2019年4月资产管理月度简报四月份的新高 由于美国企业(尤其是银行)的季度收益好于预期,美国股指在4月底达到新高。其他利好消息包括:穆勒对于特朗普2016年总统竞选的非定罪调查报告,以及美国财政部长姆努钦(Mnuchin)一再保证,美国和中国非常接近达成一项贸易协议。尽管美国的失业率处于历史低位,工资水平不断上升,而且由于对中国进口商品征收关税以及与墨西哥和加拿大签订的USMCA协议,美国的通胀率仍保持在1.3%的低位。美联储确认了其中立立场。我们4月1日重启投资 就在我们3月份的资管报告发布后不久,标准普尔500指数(暗色线)修正了,但仍高于此前的反弹峰值。50天移动平均线穿过200天(蓝色)线也证实了这一点。纳斯达克指数(黄线)给出了同样的信号,罗素2000中型股指数和MSCI世界指数(未显示)也给出了同样的信号。我们投资的ETF(指数基金)涵盖了IT、工业、非必需消费品和通讯(包括迪士尼和Netflix)等最强劲的板块。全球增长加快 美国第一季度的GDP增长出人意料地强劲,为3.2%,中国为6.4%。两个经济体都显示出强劲的消费支出。甚至欧洲的增长预期也略有上升。这一利好消息并没有延续中国股市4月份的超常涨势。尽管美国对伊朗石油的进口国施加压力,并在利比亚发生战斗,但油价仍见顶。由于大型企业进入页岩开采领域,美国石油产量继续增长。美国现在是世界上最大的碳氢化合物生产国,预计最早将于明年成为净出口国。我们的投资策略 如读者所知,雷梭勒家族办公室不会根据经济、行业或公司分析结果进行市场预测。我们只按照市场趋势和其它指标判断市场走势。在资产管理方面,我们遵循以下四个原则:•确定并遵循利好趋势(追逐风险);•下跌时迅速杀跌(规避风险);•确认触底时再次建仓(再次追逐风险);•利用行业、国家和区域指数跟踪基金和一篮子组合进行分散投资,尽量降低投资一种股票或债券的风险。我们采用价格-概率数学建模法判断市场是否显现利好或下跌趋势,是否走强或走弱,是否有可能在下一个周期(对我们而言是一个月)继续利好或下跌行情,以此控制“摩擦性”交易成本。雷梭勒家族办公室不随股市走势而决定是否投资,尤其是在股市从触底反弹之时。回顾与展望 在下跌之后,上海(+28.4%)仍然是2019年迄今为止表现最好的国家股票指数,紧随其后的是意大利(+18.6%)、俄罗斯(+18.6%)和沙特阿拉伯(+18.0%),全部以美元计价,领先于标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)的+17%。在我们的新持仓中,80%投资于股票,其余部分为现金。James CunninghamChief Investment Officer首席投资官La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室April 30th, 20192019年4月30日 English Version New Highs In April With better than expected quarterly earnings for American corporations, especially banks, the US stock indices reached new highs in late April. Other positive news included an inconclusive report from the Mueller investigation into the Trump presidential campaign in 2016 as well as repeated assurances from Treasury Secretary Mnuchin that the US and China were very close to an agreement on trade. Despite historically low unemployment, rising wages, and increased costs due to tariffs on Chinese imports and the USMCA treaty with Mexico and Canada, US inflation remains low at 1.3%. The Federal Reserve confirmed its neutral stance.We Reinvested On April 1st Just after our March Bulletin, the S&P 500 index (dark line) corrected but held above its previous rally peak. This was confirmed by the 50-day moving average crossing the 200-day (blue) line. The NASDAQ (yellow line) gave the same signal, as did the Russell 2000 index of mid-caps and the MSCI World (not shown). We took positions in ETFs covering IT, Industrials, Consumer Discretionary and Communications (which includes Disney and Netflix), the strongest sectors.Global Growth Picks Up US GDP growth for the first quarter was surprisingly strong at 3.2%, and China’s held at 6.4%. Both economies showed strong consumer spending. Even European growth estimates roses lightly. This positive news did not sustain the extraordinary run of the Chinese stock markets, which rolled over in April. Oil prices peaked despite US pressure on importers of Iranian oil and fighting in Lybia as American production continued to grow thanks to major companies entering the shale-extraction field. America is now the largest producer