瑞士生活|卢塞恩中餐厅推荐 导语: 卢塞恩(又称琉森)位于瑞士的中心地带,坐落于琉森湖畔和风景如画的山峰之上。琉森是很多游客在瑞士中部观光的首选目的地,这里不仅有诸多美丽的自然风光、风景名胜,还有众多精美的纪念品与手表商店,此外,卢塞恩附近的瑞吉山、皮拉图斯山和石丹峰也是不可多得的好去处。本文将向您推荐几家来卢塞恩旅游时值得一试的中国餐厅。 云南茶室(Yun Nan Tea House) 这家店从店铺外面看起来很难发现是一家餐厅,店铺橱柜里展示了很多茶具和手工艺品;而一旦步入店内,就会发现这是一家宝藏云南菜餐厅。当您来到卢塞恩,请不要错过! 这家店虽名叫云南茶室,却不仅仅只是喝茶那么简单。卢塞恩的云南茶室已经开业八年。这里是体验中国茶的绝佳之地,也拥有很多创意菜肴,并且服务人员都非常热情好客。 云南茶室的茶叶是直接从昆明进口的中国茶叶品种。茶室与不同茶农进行合作,精心挑选不同的茶,最终运送到卢塞恩。因为和中国国内茶园合作多年,云南茶室始终使用来自云南地区和中国各地的优质茶叶。 除此之外,在这里还能品尝到具有云南特色的云南米线、豆花、卤猪蹄、汽锅鸡、鸡爪、凉拌猪耳等佳肴。 餐厅地址:Pfistergasse 14, 6003 Luzern 营业时间:周一至周三09:00 – 19:00,周四09:00 – 21:00,周五09:00 – 19:00,周六09:00 – 17:00,周日休息 联系电话:041 412 26 88 人均价位:40瑞士法郎 主要菜系:云南菜 招牌菜品:豆花米线、豆花、汽锅鸡等 餐厅网址:https://yunnan.ch/ 佳路(JALU National) JIALU开业于2009年,店名由两位创始人的名字组合而成——来自中国的Jiayin和来自瑞士的Lukas。Jiayin在中国和欧洲工作多年,有着丰富的餐饮工作经历。Lukas则是一位厨师,在很早开始他的职业生涯时就选择了做亚洲餐饮。 Jiayin和Lukas在瑞士相遇,后来一起到中国工作了五年,最终,两人带着自己的经验和想法回到瑞士,在卢塞恩创办了JIALU。 餐厅地址:Haldenstrasse 4, 6006 Lucerne 营业时间:夏季(五月至九月)周一至周日11:30 - 14:00, 18:00 - 22:00;冬季(十月至四月)周一、周三至周日(周二休息)11:30 - 14:00, 18:00 - 22:00 联系电话:041 410 80 38 人均价位:20-70瑞士法郎 主要菜系:中国北方菜、北京菜、川菜 招牌菜品:鱼香肉丝、水煮牛肉、西湖牛肉羹等 餐厅网址:https://www.jialu.ch/en 卡米拉(Camilla China Restaurant) 卡米拉是一家隶属于Falken am Rotsee酒店的中餐厅。餐厅老板夫妇是大连人,菜品包含了川菜、上海菜和东北菜。 在Ebikon的卡米拉是一家很受欢迎的中餐馆,有很多老顾客时常光临。卡米拉的食物美味,而且可选择的菜品众多。工作人员友好热情,餐厅环境明亮干净,价格适中。总而言之,卡米拉是中餐的绝佳选择,强烈推荐! 餐厅地址:Luzernerstrasse 50, 6030 Ebikon 营业时间:周一 06:00 - 14:00,17:00 - 21:00;周二、周三 06:00 - 11:00;周四 06:00 – 14:00, 17:00 – 21:00;周五 06:00 – 14:00, 17:00 – 22:00;周六 07:00 – 14:00, 17:00 – 22:00;周日 07:00 – 14:00, 17:00 – 21:00(热菜提供时间为11:00 - 14:00,17:00 - 20:30) 联系电话:041 420 18 61 人均价位:50瑞士法郎 主要菜系:川菜、上海菜、东北菜 招牌菜品:上海红烧肉、巫山烤全鱼、老式锅包肉等 餐厅网址:https://www.flipsnack.com/mybow/china-rote-menu-karte.html 李太白(Li Tai Pe) Li Tai Pe是瑞士一家非常有历史的中餐厅,1959年开业。餐厅不仅内部装饰精美,外部装修也十分美观,吸引了不少顾客驻足观赏、进店品尝。 每位来到Li Tai Pe的顾客总能受到热情、友好、周到的接待,享用到一顿美味的中餐。 餐厅地址:Furrengasse 14, 6004 Luzern 营业时间:周三11:30 – 14:30, 17:00 – 22:00;周四11:30 – 14:30, 17:30 – 22:00;周五11:30 – 14:30, 17:30 – 23:00;周六11:30 – 15:00, 17:00 – 23:00;周日11:30 – 15:00, 17:30 – 22:00;周一、周二休息 联系电话:041 410 10 23 人均价位:45瑞士法郎 主要菜系:中餐 招牌菜品:春卷、铁板牛肉、炒面等 餐厅网址:https://litaipe.ch/ 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士人为何不示威游行? 过去几周,欧盟各国公民迅速走上街头发表意见。大多数情况下他们是和平示威(罢工的工人、雇员、列车员、机场工作人员、公务员),而且通常是为了提高工资和改善工作条件。 然而,近日也有暴力示威发生,例如法国最近就发生了示威,以抗议警察的暴行,以及其他有争议的、有时甚至是容易激起民愤的国家政策。在德国,当“逐步淘汰煤炭”或为扩建河港而开垦林地等争议性问题受到威胁时,情况也是如此。 分析表明,法国是最容易发生罢工的国家,仅在私营企业,每千名职员一年因罢工就平均损失123天,超过了丹麦一天。加拿大(79天)、比利时(71天)和西班牙(62天)位列前五。英国仅次于德国,损失天数分别是20天和23天。 为何瑞士不发生或极少发生示威? 从2006年到2020年,平均每1000名瑞士职员每年只损失两个工作日。 在瑞士,罢工和民众抗议很少发生,因为瑞士有通过对话和谈判避免劳资冲突的悠久传统。