瑞士并非样样都贵 瑞士是世界上最贵的国家,真的吗?价格是怎么比较的?让我们来问个明白人吧:瑞士联邦统计局消费价格部主任Hans Markus Herren。 瑞士资讯swissinfo.ch:与国外相比,瑞士是不是样样都贵? Hans Markus Herren:当然不是。与欧洲其他国家相比,瑞士的物价水平确实最高,但这并不意味着所有的价格都同样昂贵。 在哪些领域价格差异最大? 最典型的是在服务型领域:如教育、房租、卫生医疗等,此外肉类等产品也比国外贵许多。在居住方面我们的价格是欧洲平均水平的两倍。但汽车、汽油、烟草等产品的价格差异并不大。软件价格仅比国外高9%。 有没有比国外便宜的? 电子产品-电视、收音机、计算机,这些在瑞士要便宜些,甚至略低于欧洲的平均水平。 这些差异是如何造成的? 肉制品有进口税,进口数量有限,这明显有政治因素在里面;瑞士的服务业之所以昂贵是因为人工贵、工资高。 如果人们要去更便宜的国家旅行,甚至移民要注意些什么? 在这种情况下物价水平当然很重要,例如典型的移民国美国的价格就确实比瑞士低。谁要是退休后想去另一个国家,那么一定想知道当地的生活开销怎样。但无论是旅行还是移民,特别是移民都不应仅仅考虑物价。首当其冲的问题应该是语言:在一个新环境如何与当地人交流。文化也至关重要。如果在国外打工,要做好拿较低工资的准备。此外购物时产品的质量和种类也会不一样。 最著名的价格比较参数就是Big Mac指数,也就是对比世界各地麦当劳汉堡包的价格。 Big Mac指数确实能凸显价格差异,有趣的是,我们能够看到汉堡在有些国家被当做奢侈品,在有些国家却只是普通的消费品。这只是一种粗略地简单化比较,因为购买力并未考虑在内。此外在现代经济社会,我们只有针对多个产品进行比较才能在一定程度上反映经济水平。 “在瑞士某些种类的鱼和海鲜是不容易找到的,因为这类消费不符合我们的习惯”。 Keystone / Ivan Tortorella 在国际上是如何进行价格比较的? 经合组织(OECD)与欧盟统计局就有一个价格比较项目,共有包括瑞士在内的38个国家参与。我们联邦统计局负责收集消费及投资品的价格,并提供瑞士的基本数据。欧盟统计局则协调各国进行价格调查、计算并公布统计结果。他们要去除购买力的影响,比对各国的人均国内生产总值和物价。购买力这个因素很重要:我们不能仅对比牛仔裤的价格,而不考虑当地人的工资能买几条。同样多的钱并不能到处都买到同样多的东西。汇率也不容忽视:我们的瑞郎在何时能换取多少外币? 在世界范围内进行价格比较会参照什么样的产品? 对要进行比较的产品是有严格界定的,例如对牛仔裤就制定了明确的标准。但困难在于不是到处都能找到同样的牛仔裤。还有在比利时牛仔裤可能是普通消费品,但在希腊它卖得并不好。所以我们还要知道,这个产品能不能代表该国的普遍消费。在统计学里典型商品比小众产品拥有更高的权重。例如在瑞士某些鱼类或海鲜类的特色产品就很难找到,因为它不符合我们的消费习惯。 那么欧洲以外其他国家的情况怎样? 其他各洲也会进行区域性的价格比较,世界级的一般由世界银行主导,每6年一次,因为它太复杂、太耗时了。问题的关键不仅在于要找到合适的产品进行比较,还在于甄别它们能否承担相似的功能。例如在马里就很难找到牛仔裤,因为那只属于占人口1%的上层社会,其他人不会穿。此外在世界范围内还有其他问题:不是所有的国家都愿意,或能够参与,例如叙利亚、黎巴嫩这类危机重重的国家就有困难。 购物中心 Keystone / Samuel Golay 在世界范围内瑞士的物价如何? 早在2005年瑞士就已成为世界上最昂贵的国家之一。2005年的价格指数显示,瑞士的物价水平高过世界平均水平的74%。在接下来2011年的调查中,瑞士荣登榜首,其价格水平比世界平均水平的2倍还多。2017年瑞士终于不再是最昂贵的国家,而是让位给百慕大。这种情况可能不会长久 ,主要取决于汇率。如果瑞郎坚挺,瑞士就昂贵,我们的物价水平就高。但有意思的是:瑞士的购买力平价在慢慢地逐年走低,瑞士的价格在缓慢向欧洲靠拢。这一方面与竞争有关;另一方面与进口货有关,与欧洲相比瑞士的价格正在变得越来越便宜。 原文链接:https://www.swissinfo.ch/chi/swi/46908984 本文转载自瑞士资讯swissinfo,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
想在瑞士乘风破浪,您需要了解这些 瑞士的大部分的城市都拥有绝世景观,青山环绕着碧水,湖泊清澈见底,湖水似水晶一般的明净,当地人都喜欢乘船徜徉于此美景画卷中。 然而,在购买船舶前,您需要考虑诸多问题,选择合适的船舶可不是件简单的事儿。比如,您将在何种水域用船,载客需求是多少,您是否需要进行水上活动(比如水橇滑水),还是您的需求仅限于乘船到湖中游泳,以便享受甲板上的惬意时光。 不论是小型船舶还是游艇,使用时都会产生一些固定开销。比如,泊位费用、牌照费用、保险费用、保养费和油费。每年的开销取决于船舶的大小、型号、停泊处和燃料类型。总的来说,一年的开销大约是船舶价值的10%。 同时,还有一些其他费用,比如船舶驾驶学校的学费,船舶驾驶教练的平均时薪为九十瑞郎。按照专业人士的建议,学习者需要八到十五节课才能掌握驾船技巧,总的学习费用大约在一千瑞郎左右。 一旦您决定买船,以下前提条件必须具备: 船泊位——(停船)港口 首先,您必须拥有一个停船泊位。对此,您有几种选择,比如港口泊位、干泊位或者直接将船停进私人车库。 港口泊位主要由当地政府机构管理,您必须直接联系他们以开启申请流程,您可以通过纳沙泰尔市政府的官方网站提交申请。 此外,您也可以直接通过独立网站或私人网站购买或租赁泊位。这种情况下,泊位转让或交易将直接在船主之间进行。(纳沙泰尔湖沿岸泊位有关信息,请见文末图示) 船舶保险 如果船舶因失窃、火灾、碰撞出现损伤,或船主驾船时受伤,船舶保险能减少船主的经济损失。在瑞士,绝大多数船主都必须购买责任保险。当船舶出现损伤时,除责任保险外,全险或部分全险也可避免您承受经济后果。额外保险一般可对第三方提出的具体索赔提供保障,例如专门针对拖曳式划水者推出的保险。 此外,您进行船舶登记时,将需要提供一份有效期内的保单。 官方文件 我们为您列出了在纳沙泰尔购买和使用船舶所需要的材料:船舶行驶证; 船舶登记表,有些登记表可能需要提供发动机文件信息; 防污染证书; 认证船舶的符合性声明(Declaration of conformity); 船舶用电责任险保单(摩托艇及帆面面积超过15㎡的船舶需要提供,其他情况无需提供); 电力装置超过24V和/或装有气体燃烧装置的船舶需提供符合性证书(Certificate of conformity); 如果您的船停泊在港口,您须出示该港口开具的停泊证明;如果您的船系在公共水域的浮标上,您须出示环境部签发的停泊证明; 费用标准:年度停泊费用所涵盖的时间段为每年3月1日至次年2月底,即便您每年仅部分时间用船,也需统一缴纳固定的年度停泊费用。