雷梭勒家族办公室CEO孙晋玲女士2024年新年致辞 孙晋玲女士,雷梭勒家族办公室首席执行官 Ms. Jinling SUN, CEO, La Soleille Family Office 亲爱的各位家庭、客户和合作伙伴: 又是一年将尽,2024年已如东方旭日喷薄欲出。在这一新旧交替的时节,我总会停下脚步,回顾过去,展望未来。 11年多来,雷梭勒的特质之一就是能够不断成长、创新并顺应亚洲和欧洲的宏观环境,以满足客户的需求。虽然经历了疫情、战争、经济衰退、资产和人员流动限制以及地缘政治的紧张局势,我们始终勇敢直面这些挑战,并积极克服。正是这种积极的态度与企业家的精神,使雷梭勒成为客户坚实的合作伙伴,与他们并肩度过这动荡的十年。 继往开来 雷梭勒的使命始终是为亚洲高净值家庭提供瑞士方向的服务。自然,这样的服务始于每个家庭的头等大事——孩子。得益于我们广泛的关系网络和与瑞士学校的密切关系,我们始终与客户在培养健康茁壮的下一代的旅程中携手同行。可持续的传承计划不仅包括教育,还包括身份规划。雷梭勒为此很早就开始提供移居服务。正是基于这一远见,我们在亚洲与瑞士之间架起了一座里程碑式的桥梁。 2020年,新冠疫情对我们的客户和业务造成了严重影响。然而,在这一席卷全球的浪潮中,我们无法做到被动地静观其变。雷梭勒一边组织客户向瑞士各州捐赠口罩,一边涉足投资并购领域。通过我们在瑞士广泛的合作伙伴网络,我们帮助亚洲家族成功达成了市场稀缺项目的并购交易,帮助他们在资本市场动荡时期实现了财富保值。 为企业家提供全面的服务,必然要考虑他们的业务发展。为此,雷梭勒于2022年推出了企业服务,为亚洲企业客户打开了通往瑞士和欧洲市场的新大门。同时,新冠疫情给人们带来的持久后遗症,也使得亚洲家庭重新对健康问题予以关注。2023年,雷梭勒整合了瑞士顶级私人诊所资源,专注于为客户提供一流医疗健康管理项目。 2023年中国经济整体下滑,但我们依旧整装待发,迎接未来光明一年的到来。 雷梭勒2.0 随着雷梭勒跨入第12个年头,一个新的生命周期就此开始。在十二生肖的轮回中,我们迈进了一个新的时代。完整与和谐,阴与阳,将会奠定雷梭勒的全新基调。 各行各业的资深专家与知名人士相继加入团队,促进了我们服务的专业化和标准化。 从教育、医疗健康、身份规划到私人银行、独家投资机会和企业服务,我们提供的是经时间沉淀的全方位服务方案,涵盖了家族及企业需求的方方面面。 到2024年,雷梭勒将提供最为全面的财富管理方案,成为来自亚洲和世界各地的高净值亚洲家族的全方位顾问,帮助我们的客户实现可持续增长和永续传承。 在此,我衷心感谢我们的客户选择了雷梭勒,以及你们的信任;感谢我的团队的辛勤付出和出色的工作;感谢我们的合作伙伴的长期合作和专业精神。 让我们一起期待2024年的到来,期待阳光普照大地! 孙晋玲 创始人兼CEO Dear families, dear clients, dear partners, Another year is about to draw to a close and 2024 is showing the tip of its nose. This period of transition is my favourite to pause, reflect on the past and look up into the future. Since more than 11 years, one of La Soleille’s hallmarks has been its ability to constantly evolve, innovate and adapt to its macroenvironment – both in Asia and Europe – to meet the needs of our clients. Pandemic, wars, economic downfalls, restrictions on asset and people movement and geopolitical tensions all are challenges that La Soleille has embraced to better overcome them. This dynamic attitude and entrepreneurial spirit have enabled us to become a solid partner for our clients, at their side to navigate through this tumultuous decade. Building on the past La Soleille’s mission has always been to serve the needs of Asian wealthy families in Switzerland. Naturally, the journey started by accompanying clients in finding the best solutions for the family’s first priority: their children. Thanks to our wide network and close relationship with Swiss schools, we accompany our clients in the long journey of building a healthy and strong next generation. A sustainable succession not only involves education but also residency planning. La Soleille therefore started offering relocation services at an early stage. A milestone in La Soleille’s vision to bridge Asia and Switzerland. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic severely hit our clients and our business. Yet, it was unimaginable for La Soleille to wait quietly for the wave to pass. While organizing masks delivery to Swiss cantons thanks to the donations of our clients, La Soleille entered the M&A world. Through our extensive network of partners in Switzerland, we enabled Asian families to successfully invest in off-market M&A deals, helping them to preserve their wealth in tumultuous times. Comprehensive services for entrepreneurial families inherently involve taking their business into consideration. Therefore, in 2022, La Soleille launched its corporate services, opening a new door to the Swiss and European markets for its Asian clients. Yet, Covid-19 has left its indelible mark overtime and re-centered health as a priority in many Asian families. In 2023, La Soleille focused on providing its clients the best medical programs in top tier Swiss private clinics. The Chinese economic downfall in 2023 has also enabled us to prepare for the bright year ahead of us. La Soleille 2.0 As La Soleille stepped into its 12th year of existence, a new cycle of life begins. Closing the loop of the 12 Chinese astrological signs, La Soleille is entering into a new era. Completeness and harmony, yin and yang, set the tone of the new version of La Soleille. New senior and high-profile professionals, experts in different industries, have joined the team and contributed to the professionalization and standardization of our services. From education, healthcare and residency planning to private banking, exclusive investment opportunities and corporate services, we offer a comprehensive set of services built over years and covering a large span of the needs of families and their business. By 2024, La Soleille will offer the most holistic approach to wealth management, positioning itself as the all-round advisor to wealthy Asian families, living in Asia and around the world, seeking to achieve sustainable growth and multi-generational succession. I hereby take the opportunity to deeply thank our clients for choosing La Soleille and for their trust; my team, for its commitment and excellent work; and our partners for our long-lasting collaboration and professionalism. Let 2024 begin and let the sun shine! Yours sincerely, Jinling Sun Founder & CEO 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