瑞士教育的一个重要部分就是学习如何通过相互交谈而不是更对立的方式来解决问题。这一传统根植于瑞士社会,从瑞士“直接民主”的做法中也可见一斑:年满18周岁的人(瑞士人或持有瑞士“C类居留证”的人)每年会就各类法律提案进行4-6次投票(全民公决)。每一票都很重要,如果被否决,法律将被重写或放弃。这显然避免了在街头挑衅示威的必要。 这并不是说瑞士从未发生过劳资冲突。例如,2014年11月,日内瓦有轨电车和公交车司机就曾因预算和工作岗位削减而罢工,从而导致该市公共交通瘫痪。而日内瓦上一次公共交通罢工是在1982年。不过,瑞士的罢工少见而短暂,而且总是在尊重法律的情况下和平进行。 与瑞士不同的是,在许多欧盟国家,外国移民往往居住在大城市郊区自己的生活圈里。在那里,他们基本没有融入当地社会。他们不学习当地语言,上学仍然很困难,失业率一直高于平均水平,而且没有改善的前景。这让外来移民处于沮丧和孤立之中。特别是在法国,这一问题已经存在了几十年,尤其是在巴黎和马赛等大城市。 瑞士生活着许多不同国籍的人,他们大多完美地融入了当地的工作生活,很多人在金融界或工业界担任领导职务。瑞士以其多元文化地区、知名的教育体系、迷人的城市和世界闻名的阿尔卑斯自然公园,吸引着来自世界各地的家庭。瑞士拥有四种官方语言、优质多元的国际学校以及有吸引力的工作条件,这些都简化了融入社会的过程,从而给人们带来极大的社会满意度、安全感以及和平安宁。 因此,当邻国发生社会动荡时,瑞士极少有年轻人趁机上街游行。最近在法国边境附近的洛桑市就发生过一次这样的游行。不过这些都是零星事件,只有很少的人被临时拘捕,因为瑞士警方一向谨慎行事。在法国最近的骚乱中有2,000多名暴动分子被拘捕,而洛桑的一次小规模示威中只拘捕了七人,后者更多是作为预防措施。 对瑞士和瑞士人而言,保持瑞士传统的社会和平非常重要。瑞士与所有的邻国有着密切的经济合作,但“瑞士和平”的基础从未受到影响。 “瑞士直接民主”是指瑞士公民通过定期投票,自由决定实施哪些法律法规。这一制度经过了几个世纪的验证,是瑞士的经济安全和它闻名于世的品质生活的支柱。 Original English Text Why Swiss people dont protest! The past few weeks have shown that citizens in various EU states are quick to take to the streets to express their opinions. Mostly peacefully (striking workers, employees, train conductors, airport staff, civil servants) and mostly to demand higher wages and other improved working conditions. However, recently there were also violent demonstrations, such as the recent ones in France, against police brutality and other questionable and sometimes provocative state measures. The same was true in Germany, when the controversial issue of the "coal phase-out" or the clearing of forest areas for the expansion of a river port was at stake. France was the most strike-prone country analysed, with an average of 123 days lost per 1,000 workers in the private sector alone, beating Denmark by one day. Canada (79), Belgium (71) and Spain (62) rounded out the bottom five. Britain was just behind Germany, with 23 and 20 days lost respectively. Why dont such strikes and demonstrations happen - or only very rarely - in Switzerland? Between 2006 and 2020, an average of only two work days were lost per 1,000 Swiss workers per year. Strikes and public protests are rare in Switzerland due to a long tradition of avoiding industrial conflict through talking and negotiation. It is an important part of Swiss education to learn how to solve problems by talking to each other rather than more antagonistic means. This tradition is anchored in the Swiss society and can also be seen in the practice of Swiss “direct democracy”: People (Swiss or with “C-permit”) over 18 years old vote between 4 – 6 times per