瑞士小记者 对瑞士爱心捐赠 惟愿疫情结束 春暖花开
瑞士小记者 对瑞士爱心捐赠 惟愿疫情结束 春暖花开 序言: 与Zoe结缘于2018年,通过雷梭勒教育事业部她成功参加了同年的莱蒙夏令营,拥有不错英语基础的她迅速和各国营员成为亲密无间的朋友,在那年夏天她满载而归。乐观豁达、真诚正直是我们对她的第一印象,也许正是如此,她跟瑞士的情谊联结并未隔断。2020年3月底,Zoe同学对于雷梭勒发起的爱心募捐活动在第一时间做出响应,没有半丝迟疑,且前后共分5次进行捐赠,更是体现出她的单纯与善良,以下是我们对Zoe进行爱心捐赠后的一段采访,更透露出她的博爱胸襟与感恩情怀。 采访旁白 首先,我们非常感谢Zoe对雷梭勒发起的捐助活动所给予的积极响应与支持,很高兴能有机会采访充满正能量的你。事先准备了几个问题想问下Zoe,同时也是对你这次善举的再次赞许和宣扬! Q1. 当雷梭勒发起这次募捐活动时,是什么原因让你做出捐赠决定? 因为我曾在2018年参加过瑞士夏令营,我自己的印象是:中瑞两国一直是稳定的好朋友关系,我去瑞士时当地人民对我也是特别的友好,就像“一见如故的老朋友”一样(笑声)。当瑞士这次深处困境时,我还是很愿意伸出援助之手来帮助他们的。瑞士也教会我:世界是多元民族的结合,只有我们都奉献爱心,我们就能和平共处和感受世界的美好。 Q2. 作为一名普通高中生,这笔善款应该不是小数目,能简单说下这笔钱的来源或是怎样积攒下来的吗? 这笔捐款来自我的零花钱,是我平时日积月累攒下来的。我现在就读学校有很好的伙食,能保证我营养均衡专心学业;同时在学习上自己也有准备足够多的文具用品,所以我没有什么强烈的消费欲望和需求。此外,我平时更注重勤俭节约,这是自己应具备的良好品质。再加上疫情期间,能去到的活动(消费)场所更加有限,因此这笔钱着眼当前用在捐助上面意义会更大。 Q3. 我们有注意到这次捐赠你前后共分5次来完成,请问这期间你的内心变化是? 首先我的出发点是:多做回馈社会和感恩的事,并且不要在乎一时的表彰或回报。有了这次活动也让我毅然决然地要进行捐款,起初的捐赠完全属于自己的个人行为,没有和家长去做商量。后面几次我也很高兴地告诉了我的妈妈,并且得到了她的认可与肯定,这更加坚定了我追加善款的举动。我妈妈常常教导我说做个善良的人,让濒临困境的人感受到希望的光芒,所以我想这一定是件正确的事情。 Q4. 当做出这次善举时有没有考虑过,你身边同学对此事的看法? 我不会太在意旁人的眼光或看法,因为我只要听从自己的心声就好,我认为我有坚定的立场和辨别是非的能力,如果做好的事情也要顾及和考虑其他同学的想法,随波逐流、充满人云亦云的从众心理或行为,我觉得我们的社会就不会继续向前了。回到前面我说的:我不会像有些男生沉迷游戏,而花钱充值去买装备。也不会像有些女生过早地粉饰自己,买很多光鲜昂贵的化妆品,从而完成内心的极大满足。如果在我日常基本开销都得到满足的情况下,我会努力攒钱,我也想尝试学着理财,然后把钱用在最有意义的事情上。 Q5. 最后,有什么想对瑞士要说的话或是祝福语? 我希望募捐善款换来的医疗物资可以尽快抵达瑞士,以解他们的燃眉之急。这样瑞士本国疫情可以得到迅速的控制,友好乐观的瑞士人民能从疾病中走出来,我不希望他们遭受更多的负面影响和痛苦。希望他们的生活可以回到原有的平静,我很非常喜欢瑞士的那份安逸与闲适,我并不企求瑞士这个国家变得更加富庶,但我要衷心地祝福瑞士全民一定要健康和快乐! 结语 附上Zoe同学此次捐赠活动的英文心得,我们不禁再次感叹她的格局远大,时刻怀揣感恩之心,达济天下。在危难之际,笃定地伸出援助之手,做一名有公德心有担当的世界公民。正是因为有了她的这份勇气和爱心,我们的世界才会重现曙光与更加美好!最后,也衷心祝福Zoe能够在今后的学习生活中不断喜传捷报、再创佳绩!瑞士永远不会独行,愿疫情早日结束,春暖花开。希望在困难中,人类能以希望和团结之心连接在一起:对全球所有正在遭受苦难的人们表示声援,也深深感谢那些为克服危机忙碌的人们! This year 2020, however, something happened. A new virus called COVID-19 came into people’s lives. It became a big trouble. Recently, the situation in China was stabilized by those arduous doctors who fought against those virus. But unfortunately, the number of the patients who have this virus in other countries was still increased.So, as for me, I want to try my best to help those people who were in trouble.Then, I got a chance. One of my teachers says that they decided to give help to the Switzerland people in need. I was very happy, so I donated some of my accumulated pocket money, hope to help to buy some medical supplies for Switzerland.I know that these were not enough, but I wish everyone can be healthy! By Zoe Chengdu 2020.04.07 该文章转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士小记者 环境的力量——父母眼中的Joe
