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它被当地人称之为 “葡萄丰收节(Fête des Vendanges)”,多年来已成为了一项名副其实的风俗。它也是欧洲最大的葡萄酒节之一,在三天的时间里有多达34万人参加。纳沙泰尔葡萄酒丰收节的声誉远远传出了该州,甚至瑞士的国界。这个广受欢迎的节日是为了庆祝所有瑞士人都能欣赏和认同的一项传统:高品质的瑞士葡萄酒










为葡萄酒丰收节制作花车并非易事。花车设计师们在前一年的活动结束几个月后,就要开始着手设计下一年的花车。葡萄酒丰收节每年的主题都不一样(今年的主题是“魔桶The Magic Barrel”),因此每一场花车巡游都是独一无二的












Original English Text

Summer in Swiss Cities!

Neuchâtel and its “grape harvest festival”, 22 – 24 September 2023

Neuchâtel is not only an attractive city in central Switzerland but also the capital of the canton of Neuchatel. The pleasant city with a unique medieval “old town” is situated in the middle of vineyards and has a very welcoming atmosphere. Neuchatel has even its own lake, the largest lake located entirely in Switzerland. 15 km (9.3 miles) of accessible shores invite all kind of water activities. And since many years Neuchâtel is home to La Soleille Family Office, your trusted partner when it comes to relocation, integration, education in Switzerland.

Every year, the last weekend in September marks the beginning of the grape harvest in Neuchâtel. For three days, traffic is banned from the town center so that all generations can celebrate joyfully in an ambience of lights, music and laughter. The big night-time parade with Guggenmusik takes place on Friday evening, but costumed groups are out and about throughout the festival. The cheerful and colourful children's parade traditionally takes place on Saturday afternoon. The flower parade on Sunday afternoon also attracts a large crowd of onlookers. Accompanied by fanfares and peppered with humorous interludes by some traditional costume groups, this procession continues the tradition of the parade of grape harvest wagons decorated with flowers and loaded with the tools of the winegrowers, which takes place at the end of the grape harvest.

The “Fête des Vendanges” (grape harvest festival in French), as it is called locally, has become a veritable institution over the years. It is also one of the largest wine festivals in Europe, with up to 340,000 people taking part over the three days. Buoyed by a reputation that reaches far beyond the canton’s – and even the country’s – borders, this popular festival celebrates the sort of heritage that all Swiss people can appreciate and identify with: high quality Swiss wine!

A bit of history:

The earliest record of winegrowing in the Neuchâtel region is a contract of sale dating back to the year 944. But it was not until almost 1,000 years later that a festival marking the start of the grape harvest in this region was organized for the very first time.

The first grape harvest parade, in 1900, gave way to a more elaborate “Grape Harvest Festival”, with a variety of attractions, in 1902. And since 1903, printed programs and posters have chronicled the event’s growing success. Local residents quickly lent their support to the popular festivities, as the proceeds were used to fund charitable cause.

Although the festival and its parades became a fixture in the region early in the 20th century, they were not held between 1914 and 1920. The festival resumed in 1921 with a format that is very similar to what festival-goers enjoy today in the streets of the old town – and still on the last weekend of September.

Small lakeside region, grand passion for wine:

In order to maintain quality and authenticity, only 12 varieties of wine grapes are entitled to the Neuchâtel protected designation of origin label. The region’s winemakers produce both white wines – mainly Chasselas, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay – and reds – led by Pinot Noir. Nearly half of the region’s Pinot Noir output is used for “Œil-de-Perdrix”, a local specialty that flows freely at the Grape Harvest Festival.

While organic wine production is on the rise all over Switzerland and Europe, Neuchâtel is leading the way. It is not a big winegrowing region, and organic wine is a way to stand out from the competition. This has led to an effort to boost organic wine production on the slopes overlooking Lake Neuchâtel. All these wines can be sampled during the festival, especially during the traditional floral procession on Sunday.

Spectacular floral parade

On Sundays – and as a real highlight for the entire city of Neuchâtel - the Grape Harvest Festival is featuring a large procession of flower-decked floats since its early days. The floats, now pulled by cars rather than horses or bicycles, are true works of highly colorful and creative art. With more than 55 floats, this parade makes Neuchâtel’s festival one of the leading events of its kind in the world and the largest wine harvest procession in Switzerland.

Creating the floats for the Grape Harvest Festival is no simple task. The float designers get down to work on the following year’s festival just a few months after the previous one has ended. And since the festival has a different theme every year – this year it’s ‘The Magic Barrel’ – every floral procession is unique as well.

Three weeks before the festival begins, the wood and foam frames are attached to the float platforms. Then, at the last possible moment, each float is colorfully decorated with some 30,000 flowers, mostly dahlias and carnations. This painstaking work is done by volunteers from around the region who give freely of their time in order to carry on this Swiss living tradition.

A popular and unifying festival

The floral procession at the Grape Harvest Festival is truly the high point of the entire event. On Sunday, after two exhausting days (and nights) of fun and partying, festival-goers can see Miss Neuchâtel Grape Harvest Festival, taste the wines served up by local vintners and enjoy the music provided by carnival marching bands. To top it off, confetti cannons redecorate the streets as they rain down color on the 30,000 spectators.

The floral procession follows a loop on the east side of town, yet the official parts of the festival are held in the medieval pedestrian zone of the city’s historical center alongside some 180 stands run by local companies and merchants, mainly local food and local wine. The Grape Harvest Festival is an opportunity for people from all walks of life and of all ages to come together for a bit of fun as they celebrate the region’s vineyards and the end of summer. It is even common to see politicians – from local elected officials all the way up to federal councilors – relaxing and enjoying a glass of wine and other local specialties with the crowd.

And in a display that is not to be missed, on Saturday evening the musical fireworks over Neuchâtel’s waterfront set the lake on fire, adding an aura of magic to the festivities.

If you are curious to learn more, please contact us. We are delighted to answer your questions and help you preparing your trip to this equally beautiful and historic place.




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