of hydrocarbons in the world, and is expected to become a net exporter as early as next year.Our Policy As our readers know, La Soleille does not make predictions based on economic, industry or company analysis. We act on market trends and other technical signals alone. In asset management we follow four principles: Identify and follow positive trends (risk on) Sell fast when they turn negative (risk off) Buy again when a bottom is confirmed (risk back on) Diversify by using index-tracking funds, thus minimizing exposure to any particular stock or bond We use mathematical modeling of prices and probabilities to determine if a trend is positive or negative, strengthening or weakening, and likely or not to continue for the next period (which for us is one month, to control trading cost “friction”). La Soleille is contrarian at the trend change, particularly when a down trend turns positive.Summary And Outlook After a retreat, Shanghai (+28.4%) remains the best-performing national stock index thus far in 2019 followed by Italy (+18.6%), Russia (+18.6%) and Saudi Arabia (+18.0%), all in US dollars and ahead of the S&P 500 at +17%. With our new positions we are 80% invested in equities, with the balance in cash. James CunninghamChief Investment OfficerLa Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SAApril 30th, 2019 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
医疗度假之旅——可以很瑞士... 瑞士的医疗水准
瑞士医疗在全球范围内是名列前茅的。瑞士医疗被世界权威的《经济学人》杂志评定为西方世界最有效率的医疗体系之一,拥有世界领先的预期寿命和医疗成果。而且瑞士是世界上癌症存活率最高的国家之一。许多著名的制药企业来自瑞士,比如罗氏制药,诺华制药。相对于美国,瑞士医疗的私密性较高,患者的隐私能够得到很好的保护。所以一些名流皇室成员愿意去瑞士治疗。瑞士虽然人口仅有八百万,但曾产生过9位诺贝尔医学奖得主,正是如此专注严谨的研究精神加上得天独厚的天资,铸就了医疗行业的卓越品质。 瑞士医疗效率排在世界前列,据世界卫生组织的研究,瑞士在及时护理方面仅次于美国,世界排名第二。瑞士在医疗美容、整形手术、微创手术等方面技术也处于领先。体内排毒、细胞抗衰、医疗美容等方面,都是瑞士的医疗优势。每一年瑞士都吸引着无数名媛贵妇和影视明星从世界各国远道而来。 旖旎景色+发达医疗=瑞士健康 瑞士也是一个很早就涉足医疗旅游的国家,依靠其自身的温泉养生资源,成为赫赫有名的疗养胜地。瑞士旅游局估计,医疗旅游为瑞士每年带来50万人次的酒店入住。瑞士悠久的疗养胜地历史,让它深谙医疗游客对于定制化、高端化的需求。无论是公立医院还是私立医院,服务水平都是一流的。瑞士最大的私立医疗保健集团——哈里斯兰登(Hirslanden)有14家医院,并正在寻求在未来5年内外国患者的年增长率达到10%。客人很多是来自世界各地的富商政要,其中不乏中国朋友的身影,尤其是近几年,来到瑞士治疗的中国人越来越多,形成一股不小的“中国潮”,追求健康是人们共同的追求,不分国界和种族.瑞士的私立医院通通是用五星级酒店的标准要求自己,注重满足个人需求,从饮食、美容师、甚至报纸派送、事无巨细、高质服务自然而然地戳人们的心坎。凭借着天然的而优美的环境,瑞士的抗衰老疗养产业处于欣欣不败之地。大多数疗养中心坐落于美丽的莱蒙湖畔,依山傍水,阿尔卑斯山群峰在清澈湖水的照映下,如同翩翩起舞的少女,荡漾着美丽的大裙摆,有的屹立在生机盎然的半山腰间,展示着生命的宁静和健康的真谛。 康复与抗衰老 在瑞士进行康复的目的是使你在日常工作和家庭生活中尽可能地重新融入。一个由医生、治疗师和护理人员组成的跨学科团队为您提供个性化、全面和强化的治疗方案。由于他们的历史背景,瑞士的康复诊所坐落在这个国家最美丽和惊人的地区。瑞士以其优秀的康复中心而闻名,尤其是在神经和肺康复领域.来自蒙特勒医疗中心的著名抗衰老专家指出:衰老是一种退行性疾病,而心血管病、糖尿病、风湿与类风湿等疾病发病的低龄化恰恰是人类迅速老化的象征。衰老不是仅仅作用于身体某个系统,而是通过不同途径对整个生命系统产生综合的退行性变化过程。源于瑞士的细胞活化疗法,利用细胞修复原理,通过细胞分子萃取精华素作用于人体细胞,从根源着手,延缓衰老,更为改善亚健康带来了希望。瑞士的医疗中心可根据每个人的不同体质,制定个性化的年轻健康管理方案其中包括:身体检测,检测未来十年大病的风险几率;分析未来重大疾病风险几率和老化原因;未病先治的干预制定方案;针对个人身体状况,制定健康管理方案,包括饮食调整、生活习惯调整、营养补充剂计划及排毒注射。从本质上来说,年轻化健康管理,就是以提升人体器官功能的年轻化,增强人体免疫能力,提高机体防御能力,保持各项感官系统的敏感性为标准,降低人们患癌几率、维持或重复年轻状态为目的。 诊疗、度假、享受 每年有3万人到瑞士接受治疗,这里可以提供对贵宾们来说至关重要的私密空间。这里并不包括已经移居在瑞士的外国人。这些外国来宾每年在瑞士支出的医疗费用超过百万瑞郎。GDI研究部门的负责人Karin Frick预测,世界范围内医疗市场的增长可能会超过10%。