瑞士小记者老师眼中的Joe 莱蒙生活之旅(中英) 编者按: 本文是雷梭勒推出的莱蒙十年级Joe同学的系列投稿之一,此前我们已经刊出了Joe同学自己的“瑞士生活Wakeboard之旅”,Joe的妈妈赵女士的“环境的力量——父母眼中的Joe”,本文为Joe的宿舍家长Le Cam先生所作。后续我们还将陆续刊出Joe的同学以及雷梭勒教育事业部老师的文章,让读者多维立体地全面了解一个14岁少年的瑞士留学心路历程和成长。 快速融入,广结良缘 2019年8月25日,在雷梭勒代表的陪同下,Joe和父母第一次来到了莱蒙学院。他显得有些害羞,静静地观察着自己即将生活的新环境。头一回入住寄宿学校,对于父母和孩子来说,都是一次艰难的挑战。一旦离开家长的身边,孩子则必须学会坚强起来,并充分信任学校团队,信任他们将全年的起起落落中守护、陪伴并指导孩子的学习之旅。Joe在宿舍安顿下来后,很快就与新室友打成了一片,并以闪电般的速度适应了紧凑的课程安排和课外活动。他整整一周都非常忙碌:参观、极限运动、冒险活动、还有一些休闲活动,比如:开卡丁车、参观著名博物馆、游览Lavey-Les-Bains 温泉度假村等。Joe良好的社交能力和开放的胸怀使他迅速结识了一群朋友,每当度过了充实而忙碌的一周后,他都会与朋友们共度闲暇时光。他摸索着如何充分利用莱蒙学院的学习和生活设施,总是把自己和他人的幸福放在心上,并与他人友好相处。 成功源于敢于试错 Joe是一个乐观、勤奋、聪明的少年,他按照自己的步调进行学习。他富有韧性、精力充沛、喜欢挑战,因为他认为这将使他成为一个更好的人,并将帮助他克服生活中的困难。一个突出的例子就是,Joe的英语水平进步神速,以致现在他能完全消化所有以英语讲授的课程。Joe突出的学习能力和渴望成功的意志力使一切成为可能。他每天在宿舍和学校里都使用英语交流。将知识应用到未知的环境中是需要勇气和毅力的,因为在不同的文化背景下,并非所有人都能接受一个观念:犯错误其实是学习的一部分。 运动场上突破进取 在生活中,Joe被证明是一个优秀的团队合作者。他加入了宿舍篮球队,并帮助我们在宿舍之间的比赛中取得了最终胜利。他球场上无懈可击的表现,使我们球队连续5场取得胜利,个人共获得了80分的优异成绩。Joe还与另3名学生加入了Olympus(译者注:Olympus是Joe所在的宿舍区)足球队,并获得了第二名的好成绩。Joe对两支球队的贡献都是巨大的,无论是他在赛场上表现出的竞技精神,还是作为一名足球运动员所展现的高超的防守技巧,都使我们印象深刻,为之自豪。 全面发展,齐头并进 就Olympus足球队而言,Joe是我们宿舍乃至学校的骄傲代表。Joe完全符合我们学校所寻求的素质人才。我们的座右铭是R.I.S.E,即:尊重,国际主义,精神,卓越。 Joe身上的包括尊重在内的所有品质都值得高度赞扬。就“尊重”而言,Joe成长于一个互相尊重、彼此包容的环境,这个环境中人们行为坦率、允许犯错误,在挫折中愈发坚强。Joe是我们跨文化社区的杰出代表。他良好的适应能力、包容的思想以及向他人学习的能力都非常出色,我所知道社区中没有任何一个人不为与Joe来自同一社区而感到自豪。Joe的室友来自阿塞拜疆,两个男孩似乎生活在截然不同的文化环境。但是,当他的室友被问及下一个学年想跟谁住在一起时,室友毫不犹豫选择Joe。就“精神”而言,Joe是难得的在本学期多个方面都能代表莱蒙精神的学生。我们的目标是为学生提供最广泛的精神支持,既包括基本的身心健康,也包括内心的平静,以及智力上的发展,为学生们量身打造得以茁壮成长的健康环境。我们也希望捍卫他们的思想自由,保持饱满的精神力量。我们座右铭的最后一项“卓越”,是每个想要在如今高度竞争的世界中发挥作用的人所应该拥有的。Joe是一个聪明的少年,目标坚定而明确。跟随着父母的步伐,他也正在寻求卓越的道路上。我们悉心指导着这样一个孩子,他清楚地知道成功需要付出怎样的牺牲和努力。我们经验丰富的教职员工也将陪伴着他和其他孩子,以便从莱蒙提供的各种机会中获得最佳体验。 再次扬帆起航 自从Joe几个月前到达Olympus,他已成为我们社区中非常受欢迎的成员。他的内在品质、学习意志和团结精神使他成为不可或缺的成员,我们对此感到非常自豪。任何公共场合,无论Joe在山上还是在滑雪营地,每个与他接触过的人都提及他的善良、聪慧和良好的适应能力。Joe应获得个人的最高称赞。能够有他作为我们宿舍和学生家庭的一员,我感到非常自豪。Joe任何时候都积极乐观、笑口常开,我鼓励他保持着这样让其他人发光发热的、积极向上的精神。 继续加油,Joe! 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Original English Texts The beginning of Joe’s life journey at Collège du Léman by Anthony Le Cam (House parent of Olympus House where Joe lives). When Joe arrived on 25th August with his parents and the representatives of La Soleille, he seemed a bit shy and was rather silent. It turned out that he was observing his future new environment. It is always difficult for both parents and students to come to a Boarding school for the first time. Once the beloved ones have gone, you have to be strong and trust the team who is going to look after you and through ups and downs throughout the year to accompany you and guide you on your educational journey. Joe settled in very well, quickly finding his marks with his new roommate and adapting with lightening pace to the demanding timetable of his Grade 10 class and to the extra-curricular programme. This keeps him busy all week long and extends to the weekend with visits, extreme sports, adventure or simply relaxing activities varying from go-karting, visits to famous museums to the Lavey-Les-Bains Spa resort. Joe’s sociability coupled with open-mindedness enabled him to quickly make a solid bunch of friends with whom he wisely spends his free time once he has gone through his balanced but busy weekly schedule. He rapidly understood how to make the best of both the academic and the pastoral aspects of life at CDL, always keeping in my mind his own wellbeing and that of others. Joe is a positive, hardworking, bright young man who conducts his studies the way he conducts his personal life. He is resilient, driven and likes being challenged as he feels it will make him a better young man and will also help him overcome difficulties when being confronted with them in life. A good example is the pace at which Joe’s English skills progressed and the level of satisfaction he felt when being able to understand the whole content of lessons which all are taught in English. Joe’s capacity to learn as well as his will to succeed made it all possible. He is exposed to the language in the Boarding House and at