雷梭勒瑞士总部招聘|资深大客户经理、全职行政助理兼司机 公司简介 瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室是一家充满活力且发展迅速的多家族办公室,总部位于瑞士纳沙泰尔,并在中国上海设有亚洲办事机构——雷梭勒投资管理(上海)有限公司,主要面向亚太地区超高净值客户。 我们致力于为客户提供全方位的服务,包括全面协助客户移居、定居瑞士,以及为其提供量身定制的金融投资机会。 雷梭勒的优质服务源于专业、积极的团队。团队成员拥有着相关领域的所有必要技能与业务经验。“超越客户的期望”始终是我们瑞士和上海团队的指导性原则。 您对服务高要求的客户有热情吗?您有服务客户和管理复杂项目的经验吗?您有家族办公室结构搭建的相关经验吗?在快节奏的环境中注重细节是您DNA的一部分吗?如果是,请看下文! 目前,我们正在寻找居住在纳沙泰尔且符合以下要求的经验丰富人士(性别不限): 1. 资深大客户经理 岗位职责: 以逻辑严谨的表述,向现有和潜在客户介绍、推广和销售各项服务; 按计划实现既定的销售目标和结果; 建立、发展和维护良好的业务和客户关系; 全面了解大客户的需要和要求; 为每位客户制定整体战略; 负责战略的实施和运作; 根据客户需求,创建演示文稿并提供讲解和建议书; 定期发起并参加活动,以促进和提升公司业务; 协助规划和执行营销活动。 任职资格: 母语为中文,必须会英文,会说法语者优先; 具备与亚洲超高净值人士打交道的经验; 对东西方文化有深入了解; 积极主动,以结果为导向; 出色的销售、谈判和沟通技巧; 任务优先级排序、时间管理和组织安排能力; 以服务为导向的战略思维。 2. 全职行政助理兼司机 岗位职责: 为各个团队提供行政支持; 管理并添置办公用品; 准备会议室,接送VIP客户和合作伙伴; 为客户参访担当司机; 设计演示材料(PPT)模板并为不同的客户进行修改; 跟进和更新公司日程安排。 任职资格: 必须中英双语(口语/书面语)流利,具备法语能力者优先考虑; 尊重客户隐私并高度保密; 优秀的服务意识; 优秀的驾驶技术,熟悉瑞士交通规则和路线,尤其对于纳沙泰尔地区; 具备多任务处理、优先排序和有效管理时间的能力。 其他要求: 有驾照; 有瑞士居留权; 有与亚洲客户及文化打交道的经验。 职位面试持续进行中。请尽快发送电子邮件至assistant@lasoleille.ch提交您的申请。我们注重团队的多样性及多元文化,不同的观点和经验都将得到重视。 Your next career step in the Switzerland! LaSoleille Family Office (LSFO) in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and Shanghai
(China) is a dynamic fast growing multi-family office focusing on a
clientele from the Asia-Pacific region. Withits offices in Shanghai and Neuchâtel, LSFO offers a unique 360-degree
service taking care of all aspects related to moving to and settling
down in Switzerland as well as providing tailor-made financial and
investment opportunities. All this being made possible thanks to a
highly professional and pro-active team in representing all necessary
skills and business experiences in the relevant fields. “Exceed expectations” of our clients is our guiding principle for our teams in Switzerland as well as in Shanghai! Doyou have a passion for a demanding clientele? Do you have experience
with serving clients and managing complex projects? Do you have
experience with a family office structure? Is attention to detail in a
fast-paced environment part of your DNA? If so, go on reading!! We are currently looking for an experienced Neuchâtel, Switzerland based: Senior Account Manager (m/f/d) Your role: Present, promote and sell services using solid arguments to existing and prospective customers; Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes within schedule; Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships; Acquire a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements; Establish holistic strategy for each customer; Be responsible for the implementation of the strategy and for operation; Create and deliver presentations and proposals tailored to the customer needs; Initiate and participate to regular events to promote and enhance our business; Assist in planning and execution of marketing activities. Qualifications: Mother-tongue Chinese, English is a must; French (oral) is a plus; Experience with UHNW Asian individuals; Deep understanding of Eastern and Western cultures; Highly motivated and result oriented driven; Excellent selling, negotiation and communication skills; Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills; Strategic thinking with a service-oriented attitude. Administrative Assistant and Driver 100% (m/f/d) Your role: Provide administrative support to the different teams; Maintain office inventory; Organise meeting rooms and welcome VIP clients and business partners; Serve as driver for client visits; Design PowerPoint presentations adapted to the various target audience; Keep track of the agenda. Qualifications: Fluency in English (oral / written) is a must, French is a plus; Respectful of high levels of confidentiality and discretion; Excellent service-oriented attitude; Excellent driving skills and knowledge of rules and routes in Switzerland, in particular in Neuchâtel; Ability to multitask, prioritize, and manage time efficiently. Requirements: Driving license; Swiss Residency; Experience with Asian culture. Interviews for the role will be scheduled continuously, so please submit your application as soon as possible by e-mail to assistant@lasoleille.ch. It is important for us to have a diverse and multi-cultural team therefore, we value different perspectives and experiences. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com