,起源于17至18世纪当地酿酒师行会在沃韦街头举办的盛装游行,已有两百多年历史(整个20世纪,仅于1905、1927、1955、1977、1999年共举办过5届)。 这个节日起源于17世纪开始的一场比赛,目的是彰显该产区的优质葡萄酒,比赛的分级制度吹毛求疵般挑剔,另一些葡萄种植者无力通过所有检查。在1797年的第一个正式节日上,该节日以风趣调侃地“加冕”杰出的葡萄种植者而开启。 沃韦的葡萄酒节是由当地的葡萄种植者行业协会所组织的,每一代人在这里举行一次。它同时也象征着一代又一代人关于葡萄种植方面的文化传承与对话。2019年的第42届世界葡萄与葡萄酒大会,也在7月15~19日于瑞士日内瓦召开。 今年的节日里,当地新建起了有2万个坐席、面朝莱蒙湖的现代化露天剧场(已超过沃韦小镇的人口),每晚两个小时的节目轮番上演。据组委会估计,整个庆典期间将吸引100万来自世界各地的观众。总预算高达1亿瑞士法郎。 2019年7月18日,第12届瑞士沃韦葡萄酒节正式开幕。由索契和都灵冬奥会闭幕式的导演、来自瑞士提契诺州的丹尼尔·芬齐·帕斯卡(Daniele Finzi Pasca)执导开幕晚会。主办方采用高科技手段,打造世界上最大的户外led灯光舞台。每晚上演的节目,代表着“葡萄园生命中的一年”,其中20个场景以丰收结尾。虽然向葡萄酒种植者授予褒奖,但这个节日实际上是对瑞士联邦、以及其令人惊叹的自然环境的庆祝,以该国26个州或地区的每个州为特色。 三周的时间内,莱蒙湖畔的小城沃韦将被这样的一系列的盛典活动所包围。在盛大的游行和演出队伍中,更是还原了200多年前首次庆祝活动上很多的衣着。6000多套表演服装均在意大利定制,且服装的制作费用都由志愿者自己承担。 对于葡萄酒种植者来说,这是一场多彩的、永恒的瑞士庆典。人们穿戴代表葡萄园生活方方面面的服装:蚂蚁和蚱蜢这一类昆虫;啄食葡萄干的椋鸟那般的害虫;年轻的恋人在藤蔓中嬉戏;干旱和暴风雨使葡萄种植者们不知所措…… 在周四的游行开始仪式上,身穿蝴蝶、蜜蜂或瓢虫服装的孩子们在小镇上游行,而扛着道具、威武雄壮的仪仗队员们,则在瑞士的阳光下休息小酌,他们的杯子里通常装的是冰镇啤酒,而不是葡萄酒(为了入夜上台表演时保持清醒)。 “我们等这一刻已经等了20年了,这太疯狂了!”31岁的物理治疗师范尼·鲁普戴着一顶宽边帽,身穿一件传统服装。他们的手臂搭在父亲的肩膀上,唱起了节日歌曲“Ranz des Vaches”,这是一首充满怀旧情怀的阿尔卑斯歌曲,由18世纪的日内瓦哲学家让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)推广开来。据了解,今年约有1万名来自瑞士各地的志愿者参与此次葡萄酒节,分文不取地参与演出以及服务工作(6000多名表演者、1000多位歌手),显示了极高的演出水准。当地人以本土为骄傲,热爱本地生活的精神,令人感慨。几乎每一位演出者都和葡萄种植业有关,他们或是葡萄种植的专业人士,或是葡萄酒酿造师,或是他们的后代,以传统歌曲、舞蹈与剧场表演,演绎着葡萄种植行业的方方面面。2019年的沃韦葡萄酒节将持续至8月11日。届时,除了在露天剧场还将举行的10多场表演外,沃韦镇上还会有盛装游行、歌舞表演、酒窖开放等多项活动。主办方预计,参与此次葡萄酒节的人数将达上百万,预算无法完全收回在所难免。葡萄酒节执行董事弗雷德里克•霍尔(Frederic Hohl)表示,许多生活在海外的瑞士人已经预订了参加庆典的门票。他说:“老实说,我们可以骄傲地宣布:沃韦将成为瑞士的首都一个月。” 瑞士沃州葡萄酒协会负责人本杰明在接受采访时说:从经济的角度来说,葡萄酒对于整个沃州的贡献非常的重要。首先,葡萄就是我们传统的一部分,它也成为沃州人生活的一部分。这是一种文化,葡萄酒和葡萄园也为我们的风景增光添彩。梯田式的葡萄园有助于接受更多阳光照射,加上莱蒙湖反射的日光和热气流,周围农庄的石墙被阳光炙烤后,在夜间源源不断散发出的热量,使葡萄能一直都保持在最适宜生长的温度。瑞士沃州种植的葡萄被誉为晒足三个太阳(天、水、墙)! 这里还有不少私人酒窖向游人开放。得益于充足的阳光,和湖边湿润的气候,出产的葡萄风味十足,酿造而成的葡萄酒果味浓郁。美食配美酒,当地传统出产的各式香肠,奶酪火锅、牛肉火锅、烤奶酪等,风味浓郁,也令游客们流连忘返。 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,部分信息、图片等素材,来源于网络公开媒体的报道,如有侵权敬请告知删除,谢谢! Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》19——可持续投资: 一段旅程, 而不是目的地
《传承宝典》19——可持续投资 一段旅程, 而不是目的地 投资于环境、社会和治理(ESG)指标排名最高的公司,往往无法获得最佳的社会效益。事实上,尽管可持续投资领域出现了许多新产品,并将资本配置给当今的“一流企业”,但有证据表明,最大的收益并非来自那些稳居一流水平企业的不断提高,而是来自那些不那么可持续的企业在其实践中所做出重大改变。通过逐步向它们分配更多的资本,并奖励那些正在拥抱其更可持续发展之路的企业,社会就能取得更好的成果。这种方法的缺点是,ESG(环境、社会和治理)的投资组合评分最初可能看起来不那么令人印象深刻,因为它们无法反映出机构投资者与管理团队之合作、以及将可持续政策进一步提上议程的幕后工作。新兴市场也需要同样的思维模式转变。投资者应该根据同行群体来判断企业,并小心谨慎地不要透过西方价值观来看待它们。作为一个行业,新兴市场的特点是强劲的潜在经济增长,尽管伴随着更大的政治和运营风险,但有望带来可观的潜在投资回报。考虑到这些市场的人均GDP要低得多,因而当谈到ESG(环境、社会和治理)时,投资者有责任帮助这些新兴市场经济体保持增长、改善他们的生活质量、为其公民创造机会、同时鼓励他们减少污染。 撇开ESG(环境、社会和治理)的成果不谈,与此方法相关的附加投资价值也是可观的。在今天的市场上,ESG资质较好的公司估值可能更高。通过寻找处于ESG之旅早期阶段的公司,活跃的经理人可以找到机会——只有当公司迅速增长的资历得到实现时,它们才可能吸引到更广泛市场的目光。那些制定了管理政策并参与被投资公司订约的少数被动投资者,在可持续投资组合中可以发挥作用。但对于那些在市场上淘洗被普遍忽视的公司、并准备在ESG问题上着眼长远的价值经理来说,是存在一些诱人的机会的。 