year (referendum) on all kind of law suggestions. Each vote counts and in the case of rejection, the law is rewritten or abandoned. This clearly avoids the need to demonstrate provocatively in the streets. That is not to say Switzerland never had labour conflicts. A strike by Geneva tram and bus drivers in November 2014, for example, paralysed public transport in the city over some planned budget and job cuts. But the previous public transport strike in Geneva was in 1982. However, strikes are rare, short and always peaceful respecting the law. Unlike in Switzerland, many foreign immigrants in many EU countries live in their own neighborhoods on the outskirts of the big cities. There, little or no integration takes place. The national language is not learned, schooling remains difficult and the unemployment rate is constantly above average - with no prospect of improvement. This leads to frustration and isolation. In France in particular, this challenge has been known for decades, especially in the big cities of Paris and Marseille. Many different nationalities live in Switzerland. They are mostly perfectly integrated into working life, often in leading positions in the world of finance or industry. Switzerland with its multicultural regions, renowned education system, attractive cities, world-famous alpine nature parcs is a magnet for families from all over the world. With its three official languages the country simplifies integration with international schools and attractive working conditions, leading to great social satisfaction, security and thus peaceful tranquility. So when there is social unrest in a neighboring country, as recently in France, it can be rare for some young people to take this as their reason and march through the streets. This happened once recently near the French border in Lausanne. But these are isolated incidents with a few temporary arrests, as the Swiss police act as prudently as they do consistently. While more than 2,000 violent people were arrested in France during the recent riots, seven arrests were made at a small demonstration in Lausanne, more as a precautionary measure. It is important to Switzerland and the Swiss that the traditional social peace in Switzerland is maintained. Economic cooperation with all neighbouring countries is close, but the basis of "Swiss peace" is never affected. “Direct Swiss democracy" means that the Swiss citizens freely decides which rules and laws are implemented through regular voting. This system has proven itself for centuries and is the backbone of Switzerlands economic security and world-famous standard of living. