传承宝典 | 新冠疫情后出现的七大主题 导读 近期,在一场名为“家族办公室在家族发展中的角色”的研讨活动中,Stonehage Fleming集团执行副总裁及合伙人马克·麦克马伦(Mark Mcmullen)基于过去12个月来与多个高净值家族的交流经验,发表了关于新冠疫情后出现的七个关键主题的讲话。 本文内容由雷梭勒家族办公室根据马克·麦克马伦的观点编译整理,版权归原作者所有。 关于慈善 许多客户主动谈到了他们的社会资本,以及他们怎样能够帮助到当地社区、全球社群以及慈善机构。我们正在协助多个客户设立慈善基金,并帮助他们扩散积极的影响力。 关于声誉 声誉的打造需要经年累月,而摧毁它却只需几分钟。高净值家族,尤其是他们对于新冠疫情的反应,在过去12个月来受到了越来越多的检视。我们鼓励客户就社交媒体等方面制定相关规则,以免犯一些见诸报端的常见错误。 关于投资 在2020年3月疫情高峰期间,大家都很担心,不过令人欣慰的是,很多家族并没有慌乱,并且平安渡过了这场风暴。我们注意到,讨论和关注点更多的是在围绕着某几类资产,例如私募股权、风险资本,以及存取技术。 关于公民身份 新冠疫情促使我们的客户思考,他们是否在其生活居住的地方感到安全。对于许多家族而言,其成员分布于全球各地,因此他们希望有一些司法辖区既能让他们感到安全,又便于家族全体成员收到通知后就能立即相聚到一起,例如,在购置资产,以及办理有关公民身份和护照的行政手续的情况下,会需要家族成员的集体参与。 关于数据 人们关注其个人数据的保护问题。如今,所有人在访问应用程序和网站时都并未仔细想过,自己有哪些信息被后台记录了。我们在协助一些家族开展“透明度影响力评估”(Transparency Impact Assessment),审核何种数据在被谁保存,原因为何,以及这些数据所存放的位置。我们也许无法让所有的问题都得到解决,但我们能够给予相应的计划,以识别威胁,并制定缓解策略。 关于税务 在大多数经济体中,央行的印钞机都没有停歇,最终总会有人为此行为负责。在变局之中,富裕人群有可能会成为目标。作为业内人士,我们的职责就是掌握客户生活居住的各个司法辖区的监管机构、税务当局和政府的最新要求,并相应地采取行动,提供合适的建议。我们的客户正在以长期视角,从结构布局和传承规划出发,重新考虑他们想要定居的地方。 关于领导力 高净值家族手头已经有了更多的时间去作更长远的考虑。家族成员在围绕着有限的生命、能力与健康所展开的对话中,对于传承规划、传承用意以及领导力话题进行了更加深入的探讨。我们很高兴看到,有关这类的讨论越来越多地出现。根据我们的经验,家族财富的寿命所面临的最大威胁并非财务问题。家族成员争端、沟通不畅、缺乏领导力,以及无法让下一代参与家族生意,都会给家族财富带来极大的破坏性。 Original English Text By: Mark Mcmullen Seven themes to emerge in the wake of Covid-19 Speaking at a recent event ‘The Role of the Family Office in the Evolution of Families’, Mark McMullen outlined seven key themes that have emerged from conversations with wealthy families in the past 12 months. On Philanthropy Many clients brought up the topic of their social capital and how they could help their local and global communities and charities. We are working with a number of clients to assist in the formation of charitable trusts as well as helping them communicate their positive impact. On Reputation This is something that takes years to build but minutes to ruin. Wealthy families, and in particular their reaction to the pandemic, have been under increased scrutiny over the past 12 months. We encourage clients to put in place protocols around things such as social media to avoid some of the common pitfalls we have witnessed in the press. On Investing There was a lot of concern in March 2020 but it was good to see families not panicking and riding out the storm. What we did see was more discussion and interest around certain types of asset class such as private equity, venture capital and accessing tech. On Citizenship Covid-19 prompted clients to consider whether they felt safe where they lived. Many families are spread out globally and were looking at jurisdictions where they felt safe, where the whole family can gather at short notice if needed. This included buying assets as well as the administration around citizenship and passports. On Data People are concerned about protecting their personal data. These days everyone accesses apps and websites without considering properly what information is being recorded. We have been working with families to implement ‘Transparency Impact Assessment’s’ to audit what data is held by who, why and where. We may not be able to fix everything but we can come up with a plan – identifying threats and mitigation strategies. On Tax The federal reserves of most economies have a hot printing press and someone’s going to have to pay for that action ultimately. There will be changes and it is likely the wealthy will be the target. It’s our duty as practitioners to stay current on the requirements of the regulators, tax authorities and governments in the different jurisdictions where our clients live and operate and provide the right advice. Clients are re-considering where they want to settle for the long-term, structuring and succession planning. On Ledership Families have had more time on their hands to consider the bigger picture. Conversations around their mortality, capacity and health have led to deeper discussions around succession planning, purpose and leadership. We have been pleased to see more of these types of discussions taking place. In our experience, the biggest threats to the longevity of a family’s wealth are not financial. Family disputes, poor communication, a lack of leadership and failing to engage the next generation are the greatest wealth desecrators. 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com