school on a daily basis. It takes courage and effort to apply and transfer knowledge into unknown situations, as it is not always easy to understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process, depending on where you come from and your culture. Joe proved to be a really good team player. He joined in the House Basketball team which he helped towards final victory in our internal tournament between Houses; through his faultless participation and precious points he scored including an 80 point win which sealed the destiny of our team with 5 victories in a row. Joe also joined in the Olympus staff football team alongside 3 other students and helped us obtain a well fought second place. Joe’s contribution to both teams was significant and he made us extremely proud, whether for the spirit he showed or the outstanding progress he has made as a football player, never forgetting the defensive tasks embedded in the role of a defensive midfielder. As far as we are concerned in the Olympus Team, Joe is the proud representative of our House and of our educational establishment. Joe perfectly matches the qualities of our school is looking for. Our motto is R.I.S.E which stands for Respect, Internationalism, Spirit and Excellence. Joe deserves the highest of praise for all the qualities he represents starting from respect. Joe comes from a background in which his qualities and point of view are respected. He was raised in a very respectable and intellectual background which made him the way he is now; a citizen of the world whose line of conduct is straight and in which making mistakes is permitted and part of life’s learning curve: what does not hurt you makes you stronger. Joe is a great representative of our multinational community. His capacity to adapt and tolerate as well as to learn from others is remarkable and I do not know anybody in our community who is not proud to be from the same community as Joe. Joe’s roommate is from Azerbaijan and both boys seem to live in very different worlds. However, when asked who he wanted to stay with next school year, there was not a single second of hesitation from his room mate to confirm he wanted to share a room with Joe. As far as Spirit is concerned, it is difficult to find a student who is more representative of our spirit in several aspects of the term. Joe’s natural way of being is open with all nationalities. Our aim is to offer the vastest spiritual experience which goes from basic wellbeing in the form of peace of mind but also intellectual stimulation to allow students to thrive and prosper; a purposefully made environment for students. We want to have balanced, bright, spirited in terms of defending their ideas, healthy in mind and body. Joe’s natural wellbeing and spirit completely matches what we are trying to teach each other on a daily basis. The last term of our motto (Excellence) is definitely what everybody who wants to play a part in the highly competitive world we live in should have. Joe is a bright young man whose objectives are clear. Like his parents before him, he is looking for excellence in our community. We are guiding an already determined student who knows well what sacrifice and hard-work it takes to be successful. Our well-experienced and qualified staff is there to accompany him and others to get best possible experience out of the array of opportunities we offer, and we encourage our students to take advantage of. Joe arrived in Olympus a few months ago and he is very popular member of our community. His intrinsic qualities and his will to learn and to federate have made him an indispensable member of our community whom we are extremely proud of. Whatever Joe has done, wherever he went with us, either just in the mountains or to the Surf camp, everybody in contact with him mentioned his kindness, intelligence and his capacity to adapt. Joe deserves the highest of praise for what he represents and for who he is. I am proud to be able to say that he is part of my House and our family of student...