瑞士国际航空增加夏季时刻苏黎世往返中国航班频次 我们很高兴地通知您,瑞士国际航空将增加夏季时刻苏黎世往返中国航班频次。苏黎世往返上海的航班频率将增为每周三班,苏黎世往返中国香港的航班频率将增为每周六班。 新增航班信息 *+1 表示第二天到达,出发及到达时间均为当地时间。 **不同的出发日期起降时间略有不同,具体信息请复制链接或点击阅读原文访问瑞航官网www.swiss.com 以查询结果为准。 We are glad to inform you that SWISS will increase flight frequency between Zurich and China in 2023 summer schedule. We will offer three weekly flights to Shanghai and six weekly flights to Hong Kong, China. Flight Information *+1=Arrival on next day, all local time. **Different departure dates have slightly different take-off and landing times. For specific information, please copy the link or check source link to access www.swiss.com 本文转载自瑞士国际航空SWISS,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
雷梭勒健康医疗合作伙伴|蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所 导语: 当今社会,美容和整形手术已经成为人们日常生活中越来越重要的一部分。随着科技和医疗技术的不断进步,越来越多的人选择在海外接受高质量的整形手术。瑞士的蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所便是一个备受推崇的整形医院。 作为一个全球知名的整形医院,蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所提供一系列世界级的整形手术和美容服务,其设施和技术都达到了国际水平。这家医院的诊所内部装修简洁明亮,设备齐全,医生和护士都非常专业、热情、友好。 对于那些希望在瑞士接受整形手术的人来说,蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所是一个非常好的选择。该诊所提供了各种类型的手术和服务,包括面部整形手术、胸部整形手术、脂肪移植手术、抗衰老治疗等。无论是想要变美还是希望改善自己的外表,都可以在这里找到适合自己的方案。 1. 服务范围 蒙特勒LACLINIC是一家提供广泛医疗服务的医疗机构。该诊所的专家团队拥有广泛的医疗专业知识和丰富的经验,为患者提供一系列医疗服务,包括整形外科、美容医学、皮肤护理、医学美容等方面。 在整形外科方面,蒙特勒LACLINIC提供多种手术和非手术治疗,包括面部整形、乳房整形、身体轮廓塑形、脱脂手术等。无论是要进行全面整形手术,还是进行局部整形手术,都可以在该诊所得到专业的医疗服务和咨询。 在美容医学方面,蒙特勒LACLINIC提供多种非侵入性美容治疗,例如肉毒杆菌注射、填充剂注射、激光治疗等。这些治疗可帮助患者改善皮肤质量、减少皱纹和细纹、改善皮肤色素、改善疤痕等。 蒙特勒LACLINIC的医生和护士团队都经过严格的培训和认证,因而具备最先进的技能和知识。他们使用最新的技术和设备来执行手术,并遵循最高的安全标准,以确保手术的安全性和客户的满意度。 2. 医疗技术 蒙特勒LACLINIC提供一系列高科技的医疗技术,如激光治疗、超声波、冷冻疗法等。 其中,激光治疗是蒙特勒LACLINIC最著名的技术之一,它可以用于除皱、减少色素沉着、去除刺青、去除毛发、改善血管扩张等。蒙特勒LACLINIC也拥有最新的医疗技术设备,如CoolSculpting冷冻技术,这种技术不需要使用任何手术或针头,因此非常受顾客的欢迎。它是一种无创、无痛的脂肪减少方法。这种技术可以安全、有效地去除脂肪和改善身体轮廓,从而达到瘦身的效果。 3. 治疗领域 以下是蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所治疗领域的介绍: 3.1 整形外科手术 蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所拥有一支专业的整形外科团队,他们使用最先进的技术和设备,为客户提供高水平的整形外科手术服务。从面部重塑到身体轮廓改善,从鼻子整形到乳房整形,蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所的整形外科医生都拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,以确保每位客户都能获得最佳的手术结果。 整形外科手术需要经过一系列复杂的过程,蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所的整形外科医生将会在手术前和手术后与客户进行深入的咨询和讨论,以确保他们对手术的期望和要求被充分考虑和理解。在手术中,医生们将采用最新的手术技术和最高水平的医疗设备,以确保手术过程安全、有效、无副作用。手术后,整形外科医生会为客户提供必要的护理和指导,以帮助他们恢复健康并获得最佳的效果。 3.2 非手术美容治疗 除了整形外科手术,蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所还提供各种非手术美容治疗,这些治疗通常是用于改善面部皮肤的外观和质地,从而让客户看起来更年轻、更健康。这些治疗包括注射肉毒杆菌、填充剂、激光治疗、化学剥离等。 蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所的美容医生都是经验丰富的专业人士,他们将根据每位客户的特定需要和期望,为其提供个性化的美容治疗方案。注射肉毒杆菌和填充剂是两种最流行的非手术美容治疗,它们可以减少细纹和皱纹,恢复面部轮廓并增强面部特征。激光治疗和化学剥离可以改善皮肤质地和色素问题,同时也可以减少色素沉着、血管扩张和其他不良皮肤状况。 3.3 皮肤护理 蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所的皮肤护理专家提供各种皮肤护理服务,如深层清洁、果酸换肤、微针、光子嫩肤和脉冲光等。这些服务可以有效地改善皮肤质量和外观,减少瑕疵和不均匀的肤色,使皮肤更加健康和年轻。 4. 国际化 为了提供更好的服务,该诊所还设有专门的国际患者部门。这个部门的专家团队每年都会帮助来自亚洲等地的国际患者找到适合他们的治疗方案和个性化的检查计划。无论是来自世界各地的国际患者,还是在瑞士的外国游客,都可以在蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所得到最好的医疗服务和体验。 当患者完成治疗后,国际患者部门的专家将会为他们安排跟进治疗。这将包括定期检查和咨询,以确保治疗效果达到预期。蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所的国际患者部门致力于为国际患者提供最好的医疗服务和最佳的治疗体验。 