瑞士小记者 环境的力量——父母眼中的Joe 序言:2019年Joe通过雷梭勒家族办公室教育事业部的协助加入了莱蒙国际学校10年级,成为一名优秀的学生。在老师眼里Joe总是那么阳光自信,积极参加学校的各种活动,结伴各国学生。在同学眼里的Joe品学兼优,经常热心地帮助朋友一起解决学业上及生活上的问题。Joe即将在今年夏天结束自己在莱蒙的第一学年的学习。Joe的妈妈特撰此文,将自己眼中的儿子的模样,以及入读莱蒙后孩子最真实的变化与感受分享给我们。 见证孩子成长,树立人生目标 Joe从小就是一个爱好广泛的男孩。他爱看书、爱运动、爱下棋、爱听音乐、爱唱歌、爱探索、爱思考、爱听历史评书、爱和朋友们玩卡牌游戏.....在孩子的成长过程中我们非常注重培养他的独立学习能力以及良好的学习、生活习惯,他一直以来学习目标明确、学习效率很高。但随着年龄的慢慢长大,他渴望接受更适合他的、全面发展并富有挑战性的教育。初中毕业,在雷梭勒家族办公室的帮助下Joe如愿开启了他梦寐以求的瑞士高中留学生活。 Joe在国内一直在公立学校就读,但我们从他一年级起,就给他灌输地球村的概念,培养他国际化的思维,因为随着中国不断发展开放,零零后长大一定要融入国际化的发展洪流。我们非常注重Joe的英语学习,从小带着他读英文图书、了解世界文化,利用假期参与国际游学活动,提高国际文化认同感和英语运用能力。Joe非常渴望去瑞士读书,在申请面试时,十分积极主动,尽全力用英语表达自己的想法,顺利通过了学校的面试。中考完的暑假,为了突破德语零基础,又上了一个多月的德语学习班。眼看即将开学,看着Joe自信满满的样子,作为家长的我还是紧张地为他捏了一把汗。 父母在,不远游,游必有方 儿行千里母担忧,身为家长的我们担心他毕竟不是国际学校学生,去了英语交流能力差,听不懂课、成绩跟不上、自信心受到打击怎么办?生活中遇到问题无法沟通解决怎么办?万一生病了,不会给医生表达清楚怎么办......我带着忐忑不安的心情送Joe到了学校,参加了两天的开学典礼活动,就离开了,留下他一人闯他的新世界。回国后,我们每天与他沟通,小心翼翼的鼓励着他,生怕他从我们家长的话语中听出我们的担心与不安,影响他在新环境中成长的自信。Joe倒是总回复说:“非常好!没问题!不用担心!” 循序渐进,脚踏实地 很快,一个月过去了,Joe激动地给我们说:“妈妈,今天开住宿生大会,老师的全英文讲话我居然全部都听懂了!”果然在国际环境潜移默化的影响下,孩子的语言能力提高神速。语言适应期的第一个月中,听得懂才是最重要的第一步。慢慢地,Joe无论是在英语写作还是在口语表达上都上了一个台阶,每周都会用英文给父母写一篇周报,讲述身边发生的故事。Joe似乎摸索出了学校的学习规律。在莱蒙学校,学生们都是一边学习新的知识,一边也要对旧的知识进行复习,几乎每周都要考试,每次测试的平均分就是这个学期的最终成绩。对于上进心强的孩子来说,每一堂课的听讲和测试都马虎不得。 度过了适应期,看着Joe每天都乐在其中,我们也甚是欣慰。这意味着他已经开启并融入了全新的独立生活,自己管理自己的物品、自己洗衣服、照顾自己,老师和宿舍家长都是训练有素的教育专家。Joe的独立性、学业、心理、身体、国际视野都在稳步提升。转眼,第二学期已经结束。Joe也完全适应了留学生活,把自己的时间安排的高效并张弛有度,结识了来自世界各地的朋友,参与了很多以前从未体验的活动,学习也从逐步适应到取得High Honor的优异成绩。 环境助力成长,距离产生美好 14岁的男孩,褪去了可爱,只留下追求成熟和自我的倔强,他的青涩在青春期被无限放大,与家长之间的大、小冲突在所难免。瑞士留学之路虽然拉开了我们之间的距离,却使我们的心贴的更近,交流更顺畅。青春期的孩子,心理陪伴比物理陪伴来得更重要!对于身为家长的我来说,离开了朝夕相处14年的儿子,也从围着孩子为中心的生活,逐步调整自己的生活规律,也像Joe一样重新开启了另一个新的生活篇章。环境真是个神奇的力量,环境会带来很多改变,但选择好的环境却至关重要,期待并相信Joe在新的环境里变为越来越好的自己!同时,Joe也像我的眼睛,让我有了新的视角认识世界,感谢Joe的热情和永不服输、乐于挑战的勇气,也感谢瑞士教育可以让Joe在国际化的舞台上拓宽视野增长见识,成为更优秀的人! 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Original English Texts Joe has been a boy with wide interests since he was a child. He loves reading, sport, chess, music, singing, exploring, thinking, listening to historical storytelling, playing card games with friends... During his childhood, we attached great importance to his independent learning ability and good habits in study and living. He had always had clear goals in what he wants to learn and studied with efficiency. But as he grew older, he was eager to receive a more comprehensive and challenging education that best suits him. After graduating from junior high school, with the help of La Soleille Family Office, Joe’s dream of studying in an international school in Switzerland came true. Joe had been studying in public schools in China, but we had instilled in him the concept of a global village since the first day in school and encouraged his global thinking. We believed