但每年9月1日之后登记的船舶仅需缴纳半年的停泊费; 瑞士制造的船舶需提供原产地证明。 全新船舶和进口船舶还需提供以下材料:清关证明(进口船舶须填写15.10表格); 符合性证书原件; 使用手册; 船舶登记表,如船舶原来为租用性质,还需要提供“撤销第178条”船舶申请表。 船舶保养 一艘船能够给您带来快乐,使您产生自豪感和幸福感,但您也需要对它进行保养,比如进行清洗、抛光、打捞上岸、防污、引擎维修、检修等工作。 船舶的定期保养能够保证其使用寿命和价值,是十分必要的。 纳沙泰尔湖边有几家公司,他们不仅有多年的船舶检修和保养经验,还有丰富的造船经验。他们有自己的船厂,能够将您的船带回船厂进行检修。 我们建议您每年至少做一次防冻处理、至少进行一次倾船维护。 燃料 不论您是船主还是租船者,燃料都是您必须要考虑的事情。为避免出现预料之外的费用,我们建议您在选择船舶类型时考虑燃料费用。需要注意的是,和车辆油耗一样,不同船舶的油耗程度不同。 以下为四种船用燃料: 渔船柴油(GOP):一种高质量的柴油,主要用于专业渔船,所有配备柴油发动机的船舶均可使用这种柴油,其较高的十六烷值能够提高发动机效率。 海运柴油(DML):全球标准海运柴油,主要用于轮船,所有配备柴油发动机的船舶均可使用这种柴油。 SP98汽油:无铅汽油,适用于装有汽油发动机的船舶。 燃料油:一般用作大型商业船舶燃料,比如油轮、集装箱货运船、渡轮。 您可在不同地方找到船舶加油站:1. 为方便您给船加油,湖边一般会专设船舶加油站,操作简单,使用方便。2. 您也可以在普通的船舶服务站预先购买汽油,并将其储存在特殊的燃料容器中。 下图为纳沙泰尔湖周边的船泊位及湖边加油站: 我们建议船主下载使用一个叫做BoatDriver Guide的手机APP。该APP适用于所有品牌的智能手机,它可以为您提供驾船时所需的一切信息,例如港口、锚地、加油站、厕所和警察局的有关信息。 有关在瑞士购船用船的更多信息,欢迎联系瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室:400-006-7726,info@lasoleille.com。 注:本篇为瑞士生活指南系列第13期——在瑞士使用游艇指南。 Original English Text Owning a boat in Switzerland While living in Switzerland, you may notice the beautiful sceneries that most cities have to offer. Within these amazing sightings are the lakes, crystal clear waters surrounded by mountains and enjoyed by the locals on their boats. Choosing a boat is not always simple, it is much advisable to know precisely how you intend to use your future boat. Which type of water you would want to put it in, how many people will be on board, whether you would want to practice an active navigation (water skiing) or simply have a good time on board with a nice swim in the lake, are the main questions to answer before proceeding to a purchase. Whether its a small boat or a yacht, there are certain expenses that all boaters must cover. The docking (parking) space, license plates and the insurance are among the fixed costs. But maintenance and gasoline also must be paid for. In general, the amount of money spent per year depends on the size of the boat, its model, its home port and if it is run by fuel use. The total annual cost is estimated to be at 10% of the value of the boat. Then there are also the costs to be amortized, such as the navigation license. Boat school instructors offer an average hourly rate of 90 francs. Professionals estimate between eight and fifteen lessons to be necessary to obtain the license, which brings the total value of the license to around a thousand swiss francs. Once the boat has been chosen. The following requirements must be met: Mooring place – Boat port (Parking): First and foremost, a space to keep your boat must be guaranteed. There are several options for this such as harbor spaces, dry spaces or simply keeping the boat in personal vehicle garage. The harbor places are mainly managed by the local authorities. They must be contacted directly to start such procedures. A request shall be sent to the city of Neuchâtel through their website. It is also possible to buy or rent a parking space directly