5. 结语 蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所是一家集医疗、美容、住宿和餐饮于一体的顶级医疗机构,其先进的医疗技术和设备、专业的专家团队、舒适的住宿和餐饮服务,使其成为瑞士和欧洲乃至全球最受欢迎的美容医疗机构之一。无论您是想进行整形手术、非手术美容治疗、皮肤护理,还是医学美容,蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所都可以为您提供最好的服务和体验。 如您希望了解更多蒙特勒LACLINIC诊所资讯,欢迎随时通过邮箱info@lasoleille.com或电话400-006-7726与我们的客户经理联系。 Original English Text LaClinic Montreux Laclinic Montreux is a world-renowned medical and aesthetic clinic located in the heart of Montreux, Switzerland. The clinic boasts a team of highly skilled medical professionals and state-of-the-art facilities to offer a comprehensive range of services. They specialize in plastic surgery, dermatology, aesthetic medicine, and preventive health, making them a one-stop-shop for all your medical and aesthetic needs. At Laclinic Montreux, the focus is on personalized and innovative solutions. The clinic is committed to tailoring their treatments to suit each individuals unique needs, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care. Their passion for excellence is evident in everything they do, from the quality of their facilities to the expertise of their medical staff. Laclinic Montreux is a leader in the field of medical and aesthetic care. Their reputation for excellence has been earned through their dedication to providing top-quality services and their commitment to improving their patients overall well-being. Whether you are seeking cosmetic enhancement, rejuvenation, or treatment for a medical condition, Laclinic Montreux has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals. 1. Services Laclinic Montreux is a medical institution that provides a wide range of medical services. The clinics expert team has a wide range of medical expertise and experience to provide patients with a range of services, including plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, skin care and medical aesthetics. For plastic surgery, Laclinic Montreux offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments, including facial plastic surgery, breast augmentation, body contouring, liposuction surgery, etc. Whether you want to undergo comprehensive plastic surgery or partial plastic surgery, you can get professional medical services and consultations at the clinic. For midcal beauty, Laclinic Montreux offers a variety of non-invasive cosmetic treatments such as Botox injections, filler injections, laser treatments, etc. These treatments help patients improve skin quality, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin pigmentation and improve scarring. Laclinic Montreuxs team of physicians and nurses have undergone rigorous training and certification to ensure they have state-of-the-art skills and knowledge. They use the latest technology and equipment to perform procedures and follow the highest safety standards to ensure the safety and satisfaction of their clients. 