English Version Investing in companies top-rated for environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics is very often not where the best social outcomes can be made. Indeed, despite much new product in the sustainable investment world allocating capital to today’s ‘best in class’, evidence suggests that the greatest gains are made not when those already best in class improve incrementally, but when today’s less sustainable companies make big step changes in their practices. By incrementally allocating more capital to them and rewarding those companies who are embracing their journey towards greater sustainability, better outcomes are achievable for society. The downside of this approach is that the ESG scores for portfolios may look less impressive initially because they cannot reflect the work behind the scenes by institutional investors engaging with management teams and pushing sustainability policies further up the agenda. The same shift in mind-set is required with Emerging Markets. Investors should judge companies according to their peer group and take care not to view them through the filter of western values. As a sector, Emerging Markets is characterized by strong latent economic growth which, though accompanied by greater political and operational risks, promises impressive potential investment returns. Given GDP per capita is far lower in these markets, when it comes to ESG, the onus is on investors to help these economies grow and improve the quality of life and create opportunity for their citizens while also encouraging them to reduce pollution. ESG outcomes aside, the added investment value associated with this approach is considerable. In today’s market, companies with better ESG credentials are likely to have higher valuations. By seeking out companies early in their ESG journey, active managers can find opportunities - companies which may only otherwise have caught the eye of the wider market once their burgeoning credentials had been realized. Those few passive investors who have developed policies around stewardship and participate in engagement with investee companies have a role to play in sustainable portfolios. But for value managers who scour the market for companies generally overlooked by the market and who are prepared to take the long view when it comes to ESG, there are some compelling opportunities out there. 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》21——管理您与银行关系的价值(上) 迈克·穆迪 合伙人-全球业务发展主管 迈克负责全面管理整个Stonehage Fleming集团内外、所有战略和运营业务的发展与活动。他也是驻加拿大代表处的负责人,在那里他是一些全球超高净值家族的主要顾问(Key Adviser)。Mike于2017年4月正式加入Stonehage Fleming集团,担任合伙人以及加拿大家族办公室的负责人,任职于多伦多。此前,他在加拿大皇家银行(RBC)工作了30年,通过在5个国家任职,领导着横跨美洲、不列颠群岛和其他重要地区的国际财富管理业务。 一. 富裕家庭和家族办公室越来越意识到: 有必要在管理其与银行的关系方面更加积极主动.