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瑞士小记者 环境的力量——父母眼中的Joe












       度过了适应期,看着Joe每天都乐在其中,我们也甚是欣慰。这意味着他已经开启并融入了全新的独立生活,自己管理自己的物品、自己洗衣服、照顾自己,老师和宿舍家长都是训练有素的教育专家。Joe的独立性、学业、心理、身体、国际视野都在稳步提升。转眼,第二学期已经结束。Joe也完全适应了留学生活,把自己的时间安排的高效并张弛有度,结识了来自世界各地的朋友,参与了很多以前从未体验的活动,学习也从逐步适应到取得High Honor的优异成绩。




Original English Texts

Joe has been a boy with wide interests since he was a child. He loves reading, sport, chess, music, singing, exploring, thinking, listening to historical storytelling, playing card games with friends...

During his childhood, we attached great importance to his independent learning ability and good habits in study and living. He had always had clear goals in what he wants to learn and studied with efficiency. But as he grew older, he was eager to receive a more comprehensive and challenging education that best suits him.

After graduating from junior high school, with the help of La Soleille Family Office, Joe’s dream of studying in an international school in Switzerland came true.

Joe had been studying in public schools in China, but we had instilled in him the concept of a global village since the first day in school and encouraged his global thinking. We believed that with China's continuous development and opening up, his generation must be integrated into international community. To help him learn English, we gave him many English books to read which helped him to understand different cultures in the world. Since he was young, we had sent him for study tours during school holidays to improve his international cultural identity and ability to use English.

Joe was very eager to study in Switzerland. In his interview with the CDL, he was very motivated and did his best to express his thoughts in English and passed the school interview smoothly. In the summer vacation after the high school entrance examination, in order to break through the zero basics of German, he took a German course for more than a month. Time flies and the school open day of CDL is approaching. Seeing Joe's self-confidence, as a parent, I still worry a lot about his new life.

“If you have to travel afar, then go with a reason.”

A Chinese saying goes, "a mother worries about her children traveling thousands of miles." As parents, we are worried that he is not an international school student after all. What if he cannot communicate well in English? Can he fully understand the teachings in the classes? What if he fails to keep up with academy study? Will he suffer from self-confidence? If he is sick, will he be able to express clearly to the doctor...

I sent Joe to the school with anxiety, took part in the two-day opening ceremony, and then left, leaving him to break into his new world alone.

After returning to China from Switzerland, we talked with Joe every day to give him encouragement. We were very careful, just for fear that he would feel our worries and anxiety from our words which may affect his confidence in his life in the new environment. Nevertheless, Joe always replied, "Very good! No problem! Don't worry!"

Even though we could see him sharing photos of exciting and dazzling activities on weekends and enjoying his life every day, as parents, we all had doubts. Was he really doing so well? We knew that the change from the Chinese education system to an international system lectured in English was actually quite a big challenge. The changes in the living environment and the teaching language would have big impact to a child's academic performance. But we didn't see Joe having any problem on this. He appeared to be curious about everything. He wanted to participate in every event that he hadn't experienced before. Every time he participated, he would share with me and dad his experiences, and that he had made a lot of international friends. It seemed that he was truly integrated into the “Little United Nations”.

Soon, a month passed, Joe called us excitedly: "Mom, I had a boarding student conference today, I can understand the full English speeches of the teacher!" Sure enough, in such an internationalized environment, the child's language ability had improved rapidly. In the first month of the language adaptation period, understanding is the most important first step. Step by step, Joe had made some progress in both English writing and oral expression, and he would write a weekly report in English to us about the story that happened around him. Joe seemed to have figured out the rules of school learning. At CDL, students learn new knowledge with review old knowledge at the same time. They take exams almost every week. The average score of each test is the final grade of this semester. For motivated children, the test of each class is very important.

Joe has passed the adaptation period and we are very relieved to see him enjoying his life every day. This means that he has started and integrated into a new independent life, managing his own items and washing his own clothes by himself, and taking care of himself. The teacher and dormitory parents are all well-trained education experts. We have seen steady development in his independence and academic study, as well as from psychological, physical and international outlook perspectives. In a flash, the second semester is over. Joe is also fully adapted to his study abroad, and has organized his time efficiently while enjoying his relaxations. He has made friends with people from all over the world, participated in many activities that he has never experienced before, and his study has gradually improved from adaption period to achieving outstanding results of High Honor.

“Environment makes you grow. Distance makes good things happen.”

The 14-year-old boy whose cuteness has faded away, has left in him only rigid pursuit of maturity and ego. His immaturity was infinitely amplified during adolescence, and big or small conflicts with parents are inevitable. Although the road to study abroad in Switzerland has kept us apart, it has made our hearts closer and our communication smoother. In adolescent children, psychological companionship is more important than physical companionship!

For me, as a parent, without my 14-year-old son by my side, I have gradually adjusted my life pattern from a child-centered life, and started a new chapter in my life, just like Joe did.

The environment always has its magical power which brings a lot of changes, and choosing a good environment is very important. We expect and believe that Joe will become a better self in the new environment! At the same time, Joe is also like my eyes, who enables me to see the world from a new perspective. I am grateful for Joe's enthusiasm and courage of never giving in to defeat and being ready to take challenges. I am also grateful for the Swiss education, which enables Joe to broaden his vision and expand his knowledge on the international stage and make him a better man.




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