from an independent or private site. In this case it would be a transfer or exchange between two independent owners. (Please find the different ports in the Neuchâtel Lake for parking at the end of article.) Insurance: Boat insurances protect the owner from the financial consequences of a loss or damages, surging from theft, fire, collisions, or personal injuries. In Switzerland, a liability insurance is mandatory for most boat owners. In addition to liability insurance, an all-risk or partial all-risk policy also covers damage to your own boat. Additional coverage options protect against specific claims from third parties, for example towed water skiers. Additionally, to apply for the boat registration, you need a valid insurance. Official documents: Here are the different documents that will be required for the possession and use of your boat in Neuchâtel.- Navigation permit- Application for registration and engine documents according to the application for registration - Anti-pollution certificate- Declaration of conformity for certified boats- A certificate of electronic liability insurance (only for motorboats and boats with a sail of more than 15 m2)- A certificate of conformity for boats with a gas installation and/or an electrical installation of more than 24 volts- A certificate of mooring from the port if your boat is parked there or from the Environment Department if your boat remains attached to a buoy on the public domain.- Standard fee: The fee is levied on a flat-rate basis each year for the period from March 1st to the end of February of the following year, even if the boat is only used for part of the year. However, it is reduced by half for boats registered after September 1.- Certificate of origin : Only for boats fabricated in Switzerland If the boat is new or imported, the following documents are also required:- The clearance certificate (form 15.10 for imported boats) - The original certificate of conformity- The users manual- The form for the registration and deletion of the number 178 for leased boats. Maintenance: Owning a boat means pleasure, pride and of course moments of pure happiness. But there are responsibilities to take care of such as cleaning the boat, polishing it, taking it out of the water, antifouling, servicing the engine, fixing what needs to be fixed, etc. Regular care of your boat is essential to ensure its longevity and value. Several companies on the lake of Neuchâtel, are at your disposal with their long years of practice, not only in revision and maintenance but also in boat building. These companies will carry out their services on your boat, back in their own workshops. Dont forget to consider winterization or careening for your boat, we advise you to do these at least once a year. Fuel:Whether you are the owner of your boat or simply a renter, you will inevitably have to go through the "fuel" box. Indeed, before setting sail, we advise you to take into account the additional costs of your boat to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Note that, as for cars, each boat is different, and its fuel consumption varies according to several factors. 