that with Chinas continuous development and opening up, his generation must be integrated into international community. To help him learn English, we gave him many English books to read which helped him to understand different cultures in the world. Since he was young, we had sent him for study tours during school holidays to improve his international cultural identity and ability to use English. Joe was very eager to study in Switzerland. In his interview with the CDL, he was very motivated and did his best to express his thoughts in English and passed the school interview smoothly. In the summer vacation after the high school entrance examination, in order to break through the zero basics of German, he took a German course for more than a month. Time flies and the school open day of CDL is approaching. Seeing Joes self-confidence, as a parent, I still worry a lot about his new life. “If you have to travel afar, then go with a reason.” A Chinese saying goes, "a mother worries about her children traveling thousands of miles." As parents, we are worried that he is not an international school student after all. What if he cannot communicate well in English? Can he fully understand the teachings in the classes? What if he fails to keep up with academy study? Will he suffer from self-confidence? If he is sick, will he be able to express clearly to the doctor... I sent Joe to the school with anxiety, took part in the two-day opening ceremony, and then left, leaving him to break into his new world alone. After returning to China from Switzerland, we talked with Joe every day to give him encouragement. We were very careful, just for fear that he would feel our worries and anxiety from our words which may affect his confidence in his life in the new environment. Nevertheless, Joe always replied, "Very good! No problem! Dont worry!" Even though we could see him sharing photos of exciting and dazzling activities on weekends and enjoying his life every day, as parents, we all had doubts. Was he really doing so well? We knew that the change from the Chinese education system to an international system lectured in English was actually quite a big challenge. The changes in the living environment and the teaching language would have big impact to a childs academic performance. But we didnt see Joe having any problem on this. He appeared to be curious about everything. He wanted to participate in every event that he hadnt experienced before. Every time he participated, he would share with me and dad his experiences, and that he had made a lot of international friends. It seemed that he was truly