Frick说,瑞士发展医疗旅游业的条件不错:“瑞士的私立、公立医院在诊治方面都已为此做好准备;“我们拥有优秀的医学设备和人员,希望可以满足富有外国客户的需求;这些人有能力享受一流的服务,但在本国可能难以如愿,那么就应该到瑞士来”。 那些富有的患者带来众多亲戚朋友,在温泉养生度假地,他们住在顶级酒店中,在苏黎世的火车站大街大手笔购物,拜访瑞士的名胜古迹。瑞士旅游局估计,医疗旅游为瑞士每年带来50万的宾馆住宿人次。 瑞士经济部长多丽丝・洛伊特哈尔德(Doris Leuthard)对Swiss Health的成立表示祝贺,她认为在国外对瑞士高质量的医疗服务做宣传是很重要的,健康事业市场化也有益于瑞士经济的发展。 瑞士的医疗系统数据 2007年共诊治,医院:115万起;精神病学诊所:10.7万起;专科诊所:20.9万起。 瑞士每年的医疗费用约占国内生产总值的11%。 经合组织国家的平均值为8.8%(2005年数据)。 瑞士人均医疗费用约为4000美元。 瑞士2007年共有321家医院。67%为公立医院;33%私立。 平均入院时间为10.9天。 English Version Health Care In Switzerland Switzerland has an exceptionally high density of clinics and rehabilitation centers. As acountry it is well known for its pioneering medical achievements and excellent treatment outcomes. For example, the pacemaker was invented in Switzerland and the cervical cancer vaccination was developed here. Swiss hospitals make use of leading-edge treatments and technologies and are furnished with the latest medical equipment. World-Renowned Medical Specialists Swiss physicians enjoy anexcellent international reputation and lead the world inthe research and development of new treatment methods. Continuous improvement is at the core of their work and quality is their guiding principle. Swiss physicians engage in direct dialogue with their patients and ensure that each patient is fully informed and involved in all decisions. Excellent Nursing Staff The quality of nursing training in Switzerland is outstanding, and patients profit from the superb standard of round-the-clock personal care. The nursing team’s core focus is on the individual and his or her well being. Medical Treatment In Switzerland When traveling to Switzerland for medical treatment, you cannot fail to be impressed by the strong positive influence of traditional Swiss values: Precision, Reliability, Punctuality, Kindness, Cleanliness and Discretion. You can relax here, knowing you are in the best hands. In addition, Switzerland is neutral and politically stable, and has excellent infrastructure for travel and tourism. International Patients In Switzerland Switzerland has a long history of medical tourism, dating back to the Romans when wealthy travelers came to "take the waters". In the early days, these healing mineral waters were thought to offer cures for all kinds of diseases. At the beginning of the twentieth century, patients from all over the world came to Switzerland for treatment in the Alpine clinics. The famous German author Thomas Mann incorporated his experience of this in his novel “The Magic Mountain”. Today, patients from around the world travel to Switzerland to profit from the incomparable quality and range of the medical clinics. Organization Of Your Rehabilitation The aim of Swiss rehabilitation programs is to reintegrate you in your daily work and home life to the greatest degree possible. An inter disciplinary team of physicians, therapists and nursing staff cares for you, providing individually tailored, comprehensive and intensive treatment programs. Thanks to their historical background, Switzerland’s rehabilitation clinics are situated in the most picturesque and breathtaking areas of the country. Switzerland is well known for its excellent rehabilitation centers, especially in the fields of neurological and pulmonary rehabilitation. 