雷梭勒瑞士总部招聘|资深大客户经理、全职行政助理兼司机 公司简介 瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室是一家充满活力且发展迅速的多家族办公室,总部位于瑞士纳沙泰尔,并在中国上海设有亚洲办事机构——雷梭勒投资管理(上海)有限公司,主要面向亚太地区超高净值客户。 我们致力于为客户提供全方位的服务,包括全面协助客户移居、定居瑞士,以及为其提供量身定制的金融投资机会。 雷梭勒的优质服务源于专业、积极的团队。团队成员拥有着相关领域的所有必要技能与业务经验。“超越客户的期望”始终是我们瑞士和上海团队的指导性原则。 您对服务高要求的客户有热情吗?您有服务客户和管理复杂项目的经验吗?您有家族办公室结构搭建的相关经验吗?在快节奏的环境中注重细节是您DNA的一部分吗?如果是,请看下文! 目前,我们正在寻找居住在纳沙泰尔且符合以下要求的经验丰富人士(性别不限): 1. 资深大客户经理 岗位职责: 以逻辑严谨的表述,向现有和潜在客户介绍、推广和销售各项服务; 按计划实现既定的销售目标和结果; 建立、发展和维护良好的业务和客户关系; 全面了解大客户的需要和要求; 为每位客户制定整体战略; 负责战略的实施和运作; 根据客户需求,创建演示文稿并提供讲解和建议书; 定期发起并参加活动,以促进和提升公司业务; 协助规划和执行营销活动。 任职资格: 母语为中文,必须会英文,会说法语者优先; 具备与亚洲超高净值人士打交道的经验; 对东西方文化有深入了解; 积极主动,以结果为导向; 出色的销售、谈判和沟通技巧; 任务优先级排序、时间管理和组织安排能力; 以服务为导向的战略思维。 2. 全职行政助理兼司机 岗位职责: 为各个团队提供行政支持; 管理并添置办公用品; 准备会议室,接送VIP客户和合作伙伴; 为客户参访担当司机; 设计演示材料(PPT)模板并为不同的客户进行修改; 跟进和更新公司日程安排。 任职资格: 必须中英双语(口语/书面语)流利,具备法语能力者优先考虑; 尊重客户隐私并高度保密; 优秀的服务意识; 优秀的驾驶技术,熟悉瑞士交通规则和路线,尤其对于纳沙泰尔地区; 具备多任务处理、优先排序和有效管理时间的能力。 其他要求: 有驾照; 有瑞士居留权; 有与亚洲客户及文化打交道的经验。 职位面试持续进行中。请尽快发送电子邮件至assistant@lasoleille.ch提交您的申请。我们注重团队的多样性及多元文化,不同的观点和经验都将得到重视。 Your next career step in the Switzerland! LaSoleille Family Office (LSFO) in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and Shanghai
(China) is a dynamic fast growing multi-family office focusing on a
clientele from the Asia-Pacific region. Withits offices in Shanghai and Neuchâtel, LSFO offers a unique 360-degree
service taking care of all aspects related to moving to and settling
down in Switzerland as well as providing tailor-made financial and
investment opportunities. All this being made possible thanks to a
highly professional and pro-active team in representing all necessary
skills and business experiences in the relevant fields. “Exceed expectations” of our clients is our guiding principle for our teams in Switzerland as well as in Shanghai! Doyou have a passion for a demanding clientele? Do you have experience
with serving clients and managing complex projects? Do you have
experience with a family office structure? Is attention to detail in a
fast-paced environment part of your DNA? If so, go on reading!! We are currently looking for an experienced Neuchâtel, Switzerland based: Senior Account Manager (m/f/d) Your role: Present, promote and sell services using solid arguments to existing and prospective customers; Achieve agreed upon sales targets and outcomes within schedule; Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships; Acquire a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements; Establish holistic strategy for each customer; Be responsible for the implementation of the strategy and for operation; Create and deliver presentations and proposals tailored to the customer needs; Initiate and participate to regular events to promote and enhance our business; Assist in planning and execution of marketing activities. Qualifications: Mother-tongue Chinese, English is a must; French (oral) is a plus; Experience with UHNW Asian individuals; Deep understanding of Eastern and Western cultures; Highly motivated and result oriented driven; Excellent selling, negotiation and communication