4 types of marine fuels:- Fishing diesel (GOP): This is a high-quality diesel fuel is used by all vessels equipped with diesel engines, mostly used by professional fishing boats. It allows a better engine efficiency thanks to a high cetane number.- Diesel Marine Leger (DML): It is the reference marine diesel fuel in the world. It is used by all ships equipped with diesel engines, especially pleasure boats.- Blue essence SP98: Unleaded gasoline is intended for boats with a gasoline engine.- Fuel Bunker/Cargo: It is used for large commercial vessels such as tankers, containers, ferries Fuel can be acquired in several different locations: 1. In the gas stations specially designed for the use of boats. These are indeed fuel stations made easy for boat refueling, located at the waters edge, facilitating the te...
瑞士法语提升培训指南 前言: 法语作为一门国际化语言,被广泛应用于美食、时尚、戏剧、视觉艺术、舞蹈、建筑等领域。它还是瑞士的四种官方语言之一,来到瑞士,您将领略这门“浪漫之语”的魅力。 在瑞士,政府要求持B类或C类居留证的居民学习当地语言。学习法语不仅是您在瑞士顺利续居留的前提,也是您安顿之后融入瑞士当地生活必不可少的一步。 瑞士的教育体系十分完善,能够满足不同个体的学习需求,强化学习成果。我们将在下文中介绍瑞士语言学校,以及适合非法语母语者学习的语言课程。 儿童法语课程 以下为推荐的儿童法语学习途径: 1 瑞士学校 瑞士教育体系为学生学习新语言提供多方位的协助,纳沙泰尔州的“泛语言项目”(Extensive Language Support Project)旨在帮助青少年提高法语口语交流能力。公立教育体系专门为新生准备融入课程,帮助他们学习法语,为之后的常规课程提前打下语言基础。在某些情况下,特别是年龄较小的孩子将直接进入常规课程的学习,因为他们的语言学习能力强,这种方法更适合他们快速融入。瑞士的教学体系还提供多种多样课程的语言补习班,其唯一目的在于为学校教学提供支持。 2 语言补习班(私立学校) 不论是家庭语言补习课,还是学校语言补习班,都倾向于采用学习效率最高的“一对一”教学模式。“一对一”的教学模式下,老师的关注点不再分散给全班同学,而是集中在一个孩子身上。这有助于孩子形成竞争优势,在课堂学习中脱颖而出。 您可以在私立或公立学校找到这样的“一对一”课程,同时纳沙泰尔的一些教育机构也提供此类服务。 3 训练营(夏令营、语言集训营等) 训练营为孩子提供了轻松有趣的法语学习环境,让孩子能够更高效地强化口语、写作、语法、词汇等语言能力。在这里,孩子们可以通过与同学的互动增加日常词汇量、强化沟通能力。同时,通过户外活动、课程项目、随堂小测验、知识竞答和互动游戏,孩子们将时刻沉浸在法语学习的环境当中。训练营的交互式学习模式,能够通过多种多样的活动保持孩子的学习兴趣。此外,也有专为孩子准备入学考试或是其他考试而开设的夏令营。 以下是几个著名的夏令营项目:- 博索雷学院夏令营- Haut-Lac国际语言学校夏令营- 莱蒙国际学校夏令营 4 线上语言课程 您也可以为孩子选择线上语言老师或线上语言课程,如今越来越多的网站通过多种多样的形式提供线上互动语言课程。这种线上学习平台使学生能够透过屏幕以更加灵活的方式进行语言学习,线上老师也会选择适合孩子学习的内容,以轻松有趣的方式教授语言课程。线上平台还能够为您提供更多元化的教师资源,比如用中文授课的法语老师。 其他优势:师资选择更多元、成本更低、效率更高、课程选择更广泛。 法语成人课程 1 成人学习机构 纳沙泰尔有五家不同的成人学习机构,您可根据自己的语言水平和熟练程度进行选择。通过这种学习方式,您将重温校园学习的感觉,与老师和同学们一起学习语言。不同于传统语言课程,这类课程增加了对话教学,专注于提高学习者的法语表达能力。此外,您将在课堂上参与时事新闻的话题讨论,从报纸上摘选时事要闻,用法语讲述并与同学们进行辩论。 以下为几所瑞士的成人法语学习机构:ALF语言学校,瑞士法语学校,瑞士语言学院,华尔街语言学院,Inlingua纳沙泰尔语言学校,Migros纳沙泰尔学院俱乐部,Balkan语言学校。 2 私人教师 独立家庭教师 鉴于成年人的学习时间有限,有些私人教师或教授愿意上门授课,按照学习者的空闲时间来安排课程,以形成最高效的学习模式。 私人教师将分析您的强项和弱项,为您选择合适的学习方法和进度,“一对一”教学模式将帮助您更快地达成学习目的。 除了成人,青少年学习者可以在私立或公立学校找到这样的私人教师,同时纳沙泰尔的一些教育机构也提供此类服务。 学校或机构的语言老师 如果您更喜欢在课堂上进行语言学习,那么您也可以选择到纳沙泰尔的语言学校或大学进行学习。有些语言机构同样提供“一对一”的私教课服务,如此一来,您既可以享受校园学习环境又可以实现高效的学习目标。 3 线上语言学习 对于成年人来说,线上学习课程有诸多优点。成年人的时间安排一般都非常紧张,线上教师充分理解这一点,因此他们能够根据学习者的时间安排来调整上课时间。上班族日常沟通或开会常用线上工具,因此线上学习对于他们来说更容易接受。老师将根据学习者的需求调整学习内容,同时加入对应的职场知识,以便更高效地达成学习目标。线上学习的另一个优点在于更多元化的教师资源,比如用中文教授法语的老师。 其他优势:师资选择更多元、成本更低、效率更高、课程选择更广泛。 