在瑞士如何考取驾照? 导语: 来了瑞士并打算定居的人士,如果需要在瑞士开车,就要着手准备获取一张当地驾照。在瑞士考驾照简单来讲一共有五步,依次为:参加急救课程的学习、视力检测、参加驾驶理论考试、参加道路驾驶考试、参加全天讲习训练。3年实习期满后,您就可获得正式驾照了。 获取驾照的各步骤讲解 急救课程 这是一个10小时的必修课程,需要在通过理论考试之前参加。急救课程只能由经瑞士联邦公路局认证的公司开授。您可以选择以下任一方式完成课程: 周一到周五每天2小时周末两天 有效期:6年 费用:150瑞郎 视力检测 在开始驾驶之前,您需要参加视力检测,以检查您是否有适当的视力来驾驶。该检测可以在当地的交管部门附属的任何一家眼镜店进行,而且只需要几分钟时间。 有效期:2年 费用:约20瑞郎 驾驶理论考试 瑞士的驾驶考试包括一门笔试。要参加驾驶理论考试,须向当地道路交通办公室提出申请。为获得参加理论考试的资格,申请人必须证明自己在经过认证的机构上满10小时的急救指导必修课程,并通过了视力检测,因此需要提交急救课程证书和视力检测报告。如果笔试未通过,还可以参加补考,补考不限次数。要学习理论知识,您可以在手机、平板或电脑上下载各类驾考理论应用程序,大多数此类应用程序都有英文版本。通过它们,您可以熟悉准备考试会提出的问题。要进行理论知识训练,有多种“套餐”可供选择。安卓应用程序商店或者苹果商店里的驾考理论应用程序平均价格在19瑞郎左右。 在纳沙泰尔,理论考试每周二和周三都有,可用英语进行。 有效期:2年 费用:40瑞郎(管理费)+19瑞郎(应用程序费)+35瑞郎(学员证) 学员证 申请人成功通过理论考试后,就会颁发一个学员证。持有学员证后,可以在有资质的教练或符合陪练要求的朋友陪同下,上路练习驾驶。 申请学员证需要提交以下文件: 身份证明 两张护照彩色照片 一份最近的(少于2年的)验光报告 急救课程证明 有效期:2年 费用:35瑞郎 交通安全意识课程 申请人获得学员证后,就可以开始8小时的交通安全意识理论必修课了。该课程会为您介绍一些最常见的交通事故及其原因,让您“敏感”起来。在纳沙泰尔州,您在收到学员证时,还会一同收到一个证书,在完成8个小时的交通安全意识课程学习后,驾校将会在证书上盖章。该课程可以在驾驶训练期间完成。 有效期:2年 费用:120瑞郎 驾驶训练 训练时建议由驾驶教练带您陪练,他将教您在瑞士开车的技巧,并带您走正式驾驶考试时使用的道路。 不过,您也可以在朋友或家人的陪同下进行驾驶训练,陪同人员必须年满23岁及以上,且拥有驾照至少三年,车后部还必须贴有L型车贴。L型车贴可以在大多数超市和加油站买到,价格不超过10瑞郎,可以是塑料的,也可以是贴纸或磁铁的。 费用:约100瑞郎/小时(教练陪练) 道路驾驶考试 参加道路驾驶考试必须年满18周岁并持有有效的学员证。 申请人将被测试在真实道路上驾驶、泊车和操纵车辆的能力。 考试时必须提交以下文件: 身份证明(护照、居留证或身份证) 学员证 车辆注册文件 未满20周岁者在考试前必须有不少于12个月的驾驶经验。 考试未通过: 若两次都未能通过道路驾驶考试,则不能再次参加驾驶考试,直到驾驶教练提供该考生已完成驾驶培训的证明。 三次以上没有通过驾驶考试者,将被转到心理医师处,由其确定该考生在精神方面是否适合驾驶,以及是否可以再次参加考试。 费用:55瑞郎 实习期驾照 通过道路驾驶考试后,驾驶者将获得有效期三年的实习期驾照。同时,实习期驾照持有者必须在6个月内参加为期一天的讲习训练。未能做到这点将导致驾照被吊销,并需要重新开始获取驾照的各步骤。 在这三年里,驾驶者必须严格遵守相关法规。酒驾是绝对不允许的。持实习期驾照开车时,酒精含量必须为零。 在三年实习期间,若驾照被政府部门或警察局撤销,则实习期延长一年。撤销驾照的原因包括超速、不遵守交通规则、饮酒和吸毒。 若第二次被撤销,则实习期驾照将被吊销。经过一年的等待期后,需要通过交通心理学家的测试,才能够从头开始训练。 全天讲习训练 全天讲习训练在一个特殊的道路上进行,您将进行紧急制动、安全距离和滑坡转弯方面的测试。本课程的目的是让您学会如何避免危险和在紧急情况下控制车辆。最后,您将通过模拟的方式了解酒后驾驶的风险。 在讲习训练中心,车辆将由您支配。您只需在登记处说明您想使用自动档或手动档即可。 完成这门额外的驾驶课程后,就可获得终身有效的正式驾照了。正式驾照只有在三年实习期结束时才会颁发。 费用:390瑞郎 全部费用 固定费用:约800瑞郎(理论课程+管理费) 可变费用:根据驾驶课程总节数收取 总费用通常在2000瑞郎左右 Original English Text How to get your driving license? Introduction You will find below the different steps that will allow you to get your Swiss driving license: A. Course: First Aid Instruction B. Eye Test C. Exam: Driving Theory Test D. Course: Road Awareness Theory Courses E. Exam: Practical Examination F. Course: Full-day workshop → After 3 years of trial period, you receive your final driving license. Your license step by step The First Aid Courss This is a compulsory 10-hour course that needs to be taken before passing the theoretical exam. Training for the first aid course can only be carried out by a company that is certified by the Swiss Federal Roads Office. To complete your course, you have 2 options: 2 hours every day from Monday to Friday2 days during the weekend Validity: 6 years Price: 150 CHF Eye Test Before you can start driving, you are required to take a visual test to check if you have the proper sight to drive. This test can be done at any affiliated optician by the local Road Traffic Office and only takes a few minutes. Validity: 2 years Price: Around 20 CHF The Driving Theory Test The Swiss driving test includes a written exam. The application for the theory examination is made at the local Road Traffic Office. In order to qualify to take the theory test, students must prove that they have carried out the compulsory ten hours of first aid instruction with a certified organization and passed the eye test. The applicant needs to provide both certificate for the First Aid course and the eye test. In case of failure, there is always a chance to re-take the test as many time as you wish. To learn the theory, you can download various theory Apps on your mobile phone, tablet or computer most of them are available in English. These Apps provide the same question you will get at the theory exam. The average price for a theory app on the Playstore or the Apple store is around CHF 19.