该文章为搜瑞士网站原创,部分图片摘引自网络媒体的公开资源,如需转载,敬请注明出处。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》6 与家族办公室主任的专访 作为 Future is Now 《传承宝典》的一部分,我们新近采访了私募股权和风险投资领域的不同参与者,也包括:大企业、初创型公司和引人注目的并购交易撮合者,乃至本期的全球知名家族办公室主任。透视他们的日常生活(day-to-day life),来为家族未来的接班人,提供创业榜样与职场借鉴。 请告诉我您在Stonehage Fleming家族办公室的角色? 2014年,我以高级顾问(Senior Associate)的身份加入公司,并于2017年成为瑞士纳沙泰尔(Neuchâtel)的家族办公室部门主管。我在Stonehage Fleming有三顶“帽子”:担任家族关系经理(relationship manager),使用我们的信托和家族办公室服务;担任我们公司的受托人/董事;并管理一个由七名信托专家组成的团队,为我们在瑞士境内的客户服务。作为一名有资质的英国律师,我审查和监督我的团队工作,同时在交易和起草方面提供指导和方向。我的任务还包括设计和实施IT的工作流程和方法步骤(workflows and procedures),以提高我们所服务家族的效率。编程和开发仍在进行中,但非常令人兴奋。 私人客户行业发生了怎样的变化? 我们现在的交易中,都在执行的反洗钱和KYC规则(即Know your Client/AML),已成为行业的驱动力。这一点在全球化的环境中更为明显:在全球环境中,您要与不同司法管辖区的许多方面打交道,尽管涉及相同的事务,并且为某一请求引用相同的理性(rational),但是这些方面的需求常常会有显著的不同。对于“反洗钱(AML,即 anti-money
laundering)”核查的贯彻实施,这一迫切需要已然对金融行业施加了积极的影响,对于未来可能产生的商誉损害,也应对会有所限制。然而,它同时创造了一个“逐项稽核”的(形式化)环境,基金、银行和其他机构必须向监管机构表明,他们已提出过了正确的问题。而有利的一面是,我们正在减少与我们所服务的家族相关的各方;允许使用可信的合作伙伴来简化流程。 您学到了什么? 我必须提出一些棘手的问题,无论是关于客户投资建议的可行性,还是关于继任的规划。避免这样的讨论可能是更简单的方法,但最终,它会为客户关系增加更多极具意义的价值。我们服务的一个家族是Stonehage Fleming 超过15年的客户,拥有一个信托机构,将家族的“储备金”资产(nest egg
assets)与他们的交易业务分开管理。他们最近询问是:要将其中一名家庭成员迁往另一个国家,他们想在那里与共同投资者(co-investor)一起购买一座农场。 我们的做法如下:我们就客户拟议的迁居,征求了目的地国的意见,包括签证要求和税务状况,然后与家属讨论了各种选项,及其对信托架构的影响。在商定了今后的道路后,我们聘请了当地顾问,开始并随即完成了签证的申请程序。然后我们在不同的国家确定了两种选择。我们也从两国的法律顾问那里获得了法律和(信托)架构方面的建议;一个国家收集一次建议的做法,是为了确保不会产生不利的后果。在与该家族和共同投资者进行了数周的接触,并审阅了农作物历史、气候、运输和政治安全度之后,最终做出了收购该家农场的这一决定。我们聘请了该国的(信托)架构设计专家,与两家在当地注册的公司共同成立了一家控股公司(a holding company),以维护投资者各自的利益;并将迁居当地的家族成员,任命为董事会成员。 您的客户面临哪些挑战? 保护家族的财富和名誉是我们的职责。人们对富裕家庭的看法越来越负面,重要的是,他们要表现出他们在为社会做出了哪些帮助。我们的许多家庭都从事慈善活动(philanthropic activities),但意见或评论传播之易、速度之快都意味着:我们必须始终意识到可能会损害到更广泛家族声誉的那些活动。另外,在监管动向、接班计划和将责任移交给下一代、技术/网络犯罪等方面,我们也面临着诸多挑战。 您收到过的最好的建议是什么? 一知半解是件危险的事。作为一个多家族办公室,我们不断面临着新的挑战和经验,而能够独立地解决所有问题会更简便。作为一个集团,我们拥有广泛而深刻的知识储备,并且都是在一辈子的职业生涯中(over a lifetime of careers)所积累起来的,因此,我们会知道何时、向谁来寻求建议和帮助。 漫长的一天之后,您如何放松? 做饭、壁球、和我女儿享受在一起的生活。我也不会在晚上9点以后看手机,因为如若没有这个休息时间,我每天晚上都会把工作带到床上。——韦恩·埃利奥特(Wayne Elliott) English Version Tell me about your role at Stonehage Fleming? I joined the firm in 2014 as a Senior Associate and in 2017 became Director in the Family Office Division in Neuchâtel. I have three ‘hats’ at Stonehage Fleming; acting as relationship manager for families using our fiduciary and family office services; sitting on the board of our corporate trustee/director companies and managing a team of seven trust officers working for our Swiss administered clients. As a UK qualified Solicitor, I review and monitor my teams work whilst also providing guidance and direction on