有些令人惊讶的事实是:随着银行在打击洗钱的斗争中,采取了越来越广泛的合规程序,以避免与监管机构发生冲突——如今,富裕的国际化家族开设一个银行账户,会比普通个人要困难得多。许多家庭恰恰经历过这一问题,而且常常感到震惊。他们的财富,通常使正常的生活障碍更容易克服,而不是更困难。他们习惯了被尊重,而不是被怀疑;他们也习惯了被人奉承以获得业务,而不是被要求通过审批程序。在过去的20年里,到目前为止,开立一个银行账户这件小事,已经成为一个费时、费钱和令人恼火的过程。监管机构的要求,特别是反洗钱法规的要求,涉及越来越多的文件、核查和参考资料,以便银行能够就拟议账户持有人的诚信度、及其资金来源等问题得到满足。出于非常充分的理由,这些检查已形成强制性程序,必须遵守这些程序,即使所涉及的人员已为相关银行所熟知,而且资金来源也很容易确定。 对一位个人来说,这个过程是令人厌烦的,有时似乎是荒谬的,但通常只是短暂的愤懑而已。而对于一个拥有众多家庭成员、横跨多个司法管辖区、以各种结构持有复杂资产的国际性富裕家族来说,这可能是一个需要耗费专业工作时日、持续数月的的重大工程。即便如此,相关银行可能也不会轻易满足,因为在许多不同国家、不同制度下收集的信息,都需要通过银行的主要合规部门进行整理和处理。是否开户的决定可能会由相关的银行总部来决定,而总部通常离“分行”非常远。 虽然建立一段与银行之间的新关系,现已是个众所周知的问题,但大多数家庭仍然认为他们现有的关系是理所当然的。但在银行内部,人们越来越多地对长期受人尊敬的客户提出质疑,因为这些客户在银行档案中的准确数据,已不符合他们目前的要求。理想情况下,当出现这种情况时,应该与客户进行一次对话,但是很难满足对交易历史证据的要求,也不能排除账户被突然关闭的可能性。在某些情况下,基金甚至可能因为一个错漏或曲解而被冻结,并向当局作出报告,这可能会给此家族的姓氏留下持久的印记。出于这个原因,我们强烈建议富裕家庭在管理现有的银行关系方面付出更多努力。仅仅让他们的客户关系经理、或账户所设立的分行了解到最新的发展、并假定他们能够管理好其组织内部相关数据的通信,已经不太足够了。家庭,特别是国际生意错综复杂的家庭,可能需要与其银行所有相关部门建立直接沟通的渠道,确保所有可能的决策者都能得到及时的信息和保证。这是关于家族在银行内部风险状况的管理。 Mike has responsibility for the overall management of all strategic and operational business development activities across the Stonehage Fleming Group. He is also Head of our Representative Office in Canada where he serves as a Key Adviser to a number of ultra and high net worth families globally. Mike joined Stonehage Fleming formally in April 2017 as Partner – Head of Family Office Canada, based in Toronto, following a 30 year career with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) leading international wealth management businesses across the Americas, British Isles, and other key geographies through postings in five countries. 1. Wealthy families and family offices are increasingly aware of the need to be much more proactive in the management of their banking relationships. The somewhat surprising truth is that it is now much more difficult for a wealthy international family to open a bank account than for an ordinary individual, as banks put in place ever more extensive compliance procedures to avoid falling foul of the regulators, in the fight against money laundering. Many families have experienced precisely this problem and it has often come as a shock. Their wealth has generally made the normal obstacles of life easier to navigate rather than more difficult. They are used to being treated with respect, rather than suspicion and to people falling over themselves to get their business, rather than subjecting them to a demanding approval process. Over the last twenty years, the hitherto small matter of opening a bank account has become a time consuming, costly and irritating process. The requirements of regulators, particularly anti money laundering legislation, involve more and more documentation, verification