integrated into the “Little United Nations”. Soon, a month passed, Joe called us excitedly: "Mom, I had a boarding student conference today, I can understand the full English speeches of the teacher!" Sure enough, in such an internationalized environment, the childs language ability had improved rapidly. In the first month of the language adaptation period, understanding is the most important first step. Step by step, Joe had made some progress in both English writing and oral expression, and he would write a weekly report in English to us about the story that happened around him. Joe seemed to have figured out the rules of school learning. At CDL, students learn new knowledge with review old knowledge at the same time. They take exams almost every week. The average score of each test is the final grade of this semester. For motivated children, the test of each class is very important. Joe has passed the adaptation period and we are very relieved to see him enjoying his life every day. This means that he has started and integrated into a new independent life, managing his own items and washing his own clothes by himself, and taking care of himself. The teacher and dormitory parents are all well-trained education experts. We have seen steady development in his independence and academic study, as well as from psychological, physical and international outlook perspectives. In a flash, the second semester is over. Joe is also fully adapted to his study abroad, and has organized his time efficiently while enjoying his relaxations. He has made friends with people from all over the world, participated in many activities that he has never experienced before, and his study has gradually improved from adaption period to achieving outstanding results of High Honor. “Environment makes you grow. Distance makes good things happen.” The 14-year-old boy whose cuteness has faded away, has left in him only rigid pursuit of maturity and ego. His immaturity was infinitely amplified during adolescence, and big or small conflicts with parents are inevitable. Although the road to study abroad in Switzerland has kept us apart, it has made our hearts closer and our communication smoother. In adolescent children, psychological companionship is more important than physical companionship! For me, as a parent, without my 14-year-old son by my side, I have gradually adjusted my life pattern from a child-centered life, and started a new chapter in my life, just like Joe did. The environment always has its magical power which brings a lot of changes, and choosing a good environment is very important. We expect and believe that Joe will become a better self in the new environment! At the same time, Joe is also like my eyes, who...
