Vaudijon(福地荣)城堡庄园 瑞士家族文脉的一张名片 在日内瓦通往纳沙泰尔的火车和高速上,一眼就能望见黄色石墙明亮地闪耀着,Vaudijon(音译为:福地荣)城堡庄园是如此引人注目,它属于瑞士国家级“历史文化保护建筑”之一,是当地家族文脉传承的一张名片。宅邸的观景台突出于四周环绕的葡萄园,呈皇冠形,位于山顶,雄伟地俯瞰着Areuse山谷自然保护区,又毗邻纳沙泰尔湖。总占地12公顷的庄园,包括4.5公顷的葡萄梯田,附有一个草木生气盎然、喷泉古树林立的大花园。这是一座建于19世纪初的经典法式贵族建筑,另大城市里的众多豪宅都不复艳羡。Vaudijon城堡庄园由著名印度棉布贸易巨贾Cortaillod的后裔Jean-Pierre DuPasquier建造,于2012年被来自法国的Laurent Lozano(常年担任LVMH集团的轩尼诗干邑品牌研发总监)和妻子Carine Palu(显赫家族背景参见文末)买下。在茂盛的葡萄田园里能找到莎斯拉、黑皮诺和霞多丽等诸多品种,结实的土壤质地允许匠人驭马耕种,将有机农业与骑士精神古今合璧、同框彰显。这座两百年的大庄园,历史上并非与纳沙泰尔州的某一大家族有关,而是好多家:DuPasquier,Bovet,Bonhôte,Morin,Morf……这些个老牌贵族先后拥有过该城堡,并世代繁衍、生息于此。城堡最初的历史曾得益于印度棉花纺出的涂料织物,在十八世纪为纳沙泰尔赢得了世界性的声誉,也使得Jean-Pierre DuPasquier“不得不继承相当多的财富”。但他更多地致力于全身心建造葡萄庄园,乃至为了这份情怀,放弃了印度工厂的股权。 1791年,已在当地购得两片葡萄园的他,建筑构思的第一个灵感来自伯尔尼的雕刻艺术。城堡委托当时知名的法国建筑设计师Jacques-Francois Blondel设计,其雏形借鉴了18世纪最为杰出的法国建筑产物,如巴黎的Bagatelle城堡、贝桑松的Salm大厦和Intendance大酒店等,品位独具一格。建筑石材品质精良,圆形客厅的装饰浮雕出自著名雕刻家塞尔-大卫-卡拉梅,花纹主题是春、夏、秋的寓言,象征着映衬在彩虹之下、常葆工作热情、丰腴婀娜的希腊丰收女神。经过了首任领主近30年的精心营造,终于在1827年落成为当时的地标。在Vaudijon城堡的所有者中,Eugene Bonhôte无疑是最著名的。他是一名律师,自由党议员,1912-1924年曾担任瑞士联邦委员,被昵称为“宪法监护人”。1883年于该城堡向著名的日内瓦语言学家费迪南德·索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussure)签署的两封信件被国家博物馆珍藏。他的妻子Chambrier,则来自纳沙泰尔州的另一个杰出家族。这座房子在20世纪初由Morin家族占据,后在1958年出售给工业家Ernest Morf。他是手表制造商Montremo(其获专利的手表带有Vaudijon城堡标志)的创始人,至今仍生产表盘。他更是一位华丽建筑和古老石头的爱好者,还收购有Prangins,Champvent等多处别墅城堡。他们父女都是爱马人,曾出版过《Quelle vie de cheval!》一书,时常在城堡花园内双骑翩翩、盛装舞步,家族幸福地生活到2000年。新千年后,一对荷兰-南非籍夫妇Everhard Vissers和妻子Brigitte,买下该城堡并保存十年,他们更在此地创立了瑞士高级腕表Magellan(麦哲伦)。该品牌以探险家费迪南德.麦哲伦命名,他是16世纪首位完成环球旅行的伟大航海家,并第一次证明了地球是圆的。设计师大胆地把圆形的地球仪设计在手表之上,蓝宝石穹顶完全密封,以整个3D地球为刻度,让人们时刻纵览美丽的星球。当被问及为何选中Vaudijon庄园时,现任主人Laurent Lozano的回答简洁明了:“爱种葡萄、爱看飞机、爱赏湖光山色”。夫妇俩精心栽培、酿造美酒之余,与4个孩子共享阿尔卑斯田园牧歌——Life as a Taster(生活宛如品酒家)就是最开心快乐的城堡生活,这无疑也是令全世界众多富豪公卿,纷纷选择隐居于纳沙泰尔州的缘由。 Vaudijon(福地荣)葡萄酒庄园因其自然地理优势、历史艺术价值和完整的延续性,在Colombier地区更显得矜贵上乘和绝无仅有,被誉为建筑界“浑然天成的大师之作”。Lozano夫妇俩保留了最初的法国路易十六建筑风格,没有刻意改造外墙。内饰布局既保持了原有的新古典主义格调,又提供了必要的舒适性。城堡有一个皇冠型的“观景台”,能南眺机场的螺旋桨小飞机起降,东览800米处的纳沙泰尔湖,充分享受阳光和闲适。主楼占地433平方米,摆满艺术品与藏书、圆弧形的英伦俱乐部图书馆(原汁原味的福尔摩斯风格),在瑞士境内是独一无二的。一架螺旋楼梯盘旋在沙龙前厅,极其高挑的圆形客厅气宇轩昂,拼花地面、细木镶嵌、古董家具、三角钢琴、石灰岩天花板、手绘壁画和火炉烟道等完美无缺地从18世纪保存至今,增添卓绝的品质。大小不一的20个房间参差错落:9间卧室(均设有独立卫生间)、办公室、休息室、餐厅、厨房、工作间。顶楼则为遮挡式顶棚,晴天可打开变为露天阳台,总居住面积1300平方米。庄园的五大功能俱全:居住、办公、酒业、养马、老爷车节(详见 https://a-e.li/reports/vaudijons-classic-motors)。农场仓房为一栋三层建筑,包含拱穹顶地下酒窖(崭新的温控不锈钢罐和并列码放的橡木酒桶)、一楼为酿酒厂、二三楼为员工住房和库房,占地面积350平方米。庄园附带一个独立马厩和骑马场,可以容纳四匹爱马,还为兽医配备了马匹传送带。游泳池也按原样保留在花园的曲径通幽处。Vaudijon庄园自产5款有机葡萄酒,由波尔多完成学习、环游世界并在轩尼诗酒业与葡萄、干邑和香槟积累不下数十年经验的Lozano夫妇,亲自监测土壤、指导栽种并精心酿造,全程遵循生物农技和有机模式,获得Bio Sussie和De Meter认证标签。目前的年产量为25,000至30,000瓶,其中包括西拉、解百纳、莎斯拉、黑皮诺、以及10%的橡木大桶发酵霞多丽品种。Vaudijon城堡品牌自从2014年以来屡获殊荣,业内声誉稳固提升,亦被称为:纳沙泰尔葡萄酒复兴的熔炉! 2019年7月,这对法国夫妇又购入了邻村的另一栋中世纪城堡Château Gorgier,并在那里同女方的大家庭定居。Laurent Lozano的妻子Carine Palu系出名门,是福布斯全球排名第125位(2016年后因故不再计入法国富豪榜,曾长期稳居前六)、坐拥163亿美元净资产的法国Pierre Castel家族二代成员。Castel Group(卡斯黛乐集团,http://www.castelchina.com)最早于1949年由9个兄弟姐妹在法国波尔多创立(与Vaudijon城堡的另一谐音“富弟兄”不谋而合),七十年来为法国葡萄酒发扬光大走向世界,为啤酒和软饮在非洲和亚洲地区的发展,贡献了不同凡响的力量。