瑞士小记者 面对疫情,每个人都是战士
瑞士小记者 | 面对疫情,每个人都是战士 瑞士小记者站:瑞士留学生的投稿-中英法德四语,各版本皆由学生自己写作。本篇文章由艾格隆学院在读生C同学供稿。 导语: 自去年初新冠疫情爆发以来,由于海外疫情严重,海外学校纷纷停课,与此同时,各大国际航班熔断,回国机票一票难求,机场的核酸检测层层加码,留学生们的回家之路属实不易。那么在这特殊时期,留学生们是怎么度过的呢?此次,雷梭勒教育事业部邀请到艾格隆在读学生C同学,为大家分享这一段特殊时期的心路历程。 她的经历,让我们看到了一个孩子,在遭遇她人生中的重大挑战时,如何成长成为了一名战士;同时,这个善良的孩子,希望通过她的分享,为更多可能在经历挫折的人带来一丝光明和温暖。在这里,我们也想对C同学说一句:What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger(那些打不败你的,终将让你更强大)! 每个人的一生中都会遇到许多意外,它们事发突然,但往往给我们带来很大的后坐力,潜移默化地改变你。对我来说,在目前经历的这短短的十几年里,有一件事给我带来的影响颇深,我相信它给其他人,给许许多多的家庭,也带来了很大的变故——那就是2020年初爆发的新冠疫情。 新冠肺炎在爆发初期就引起了大家的恐慌,因为它没有特效药,无从寻找对策,即使在后来国家找到思路慢慢制约后,其影响力依然不容小觑。 当然,对海外求学的留学生来说,它带来的不便可能更大。例如我,就曾在疫情期间遇到了许多麻烦。 1 2020年十月,我在瑞士艾格隆学校上学,当时欧洲的状况并不好,大部分中国同学都预订好机票准备回国,我也一样。但在航班起飞的前一天,我得到自己的核酸结果是阳性,这下子一切计划都被打乱了。 我的内心慌乱无主,但所幸,与其他所有瑞士学校一样,艾格隆对确诊和密切接触的同学的隔离政策是井然有序的。 那时,我的学校艾格隆在校区旁边包下了一个酒店,作为隔离点,方便任何确诊和密切接触的同学迅速与其他同学隔离,确保校园内的绝对安全。所以,我搬上自己的行李,跟最好的朋友和室友一起来到了这家酒店,各自住进了酒店的单独房间。 整个隔离期间,每天有护士为大家测量体温,学校的老师们负责照料我们的饮食起居。如果被隔离的同学需要购买用品,老师们将帮助同学从学校附近的商店购买。 最开始我还无法调整好心态,觉得自己运气差,还牵连到其他人,好在和我有密切接触的同学们结果都是阴性,学校也有实时转播的网课,学业并没有落下。 在经历了每日早晚吃药的隔离后,不到一周的时间,我的结果也转阴,回到了宿舍。但也许核酸结果出现了问题,又也许是我的免疫力实在低下,在第二次订机票前的核酸检测时,我的结果又是阳性。 耐不过命运的山路十八弯,我只好回到那个令我无比熟悉的酒店房间。值得一提的是,在九月份开学时,每个从各自国家飞到瑞士入学的学生都要做一次核酸检测,核酸检测耗时一晚,学生们就要短暂留宿在学校隔壁的酒店内——那正是我每每阳性,要入住隔离的那个酒店。 记得第一次入住这家酒店时,已是夜半三更,胆子本就不大的我在酒店根本不敢入睡,攥着被子如坐针毡。可待我“三顾茅庐”后,这个充满中世纪欧洲设计风格和古堡氛围的酒店,好像多了一丝熟悉和温暖,在离开时还怪让人舍不得。 终于,在第二次隔离后,我的第三次核酸检测总算是阴性,那意味着我终于拥有了回国的通行证。但命运总是幽默,在申请通行绿码的时候,我竟因体内被检测出抗体——抗体会在患上新冠并痊愈后产生——而被拒绝放行,大使馆要求再等14天,检测阴性后再放行。 归心似箭的我和送我去机场的司机阿姨,一路三个多小时从校区开下山到苏黎世机场碰运气,却碰了一鼻子灰,被打道回府。行李箱开了又合,合后又开,我不愿再把衣服一件件挂回宿舍的衣柜。恰逢学校即将放假,于是我住进了一个中国人开的酒店。 那段时间心情的确低落,但好在每日有中餐可饕餮,酒店不对外开张,酒店的店长姐姐还允许我用他们的三角钢琴练琴,而我也慢慢释怀,更愿意把这样的经历划分成生活中的一次独特体验。 2 像是经历了九九八十一难一般,我在十二月初终于踏上了飞往上海的飞机。那时的我以为自己终于能和家人过圣诞和春节。 好吧,又是该死的抗体,一到浦东机场,我就被救护车送入一个小隔离点,对方说只是得过新冠的人需要多一轮排查,最多三天,叫我不要恐慌。我自诩心态很好,不就是九九八十一难后面附加的第八十二难,我又怎么会恐慌呢? 每天一次抽血化验和核酸检查,当我纳闷自己怎么还住在隔离点时,已经过去三天有余了。我的爸爸到处找人打听我所处隔离点的负责人,希望能掌握多一些有效信息,我的妈妈在和我视频聊天的时候瞥到胳膊上抽血留下的淤痕,只敢挂断通话以后掉眼泪。三天对我来说过得飞快,因为在我的概念里,已经习惯了以十四天为一个单位。 不知是哪一步出现了问题,连续三天的阴性结果在第四天转阳了,毫无办法,我又被转入疾控中心医院,这次不是隔离,而是治疗。 太多大起大落,让我惊讶于命运的多舛,我区分不出哪一次哭才是崩溃,也不知道自己身上的乐观细胞还剩下多少。 好在医院环境很好,我的病房住着两个同龄人,我们都是从不同国家留学回来的。等安顿下来,我才发现隔壁的男生病房里有艾格隆的同学,他已经在这里待了一段时间,第二天又有艾格隆的学姐搬来我的隔壁。看到这么多同龄人时,好像彼此的心灵都得到了慰藉。 也正是那段时间,我发现自己拥有了难得的发自内心的开心,因为我意识到我的经历,或者说遭遇,都不该被沦为抱怨生活的论据,它们是社会得到正常运转的辅助工具,而我,和太多太多跟我有同样经历的留学生们,好像也成了这场防疫战争的战士之一。 后来的故事很长,但可喜的是,我最终在春节的第三天赶回了家,微信列表还多了许多和我一样勇敢的朋友。 3 以上的流水账都是为了使我在说以下的话时更有底气。 我想说,许多时候,我们并没有想象中的那么幸运,也许身边的人都顺利地通过了繁琐的程序,得到了自己想得到的,而自己就会被卡在其中一道关卡孤军奋战。 这个时候会发现,自由很难,团圆很难,快乐很难,成长反而是最容易的。 但在我看来,这不该是丧气的理由,那萎靡不振的样子像是在投降,像是在对着面前的苦难说自己无计可施了。 的确,生活中不止这些,太多的事情找不到解决办法,唯一的应对策略只有等待——这一度是我在隔离期间面对的最残忍的现实。 但即使正能量不是取之不竭用之不尽的,还有无数个精神世界去奔赴,去带我们逃离。 与此同时,因祸得福的思路也常会给人带来意想不到的幸福感。 人类不是独居动物,有时我们的确需要看着不幸的人才能使自己好受些,但这又何尝不是所有人在逆境时拉自己一把的方法,叫自己拥有再不幸都情愿相信自己无比幸运的能力。 书面道理介入现实生活其实艰难而无可避免,向自己灌输向上精神也同样,但“事情迟早会回归正轨”是有科学依据的,所以乐观“一舍二入”就是预知未来的能力啦。 即使这些话语像是在说风凉话,在传播没有用的乐天派思维,但我仍然希望用我的经历去安慰或鼓励哪怕一少部分人,everything will be ok. Original English Version Everyone will encounter many surprises, which happen suddenly, but often give us a great recoil, and change you without your notice. For me, there is one thing that has had a profound impact on me, and I believe it has brought great changes to many other people and their families -- the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020. COVID-19 caused panic in the early days of the outbreak, because there was no specific medicine and no way to find a solution. Even after when China found ways to slowly contain it, its impact could not be underestimated. Of course, for overseas students, it may be more