资源清单 1 纳沙泰尔的语言老师 下表为您列出了语言老师的联系方式: 您也可通过以下网站寻找语言老师:apprentus.combalkanschool.comwissfrenchschool.ch 2 合适的线上语言课程 下表为您列出了提供此类课程的机构: 此外,我们建议您通过手机APP循序渐进地进行语言基础学习,比如Duolingo、Mondly和Mango都是非常好的语言学习软件,苹果系统和安卓系统都能使用,这些学习软件是您语言学习的良好辅助工具。 雷梭勒特别建议: 在您动身来瑞士之前,我们建议您提早三个月开始语言学习,迈出外语流利沟通的第一步,以便应对语言环境的变化,更好地享受瑞士生活。随着科技的发展,语言学习也有了更多选择,您可以通过学习软件、博客、线上课程或私人课程达成语言学习目标。 有关瑞士法语学校的更多信息,欢迎联系瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室:400-006-7726,info@lasoleille.com。 注:本篇为瑞士生活指南系列第12期。 Original English Text Introduction : French is the international language for cuisine, fashion, theatre, visual arts, dance, architecture and one of the four national languages of Switzerland. When settling down in Switzerland, you will have the privilege to learn the “language of love”. Besides the legal requirement to learn the local language for the renewal of the B or C permit, learning French will enhance your overall living experience and integration in Switzerland once installed. The Swiss education system is not only very complete, but it is also adapted to enhance learning, despite the specific requirements demanded by each student. In the following article, we will give a quick overview of language schooling options in Switzerland and the support given to non-French-speaking students. 1. Language courses for children Here below, we will be presenting the various options for children to learn French. A- Swiss schools The school system in Switzerland provides various aids for students learning a new language. In Neuchâtel the Extensive Language Support Project (ALE) aims to help young children with oral communication in French. In the public school system, new arrivals are initially enrolled in reception classes, which familiarizes them with French and prepares them to attend ordinary school. In some cases, in particular young students, they are directly enrolled in ordinary classes due to their fast-learning capabilities and for an optimal integration. In the educational system, you will often find a or multiple tutoring classes, whose only aim is to strengthen the school support system. B- Tutors (Private, Independent & Schools) The tutors, whether home tutors or school tutors, will tend to focus their teachings around one individual student’s learning style, which often makes it the most effective method of teaching. Instead of having to teach a whole class, a tutor can focus his efforts on one child’s progress. Tutoring can provide a competitive edge for the children, so they can perform even better in the class. These teachers are to be found through private & public schools as well as tutoring companies that are now present in the canton of Neuchâtel. C- Camps (Summer camps, language camps, etc) From oral to writing and grammar to vocabulary, these camps are carefully created for a fun and efficient learning of the French language. During these camps children will interact with classmates/teammates, they will practice their day-to-day vocabulary as