该集团在法国拥有多达21个葡萄园,在非洲存有1,600公顷的葡萄园土地,共建造了45家啤酒厂,每年生产6.4亿瓶葡萄酒,并在130个国家的市场中,每年销售46亿瓶各种酒类和饮料。 作为一家进入中国市场已经20年的葡萄酒企业,卡思黛乐一直引领着进口葡萄酒行业的发展。2017年卡思黛乐中国区销量同比增长17%,高于中国瓶装进口葡萄酒14%的增幅。从1998年进入中国起,1999年通过集团子公司设立“廊坊红城堡酿酒有限公司”为与张裕的合作打下基础;2001年共同推出张裕的核心产品“张裕卡斯特酒庄葡萄酒”;2003年设立上海代表处;2006年开始与经销商建立合作伙伴关系;2007年进口量达到260万瓶;2008年达540万瓶;2009年为10位合作伙伴的1,500多个分销商供货,进口量达1400万瓶,首支广告片登陆央视。2010年销量突破2000万瓶;2011年销量突破3000万瓶, 全新广告片登陆央视。如今在华销量已过亿瓶。天然、芬芳、甜蜜、醉人的葡萄美酒,正在纳沙泰尔湖畔的 Vaudijon(福地荣)城堡里恭迎您的光临品鉴。雷梭勒家族办公室可在24小时内安排城堡参访,以及特享最优的购买价格。该庄园距离日内瓦国际机场70分钟,仅需10分钟即可到达纳沙泰尔市中心,其所获权益可通过雷梭勒家族办公室与瑞士当地政府达成协议,中国企业家可通过税务打包方式,以低成本、高效快速地获得瑞士居留证。并有机会获得有效期为五年的瑞士长期居留证,之后的续签期限也为五年,详询请洽雷梭勒中国运营部。 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》22管理您与银行关系的价值(下) 作为一位英国家族办公室的负责人,Roelof 在管理高净值家庭和个人的全球利益方面拥有丰富的经验。他参与了许多不同的司法管辖区的商业活动、财富管理、财产梳理、艺术收藏和慈善事业。他一贯融入两代人或更多代之间,特别强调长期风险管理和协作决策。 Roelof 于2012年从德意志银行的伦敦分行加入Stonehage Fleming集团。他拥有会计荣誉学士学位,曾供职于毕马威会计师事务所,并于2007年获得英国特许会计师资格。他也是南非特许会计师协会(SAICA)和国际信托房地产从业者协会(STEP)的成员。 理解和预测银行的前景 大多数家庭只是对具体的信息类要求作出反应,而不是试图了解银行的要求并为满足这些需要做好准备。当一个问题的答案引发了另一项更深入的索求时,银行和客户一点一点地提取信息,这是令人沮丧的。银行处理这些事情的方式各不相同,现在明智的做法是与客户关系经理进行详细讨论,确定银行内哪些部门需要得到满足,以及他们在寻找的是什么。只要有可能与银行里的任何一位关键人物交谈,寻求直接接触这些人物并试图建立关系,都是完全明智与合法的。对于大多数情况复杂的家庭来说,改变思维定势是必要的。银行账户不应该再是他们认为理所当然的东西,而是他们为之游说的东西,就像去谈判贷款或筹集外部投资一样。不管喜不喜欢,他们都需要记住,银行是在把自己的名字和诚信借给这个家族,而这个家族在世界各地都从中受益,而在那些地方,这个家族的名字也许不为人知。第三方将更愿意与他们进行交易,因为他们认为银行已经承担了必要的检查。因此,银行承担了一定程度的风险,它需要评估这种风险,就像评估贷款申请一样。银行的风险不仅存在于客户家庭本身的总体诚信度,且存在于家庭的风险管理过程中的所有方面事务,包括当前和历史上他们收购企业的实际经历,当然可能与其家族中央企业相比较:规模更小、关联较远。即使使用最复杂的流程,银行也不容易事先指定它需要的每一项信息,直到它对整体情况有了很好的理解。正是出于这个原因,当这家人觉得自己已经满足了所有的初始要求时,银行有时不得不要求提供更多的信息。 对于现有的关系,家属需要了解,银行的要求可能会因为各种可能的原因发生变化,包括新规定、银行风险偏好的变化以及相关部门员工的变化。银行人员的高流动率是一个切实存在的问题,因为初来乍到的人往往不像他或她的前任那样理解环境,可能会开始提出更多问题。还应该理解的是,法规遵循(合规)过程中的许多筛选(甄别)过程现在都是自动化的,数据中的任何微小错误都可能抛出一个红旗,从而导致更深切的审查,以至于需要更多的信息。了解银行的需求将有助于这家人在同一个地方收集并维护好所有的、或大部分的必要信息,以满足他们的需求,并尽可能地预测他们的需求。 关键是要讲一个连贯的故事,能够支持家族及其所有企业的声誉和诚信,而不是银行必须一点一点地提取信息。即便是慈善基金会,理应得到充分的保护,不幸的是,它们过去也曾被不道德的经营者用来掩盖洗钱活动。 与银行沟通 首先,应与客户关系经理或开户人员进行一次讨论,以确定家庭银行交易可能触及的所有不同银行办事部门,他们需要在何种程度上直接了解情况,以及他们是否有任何特殊要求,视他们的管辖权或他们的职能来定。 例如,不同的司法管辖区、证券交易和银行交易的流程,其相互之间的要求,可能都会有所不同。许多银行现在提供或试图提供一项“全球护照”服务,该服务将使这家人能够在任何管辖区的任何银行分支机构开立账户,同时只需要提供最少量的额外信息,以满足当地的合规性需求。现在的建议是,争取与银行总部和其他有关部门的合规工作人员直接接触,接触的级别尽可能地高。这可能并不容易,因为合规人员被要求保持客观,但在大型和复杂的情况下,他们可能也会认识到:与客户或他们的顾问会面,可能是弥合他们理解上任何分歧的最有效方式。除此之外,最资深员工的流动率往往远低于实际水平,因此连续性的可能性更大。 建议每年更新所有相关数据,并要求银行对银行文件中的所有数据进行全面审查,以确保数据准确,因为即使是最小的错误,如果触发了系统中的一个小警告旗,也可能造成问题。这一审查将包括检查银行内部代码,以确定“共同报告标准(即CRS)”,这将有助于避免信息被发送到错误的司法管辖区的当局,有时还会带来较不幸的后果。