skills; Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills; Strategic thinking with a service-oriented attitude. Administrative Assistant and Driver 100% (m/f/d) Your role: Provide administrative support to the different teams; Maintain office inventory; Organise meeting rooms and welcome VIP clients and business partners; Serve as driver for client visits; Design PowerPoint presentations adapted to the various target audience; Keep track of the agenda. Qualifications: Fluency in English (oral / written) is a must, French is a plus; Respectful of high levels of confidentiality and discretion; Excellent service-oriented attitude; Excellent driving skills and knowledge of rules and routes in Switzerland, in particular in Neuchâtel; Ability to multitask, prioritize, and manage time efficiently. Requirements: Driving license; Swiss Residency; Experience with Asian culture. Interviews for the role will be scheduled continuously, so please submit your application as soon as possible by e-mail to assistant@lasoleille.ch. It is important for us to have a diverse and multi-cultural team therefore, we value different perspectives and experiences. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士城市之夏|纳沙泰尔九月葡萄酒丰收节 导语: 纳沙泰尔不仅是瑞士中部的一座迷人城市,还是纳沙泰尔州的首府。这座宜人的城市中有一个独特的中世纪“古城”,城市周围由葡萄园环绕,充满了热情洋溢的气氛。纳沙泰尔位于瑞士境内的最大湖泊——纳沙泰尔湖之滨,长达15公里(9.3英里)的湖岸可通往多种水上运动场所。 多年来,纳沙泰尔一直是雷梭勒家族办公室的所在地。在移居瑞士、生活融入和瑞士教育领域,雷梭勒家族办公室是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。 每年九月的最后一个周末,纳沙泰尔会庆祝葡萄丰收季的开始。今年的庆典计划在9月22日至24日举办。 在一连三天的时间里,市中心都禁行车辆,以便所有人都能在灯光、音乐和欢声笑语的氛围中欢度佳节。 周五的晚上会举行伴有Guggenmusik(欢乐音乐)的盛大游行,不过在整个节日期间,各个团体都会身着盛装在户外活动。 孩子们的游行在周六下午举办,这是一个充满欢乐、多姿多彩的传统活动。 周日下午的花车巡游也会吸引大量的围观者。在前进的花车队列里,您既可感受号角花彩的点缀,还能不时看到身着传统服饰的团体在花车上进行有趣的表演。节日沿袭了葡萄采摘车游行的传统。每年葡萄采摘结束时,一架架的葡萄采摘车便会装饰着鲜花,并装载着葡萄种植者的各种工具,进行巡游。 它被当地人称之为 “葡萄丰收节(Fête des Vendanges)”,多年来已成为了一项名副其实的风俗。它也是欧洲最大的葡萄酒节之一,在三天的时间里有多达34万人参加。纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节的声誉远远传出了该州,甚至瑞士的国界。这个广受欢迎的节日是为了庆祝所有瑞士人都能欣赏和认同的一项传统:高品质的瑞士葡萄酒! 纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节的历史 纳沙泰尔地区最早的葡萄种植记录是一份可追溯到公元944年的销售合同。但直到近千年后,该地区才首次举办了一场标志着葡萄丰收的节日。 第一场葡萄丰收游行于1900年举行,而1902年精心安排的“葡萄丰收节”则更胜一筹,各种活动精彩纷呈。自1903年以来,这个节日的日益成功也被记录在了各种印制的节目单和海报上。因为节日的所得收益被用于资助慈善事业,当地居民很快就对这一深受欢迎的庆典活动给予了支持。 尽管庆典和游行活动早在20世纪就成为了该地区的固定节目,但在1914年至1920年期间,这些活动却停止了。1921年,节日恢复举办,其形式与今天人们在老城街道上欢享的节日活动非常相似,而且仍然是在每年九月的最后一个周末进行。 滨湖小地,酿酒大热 为了保证葡萄酒的品质和纯正,只有12个品种的葡萄可以获得纳沙泰尔原产地名称保护标签。该地区的酿酒师既生产以夏瑟拉、灰皮诺和霞多丽为主的白葡萄酒,也生产以黑皮诺为主的红葡萄酒。该地区所生产的黑皮诺近半数用于酿造“鹧鸪之眼”(Œil-de-Perdrix),这是当地特产的一种酒,在纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节上畅销不衰。 有机葡萄酒的酿造在全瑞士乃至欧洲都呈上升趋势,而纳沙泰尔则走在了前列。纳沙泰尔不是一个大的葡萄种植区,而酿造有机葡萄酒是在竞争中脱颖而出的一种方式。因此,在俯瞰纳沙泰尔湖的一座座山坡上,人们努力提高有机葡萄酒的产量。在纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节上,尤其是在周日的传统花车巡游期间,您可以品尝到所有这些葡萄酒。 盛大的花车巡游 纳沙泰尔市的一大亮点,也是葡萄酒丰收节上的一项特色活动,是装饰着鲜花的大型花车巡游,这项活动早在节日创立之初就有了。如今,一辆辆花车不再由马或自行车拉动,而是汽车,它们是真正的多彩创意下的艺术品。纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节上有超过55辆花车进行巡游,这让它成为了世界上同类节日庆典中的佼佼者,以及瑞士最大的葡萄酒丰收游行。 为葡萄酒丰收节制作花车并非易事。花车设计师们在前一年的活动结束几个月后,就要开始着手设计下一年的花车。葡萄酒丰收节每年的主题都不一样(今年的主题是“魔桶The Magic Barrel”),因此每一场花车巡游都是独一无二的。 节日开始前的三周,花车台会装上木制及泡沫塑料框架。