inconvenient. I, for example, had been through a lot of trouble during the pandemic. In October 2020, I was studying in Aiglon College in Switzerland. At that time, the situation in Europe was not good. Most of my Chinese classmates had booked their flight tickets to return to China, and so was I. But on the day before my departure, my covid-test came back positive, which disrupted all my plans. My heart is flustered, but fortunately, like all other Swiss schools, Aigrons isolation policy for students who are diagnosed and in close contact is orderly. At that time, my school, Aiglon, booked a hotel next to the campus as an isolation point, so that any students who were diagnosed and in close contact could be quickly isolated from other students to ensure absolute safety on the campus. So, I took my luggage and came to this hotel with my best friends and roommates, and each stayed in a separate room in the hotel. During the entire isolation period, nurses took care of everyones body temperature every day, and the school teachers were responsible for taking care of our diet and daily life. If the quarantined students need to buy supplies, the teachers will help the students buy from the store near the school. At the beginning, I could not adjust my emotion, thinking that I was unlucky and others were involved. Fortunately, all my close contacts were shown negative in their result. The school also had online classes, so I did not fall behind in my study. Finally, In less than a week, my results turned negative too and I returned to the dormitory after taking medicine every morning and evening. But maybe there was something wrong with the covid result, or maybe my immunity was really low,when I took the PCR test before booking the plane ticket for the second time, my result was positive again, so that I had no choice, but getting back to the hotel for another quarantine. It should be noted that at the start of the semester in September, every student who flew in Switzerland from their home country had to take a PCR test. The test result took a night to come out so the students had to stay temporarily in the hotel next to the school -- which is the same hotel where I checked into quarantine every time I tested positive. I still remember that it was almost midnight when I first checked in, and I was so afraid to fall asleep. But after my "three visits", the hotel, which is full of medieval European design style and the atmosphere of an ancient castle, seems to be a little more familiar and genial. It was strange that I even felt a little reluctant to leave. Finally, after the second quarantine, my third PCR test was negative, which meant I had a permit to return home. But fate always plays tricks. When I applied for the green code, I was rejected because I was tested for antibodies, which are produced after I have contracted COVID-19 and recovered from the disease. The embassy asked me to wait 14 days for the test to be negative before I was released. Eager to return home, I once drove down the hill from campus to Zurich Airport for more than three hours with the driver who took me to the airport to try my luck. However, I got a bad result and was sent back. The suitcase opened and closed again and again. I didnt want to hang my clothes back to my dorm closet once more. Therefore, just before the school holidays, I checked into a hotel owned by a Chinese family. It was a bad time, but the Chinese food made my days. The manager was so nice and she allowed me to practice on their grand piano since the hotel was c...