English Version UNDERSTANDING AND ANTICIPATING THE BANK’S PERSPECTIVE Most families simply respond to specific requests for information rather than trying to understand the bank’s requirements and preparing themselves to meet those needs. It is frustrating for the bank, as well as the client, to have information extracted bit by bit, when the answer to one question provokes the need for a further request. Banks handle these matters in different ways and it is now wise to have a detailed discussion with the relationship manager to establish which departments of the bank need to be satisfied and what it is they are looking for. Where it is possible to speak to any of the key individuals in the bank it is entirely sensible and legitimate to seek direct access to these people and to try to build a relationship. For most families with complex circumstances, a change of mind-set is required. No longer should the bank accounts be something they take for granted as of right, but something they make a pitch for, just as when negotiating a loan or raising external investment. Like it or not, they need to remember that the bank is lending its name and integrity to the family and that the family benefits from that in all parts of the world, where the family name may not be known. 3rd parties will be more willing to transact with them because it is assumed the bank has undertaken the necessary checks. The bank is hence undertaking some degree of risk and it needs to appraise this risk, just as it would a loan application. The risk to the bank lies not just in the general integrity of the client family itself, but in the family’s own risk management processes across all aspects of its affairs, including the current and historical practices in businesses they have acquired, however small and remote they may be from the central family enterprise. Even with the most sophisticated processes, it is not easy for a bank to specify in advance every piece of information it requires, until it has a good understanding of the overall picture. It is for this reason that banks sometimes have to ask for yet more information when the family feels it has met all their initial requirements. For existing relationships, families need to understand that the bank’s requirements may change for a variety of possible reasons including new regulations, changes in the bank’s risk appetite and changes of staff within the relevant departments. High turnover of personnel in banks is a real problem, as someone coming new to a situation will often not appreciate the context as well as his or her predecessor and may start asking further questions. It should also be understood that many of the screening procedures in the compliance process are now automated and any slight error in the data may throw up a red flag, which leads to closer scrutiny and thus the need for more information. Understanding what the bank is looking for helps the family to assemble and maintain in one place all or most of the information necessary to meet their needs and anticipate their requirements as far as possible. ASSEMBLING THE PACKAGE As suggested above, the family needs to ‘make a pitch’ to a prospective new banker and to continually update the bank with further developments, just as it would when the bank reviews