and references, so that the banks may be satisfied as to the integrity of the proposed account holders and the origin of the funds. For very good reasons, these checks have been shaped into mandatory processes, which must be followed, even where the people involved are already well known to the Bank and the source of funds is readily identifiable. For an individual, the process is tiresome and sometimes seems absurd, but is generally only a passing irritation. For an internationally wealthy family with numerous family members, complex assets held through a variety of structures across several jurisdictions, it can be a major project requiring many hours of professional time, over a period of several months. Even then, the bank may not easily be satisfied, as information assembled in a number of different countries, each with different systems, is collated and processed through the lead compliance department of the bank. The decision on whether or not to open the account will likely be guided by the relevant head office, often very remote from the bank ‘branch’. Whilst the problems of starting a new banking relationship are now well known, most families still take for granted their existing relationships. But increasingly questions get raised within banks about long standing and highly respected clients, where the precise data on the bank’s files does not meet their current requirements. Ideally, when such a situation arises, a conversation will be opened with the client, but requirements for historic evidence of transactions can be difficult to satisfy and the possibility of accounts being precipitately closed cannot be ruled out. In some cases, funds may even be frozen as a result of an error or misunderstanding and a report made to the authorities, which may leave a lasting mark against the family name. For this reason, wealthy families are well advised to dedicate more effort to the management of existing banking relationships. It is no longer enough to keep their relationship manager, or account holding branch, abreast of developments and assume that they will be able to manage the communication of the relevant data within their own organization. Families, particularly those with complex international affairs, may need to open up direct communication channels with all the relevant departments of the bank, to ensure all potential decision makers are kept informed and reassured. This is about the management of the family’s risk profile within the bank. 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士小记者 Jane 的 SHMS 大学 SLC 语言夏令营心得 (中英双语)