2. Technology Laclinic Montreux provides a series of high-tech medical technologies, such as laser treatment and ultrasoun. Among them, laser treatment is one of Laclinic Montreuxs most famous techniques, it can be used for wrinkle reduction, hyperpigmentation reduction, improving vasodilation, etc. Laclinic Montreux also has the latest medical technology equipment, such as CoolSculpting freezing technology, which does not require any surgery or needles, making it a popular treatment among clients. It is a non-invasive and painless fat reduction method. This technique safely and effectively removes body fat while achieving slimming results. 3. Therapeutic area The following is a description of the therapeutic areas of Montreux LACLINIC: 3.1 Plastic Surgery Laclinic Montreux has a professional plastic surgery team who use the most advanced technology and equipment to provide customers with high-level plastic surgery services. From face reshaping to body contouring, plastic surgeons at Laclinic Montreux have the experience and expertise to ensure each client receives the best possible outcome. Plastic surgery requires a complex process, surgeons at Laclinic Montreux will conduct in-depth consultations and discussions with clients before and after surgery to ensure that their expectations and requirements for the procedure are fully considered and understood. During the surgery, doctors will use the latest surgical techniques and the highest level of medical equipment to ensure that the procedure is safe, effective and free from side effects. After surgery, the plastic surgeon provides the client with the care and guidance necessary to help them recover and achieve the best possible results. 3.2 Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatment In addition to plastic surgery, Laclinic Montreux also offers a variety of non-surgical cosmetic treatments, which are often used to improve the appearance and texture of facial skin, thereby leaving clients looking younger and healthier. These treatments include Botox injections, fillers, laser treatments, chemical peels, and more. Laclinic Montreuxs aesthetic doctors are experienced professionals who will provide each client with a personalized aesthetic treatment plan according to their specific needs and expectations. Botox injections and fillers are two of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, restore facial contour, and enhance facial features. Laser treatments and chemical peels can improve skin texture and pigment concerns, while also reducing hyperpigmentation, dilated blood vessels, and other unwanted skin conditions. 3.3 Skin Care The skin care specialists at Laclinic Montreux provide a variety of skin care services such as deep cleansing, AHA peels and photorejuvenation. These services are effective in improving skin quality and appearance, reducing blemishes and uneven skin tone for healthier and younger looking skin. 4. Internationalized In order to provide top-tier service, the clinic also has a dedicated department for international patients. Every year, the team of experts in this department helps international patients from Asia and other places to find the right treatment and examination plan for them. After patients complete the treatment, ...