a borrowing facility The pitch should include the following: • Overview of how the family built its wealth, and where the initial finance came from • Key events in both family and business history • Details of all acquisitions and diligence undertaken • Approach to risk management and enforcement • Any reputational issues which have arisen, either in the family or the businesses it owns • Details of all trustees, directors and key business associates, highlighting any which may need explanation • Explanation of contacts or dealings with government • Forecast of what sort of account activity to expect in the coming year The point is to tell a coherent story which supports the reputation and integrity of the family and all its businesses, rather than the bank having to extract information bit by bit. Even charitable foundations need to be fully covered as unfortunately they have in the past been used by unscrupulous operators as a cover for money laundering activities. COMMUNICATING WITH THE BANK Firstly, a discussion should take place with the relationship manager or account opening officer to identify all the different bank offices which may be touched by the family’s banking transactions, to what extent they need to understand the situation directly and whether they may have any particular requirements, resulting from their jurisdiction or their function. For example, requirements may differ between jurisdictions and between securities processing and banking transactions. Many banks now offer or attempt to offer a ‘global passport’ service, which will enable the family to open accounts with any branch of the bank in any jurisdiction, with a minimum of additional information to meet local compliance needs. It is now advisable, to seek direct access to compliance staff in the bank’s head office and other relevant units, at the most senior level possible. This may not be easy as compliance staffs are mandated to remain objective, but in large and complex situations, they may recognize that a meeting with the clients and / or their advisers may be the most effective way of bridging any gaps in their understanding. Apart from anything else, the turnover of the most senior staff tends to be much less than it is down the line, so there is a better chance of continuity. It advisable to update all those involved annually and to ask the bank to conduct a full review of all data held on the bank’s file, to ensure it is accurate, as even the smallest error may create a problem, if it triggers a flag in the system. This review will include checking the internal bank codes for ‘Common Reporting Standards’, which will help avoid the possibility of information being sent to authorities in the wrong jurisdictions, sometimes with unfortunate consequences. 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》19——可持续投资: 一段旅程, 而不是目的地
