参观巧克力工厂——Camille Bloch
参观巧克力工厂——Camille Bloch 2023年1月5日,雷梭勒家族办公室组织了Camille Bloch巧克力工厂的参观。工厂坐落于库特拉里(Courtelary),一个风景优美的瑞士法语区小镇。我们很荣幸能邀请到在瑞士的两个家庭,和我们一起探索制作巧克力的神奇奥秘。 打开巧克力工厂的大门,独特的巧克力香气扑面而来,涌上鼻尖。我们先在位于参观大楼一层的特色餐厅享用午餐。餐食虽不奢华,却拂去了40分钟车程的疲惫。 巧合的是,当天是可爱的Steve小朋友的8岁生日,没有什么能比一个巨大的榛果巧克力蛋糕更让他开心了。他一边兴高采烈地吃着蛋糕,一边与弟弟分享美食,人人脸上都洋溢着幸福的笑容。 午餐后,我们起身开始了下午的行程。来到巧克力作坊,大家在指令下齐刷刷围成一个半圆。主厨贴心的给每人准备了厨房用具。带上围裙,各个你看看我,我看看你,眼里满是准备大展身手的自信。 涂抹、抖平、置模、切割、冷却,一步一步,井井有条,有的做了“雪人”,有的做了“圣诞树”,独家定做的巧克力在榛子果仁与蔓越莓的装饰下显得格外可爱。 制作临近尾声,大家都将自己的作品小心翼翼地打包好,作为活动特别的纪念品。 稍作休息后,我们正式开始了当日的工厂参观。我们的解说员Patricia一路细心地介绍了Camille Bloch的历史由来,三代经营的延续与转变,以及生产线的相关信息。Chocolats Camille Bloch股份公司成立于1929,如今,它已经迎来了家族的第三代管理者Daniel Bloch,Daniel自上任以来就对公司各方面进行了许多革新举措,例如,自2008到2014年,他发布了Ragusa巧克力的黑白系列,丰富了巧克力爱好者舌尖上的体验,引起了当时整个瑞士巧克力市场的轰动。Camille Bloch工厂每年生产将近3700吨的巧克力,其中少不了最经典的Ragusa系列、著名的Torino系列,以及趣味满满的So Nuts系列。 展馆以很有年代感的装饰,来诉说一个瑞士巧克力家族三代传承的故事;尤其是各个年代所带来的不同的机遇与挑战,家族掌门人如何保持传统,保持家族的企业家精神,同时又紧紧抓住时代机遇,不断果敢创新;从30年代的一个仅有5人的濒临破产的巧克力小工厂开始,用模具生产巧克力,在瑞士各城市摆摊出售;到二战后的可可豆紧缺危机,家族在市场上独家标新立异地推出以榛果来代替部分可可而制作的巧克力,轰动一时;到60年代因人力短缺而出现用工危机,家族又首创提供孩子托管服务雇佣家庭主妇做女工;再到70年代全部实现流水线生产,并投资种植自己的榛果园实现榛果自产自供……到80年代通过赞助体育提高企业知名度,从本土家族企业登上世界商业舞台……就这样一步步经过三代人的传承与努力,发展成为一个世界级的著名巧克力企业。 一天的行程结束,雷梭勒给两个家庭送上了温暖的道别,也献上了精心准备的新年礼包,愿大家在新的一年,福寿安康,兔年吉祥! Original English Text Chocolate factory visit – Camille Bloch On January 5th 2023, La Soleille Family organized a visit to the renowned chocolate factory Camille Bloch, located in Courtelary, the beautiful French side of Switzerland. We were pleased to have two of our dearest families with us to explore the magic of chocolate making. Pulling on the entrance door of Camille Bloch, the unique and chocolatey fragrance blossomed on the tip of our noses. We started the journey with an exquisite lunch in the ground-floor restaurant inside the visitor center. The plates were barely extravagant but greatly lifted the lassitude from the 40-minute travel. Coincidently, it happened to be the birthday of Steve, a lovely boy of one of our families who just turned 8 years old. Nothing would have made the same big grin if it was not for the delicious Ragusa chocolate cake. After lunch, we departed to the exciting chocolate workshop. Standing in a semi-circle, the chef nicely prepared all kitchen setups in front of us. With the apron on, everyone was eager to start the chocolate-making competition. Spreading, molding, cutting, cooling and decorating, some made ‘snowman’, the others made ‘Christmas tree’. Everyone enjoyed the chocolate-making process which was full of laughter and joy. In the end, each of us got our masterpiece and a full bag of chocolate as souvenirs of the trip. We started the official factory visit after a short break. As our tour guide, Patricia introduced the history of Camille Bloch, the story of the three Bloch generations, and the production line. With her thorough explanations, we developed a better knowledge of the story behind the rise of a dynamic family business. Chocolats Camille Bloch SA was founded in 1929 by Camille Bloch. Today, it is the third generation, Daniel Bloch, who presides over the Swiss chocolate makers’ destiny. Each year, Camille Bloch manufacturer produces over 3700 tons of chocolate specialties, including the famous brands of Ragusa, Torino, and So Nuts. At the end of the day, La Soleille Family Office bid farewell to our families and and presented to them our New Year gifts, wishing them a delightful and prosperous 2023! 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com