transactions and drafting. I have also been tasked with designing and implementing IT workflows and procedures to increase efficiency for our families. The programming and development are still underway but is very exciting. How has the private client industry changed? The industry has become driven by the anti-money laundering and know your client (AML/KYC) rules in which we all now transact. This is more noticeable when working in a global environment, where you are dealing with numerous parties in different jurisdictions who can often have dramatically different requirements despite being involved in the same transaction and quoting the same rational for the request.The need to ensure AML checks are properly undertaken has had a positive impact on the industry and should limit any reputational damage going forward. However, it has created a‘box ticking’ environment where funds, banks and others must show to regulators that they have asked the right questions. The upside is that we are reducing the parties with whom our families are involved; allowing processes to be streamlined with trusted partners. What lesson have you learnt? I must ask difficult questions, whether it is about the viability of client investment proposals or about succession planning. Avoiding such discussions may be the easier path but ultimately, it adds significantly more value to the relationship. Tell us about any interesting client instructions? One of our families have been clients of Stonehage Fleming for over fifteen years and have a fiduciary structure to manage the familys ‘nest egg’assets separately from their trading businesses. They recently enquired about relocating one of the family members to a different country where they wanted to buy a farm with a co-investor.Our approach was as follows: We obtained advice from the country on the proposed move including VISA requirements and tax status and then discussed the options and their impact upon the fiduciary structures with the family. Having agreed the way forward we engaged local advisers to begin and subsequently complete the VISA application process. We then identified two options in different countries. We obtained legal and structuring advice from legal advisers in both; the advice in one country was to ensure no adverse consequences arose. After weeks of engagement with the family and the co-investor and having reviewed crop history, weather, transport and political security, a decision was made to acquire a farm.We engaged structuring specialists in the country to advise and establish a holding company with two locally registered companies to maintain the investors respective interests; with the local family member appointed to the Board. What challenges do your clients face? It is our job to protect family wealth and reputations. There is an increasingly negative perception of wealthy families and it is important that they demonstrate what they are doing