瑞士冻卵技术 导读 如今越来越多的女性在生育这件事上选择采用“冻卵”手术,以便将年轻时的生育资源保留到日后使用,或者在需要采用生育治疗组建家庭时提升受孕几率。在这一极具私密性的领域,雷梭勒家族办公室拥有瑞士数家高端私人诊所的特别通道,为您排忧解难。本篇将瑞士冻卵治疗原理和相关情况一一道来,也希望能为您提供相关治疗诊所的有用信息。 人的一生中只有短短几年时间具备生育能力,因此它是一种宝贵的资源。如果您推迟受孕是为了有时间建立稳定的关系、继续深造、创业或发展事业,那么您应该考虑年龄对生育能力的影响。 女性在18到29岁之间生育能力最强。30岁以后,生育能力会逐渐下降,到30岁末40岁初,下降速度会加快。因此,在这个年龄段受孕对很多女性来说都是一个真正的挑战。事实上,如果没有辅助生殖技术(ART)的帮助,43岁自然受孕是非常罕见的。 然而,通过冷冻卵子,您可以将年轻时的生育资源保留一部分,以供日后使用。这种降低风险的策略可以将受孕几率提高5到10倍。对于正在接受化疗等治疗的女性来说,冷冻卵子也是一种选择,因为化疗也会影响生育能力。 瑞士对于冻卵的技术和社会接受度发展得相对成熟,以下是一些重要数据:重要事实一览瑞士自2012年起允许冷冻卵子。 自2012年起,瑞士的妇女就在冷冻自己的卵子,以便日后使用。 这种方法最常用于患癌女子,因为化疗通常会破坏卵巢中的卵子。 许多诊所将这种方法称为“社会性冻卵”,即妇女在没有医学原因的情况下决定冷冻卵子,例如,为了在成家之前先用几年时间发展事业。 在瑞士的主要诊所中,平均每周有一位女子进行卵子冷冻。瑞士全国范围内没有这方面的统计数据。 在瑞士,患癌女性的卵细胞可以无限期冷冻,而健康女性的卵细胞只能冷冻十年。 冷冻卵子的过程可能需要数周至数月,费用在1万至2万瑞士法郎。 雷梭勒拥有瑞士数家著名私人诊所的特别通道,在这个非常个人和私密的问题上为您排忧解难,是您理想的伙伴。 常见问题 为什么要储存卵子? 您是否想要孩子,但尚未找到合适的伴侣?或者您觉得“生物钟”给自己带来了压力?您完全可以采用冻卵的方式保留自己的卵子,以便在您觉得可以通过生育治疗组建家庭时使用。 冻卵手术是如何进行的? 卵巢会受到荷尔蒙注射的刺激,从而能够排出尽可能多的卵子。疗程开始两周后,卵子会被取出并冷冻起来。在瑞士,卵子能够冷冻最高达10年。一旦患者决定怀孕,就可以解冻卵子并使其受精。之后,形成的胚胎会被植入子宫。我们可靠的诊所会根据患者的具体情况逐一讨论其怀孕几率和治疗方案,以获得最佳几率。患者取卵时的年龄越小,生育一个或多个婴儿的机会就越大。 冷冻卵子的费用是多少? 总费用很难估算,这取决于每个病例、治疗时间和治疗方法。每个病例的平均费用在10,000 到 20,000 瑞士法郎,其中包括麻醉师、药物和冷冻费用。 冷冻的卵子可以存放多久? 在瑞士,卵子可以存放最高达十年。 如果在五年或十年后才解冻,卵子的质量会受到影响吗? 原则上不会。 何时是考虑社会性冻卵的理想时间? 25 岁女性怀孕的几率最大。在 35 岁之前,女性怀孕的几率仍然很高。这也是大多数卵子被冷冻的年龄。这个年龄段的女性开始担心自己的生育能力。来找我们的大多数女性还没有找到合适的伴侣。她们很想专注于自己的事业,同时又不用担心滴答作响的生理时钟。她们希望从 “为时已晚”的压力中解放出来,确保自己仍有生育的可能。 冻卵治疗的最佳诊所是哪家? 瑞士提供卵子冷冻治疗的医院有很多,但并非所有医院都享有同样的良好声誉。我们推荐与我们密切合作的瑞士私人诊所网络,他们从医疗到接待的整体服务都享有盛誉,令人信服。作为家族办公室,我们将在细节上提供支持和协调,并帮助消除语言障碍,因为信任和理解是成功的关键。 瑞士最大的医院网络哈里斯兰登(Hirslanden)集团以其在该领域的能力和知识而闻名。由于哈里斯兰登采用了创新的方法,最初冷冻的卵母细胞在解冻后超过90%仍有活力,可以继续使用。之后,根据患者的具体情况,治疗将在同一家哈里斯兰登诊所继续进行: 解冻后的卵子在试管婴儿实验室与伴侣的精子受精后,胚胎会被移植到女性的子宫腔内,以实现怀孕。 闻名遐迩的吉尼列尔(Genolier) 私人诊所主要擅长处理因疾病而需要冷冻卵子的病例。如果被吉尼列尔诊所的医生确诊为生育障碍,在许多情况下都可以进行生殖治疗,该治疗也可以在吉尼列尔诊所进行。然而,由于各种方法的成功与否难以预料,而且有些方法可能会对身体和心理造成过大的负担,因此,在开始生育治疗之前,最好彻底梳理所有的优劣势、机会和风险,并事先与医生进行详细讨论。 运输在当今社会,我们的工作地和居住地经常变化,人员流动性较大,因此储存起来的卵母细胞可能需要被运往另一家诊所,有可能被运往另一个国家。这种运输对技术要求很高,也需要相应的费用。 因此,我们建议在同一家瑞士诊所完成咨询、取卵、卵子冷冻(储存)和再植入的全过程。 如果您正在考虑社会性冻卵,我们建议您与我们的顾问联系,他们将向您说明在瑞士知名私人诊所实现这一想法的可能性。 Original English Text Egg Freezing (Cryopreservation) Introduction: Fertility is a precious resource that is limited to only a few years of your life. If you are delaying conception to have time to build a stable relationship, pursue further education or build a business or career, you should consider the impact of age on your fertility. A woman is most fertile around the age of 18 to 29. After the age of 30, her fertility gradually declines, and this decline accelerates in the late 30s and early 40s. Therefore, conception at this age can be a real challenge for many women. In fact, spontaneous conception - without the help of assisted reproductive technology (ART) - is quite rare at age 43. However, by freezing eggs, you can preserve some of your youthful fertility resources for