瑞士小记者站—博索雷文化之旅 挪威站
瑞士小记者站 博索雷文化之旅 挪威站 博索雷学院(College de Beau Soleille)的期中假期是从十月十九到二十七号——在开学之前我就满怀期待地报了学校组织的挪威文化旅行。 之所以选择去挪威,是因为我对极光情有独钟,而有很多人一生中都没有机会看到极光。这一定会让我铭记于心,我必须得说感谢学校为我们提供了这次珍贵的机会,首先我想述说一下在这9天,我们经历了怎样的一个旅程。第一天我和同学们基本是在从瑞士的学校赶到奥斯陆(挪威的首都)的路上度过的,之后很晚才抵达酒店。所以第二天其实才是真正的开始。我们在主城区里观光之余,还去了奥斯陆维京船博物馆、挪威民俗博物馆和维格兰雕塑公园。在奥斯陆维京船博物馆里,我看到了两艘充满年代感的大船(船只大部分是真实的,只有一部分则是按原型复原的),它们的主人是维京时期的两位女人。图为在船上找到了的两位维京女性的资料。挪威民俗博物馆是一座位于室外的博物馆,当时在寒冷的环境下我和同学们在树林里走了约二十分钟。由于占地面积较大,大家只是参观了博物馆的冰山一角,我们确实有看到一些迷人的景色,博物馆做到了同自然的完美融合、与生态的和谐共处。 老师告诉我们:人们把草地种在屋顶上是因为在过去他们受到地理条件的制约,而把草种在屋顶上可以提高土地的利用率。参观维格兰雕塑公园:是一座为表达生命意义和几代部落领袖而专门修建的公园。 那里有一些展现男性与女性不同的雕塑,建这座公园的人认为女人(母系社会)拥有着男性所没有的特殊能力——她们可以跟动物交流。图为一位女性抱着鳄鱼,另一张图则是一个男人正在跟鳄鱼打架 这里是公园的中心,这些树表示的是祖辈三代人。这里有不同形状的人型雕塑,它们展现出了不同年纪人们的样子。我猜这代表着生命的轮回:新生婴儿,青少年,男人或女人,老人和死亡(死亡之后又是生命的开始),如此循环往复。午饭后是自由活动时间,可以听由心声地去领略城市之美。坦白地讲,在挪威吃的每一顿餐食都挺好的,尽管这边吃饭的时间我并不太适应:下午两点才吃午餐,晚上九点后再开始吃晚餐。 除了名胜古迹,我们还坐上观光缆车到达了山顶,并在那儿俯视到了壮观的美景。 转天我们早起,赶往另一个挪威城市---特罗姆瑟,我们将在这里找寻极光的踪影。期间,我们还遇上了数百只可爱的哈士奇!在特罗姆瑟我们会停留三天,幸运的是一连两个晚上我们都看到了极光。 我们不仅学到了自然科学知识,还亲身感受到了大自然的神奇,还和仅有三个月大的幼犬们做了训练互动。这些都是旅程中的难忘之处。当亲眼目睹到极光时,我目不转睛地注视着这不可名状的美景,自然的伟大让我无比震撼,我的欣喜之情更溢于言表,这可能是这一年里我所经历的最感动和惊喜的瞬间了!之后,我们在特罗姆瑟还逛去了水族馆Polaria,在那里我们看了一场别开生面的海豹秀,它们的表演让人忍俊不禁,又让人拍案叫绝,这是一出充满欢乐的Show! 这次博索雷学院组织的文化之旅,让我感受到了大自然的魅力,学习到了更多的知识和原理,以及亲身实践的探索精神,只有你到达现场、接触到这些具体可感的事物时,才能有最真实的体会与更深邃的记忆。今后我还会期待学校组织更多更远的、能增长见识和拓展视野的文化之旅。 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 English Version Our mid-term break is from the 19th to the 27th of October--before the start of the school year I signed up for the Norway trip on this break. The reason why I chose this trip instead of going back to home during the break is that I really wanted to see the northern lights, the lights that so many people do not have the chance to see in their lives. I have to tell you, I did see northern lights during this trip! So first of all, let me show you what we actually did in those nine days. On the first day, we spent most of the time on transport in order to leave our school to go to Oslo(the capital of Norway), and arrived late in the hotel--the second day was apparently was the real start of the trip. We did some city tours and we went to the Viking Ship Museum, Norwegian Folk Museum and the Frogner Park. In the Viking Ship Museum, we saw two giant ancient ships(most of the structures was real, and the rest was rebuilt recently), which belonged to two women from the Viking Age. Information about the two wealthy women found on a huge ship from the Viking Age.The Norwegian Folk Museum was an outdoor museum, so we had to walk in such a cold weather in a forest for twenty minutes. All the places we went to was only a small part of the museum,however, we did see some good views. The reason why people put grass on the roofs is because, in the past, they did not have a lot of land for their sheep, so they had to use any where they could to grow grass. The Forgner Park was basically a park built to express the idea of life and different generations.(That’s what I remembered from the trip, but it might be wrong,)There are several statues of showing the differences between women and men because the person who built this park thought that women had special abilities—that men didn’t have—to communicate with animals. This is the centre of the park with trees expressing the idea of 3 generations. There are statues with different positions in the trees and they show how people are like from different ages. This represents a life cycle: new born child, teenager, man or woman, elder, and death. (After the death it’s again a new life.) After lunch, we had some free time to visit the city by ourselves. That was quite nice because we were allowed to do whatever you want. Also, to tell the truth, every single meal we had in Norway was pretty good, despite having lunch at about two in the afternoon and dinner at nine or ten at night. Those are the only pictures I have of food, but I can tell, every single meal I had there was really delicious! On the third day, we again spent most of our time on transport. Although we were told that it was a fantastic scenic train from Oslo to the second largest city of Norway - Bergen, all of us were sleeping during the long journey.(What a pity!) On the fourth day, we visited some main sites, a fish market and the place where some German boys used to live (German boys stay there for a few years as a challenge in their lives).That’s where German people used to live. You can see the shape of the houses are crooked: this is because they are all sinking! Apart from the attractions in the city, we also went on a Floibanen Funicular ride to the top of a mountain, where we saw fantastic views of Bergen. The next day we got up early to go to another city in Norway called Tromso, the place where we sought for northern lights and where we met over three hundred lovely huskies. We stayed in Tromso for three days and luckily we saw the northern lights for two of the nights. We learnt about the northern lights and also did a puppy training course with several puppies about three months old. These were the highlights of the whole trip! You might need to make the brightness maximum in order to see the northern lights in these photos( It’s too hard to catch the lights with your phone because the camera on your phone cannot get so little light in.) Another place we went to in Tromso is the aquarium Polaria, there we saw a seal show, which was a lot of fun. The entrance of the huge dog yard The most friendly dog I’ve ever seen in my life! 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com