《传承宝典》19——可持续投资 一段旅程, 而不是目的地 投资于环境、社会和治理(ESG)指标排名最高的公司,往往无法获得最佳的社会效益。事实上,尽管可持续投资领域出现了许多新产品,并将资本配置给当今的“一流企业”,但有证据表明,最大的收益并非来自那些稳居一流水平企业的不断提高,而是来自那些不那么可持续的企业在其实践中所做出重大改变。通过逐步向它们分配更多的资本,并奖励那些正在拥抱其更可持续发展之路的企业,社会就能取得更好的成果。这种方法的缺点是,ESG(环境、社会和治理)的投资组合评分最初可能看起来不那么令人印象深刻,因为它们无法反映出机构投资者与管理团队之合作、以及将可持续政策进一步提上议程的幕后工作。新兴市场也需要同样的思维模式转变。投资者应该根据同行群体来判断企业,并小心谨慎地不要透过西方价值观来看待它们。作为一个行业,新兴市场的特点是强劲的潜在经济增长,尽管伴随着更大的政治和运营风险,但有望带来可观的潜在投资回报。考虑到这些市场的人均GDP要低得多,因而当谈到ESG(环境、社会和治理)时,投资者有责任帮助这些新兴市场经济体保持增长、改善他们的生活质量、为其公民创造机会、同时鼓励他们减少污染。 撇开ESG(环境、社会和治理)的成果不谈,与此方法相关的附加投资价值也是可观的。在今天的市场上,ESG资质较好的公司估值可能更高。通过寻找处于ESG之旅早期阶段的公司,活跃的经理人可以找到机会——只有当公司迅速增长的资历得到实现时,它们才可能吸引到更广泛市场的目光。那些制定了管理政策并参与被投资公司订约的少数被动投资者,在可持续投资组合中可以发挥作用。但对于那些在市场上淘洗被普遍忽视的公司、并准备在ESG问题上着眼长远的价值经理来说,是存在一些诱人的机会的。 English Version Investing in companies top-rated for environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics is very often not where the best social outcomes can be made. Indeed, despite much new product in the sustainable investment world allocating capital to today’s ‘best in class’, evidence suggests that the greatest gains are made not when those already best in class improve incrementally, but when today’s less sustainable companies make big step changes in their practices. By incrementally allocating more capital to them and rewarding those companies who are embracing their journey towards greater sustainability, better outcomes are achievable for society. The downside of this approach is that the ESG scores for portfolios may look less impressive initially because they cannot reflect the work behind the scenes by institutional investors engaging with management teams and pushing sustainability policies further up the agenda. The same shift in mind-set is required with Emerging Markets. Investors should judge companies according to their peer group and take care not to view them through the filter of western values. As a sector, Emerging Markets is characterized by strong latent economic growth which, though accompanied by greater political and operational risks, promises impressive potential investment returns. Given GDP per capita is far lower in these markets, when it comes to ESG, the onus is on investors to help these economies grow and improve the quality of life and create opportunity for their citizens while also encouraging them to reduce pollution. ESG outcomes aside, the added investment value associated with this approach is considerable. In today’s market, companies with better ESG credentials are likely to have higher valuations. By seeking out companies early in their ESG journey, active managers can find opportunities - companies which may only otherwise have caught the eye of the wider market once their burgeoning credentials had been realized. Those few passive investors who have developed policies around stewardship and participate in engagement with investee companies have a role to play in sustainable portfolios. But for value managers who scour the market for companies generally overlooked by the market and who are prepared to take the long view when it comes to ESG, there are some compelling opportunities out there. 