然后,在最后一刻,每辆花车都要用大约3万朵鲜花(主要是大丽花和康乃馨)装饰得五彩斑斓。这项辛苦又精细的工作是由来自该地区的志愿者完成的,他们无偿地奉献出自己的时间,以传承瑞士的这一传统。 热闹和欢聚的节日盛典 在葡萄酒丰收节期间,花车巡游是整场活动的真正高潮。经历了两天两夜的狂欢之后,参加节日庆典的人们可在周日观看“纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节小姐”站在花车上参加巡游,品尝当地酒商提供的葡萄酒,欣赏狂欢节上行进中的乐队演奏的乐曲。 此外,彩纸炮喷出的缤纷纸屑会像雨点一般撒向3万名观众,给街头装点上又一抹欢乐的色彩。 花车巡游队列在城市的东面巡回行进,而节日庆典的正式部分则位于市中心有着中世纪历史的步行区,那里有当地公司和商贩经营的180来个摊位,主要出售当地的美食和葡萄酒。 葡萄酒丰收节为来自各行各业、各个年龄段的人们提供了一个欢聚一堂的机会,共同庆祝当地的葡萄园丰收以及夏季的结束。活动中甚至可以经常见到政界人士——小到地方民选官员,大到联邦议员——他们与群众一起放松身心,品尝着葡萄酒和其他当地特色美食。 周六晚上,纳沙泰尔滨水区上空的音乐烟花表演会将湖面点燃,为庆典增添一分魔幻的色彩。这场表演绝对不容错过。 如果您想了解更多信息,欢迎联系我们。我们很乐意回答您的问题,并帮助您准备前往这个美丽而又历史悠久的地方。 联系方式: 电话:400-006-7726 邮箱:info@lasoleille.com Original English Text Summer in Swiss Cities! Neuchâtel and its “grape harvest festival”, 22 – 24 September 2023 Neuchâtel is not only an attractive city in central Switzerland but also the capital of the canton of Neuchatel. The pleasant city with a unique medieval “old town” is situated in the middle of vineyards and has a very welcoming atmosphere. Neuchatel has even its own lake, the largest lake located entirely in Switzerland. 15 km (9.3 miles) of accessible shores invite all kind of water activities. And since many years Neuchâtel is home to La Soleille Family Office, your trusted partner when it comes to relocation, integration, education in Switzerland. Every year, the last weekend in September marks the beginning of the grape harvest in Neuchâtel. For three days, traffic is banned from the town center so that all generations can celebrate joyfully in an ambience of lights, music and laughter. The big night-time parade with Guggenmusik takes place on Friday evening, but costumed groups are out and about throughout the festival. The cheerful and colourful childrens parade traditionally takes place on Saturday afternoon. The flower parade on Sunday afternoon also attracts a large crowd of onlookers. Accompanied by fanfares and peppered with humorous interludes by some traditional costume groups, this procession continues the tradition of the parade of grape harvest wagons decorated with flowers and loaded with the tools of the winegrowers, which takes place at the end of the grape harvest. The “Fête des Vendanges” (grape harvest festival in French), as it is called locally, has become a veritable institution over the years. It is also one of the largest wine festivals in Europe, with up to 340,000 people taking part over the three days. Buoyed by a reputation that reaches far beyond the canton’s – and even the country’s – borders, this popular festival celebrates the sort of heritage that all Swiss people can appreciate and identify with: high quality Swiss wine! A bit of history: The earliest record of winegrowing in the Neuchâtel region is a contract of sale dating back to the year 944. But it was not until almost 1,000 years later that a festival marking the start of the grape harvest in this region was organized for the very first time. The first grape harvest parade, in 1900, gave way to a more elaborate “Grape Harvest Festival”, with a variety of attractions, in 1902. And since 1903, printed programs and posters