瑞士小记者|Jane 的 SHMS 大学 SLC 语言夏令营心得 2019年夏,Jane 通过雷梭勒家族办公室的教育事业部,报名参加了 SEG 瑞士教育集团组织的酒店管理大学 SLC 语言夏令营。让我们随着她用中英文撰稿的心得体会,充分领略这一段丰富多彩的学习生活吧! 小雨轻轻地飘在棕红色的屋瓦上,朦胧了沉没在绿意中的村庄,雾化着不远处乳白的山尖。 巴士在盘山公路上绕行,抵达位于 Leysin 小镇深处的 SHMS 大学(全称:瑞士酒店管理大学)已是傍晚时分。缠绕山峦的云雾随着雨停开始慢慢散去。太阳还未落下,鹅黄与淡紫的光晕相互交融地铺满了整片碧空。学校位于山头,瑞士的高山往往耸立在茂密的松林中,一抬头仿佛伸手就可以触碰到紫罗兰色的云天。 宽敞热闹的大理石柱前厅里,我坐在联排软沙发上,打量着聚集在此、来自于世界各地的外国人:我看到不同的肤色,倾听他们聊天时陌生的语言。热情的国际小伙伴们向我打来招呼,几声问候给内心尚属生分的我,带来了一丝被人接纳的温暖。 不知不觉间与同龄人攀谈了起来,我那金发碧眼的新朋友逐渐被古老而富有神秘色彩的东方文化所吸引,我则沉浸在她讲述关于西班牙皇宫的记忆描述之中。我爱这国际化的现代大厅,不多时便逐一结识到了将陪伴我在Leysin度过快乐一周的好朋友们:他(她)们来自于西班牙、波兰、俄罗斯、南非、伊朗和日本。 十几分钟后,我与大伙儿依依不舍地结束聊天又相约晚餐再聚。在Reception(接待部)老师亲切的带领下,我参观了整个校园,教室宽敞而整洁,柔和的夕阳透过巨大的落地窗,通过洁净的玻璃可以看到壮丽的景观;室外半空有轨缆车连接着两栋主教学楼,乘坐缆车时还可以眺望巍峨的群山和错落有致的村庄;宿舍阳台正对着远处翠绿的山林,每个房间都带有独立的卫浴;还有精致的西餐厅、温馨的学生中心、气派的礼堂……我深深地为即将开始的生活而感到期待和憧憬。 老师说着一口纯正的美式英语,在讲台上慷慨激昂地授课,每名同学都情绪高涨地聆听响应,教室里一派和谐的氛围。 吃过早餐,充实的一天从课堂开始。夏令营的学习主题是提升语言水平,根据学生的不同需求开设了英语、法语和德语三种课程。老师没有将语言学习仅限于英语语法教学,而是专注于培养我们自主查找外文资料、提取关键信息、运用素材论述的能力,以及独立思考和做出成果并展示的能力。 这一星期的课堂中,学习的主题是维护平权和世界和平。通过自主查到的资料,我了解到非洲裔美国人如何反抗种族歧视并且取得胜利,其他国家的和平运动领导人的经验经历,以及他们对世界的积极影响。使我烙下了深刻印象的,不仅仅是为了自我尊严而奋斗的精神,更让我意识到:即使人类是个体,在这个世界上却依旧有很多人去努力追求整个社会的和谐,去追求他人权利和价值的实现。 我和来自俄罗斯的三位伙伴共同开展了关于印度领导人甘地的演讲,这项活动锻炼了我在众人面前演说的胆量,并且通过老师的精心指点,我学习到了很多策划公众展示的知识。夏令营的课堂对我受益匪浅。 “天鹅和水禽搏戏水上,游艇和彩帆游弋湖中。一群群白鸽在湖畔倘佯,如此的平和宁静。” 贝克斯岩矿场,错综复杂的地下隧道,由巨大石柱支撑起的地下迷宫,石洞顶壁盘旋着岩石金属质地的花纹,偶尔还可以看到倒垂的盐柱。 卓别林博物馆,蜡像栩栩如生,真实还原了喜剧经典的拍摄场景,白房子内的置景带领游客走进了喜剧大师卓别林的一生。 一座鲜少有人的高山,去到秘境需要穿越一片草场,拨开丛生的绿叶和野花,在山顶平地处谛听盛装绅士们吹奏起瑞士号角。 重积雪给那光秃秃的山顶铺上了一张结满冰棱的毯子,师生们的欢声笑语伴随着雪地滑板的行驶洒满了一路。 西庸古堡,位于将瑞、法两国分界两岸的蒙特勒湖畔,陪伴着欧洲贵族走过700年的兴衰历史。蓝天、白云、青山、湖泊、还有作家拜伦笔下《西庸城堡的罪人》。 徜徉在大自然的怀抱中,我散发着活力与激情。这就是本次发现瑞士之旅,我最爱的夏令营活动! 撰稿人:Jane 瑞士 SHMS,Leysin 2019年8月 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 English Version —— Gentle rain floated lightly on the brown-red roof, drops of rain was hazy the village which sinking into green, also atomized the milk-white hilltop not far away. The bus detoured on the winding mountain road and arrived at the SHMS school (Swiss Hotel Management School) in the depths of the town of Leysin at 5 oclock in the evening. The clouds that entangled the mountains slowly dissipated as the rain stopped, and the sun did not fall. The halo of yellow and faint purple blended with a whole bluish sky. The school was located on the top of the hill, and the mountains of Switzerland often stands in dense pine forests. As if you can touch the violet sky when you raise your head. In the lively wide lobby, I sat on the soft sofa and looked at the foreigners from all over the world gathered in the hall: I saw all kinds of skin color and hair color, listening to the strange language they used for chatting. The enthusiastic international friends greeted me, and a few greetings brought a touch of warmth to me who was filled with strangers. Talking to people naturally just before I realized, my blond new friend is gradually attracted to