IB、AP、IGCSE、A Level最新考试安排速递
IB、AP、IGCSE、A Level最新考试安排速递 因为新冠肺炎在全球范围内的严重影响,全球国际教育体系下的各门类考试也纷纷宣布取消,以下是雷梭勒教育事业部整理的最新考试动态信息。 IB考试——IBO宣布取消今年5月IB大考 3月23日,国际文凭组织IBO(International Baccalaureate Organization)宣布,因新冠病毒疫情影响,2020年4月30日至5月22日的IB考试取消。 但是,IBO组织会根据学生们的课堂作业,以及课程中已经设置了的专业评估、严谨性评估和质量评估,为学生颁发能反映其学习水平的文凭或课程证书。国际文凭组织在公告中也表示,将于下周公布5月11至22日将举行的MYP在线评估考试(the Middle Years Programme eAssessment)的相关信息。所以目前并不排除之后出现IB考试在线测试的可能性。 AP考试——线下转为线上 图源:College Board College Board针对今年的新冠疫情对全球性考试进行调整,宣布:2020年AP考试将转为线上。就此次调整CB官方也做出了相关说明: ● 考试将从线下转为线上,考试形式改为45分钟自由回答 ● 各科考试内容会有调整,考试重点集中大多数学校3月份之前学习的内容 ● CB官方将会用先进的防作弊技术,以保证此次考试成绩的公平性和有效性 ● 提供免费的AP在线复习课程。 IGCSE、A Level考试:三大考试局取消IGCSE和A level全球统考 1、剑桥大学国际考评部 英国时间3月23日,剑桥大学国际考评部(Cambridge Assessment International Education)官方宣布,将取消今夏全球范围内所有其主管的考试,包括Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International AS & A Level, Cambridge AICE Diploma以及Cambridge Pre-U考试。 图源:剑桥大学国际考评部官网 同时,考核部表示将与学校合作,利用现有的最佳证据(the best available evidence)评估学生的成绩。为了确保学生不会因为疫情期间的特殊情况而在申请季处于劣势,剑桥大学国际考评部将会依据学生在学习中获得的知识和技能为其出具成绩和证书。除此之外,该机构也正在积极地与全球范围内的大学展开对话,希望各大学在录取时能将这一特殊情况纳入录取考虑范围,以便学生们能尽快继续求学之旅。剑桥大学国际考评部的很多学校正在积极通过在线教学的方式支持学生的学习,以减少疫情对学生的影响。同时,该机构也会在其官方网(www.cambridgeinternational.org)上继续为学校、老师和学生提供广泛的支持和资源。消息最后,剑桥大学国际考评部表示很多学校需要指导建议,他们也正在加班加点研究如何为全球学生提供有价值的信息。所以他们将会在3月26日星期四提供更新信息给学校,并尽可能保持信息更新频率。 2、爱德思Edexcel 爱德思3月26日表示,目前由于COVID-19的影响,为了保证学生的安全健康,他们决定在全球范围内取消2020年5月到6月的所有通用认证考试(General Qualification exams)。此次取消范围包括iPrimary、iLower Secondary、International GCSE 、International A Level,以及UK GCSE和A level考试。 图源:爱德思官网 与此同时,爱德思表示会为国际学生采用和英国GCSE 和 A Level一样的标准评分,努力确保所有国际学生都能收到成绩和等级证书。爱德思通过这样的方式为全球学生提供及时的成绩、并保持公平性,以便学生能够继续深造,上大学或者就业。消息最后,爱德思表示了解大家关于这种方法的细节和下一步要做什么对问题,他们也正在努力回答这些问题,包括对独立考生的安排等,将会尽快分享更多细节。作为一个英国和国际颁证机构,爱德思已经与资质专家(包括英国国家质量局、英国教育部和JCQ)、英国考试委员会、各国政府和大学合作,共同致力于研究一个全球性方案,让学生得到他们应得的结果。 3、牛津AQA 牛津AQA在3月24日发布消息表示,取消5月、6月的international GCSE 和 A Level考试。确保考核公平性对最好方法就是为所有人提供相同的选项,所以牛津AQA表示将会为所有学生提供一个计算好的分数(calculated grade)。这将有助于确保学校社区的安全和良好,学生也能够进入下一阶段的教育。 图源:牛津AQA官网 目前,牛津AQA正在制定计算成绩的详细程序,并表示会尽快让学生和学校知道他们需要哪些资料和证据。成绩计算完成后,学生们将会收到一个等级证书,世界各地的大学都表示会像往常一样认可今年颁发的资格证书。 应对 近日,我们收到了博索雷学院关于通报IGCSE考试取消的通知: 译文如下:尊敬的家长, 最近我们接到剑桥考试协会将 2020 年 IGCSE 考试取消的通知,还有来自 Pearson/ Edexcel 的通知:数学、 科学考试也同样会被取消掉。现在可确认的是:今年所有IGCSE考试科目都被取消,学校会经过讨论把最新的进展和下一步措施及时告知学生。IGCSE考试委员会也是根据全世界范围内已有很多学校停课并产生了很多学生无法完成课业学习,而作出的这个非同寻常的决定。与此同时,博索雷学院的学生可登陆线上教学系统来进行自如地学习,将学业影响降至最低,我们深切感受到在此特殊时期,(提供线上教学平台)是最正确和明智的决定。需要特别注意的一点是:IGCSE 考试并不是开始 IB 学制课程的先决条件,因此我们的学生也不会在学术研究中处于不利的位置。我们都很了解学校 10 年级的学生们,也非常愿意欢迎他们明年重返学校来继续与我们一起学习。