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》21——管理您与银行关系的价值(上) 迈克·穆迪 合伙人-全球业务发展主管 迈克负责全面管理整个Stonehage Fleming集团内外、所有战略和运营业务的发展与活动。他也是驻加拿大代表处的负责人,在那里他是一些全球超高净值家族的主要顾问(Key Adviser)。Mike于2017年4月正式加入Stonehage Fleming集团,担任合伙人以及加拿大家族办公室的负责人,任职于多伦多。此前,他在加拿大皇家银行(RBC)工作了30年,通过在5个国家任职,领导着横跨美洲、不列颠群岛和其他重要地区的国际财富管理业务。 一. 富裕家庭和家族办公室越来越意识到: 有必要在管理其与银行的关系方面更加积极主动.有些令人惊讶的事实是:随着银行在打击洗钱的斗争中,采取了越来越广泛的合规程序,以避免与监管机构发生冲突——如今,富裕的国际化家族开设一个银行账户,会比普通个人要困难得多。许多家庭恰恰经历过这一问题,而且常常感到震惊。他们的财富,通常使正常的生活障碍更容易克服,而不是更困难。他们习惯了被尊重,而不是被怀疑;他们也习惯了被人奉承以获得业务,而不是被要求通过审批程序。在过去的20年里,到目前为止,开立一个银行账户这件小事,已经成为一个费时、费钱和令人恼火的过程。监管机构的要求,特别是反洗钱法规的要求,涉及越来越多的文件、核查和参考资料,以便银行能够就拟议账户持有人的诚信度、及其资金来源等问题得到满足。出于非常充分的理由,这些检查已形成强制性程序,必须遵守这些程序,即使所涉及的人员已为相关银行所熟知,而且资金来源也很容易确定。 对一位个人来说,这个过程是令人厌烦的,有时似乎是荒谬的,但通常只是短暂的愤懑而已。而对于一个拥有众多家庭成员、横跨多个司法管辖区、以各种结构持有复杂资产的国际性富裕家族来说,这可能是一个需要耗费专业工作时日、持续数月的的重大工程。即便如此,相关银行可能也不会轻易满足,因为在许多不同国家、不同制度下收集的信息,都需要通过银行的主要合规部门进行整理和处理。是否开户的决定可能会由相关的银行总部来决定,而总部通常离“分行”非常远。 虽然建立一段与银行之间的新关系,现已是个众所周知的问题,但大多数家庭仍然认为他们现有的关系是理所当然的。但在银行内部,人们越来越多地对长期受人尊敬的客户提出质疑,因为这些客户在银行档案中的准确数据,已不符合他们目前的要求。理想情况下,当出现这种情况时,应该与客户进行一次对话,但是很难满足对交易历史证据的要求,也不能排除账户被突然关闭的可能性。在某些情况下,基金甚至可能因为一个错漏或曲解而被冻结,并向当局作出报告,这可能会给此家族的姓氏留下持久的印记。出于这个原因,我们强烈建议富裕家庭在管理现有的银行关系方面付出更多努力。仅仅让他们的客户关系经理、或账户所设立的分行了解到最新的发展、并假定他们能够管理好其组织内部相关数据的通信,已经不太足够了。家庭,特别是国际生意错综复杂的家庭,可能需要与其银行所有相关部门建立直接沟通的渠道,确保所有可能的决策者都能得到及时的信息和保证。这是关于家族在银行内部风险状况的管理。 Mike has responsibility for the overall management of all strategic and operational business development activities across the Stonehage Fleming Group. He is also Head of our Representative Office in Canada where he serves as a Key Adviser to a number of ultra and high net worth families globally. Mike joined Stonehage Fleming formally in April 2017 as Partner – Head of Family Office Canada, based in Toronto, following a 30 year career with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) leading international wealth management businesses across the Americas, British Isles, and other key geographies through postings in five countries. 1. Wealthy families and family offices are increasingly aware of the need to be much more proactive in the management of their banking relationships. The somewhat surprising truth is that it is now much more difficult for a wealthy international family to open a bank account than for an ordinary individual, as banks put in place ever more extensive compliance procedures to avoid falling foul of the regulators, in the fight against money laundering. Many families have experienced precisely this problem and it has often come as a shock. Their wealth has generally made the normal obstacles of life easier to navigate rather than more difficult. They are used to being treated with respect, rather than suspicion and to people falling over