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士城市之夏|2023卢塞恩夏季音乐节 导语: 卢塞恩(Lucerne)是一座迷人的瑞士中型城市,它拥有不凡的历史,以及好几个欢快的节日。2023年8月8日-9月10日,卢塞恩夏季音乐节将如期举办,让我们今天来了解一下。 卢塞恩的历史 卢塞恩的起源可以追溯到公元840年左右。文献中提到了Luciaria一词,它可能指“光明之地”——直到今天,这个名字仍具有重要意义。在中世纪早期,城镇里的地标建筑主要有圣莱奥德伽尔(Saint Leodegar)的本笃会修道院,而圣莱奥德伽尔至今仍是该市的主保圣人。 卢塞恩长期以来一直是一座地区市集城镇,每周二的市集延续至今,数百年来为该市的腹地供应着物资。在13世纪,横穿哥达山(Gotthard)的南北贸易将卢塞恩变成了一个大型商业中心。穿越这道阿尔卑斯山口的贸易主要连接着德国和意大利,并一直繁荣到17世纪。 除了横跨阿尔卑斯山的贸易,卢塞恩及其边远地区的主要收入来源是雇佣兵,即被派往法国、西班牙、萨伏依公国或当时的其他强国作战的瑞士年轻人。在大约1400年至1800年间,约有5万人离开卢塞恩到国外服役——而在那一时期的大部分时间里,卢塞恩市只有约4,000人口。 瑞士联邦于1848年形成,当时作为欧洲第一个民主国家的现代民族国家由此成立。1859年,现代化的铁路通到了卢塞恩,城市开始向河的南岸扩张。从1830年起,卢塞恩有了新的产业——旅游业。迷人的卢塞恩湖、交通便利的山脉和一些最早的山区铁路使它成为当时少数有能力旅游的人最喜爱的目的地。卢塞恩的许多大酒店和景点都是在19世纪末打造的。 到了20世纪,卢塞恩发展成为瑞士中部地区一个充满活力的中心,并于2000年成为大学城。由建筑师让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)设计的世界闻名的音乐厅“KKL”也于2000年落成,这座音乐厅形似船型,其音响效果和建筑风格同样闻名遐迩,为这座城市增添了新的文化色彩。在文化领域,卢塞恩因举办瑞士第二大(仅次于巴塞尔)的热闹非凡的嘉年华会和卢塞恩古典音乐节而闻名。 卢塞恩夏季音乐节 卢塞恩夏季音乐节创办于1938年,是古典音乐界最重要的国际音乐节之一。为期四周的音乐会精彩纷呈,从古典乐到爵士乐都有,往往还带有拉美音乐元素。 从每年8月中旬到9月中旬,音乐节将举办约100场种类繁多的音乐会和相关演出活动。每个夏季音乐节都有一个贯穿整个节目的主题。音乐节形式多样,包括交响音乐会、室内音乐会、独奏音乐会、首演、深夜演出等。 夏季音乐节的前后还有两场短期音乐节,分别在春季和秋季举办:由卢塞恩音乐节管弦乐团演出的春季驻场音乐会和11月举行的“卢塞恩音乐节向前冲”(Lucerne Festival Forward)。此外,还有钢琴家伊戈尔·列维特(Igor Levit)策划组织的为期三天的钢琴节。 2023年夏季音乐节将于2023年8月8日至9月10日举办,首先以一支古巴著名乐队的表演拉开帷幕,随后将由斯堪的纳维亚艺术家和以色列一流管弦乐队带来各种欧洲经典音乐。本届夏季音乐节的一个特别亮点是8月25日中国钢琴家王羽佳的演出。虽然大多数音乐会都需要门票,但在卢塞恩历史悠久的市中心和各个中央广场上也有多场露天音乐会,而且都是免费的。 如果您想了解更多关于卢塞恩夏季音乐节的信息,请联系我们。我们很高兴回答您的问题,并协助安排您的行程,前往这个美丽而又年代久远的地方。 联系方式 电话:400-006-7726 邮箱:info@lasoleille.com Original English Text Summer in Swiss Cities! Lucerne and its summer festival 8 August – 10 September 2023 Lucerne is a fascinating Swiss mid-size city with an amazing history – and a few delightful festivals! A bit of history: Lucerne’s roots go back to the year around 840. The name Luciaria is mentioned in documents, which may mean place of light – still significant until today! The early mediaeval town consisted mainly of the Benedictine abbey of Saint Leodegar, who is still today the towns patron saint. Lucerne was long a regional market town, and the weekly market on Tuesdays (still held today!) supplied the towns backland for centuries. In the 13th century north-south trade across the Gotthard turned Lucerne into a major commercial centre. The trade across this Alpine pass mainly connected Germany and Italy, and boomed right up until the 17th century. Apart from trans-Alpine trade, a major source of income in Lucerne and its