雷梭勒健康医疗合作伙伴丨莱蒙湖医疗中心 导语: 当今社会,身体健康已经成为人们最为关注的话题之一,因此,医疗服务行业也越来越受到人们的重视。瑞士的莱蒙湖医疗中心就是其中一家备受好评的医疗服务机构。 莱蒙湖医疗中心是一家位于瑞士洛桑市中心的私人诊所,提供多种医疗服务。该诊所拥有最先进的医疗设备和技术,致力于为患者提供高质量、个性化的医疗服务。下面将为您介绍一些关于莱蒙湖医疗中心的信息,以帮助您更好地了解这家诊所。 1. 服务范围 作为瑞士领先的医疗机构之一,莱蒙湖医疗中心提供的服务范围非常广泛,包括美容、整形、牙科和抗衰老治疗等。无论您是寻找一次简单的护理还是进行复杂的手术,莱蒙湖医疗中心的专业团队都能够满足您的需求。 莱蒙湖医疗中心的美容服务涵盖了面部、身体和头发。例如,诊所提供注射肉毒杆菌、填充剂、瘦脸针和超声波治疗等。此外,诊所还提供多种减肥方案,包括LPG、高科技瘦身和营养咨询。 整形手术是莱蒙湖医疗中心的另一大特色。从隆鼻到隆胸再到脂肪填充,莱蒙湖医疗中心的医生拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,可以帮助您塑造完美的外貌。 莱蒙湖医疗中心还提供牙科服务。从普通洗牙到种植牙,诊所的牙医团队能够满足各种不同的需求。此外,诊所还提供牙齿美白和正畸治疗等美容牙科服务。 最后,莱蒙湖医疗中心提供抗衰老治疗。诊所的专家团队利用最新的技术和方法,为客户提供个性化的治疗方案。这些治疗方案包括抗衰老注射、激光治疗和紫外线疗法等。 2. 医疗技术 莱蒙湖医疗中心是一家拥有先进医疗设备和技术的综合性医疗机构。诊所的医疗团队拥有丰富的经验和专业知识,可以为患者提供高质量的医疗服务。 首先,诊所拥有先进的医疗设备,包括CT、MRI、PET-CT等各种成像技术设备,可以为患者提供准确的诊断。此外,诊所还配备了最新的手术设备和器械,可以进行复杂的手术操作。 其次,诊所的医疗团队采用最先进的医疗技术,包括微创手术、激光治疗等各种先进治疗技术,可以为患者提供最佳的治疗方案和体验。此外,诊所的医生和护士团队也经常参加国际性的医疗研讨会议和培训,以保持他们的专业知识和技能的时新性和前沿性。 最后,诊所还为患者提供全面的康复服务。诊所的物理治疗师和康复师采用最先进的康复设备和技术,可以为患者提供针对性的康复方案,以帮助他们尽快康复并恢复正常生活。 总之,莱蒙湖医疗中心拥有先进的医疗设备和技术,以及经验丰富的医疗团队,可以为患者提供高质量的医疗服务。 3. 治疗领域 美容整形:莱蒙湖医疗中心拥有国际知名的美容整形专家,提供包括面部、身体、鼻子等多方面的整形手术服务。针对不同需求,诊所提供个性化的手术方案,并采用先进的技术和设备确保手术的安全性和术后效果。 激光美容:莱蒙湖医疗中心的激光美容技术也备受赞誉。该技术可以减少皱纹、消除痘疤、改善肤色不均等问题。诊所拥有全系列激光设备,包括CO2激光、Fraxel激光、血管激光等,可以根据个人肤质和问题量身定制治疗方案。 注射美容:莱蒙湖医疗中心的注射美容服务是一项快速、安全、无创的治疗方式。针对不同的问题,诊所提供包括肉毒素、填充剂、PRP等多种注射美容产品,能够达到自然、持久、无痕迹的美容效果。 抗衰老:莱蒙湖医疗中心的抗衰老治疗方案涵盖了从生活方式改变到医疗美容等多个方面。针对不同年龄和需求,诊所提供了多种抗衰老产品和治疗方式,例如射频、BEST疗程等,可以帮助顾客保持年轻态。 皮肤治疗:皮肤问题是很多人的困扰,例如皮肤过敏、疤痕等。莱蒙湖医疗中心拥有一支专业的皮肤科医生团队,提供个性化的治疗方案,包括皮肤科药物治疗、微创皮肤手术、皮肤激光治疗等,确保顾客皮肤的健康和美丽。 其他:除了以上治疗领域外,莱蒙湖医疗中心还提供多项其他服务,例如体重管理、毛发治疗等。所有的服务都遵循个性化、科学化的原则,确保顾客能够获得最优质的治疗效果。 4. 国际化 为了给国际患者提供更好的服务,莱蒙湖医疗中心设立了专门的国际患者部门。该部门由专家团队组成,每年都会帮助来自亚洲等地的国际患者找到最适合客户的治疗方案和个性化的检查计划。无论是来自世界各地的国际患者,还是在瑞士的外国游客,都能在莱蒙湖医疗中心获得最好的医疗服务和体验。 一旦患者完成治疗,国际患者部门的专家将会为他们安排后续跟进治疗。这将包括定期检查和咨询,以确保治疗效果达到预期。莱蒙湖医疗中心的国际患者部门致力于为国际患者提供最好的医疗服务和最佳的治疗体验。诊所的专家们非常注重与患者的沟通和交流,以确保治疗方案能够满足患者的需求和期望。 莱蒙湖医疗中心深知来自不同文化和地区的患者可能会面临不同的挑战和困难,因此诊所的专家们也会尽力为患者提供帮助和支持。诊所相信,通过与患者的密切合作和共同努力,一定能够为他们提供最好的治疗体验和最佳的治疗效果。 莱蒙湖医疗中心承诺为国际患者提供最优质的医疗服务和个性化的治疗方案,国际患者部门的专家们随时准备为您提供帮助和支持,让您感受到最温暖、充满关怀的医疗服务。 结语: 莱蒙湖医疗中心是一家拥有多年经验和专业知识的医疗机构,致力于为客户提供个性化、高质量的服务。诊所拥有先进的医疗设备和技术,以及广泛的专业知识和经验。无论您需要的是美容、整形还是抗衰老治疗,莱蒙湖医疗中心都可以为您提供最好的解决方案。另外,诊所也注重与客户的沟通和了解,能够确保客户的需求得到充分满足。如果您正在寻找一个信任和专业的医疗机构,莱蒙湖医疗中心将是一个不错的选择。 如您希望了解更多莱蒙湖医疗中心的资讯,欢迎随时通过邮箱info@lasoleille.com或电话400-006-7726与我们的客户经理联系。 Original English Text Clinic Lémanic Clinic Lémanic is a prestigious medical center located in the heart of Lausanne, Switzerland. For more than 20 years, the clinic has been providing exceptional care and expertise in the fields of plastic surgery, dermatology, and aesthetic medicine. Clinic Lémanic’s unwavering commitment to delivering bespoke treatments that are tailored to each patients unique needs and preferences has earned them a reputation as one of the leading medical institutions in the world. The team at Clinic Lémanic is made up of highly skilled and experienced doctors, surgeons, and medical professionals who are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care possible. They utilize cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure that patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments available. Whether you are seeking cosmetic enhancements or medical treatments, Clinic Lémanic offers a comprehensive range of services to help you achieve your desired outcomes. With its luxurious and welcoming environment, Clinic Lémanic provides an unparalleled patient experience that is sure to exceed your expectations. If you are looking for world-class medical care from a renowned institution that prioritizes your safety and well-being, look no further than Clinic Lémanic. 