to help society. Many of our families undertake philanthropic activities but the ease and speed in which an opinion or comment can spread means we must always be aware of activities which may damage the wider family’s reputation. Navigating regulationSuccession planning and the transfer of responsibility to the next generation.Technology/ cyber crime. Whats the best piece of advice youve ever received? “A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.” As a multi-family office, we are constantly facing new challenges and experiences and it would be easy to fix all problems independently. As a group we have a significant breadth and depth of knowledge, built up over a lifetime of careers, so it is about knowing when to reach out for advice and assistance and to whom. What was the last book youve read? I have an 11 month old baby who was struggling to sleep so “The Happiest Baby on the Block”. How do you relax after a long day? Cooking, squash and spending time with my daughter. I also don’t look at my phone after 9pm as without this break each evening I take my work to bed. ——Wayne Elliott 该文章为搜瑞士网站原创,部分图片摘引自网络媒体的公开资源,如需转载,敬请注明出处。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
《传承宝典》5 私募股权(PE)投资者的一天 本周,我们有幸采访了位于伦敦 Stonehage Fleming 家族办公室的私人资本(priate capital)部门主管(投资团队负责人):理查德•克拉克-杰沃斯先生(Richard Clarke-Jervoise,如图)。该机构是全球最大的家族办公室之一(现为欧洲、中东、非洲地区最大的独立联合家族办公室企业,全球排名第二),管理着逾550亿美元的资产(其内部最为核心的财税、投资、法务和咨询等专家部门,以及针对大客户的资深服务团队,在瑞士境内的多个城市皆有分布,亦同 La Soleille 常年保持互动)。 对你来说,典型的一天是什么样的? 典型的一天开始得很早;大概需要先用一个小时来收发邮件。我们的大部分投资,涉及亚洲或美国等地的市场,所以往往一夜之间就存积了相当繁忙的电子邮件量。当我进入办公室后,经常发生的第一件事就是准备和我的同事开一次客户会议。 典型的一天,包括一两次与私募股权经理们(private equity managers)的会议或电话。这可能会是与一位现任经理的一次信息更新类电话会议(update call),以了解他们的投资组合(portfolio)进展如何,也可能是与某位准备在至多两三年内进行筹资(fundraise)的经理的电话会议。如果我们正在对一个商业机会进行尽职调查(due diligence),通常会与该经理举行特别会晤或视频会议,或向其他投资者、投资组合公司的首席执行官电话征求其建议及背景信息(reference call)。通常会有一个客户电话或会议,以便我们向客户更新我们为他们所管理的投资状态。最后一类,我想,是每天都会发生的特别事务(ad-hoc stuff)。尤其是随着监管的不断加强,这已逐渐占据了一之天中越来越多的时间。 是什么让你从事现在的工作? 我的职业生涯是从投资银行开始的,在此期间,我在私募股权公司(如 ACG 集团的 Quartilium 机构)工作过一段时间。从那以后,我在私募股权行业担任过各种各样的职务,但在加入 Stonehage Fleming 家族办公室之前,我一直是机构类客户。从那时起,我真的很想和各大家族一起工作。我以前从未与他们合作过,但我感觉到,家族对这一资产类别(asset class)的兴趣越来越大,这是一个天然适合他们的领域。当Stonehage Fleming家族办公室走近我时,我抓住了这个机会,没有回过头。和各大家族相处是一件非常有趣的事情,我也很幸运能做到这一点。在私募股权投资领域,有一个因素是,人们在一个回音室(echo chamber)里工作,只与那些把所有时间都花在这一资产类别上的人交谈。各大家族最大的好处是他们有完全不同的观点,这往往让人耳目一新。 你工作中最具挑战性的方面是什么? 我们的大多数客户都是非常成功的企业家,他们建立了非常成功的私人企业,所以他们非常了解私募股权所能扮演的作用。最困难的是帮助他们从经营者的心态(mindset),转变为投资者(investor)。进而帮助他们在作为被动投资者(passive investors,即:不对其投资全盘掌控)的情况下,对于回报和风险设定出更现实的预期。当一切顺利!当你跟踪一家你所支持的伟大公司的业绩,并看着它发展壮大,最终产生可观的回报。 你工作中最重要的部分是什么? 避免客户赔钱。非常大型的机构,往往更善于接受在他们的投资组合中,会出现有好有坏的投资,并且他们会随波逐流。而家族办公室并不是以同样的方式运作的,如果你为他们损失了钱,他们也不会很快原谅你。资本保全(Capital preservation)是贯穿我们投资选择的一个关键主题(key theme)。 工作之余你有什么兴趣爱好? 我有四个孩子,这限制了我的自由时间!和家人在一起总是很重要的;这可能是一份24/7的工作,所以平衡个人生活和职业生活并不是世界上最容易的事情。除此之外,我喜欢在厨房里卷起袖子做饭。我也会在时间允许的时候弹吉他,并且我喜欢旅行。 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com