well as work on their overall communication skills. Through outdoor activities, projects, quizzes, competitions and games children will be casually speaking French in no time! The camps are an interactive way to teach, and its various activities help enhance the student’s eagerness to learn. There are also summer camps that are meant to prepare students for upcoming school entries or any scheduled exams. Here below is a list of some of these camps: - Beau Soleil College Summer Camp- Haut-Lac International Language School Summer Camp- College du Leman Summer Camp D- Online Online tutors or classes are also available for children, nowadays there are more and more websites that propose these services in many interactive ways. Children might find these platforms or methods of learning much simpler and lighter since they are transmitted through a screen. Teachers will also make these classes rather kid friendly by adapting them to the children’s needs and using fun content. Another advantage is that you will clearly have a much wider range of teachers available, such as some Mandarin-French speaking tutors. Other advantages: Adaptability of the tutors, Less costly, Efficiency, Resources available & Wide range of choices 2. Language courses for adults A- Learning Establishments for adults There are around 5 different learning schools or programs for adults in Neuchâtel, mostly based on language levels and proficiency. Here you may enjoy the nostalgic experience of returning to a classroom, with other pupils and a teacher-student relationship. Other than traditional language courses, these establishments also offer conversational classes focusing on learning how to express one’s thoughts in French. They would often discuss the latest news too, extracting them from newspapers, translating and debating about them in French. Here are some language school examples in Switzerland: ALF Ecole de langues, Swiss french school, Swiss language academy, language school Wall Street Institute, Inlingua Neuchâtel, Ecole-club migros Neuchâtel & The Balkan school of language B- Tutors Private: Independent people There are independent tutors and professors that offer at home teaching services. Since adults don’t have much free time, tutors will work around the clients’ schedule to ensure an effective learning. Tutors will analyse your strengths and weaknesses to propose the most adapted study method and the correct pace for you. An advantage of having a private tutor is that you can benefit from their undivided attention, therefore reaching for greater results. Such as for younger students, these tutoring services are to be found through private & public schools as well as tutoring companies that are now present...