have chronicled the event’s growing success. Local residents quickly lent their support to the popular festivities, as the proceeds were used to fund charitable cause. Although the festival and its parades became a fixture in the region early in the 20th century, they were not held between 1914 and 1920. The festival resumed in 1921 with a format that is very similar to what festival-goers enjoy today in the streets of the old town – and still on the last weekend of September. Small lakeside region, grand passion for wine: In order to maintain quality and authenticity, only 12 varieties of wine grapes are entitled to the Neuchâtel protected designation of origin label. The region’s winemakers produce both white wines – mainly Chasselas, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay – and reds – led by Pinot Noir. Nearly half of the region’s Pinot Noir output is used for “Œil-de-Perdrix”, a local specialty that flows freely at the Grape Harvest Festival. While organic wine production is on the rise all over Switzerland and Europe, Neuchâtel is leading the way. It is not a big winegrowing region, and organic wine is a way to stand out from the competition. This has led to an effort to boost organic wine production on the slopes overlooking Lake Neuchâtel. All these wines can be sampled during the festival, especially during the traditional floral procession on Sunday. Spectacular floral parade On Sundays – and as a real highlight for the entire city of Neuchâtel - the Grape Harvest Festival is featuring a large procession of flower-decked floats since its early days. The floats, now pulled by cars rather than horses or bicycles, are true works of highly colorful and creative art. With more than 55 floats, this parade makes Neuchâtel’s festival one of the leading events of its kind in the world and the largest wine harvest procession in Switzerland. Creating the floats for the Grape Harvest Festival is no simple task. The float designers get down to work on the following year’s festival just a few months after the previous one has ended. And since the festival has a different theme every year – this year it’s ‘The Magic Barrel’ – every floral procession is unique as well. Three weeks before the festival begins, the wood and foam frames are attached to the float platforms. Then, at the last possible moment, each float is colorfully decorated with some 30,000 flowers, mostly dahlias and carnations. This painstaking work is done by volunteers from around the region who give freely of their time in order to carry on this Swiss living tradition. A popular and unifying festival The floral procession at the Grape Harvest Festival is truly the high point of the entire event. On Sunday, after two exhausting days (and nights) of fun and partying, festival-goers can see Miss Neuchâtel Grape Harvest Festival, taste the wines served up by local vintners and enjoy the music provided by carnival marching bands. To top it off, confetti cannons redecorate the streets as they rain down color on the 30,000 spectators. The floral procession follows a loop on the east side o...