- In Neuchâtel, theory tests can be completed weekly in English every Tuesday and Wednesday. Validity: 2 years Price: 40 CHF (Admin. costs) + 19 CHF (App cost) + 35 CHF (student’s driving permit) Provisional driving license A learners permit is issued once the applicant has successfully passed the theory test. This permit allows you to have supervised driving lessons with a certified instructor or an acquaintance. The followings documents are required: Proof of identity Two color passport photographs A recent (less than 2 years old) certificate from an optician First aid course certificate Validity: 2 years Price: 35 CHF Road awareness courses Once the applicant has received their learners permit, they can begin the compulsory eight hours of theory covering road traffic awareness. This is an introduction to “sensitize” you to the most common accident causes and situations. In Neuchâtel canton, you will receive a certificate along with the learners permit that will be stamped by the driving school once the eight hours have been completed. This course can be completed during the driving practicing period. Validity: 2 years Price: 120 CHF Practicing To practice, it is advised to take lessons with a driving instructor as he will teach the student how to properly drive in Switzerland. The instructor uses the official roads that will be used during the exam which is a significant advantage. However, you can also drive with friend or family but you must be accompanied by someone aged 23 and over who has had a driving license for at least three years, and must have an L sticker on the back of the car. This can be bought from most supermarkets and petrol stations for less than 10 CHF and can be in plastic, a sticker or a magnet. Price: Around 100 CHF/h (with instructor) The practical driving test The practical examination is open to those 18 and above and holders of a valid learners permit. The applicant is tested on their ability to drive in traffic, park and maneuver the vehicle. The following documents must be presented at the test: Proof of identity (passport, residence permit or identity card) Learners permit Registration documents of the vehicle Anyone under the age of 20 must have at least 12 months of driving experience before taking the test. Exam failure: Anyone who fails their practical driving test twice cannot take the driving test again until a driving instructor provides an attestation that the person has completed their driving training. A person who fails their driving test more than three times will be referred to a psychologist who will determine if they are mentally fit to drive and whether they may have another attempt. Price: 55 CHF Temporary Driving License Once the practical driving test has been passed, the driver will receive a probationary driving license valid for three years. During this period the driver must attend one-day workshop that should be taken within six months. Failure to do so will cause you to lose your license and restart all over again. During the 3 years the driver must follow thoroughly the rules. Zero tolerance for alcohol – drinking and driving. You must have 0.00% when driving with the probationary driving license. During this period of 3 years, if the driving license is withdrawn by the authorities or the police, the probationary period is extended by one year. The causes or reasons of withdrawal of license include speeding, non respect of traffic rules, alcohol and drugs consumption. If your license is withdrawn for a second time, your probationary license is cancelled. After a one-year waiting period, you will have to pass a test with a traffic psychologist before you can consider starting your training from the beginning. Full day workshop This day will take place on a special track where you will test: emergency braking, safe distance and slippery turn exercises. The aim of this course is that you learn how to avoid and better control dangerous situations. Finally, you will be introduced to the risks of drinking and driving through a simulation. Vehicles will be at your disposal at the center. You just have to specify at the registration if you want to do it in automatic or manual. Once the person has completed the additional driving course, they will rec...