backcountry were mercenaries, young Swiss men who were sent to fight for France, Spain, the Duchy of Savoy or other powers of the day. Between ca. 1400 and 1800 around 50,000 men had left the Lucerne area to serve abroad – and the city of Lucerne only had a population of around 4000 for most of that period! Switzerland’s confederation was created in 1848, when the modern nation state was founded as Europe’s first democracy. In 1859 modernity reached Lucerne in the shape of the railway, and the town started expanding in earnest on the southern shore of the river. From 1830 onwards Lucerne had a new industry – tourism. The amazing Lucerne lake, the easily accessible mountains and some of the earliest mountain railways made it a favourite destination for the still very exclusive group of people who could afford to travel for pleasure at that time. Many of the grand hotels and attractions of Lucerne were built towards the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, Lucerne developed into a vibrant centre for the region of Central Switzerland, becoming a university city in 2000. The world famous concert hall “KKL” by architect Jean Nouvel was also opened in 2000, giving the town a new cultural dimension. In the realm of culture Lucerne is famous for hosting the second largest (after Basel) and loudest Swiss carnival and the Lucerne Festival for classical music. Founded in 1938 the Lucerne Summer Festival is one of the leading international festivals in the world of classical music. It is taking place throughout the city of Lucerne. About four weeks of spectacular concerts from classic to jazz, often with Latin American music influence. From mid-August to mid-September the festival offers a widely varied range of approximately 100 concerts and related events. Each Summer Festival features a guiding theme that runs through the programming. The Festival presents a diverse array of formats, including symphony concerts, chamber music, recitals, debuts, late night events, and much more. Flanking the Summer Festival are short festivals, one each in spring and fall: a spring residency featuring the Lucerne Festival Orchestra and “Lucerne Festival Forward,” which takes place in November. On top there will be a three-day Piano Festival curated by the pianist Igor Levit. Lucerne’s unique concert hall “KKL”, shaped like a ship and designed by Jean Nouvel is equally renowned for its acoustics and architecture. The 2023 Summer Festival will start on 8 August 2023 with a renowned band from Cuba and continues with a mix of