1. Services As one of Switzerlands leading medical institutions, Clinic Lémanic offers a wide range of services, including cosmetic, plastic, dental and anti-aging treatments. Whether you are looking for simple care or a complex procedure, the professional team at Clinic Lémanic can meet your needs. Cosmetic services at Clinic Lémanic include treatments relating to the face, body and hair. For example, they offer Botox injections, fillers, facelifts, and ultrasound treatments. In addition, they offer a variety of weight loss programs including LPG, high-tech weight loss and nutritional counseling. Plastic surgery is another specialty at Clinic Lémanic. From rhinoplasty to breast augmentation to lipofilling, the doctors at Clinic Lémanic have the experience and expertise to help you achieve your perfect appearance. Dental services are also available at Clinic Lémanic. From aligners to dental veneers, their team of dentists caters to every need. Additionally, they offer cosmetic dental services such as tooth whitening and orthodontic treatment. Finally, Clinic Lémanic offers anti-aging treatments. Their team of experts utilizes the latest technology and methodologies to provide clients with personalized treatment plans. These treatments include anti-aging injections and laser therapy. 2. Technology Clinic Lémanic is a comprehensive medical institution with advanced medical equipment and technology. The clinics medical team has extensive experience and expertise to provide patients with high-quality medical services. First of all, the clinic has advanced medical equipment, including CT, MRI, PET-CT and other imaging technology equipment, which can provide patients with accurate diagnosis. In addition, the clinic is equipped with the latest surgical equipment and instruments to perform complex surgical procedures. Secondly, the clinics medical team adopts the most advanced medical technology, including minimally invasive surgery, laser therapy and other advanced treatment techniques, so as to provide patients with the best treatment plan and experience. In addition, the clinics doctors and nurses often participate in international medical seminars and trainings to keep their professional knowledge and skills updated. Finally, the clinic also provides comprehensive rehabilitation services for patients. Using the most advanced rehabilitation equipment and technology, the physiotherapists and rehabilitation therapists in the clinic can provide patients with targeted rehabilitation programs to help them recover as soon as possible and return to normal. In short, Clinic Lémanic has advanced medical equipment and technology, as well as an experienced medical team, which can provide patients with high-quality medical services. 