学校正等待并密切关注考试委员会就当前如何调整评分准则,一有最新动向随时通知给博索雷的学生与家长。在复活节假期前的这几天,学校建议家长继续支持自己的孩子遵照进度完成线上课程,并始终心系博索雷大家庭。我们也将会付出努力以保证线上课程有条不紊地进行,让学生的学习有效果并到达考试委员会的要求。一旦收到考试委员会的进一步通知,我们将会为学生提供最新最全的消息,如有疑问请随时与我联系。 疫情之下关于学业的思考 目前各大考试都面临或已经取消的风险。在该情况下,学生的平时成绩就显得尤为重要,成为测试机构评估分数的唯一标准和重要指标。所有无论是哪个年级的学生,都要摒弃“临考前突击复习,博得高分”的心态,重视平时在校表现,抓住每一次展示自我的机会,用自己扎实优秀的平时成绩来抵消各种不可预测事件而带来的风险。 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士小记者 艾格隆生活记1-Expedition 序言: 我是Fiona,一名Aiglon College的新生。与大部分人不同,作为一个来自公立学校的学生,对只听闻却从未见识过的国际学校几乎一无所知。在来瑞士之前就曾幻想与期待,别人所说的国外的室外学习,在大自然中成长,是什么样的体验。所以,我对国际学校向来充满了好奇心,想好好感受。 新生感悟 追溯到两年之前的访校那天,来到Aiglon,逛了一圈父亲就对我说,在这样学校待着,我的运动量一定会飞涨。起初我还半信不疑,总觉得国外的运动量怎能跟国内学校的体育中考训练相比?对于身经百炼的我这些都不算事。带着对学校本身的喜爱和好奇,我便义无反顾地选择了Aiglon。就在去年,我来到了这里。与两年前不同,这次我不再是一位访校的外人。作为一个真正属于这个学校的学生,Aiglon给我带来的样貌变得完全不同,令我惊喜也令我恍然大悟的,是这些学校的闪光点:Global Services, 强大的Music Programs, 特殊的Mark Reading体系,Aiglon Challenge和Expedition。其中最令我印象深刻的就是Expedition,远征活动。 Expedition中的成长 Aiglon的五大核心思想就是责任,帮助,尊重,不同和挑战。其中Expedition就是很大的彰显了学校所强调的挑战,帮助等观念。第一次参加Expedition,对我来说是十分艰辛却又有价值的。我从来都没有想过能在四个小时里翻过一座山,也没有想过可以在没有任何人的帮助下,在森林里安全甚至舒适地生存下来… 从一早背着如自己半个身子般高的重到要压垮自己的远征包,步行到山脚、到一路爬山,累到全身被榨干得只剩汗水、再到登顶那一刻的喜悦,并决定再次踏上新的旅程、再到野营,自己搭帐篷,做饭,支篝火…短短的一天就有无数的挑战在等着我,可我却充满了期待。特别是在爬山的时候,那座山的坡爬起来几乎跪着才能走上去。我拼尽全力,却还有很多如我一样奋力攀爬的人。一路到达目的地,明明已经精疲力尽,在听到可以选择挑战登顶的时候,却不知哪股劲推我又想再一次挑战。好似我真的已经开始享受这份累而尽兴的感觉。 在Aiglon大家都是赢家 那一次体验给了我太多的感悟,我仿佛在那天以后彻底明白,为什么很多人说Aiglon培养出的都是独立且自强的人。在每一次远征里,没有人放弃,没有人愿意偷懒。当我发现自己与大家在一起拼尽全力时,我明白为什么在Aiglon大家都是赢家。因为所有人都愿意付出努力和汗水去成全一个更好的自己的诞生、所有人都不怕辛苦和委屈,并明白这么做是对的、所有人都愿意为了自己和团队里的其他人去努力,所以我和我身边的人都在一起进步。 结语 我认为,Aiglon是在培养每个学生勇于挑战自己的态度,同时又用Expedition给学生们提供了大自然这样的学习平台,在学习中挑战自己就是Aiglon College给我的内容。 撰稿人:Fiona 艾格隆学院 2020年3月 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Original English Texts Im Fiona, new student in aiglon college. Unlike most people, me as a public school student knows almost nothing about an international school that Ive only heard of some but never seen. Before I came to Switzerland, I had imagined and expected what it would be like to study abroad and study in nature. Therefore, I have always been full of curiosity about international schools. On the day of my visit to aiglon two years ago, my father told me that if I stayed in such a school, I would probably do twice as much exercise as I do now. At first, I doubted it, how can the amount of exercise in foreign country school compare to the domestic school sports test training? None of this matters at all, I thought naively. With the love and curiosity for the school itself, I chose aiglon without hesitation. Last year, I came to aiglon. Unlike two years ago, I was no longer a visitor of this