瑞士生活指南(十):在瑞士养宠物的注意事项 在瑞士,很多人都有养宠物的习惯,养猫养狗的人和宠物分享他们的生活。瑞士家庭平均每月在宠物身上的开销占每月家庭总开销的0.3%,养猫每年的花销需要一千多瑞郎,养狗每年的花销需要两千多瑞郎。 在上一期瑞士生活指南中,我们为您介绍了如何运送宠物到瑞士。今天,我们再为您简要介绍一下,在瑞士养宠物需要注意的事情。我们希望您的宠物,来到瑞士这样一个对动物十分友好的国家之后,能够享受一段美好的幸福时光。 运送宠物到瑞士前 如果您想将宠物一同带到瑞士,那它必须有七个月大并满足以下三个条件: 1. 拥有“宠物电子身份证”,如已植入电子微芯片或有纹身标记; 2. 已接种狂犬疫苗,并能够提供接种证明; 3. 拥有欧盟宠物护照,或经欧盟认证的其他国家宠物护照。 当您从非欧盟国家入境欧盟时,须向欧盟海关递交宠物的入境申请资料,欧盟海关会对资料和宠物的入境资格进行审核。此外,如果出发地为狂犬病疫区,那么您的宠物还须接受额外的管控检查(血液检查、入境许可证等)。 您还需要关注瑞士各州的有关规定,有些动物可能受到州立规定的限制被禁止豢养。根据瑞士animalia.ch宠物保险公司所提供的信息,纳沙泰尔州目前没有禁养的规定。不过,剪耳或截尾过的犬类是不能进入瑞士的。 宠物进入瑞士后 宠物进入瑞士后,您需要向您居住地的当地管理部门上报您爱犬的信息,同时在AMICUS(国家犬类信息中心)的网站上更新它的住址或主人信息。雷梭勒团队很乐意为您提供此类服务。 您需要带您的宠物一起拜访瑞士的兽医,兽医会核对它微芯片里的电子身份证号码,然后通过AMICUS网上平台录入它的数据信息。 本文后面会附上纳沙泰尔州提供的兽医及机构名单。除了兽医以外,瑞士还可以找到补充医学领域的行为学家及专家。 在纳沙泰尔州,全州范围内均有即时电话咨询(On-call)服务,您只需要拨通您家庭兽医的电话,电话答录机就会告诉您所有的服务项目。 一般来说,兽用药物须由在动物健康领域具备专业知识的兽医提供,兽医们通常会储备充分的药物,从常见药到专用药配备齐全,比如抗生素、消炎药等,有一些药在药店也能买到。 检测的费用(如细菌检测、寄生虫检测、血液检查等)平均大约在17瑞郎到60瑞郎之间。 携带宠物外出 除餐饮店铺外,瑞士大部分的商店对犬类很友好。不允许犬类进入的商铺也会在门外布置好您爱犬等待区域,瑞士人在这方面考虑得非常周到。 徒步和骑行是瑞士旅行的特色之一,您的爱犬可以在徒步和慢跑跑道上与您一起运动。同时,各个城市都有许多允许犬类进入的公园,不过您仍需注意,并非所有的公园都允许犬类进入。在纳沙泰尔,您可以和您的爱犬在Pierre-à-Bot公园享受午后的悠闲时光。 瑞士的公共交通对犬类非常友好,是您携爱犬出行的绝佳选择。呆在笼子里的小型犬可免费乘坐公共交通,大型犬也只需购买半价车票即可。如果您不想携爱犬步行横穿大街小巷,您可以选择搭乘巴士、火车,甚至可以乘坐轮渡。您还可以为您的爱犬购买日票或者交通卡,让公共交通出行更便捷。 并非所有酒店都允许宠物入内,但是找到一家适合您和您爱犬入住的瑞士酒店并不难,有时酒店的工作人员还会主动与您的爱犬互动,让它们和您一样受到热情的接待。 纳沙泰尔州兽医协会及诊所名单 提供24小时紧急服务的机构:1. 纳沙泰尔兽医协会(NEUCHATEL VETERINARY SOCIETY)电话:+41 0900 80 70 60 2. 吕特里兽医协会(VETLUTRY)电话:+41 021 729 83 36 兽医诊所:1. AMIVET地址:Rue de lEcluse 12, Case postale 23, 2004 Neuchâtel电话:+41 032 725 50 77 2. ZANZSCO地址:Petit-Pontarlier 4, 2000 Neuchâtel电话:+41 032 724 39 39 3. BORIOLI Alain地址:Planeyse 7, 2013 Colombier电话:+41 032 841 23 95 如需了解更多,欢迎致电400-006-7726或发送电子邮件至info@lasoleille.com联系我们。 Original English Text Rules and regulations in keeping pets in Switzerland The popularity of pets in Switzerland is undeniable, and many dogs and cats share their owners lives. Swiss households spend an average of 0.3% of their monthly budget, on their pets. This amount ranges from over 1,000 CHF per year for a cat to over 2,000 CHF per year for a dog. For your pet to accompany you on your new adventure in Switzerland, it must be older than 7 months and 3 main conditions must be met: 1. Have a microchip or tattoo as a means of identification. 2. To have a rabies vaccination certificate. 3. Have a European pet passport, or a passport from another country that is recognized by the European Union. As your place of departure is outside the European Union, your animals must be presented to customs, where their import documents and conditions are checked. In addition, if the animals country of origin presents a risk of rabies, it must undergo a more exhaustive control (blood tests, obtaining an import authorization...). You will also have to pay attention to cantonal regulations, some breeds may even be banned by region. In Neuchâtel, there are currently no banned breeds, according to animalia.ch, a Swiss pet insurance company. However, dogs with docked tails or cropped ears are not allowed to enter Switzerland. Once in Switzerland : Once installed, you will have to communicate the arrival of your dog