3. Therapeutic area Cosmetic plastic surgery: Clinic Lémanic has internationally renowned plastic surgery experts who provide plastic surgery services including face, body, and nose. According to different needs, the clinic provides personalized surgical plans, and adopts advanced technology and equipment to ensure the safety and effect of surgery. Laser beauty: The laser beauty technology of Clinic Lémanic is also highly praised. The technology can reduce wrinkles, eliminate acne scars, improve uneven skin tone and more. The clinic has a full range of laser equipment, including CO2 lasers, Fraxel lasers, etc., and it can tailor the treatment plan according to individual skin type and problems. Cosmetic Injections: The cosmetic injection service at Clinic Lémanic is a fast, safe, and non-invasive treatment. According to different problems, the clinic provides a variety of injectable beauty products including Botox, fillers, PRP, etc., which can achieve natural, long-lasting, and traceless beauty effects. Anti-Aging: Anti-aging treatment options at Clinic Lémanic ranges from lifestyle changes to medical aesthetics. According to different ages and needs, the clinic provides a variety of anti-aging products an...
翻译(实习生)(隶属客户部) 【招聘人数】1人 【薪资】350元/天 【职位描述】1.翻译各种公司中英文往来文件;2.翻译公司客户信息资料;3.公司线上/线下活动,担任现场线上/线下的翻译工作;4.领导交代的其他工作内容。 【任职要求】1.英语或翻译专业硕士,上海外国语大学在读生为佳;2.具备英语专业八级证书,CATTI二级,英语翻译能力强,良好的英汉/汉英双向翻译;3.有一定同/交传经验为佳;4.拥有第二外语法语/德语者为佳;5.有金融、投资、财务专业领域的知识并掌握一定相关术语,熟悉金融市场各类产品、了解相关法规制度为佳;6.工作细致认真,责任心强,性格开朗,有良好的沟通能力,愿意与人交流,富有激情;7.具有一定的文字能力,可独立撰写方案和报告;8.实习期结束,表现优异者,公司将优先考虑转正,成为公司的正式员工;9.接受灵活工作形式,日薪计算。 【工作经验】无 【福利】享公司午餐补贴。 以上职位工作地点为上海,请将您的求职信、个人简历以及必要的证明文件发送到以下邮箱:candy.bao@lasoleille.com Translator (Trainee) (Customer Services Division) [Number of recruits] 1 person [Salary] RMB350/day [Job Description] 1. Translate various English and Chinese documents of the companys correspondence; 2. Translate customer information materials of the company; 3. In the online/offline events of the company, serve as the on-site translator; 4. Other job as assigned by the leader. [Qualifications] 1.Masters degree in English or translation, preferably a current student of Shanghai International Studies University; 2.Have certificate of TEM 8, CATTI level 2, strong English translation skills, good at English-Chinese/Chinese-English translation; 3. Some experience in simultaneous/ consecutive interpretation is desirable; 4. French/German as a second language is desirable; 5. Preferably have knowledge of finance, investment, accounting and relevant terminology, familiarity with various products in the financial market and understand relevant regulations; 6. Meticulous and conscientious at work, strong sense of responsibility, cheerful personality, good communication skills, willing to communicate with people, passionate; 7. Have certain writing ability, able to write proposals and reports independently; 8. At the end of the internship period, the company will give priority to those with excellent performance to become regular employees of the company; 9. Accept flexible working hours; salary is calculated on a daily basis. [Work experience] None [Benefits] Lunch allowance. The above position is located in Shanghai, China. Please send your resume, motivation letter and any supporting document you deem necessary by email to candy.bao@lasoleille.com. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com