European classic music with Scandinavian artists as well as a leading orchestra from Israel. A very special highlight during the Summer Festival 2023 is the performance of the Chinese pianist Yuja Wang (王羽佳) on 25 August 2023. While most concerts require tickets there are also various open air concerts in Lucerne’s historic inner city, on various central squares – and free of charge. If you are curious to learn more, please contact us. We are delighted to answer your questions and help you preparing your trip to this equally beautiful and historic place. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士生活|伯尔尼中餐厅推荐 导语 作为瑞士首都,伯尔尼一直是瑞士的政治和文化中心,那里不仅有着许多历史与文化遗产,还有许多国际组织机构,如万国邮政联盟、国际铁路运输总局、国际版权联盟等设址于此。作为一个国际旅游中心,在伯尔尼当然也不乏中国美食。今天我们就将为大家推荐几家伯尔尼值得一去的美味中餐厅。 秦餐厅Qin Resturant 秦餐厅取名自中国古代秦朝的“秦”,地处伯尔尼老城区,是当地难得一见的西北风味面馆。 餐厅装修风格独特,选取了古丝绸之路中的“西安”、“兰州”、“乌鲁木齐”,以及中国首都北京四个地标城市,打造了四个具有不同地方特色的主题厅。 西安厅 兰州厅 北京厅 乌鲁木齐厅 在这里,令人印象深刻的除了别具一格的用餐环境,还有它风味绝佳的西北面食。肉夹馍、油泼面、臊子面、新疆拌面等众多美食将让您品尝到正宗的中国佳味。此外,餐厅还设有专门的窗口,供食客们在用餐之余欣赏厨师们高超的拉面技术。 无论您是想与客户享用商务午餐,还是想与亲朋好友一品珍馐,在秦餐厅,您都可以获得视觉与味觉的双重享受。 *需要注意的是,秦餐厅将在2023年7月24日到8月5日期间暂时歇业,于8月7日起开始正常营业。 餐厅地址:Speichergasse 29, 3011 Bern 营业时间:周一至周三 11:30–13:30 / 18:00–20:30;周四至周五 11:30–14:00 / 18:00–22:00;周六 17:00–22:00;周日休息 联系电话:031 312 21 80 人均价位:40瑞士法郎 主要菜系:西北菜 招牌菜品:肉夹馍、油泼面、臊子面、牛肉面、新疆拌面、炒面等 餐厅网址:https://www.qin-restaurant.ch/ 外送服务:提供送餐服务,可通过Just Eat平台预订 华苑酒家Huayuan Resturant 华苑酒家位于伯尔尼的城西,自2012年开业以来,始终秉承着“民以食为天(Essen gut, alles gut.)”的理念,专注为顾客提供口味纯正的中国家常菜。 周二到周五期间,餐厅提供小份且美味的自助午餐,包括开胃菜、鱼、肉、蔬菜、面食、汤等各类丰富的菜品,足以让饥肠辘辘的食客们饱餐一顿,缓解工作的疲惫。 除了一些家常菜外,餐厅最具人气的食物是火锅。这里的火锅配菜种类繁多,不同的汤底也能满足各类人群的口味,且一年四季均可享用。当你不知道该吃些什么的时候,不如来华苑酒家尝尝这里的火锅吧! *火锅需两人起订,且需要提前预约。 餐厅地址:Holligenstrasse 70, 3008 Bern 营业时间:周一休息;周二至周五11:30–14:00, 18:00–22:30;周六、周日18:00–22:30;(热菜提供至21:00) 联系电话:031 381 37 89 人均价位:40瑞士法郎 主要菜系:中餐 招牌菜品:水煮牛肉、麻婆豆腐、夫妻肺片、红油猪耳、宫保鸡丁、鱼香肉丝等 餐厅网址:https://www.huayuan.ch/ 外送服务:提供送餐服务,可通过Uber Eats、Just Eat平台预订 送餐时间:周二至周五11:30 - 13:30, 18:00 - 21:00;周六、周日18:00 - 21:00 大元酒家Taiyien Restaurant 大元酒家是一家家族经营的餐饮企业,至今已有20多年的历史,提供以中式和泰式为主的亚洲风味餐食。 就餐环境 在餐厅里,随处可见中式风格的设计,大量精湛的木雕工艺与典型的中式装饰图案交相辉映,营造出了古朴典雅的用餐氛围。餐厅外部还有一个花园露台,将会在夏季开放,可用于举办团体活动。 为了尽可能照顾到每位客人的口味与饮食习惯,餐厅除了提供适合大众口味的餐点外,还有专门针对素食主义者、针对嗜辣人群以及不含麸质的食物,这些在菜单上都进行了特别标注。 无论您是想享用一顿舒适的晚餐,还是想举办生日派对、家庭聚会或者其他特别的活动,您都能在大元酒家度过一个难忘的时刻!餐厅地址:Dorfstrasse 2, 3084 Wabern bei Bern 营业时间:周一休息;周二至周五11:30–14:30, 17:30–21:30;周六、周日17:30–22:30 联系电话:031 961 64 00 人均价位:45瑞士法郎 主要菜系:中餐 招牌菜品:蔬菜春卷、炸云吞、脆皮烤鸭、糖醋鸡、菠萝咕咾猪肉等 餐厅网址:https://www.taiyien.ch/ 外送服务:提供送餐服务,可通过Uber Eats、Just Eat平台预订 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com