to the local administration of your place of residence and the change of address or owner to AMICUS (Central Dog Bank). The La Soleille team will happily take care of this matter. Your pet will have to go to the veterinarian in Switzerland so that he/she can check the microchip number. The veterinarian will then register the data through the "Import" process on Amicus. The list of veterinary practices in the canton of Neuchâtel is available below. There are also specialists, in particular behaviorists or specialists in complementary medicine, at your disposal. An on-call service is organized throughout the canton. Simply call the number of your regular veterinarian. An answering machine will tell you which practice is on call. As a general rule, veterinary drugs are supplied by veterinarians, who are specialists in animal health. They stock the full range of products, from the more common to the more specialized ones such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Some medicines can also be sold in pharmacies. Prices for services such as analyses (bacteriological, parasitological or serological) range on average from 17 CHF to 60 CHF. Things you can do with your pets: Most stores are very dog-friendly, except for those that sell food. Where a store does not allow pets, there will most likely be a post to which you can tie your dog while you browse in the store. The Swiss are very considerate in this regard. Hiking or biking is probably one of the main reasons to travel in Switzerland. Your pet is welcome on the hiking and jogging trails. There are also many dog parks in different cities that you can visit. Not all public parks are dog-friendly, so keep an eye out. A great place to spend an afternoon with your dog in Neuchâtel is the Pierre-à-Bot Park. Public transportation in Switzerland is very dog-friendly and a great way to travel with your dog. Small dogs in kennels usually travel for free. Large dogs get a half-price ticket. If you cant stand walking through the maze of city streets, feel free to take the bus, train or even ferry. You can even get day passes or transport cards for your dogs to make getting on and off public transport easier. Not all hotels allow pets in the room, but it wont take long to find the perfect Swiss hotel for you and your dog. Sometimes they even go out of their way to make your dogs feel as welcome as you do. Below are some veterinarians from the list created by the canton of Neuchâtel: 24/7 Emergency : 1. NEUCHATEL VETERINARY SOCIETY +410900 80 70 60 2. VETLUTRY +41 021 729 83 36 Veterinarians: 1. AMIVET Sàrl Rue de lEcluse 12, Case postale 23, 2004 Neuchâtel +41 032 725 50 77 2. ZANESCO Petit-Pontarlier 4, 2000 Neuchâtel +41 032 724 39 39 3. BORIOLI Alain Planeyse 7, 2013 Colombier +41 032 841 23 95 For more information, please call 400-006-7726 or send an email to info@lasoleille.com to contact us. 本文转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com