school. As a student who truly belongs to this school, aiglon brought me a totally different look. The school has many learning programs that attracted me: Global services, powerful Music programs, special mark reading system, aiglon challenge and expedition. Which impressed me the most was expedition. The five principle of learning of aiglon are responsibility, service, respect, diversity and challenge. Among them, expedition is a great demonstration of the schools emphasis on the challenge, service and other concepts. The first time I participated in the expedition, was hard but valuable for me. I never imagined that I could climb a mountain in four hours, or survive safely or even comfortably in a forest without helpings ... From carrying a massive expedition bag in the early morning for expedition to collapse their pack, walking to the mountain. All the way to climbing, tired to tired out and be extremely exhausted. To the moment of joy, and decided to embark on a new journey. To camping, put on our own tents, to cook, and make campfire... There are countless challenges waiting for me in a single day, but I am always looking forward to it. Especially when climbing a mountain, the slope of the mountain can hardly be climbed without kneeling down. I tried my best, but there were many people who still tried as hard as I did. All the way to the destination. Obviously, it was exhausted, but when I heard that I could choose to challenge to get to the top. I do not know what pushed me to want to challenge again. As if I had really begun to enjoy this tired and enjoyable experience . That experience gave me too many insights, and I seemed to understand completely after that day, that why many people said that aiglon cultivated independent and self-reliant people. In every expedition, no one gave up, no one wanted to loaf on the job. When I find myself doing my best with everyone, I understand why everyone wins at aiglon. Because all of us are willing to work hard and sweat to make a better birth of our own. All of us are not afraid of hard work and injustice, and know that it is the right thing to do, all of us are willing to work hard for ourselves and others in the team. So I and the people around me are making progress together. In my opinion, aiglon aims to cultivate the attitude of each student to dare to challenge themselves. At the same time, it provides a learning platform like nature for students with expedition. In conclusion, challenging myself in learning is what aiglon College gives me. By Fiona Aiglon College March 2020 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com