themselves to get their business, rather than subjecting them to a demanding approval process. Over the last twenty years, the hitherto small matter of opening a bank account has become a time consuming, costly and irritating process. The requirements of regulators, particularly anti money laundering legislation, involve more and more documentation, verification and references, so that the banks may be satisfied as to the integrity of the proposed account holders and the origin of the funds. For very good reasons, these checks have been shaped into mandatory processes, which must be followed, even where the people involved are already well known to the Bank and the source of funds is readily identifiable. For an individual, the process is tiresome and sometimes seems absurd, but is generally only a passing irritation. For an internationally wealthy family with numerous family members, complex assets held through a variety of structures across several jurisdictions, it can be a major project requiring many hours of professional time, over a period of several months. Even then, the bank may not easily be satisfied, as information assembled in a number of different countries, each with different systems, is collated and processed through the lead compliance department of the bank. The decision on whether or not to open the account will likely be guided by the relevant head office, often very remote from the bank ‘branch’. Whilst the problems of starting a new banking relationship are now well known, most families still take for granted their existing relationships. But increasingly questions get raised within banks about long standing and highly respected clients, where the precise data on the bank’s files does not meet their current requirements. Ideally, when such a situation arises, a conversation will be opened with the client, but requirements for historic evidence of transactions can be difficult to satisfy and the possibility of accounts being precipitately closed cannot be ruled out. In some cases, funds may even be frozen as a result of an error or misunderstanding and a report made to the authorities, which may leave a lasting mark against the family name. For this reason, wealthy families are well advised to dedicate more effort to the management of existing banking relationships. It is no longer enough to keep their relationship manager, or account holding branch, abreast of developments and assume that they will be able to manage the communication of the relevant data within their own organization. Families, particularly those with complex international affairs, may need to open up direct communication channels with all the relevant departments of the bank, to ensure all potential decision makers are kept informed and reassured. This is about the management of the family’s risk profile within the bank. 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com