the mysterious ancient oriental culture, I am immersed in her memory description of the Spanish palace. I love this modern hall. I soon met my good friends who accompanied me through the happy week in Geneva: they are from Spain, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Iran, and Japan... After ten minutes, we reluctantly ended the chat and reunited in dinner. Under the cordial guidance of the teacher from the reception, I visited the entire school. The classroom was spacious and tidy, the soft sunset penetrated the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and the outdoor view can be seen through the clean glass; the outdoor cable car connected two school buildings, and you can see the giant mountains and the cute village; the dormitory balcony was facing the green forest in a distance, and each room had an independent bathroom; there is a fine western restaurant, a warm student center, the elegant auditorium... I was deeply happy to be here. —— The teacher was giving a presentation generously on the podium with a pure American English. Everyone was emotionally and responsive, and the classroom was harmonious. Ended the breakfast and started the day formally in the classroom. The theme of the summer camp was to promote foreigners’ second language, and it offered three courses in English, French and German according to the different needs of the students. Instead of limiting language learning to English grammar teaching, the teacher focused on developing our ability to find information, extract data and use data independently, to think independently and to demonstrate results. The theme in this weeks class is to maintain affirmative and world peace. Through self-discovering information, I learned how African Americans were fighting against racial discrimination and they won in the end, the experience of peace leaders in other countries and the impact on the world. I was deeply impressed, not only the spirit of fighting for human dignity, but also let me realize that even if human beings are individuals, there are still many people in this world who are striving to pursue the harmony of the whole society and the world, pursuing the rights of others and the realization of others’ value. I and the three partners from Russia jointly gave a speech on Indian leader Gandhi. This activity exercised my courage when I give a speech before people, and through the guidance of the teacher, I learned a lot of knowledge about planning public display. The class has benefited me a lot. —— "Swan and waterfowl play on the water, yachts and colorful sails swim in the lake. Groups of white pigeons are peaceful and quiet at the lakeside." 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com