later use. This risk-reducing strategy can increase your chances of conception by 5 to 10 times. Egg freezing is also an option for women undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy, which can also affect their fertility. The most important facts in brief Egg freezing has been allowed in Switzerland since 2012. Since 2012, women in Switzerland have been able to have their eggs frozen so that they can be used later. The method is most often used by women suffering from cancer, as chemotherapy very often destroys the eggs in the ovaries. Many clinics refer to it as "social freezing" when women decide to do this without a medical reason, e.g. to pursue a career for a few years before starting a family. On average one woman per week has her eggs put on ice in major Swiss clinics. There are no statistics for Switzerland as a whole. The egg cells of women with cancer may be frozen in Switzerland without restriction, those of healthy women only for ten years. The procedure to freeze eggs may take several weeks to months and costs between CHF 10,000 and CHF 20,000. La Soleille has privileged access to some renowned private clinics in Switzerland and is therefore the ideal partner for you and your questions on this very individual and intimate subject. Frequently asked questions Why should you store your eggs?Do you want to have children but have not yet found the right partner? Or do you feel pressured by your "biological clock"? It is perfectly possible to collect and freeze your own eggs to preserve and use when you feel ready to start a family through fertility treatment. How does the egg freezing procedure work?The ovaries are stimulated with hormone injections in order to be able to retrieve as many eggs as possible. Two weeks after the start of therapy, the eggs are collected and then frozen. In Switzerland, eggs can be frozen for up to 10 years. Once the patient decides to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed and fertilised. Afterwards, the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterus. Our trusted clinics will discuss the patient’s chances and treatments individually so that the chances are optimal. The younger the patient is at the time of egg retrieval, the higher the chance of having one or more babies. What is the cost of egg freezing?The total costs are very difficult to estimate depending on each case, timing an treatment. The average range is between CHF 10’000 to CHF 20’000 per case. And includes the anaesthetist, medication and freezing. How long are frozen eggs stored?In Switzerland, eggs may be stored for up to ten years. Will the quality of the eggs be affected if they are not thawed until five or ten years later?No. In principle, there is no loss of quality over the years. When is the ideal time to consider social freezing?A 25-year-old woman has the greatest chance of becoming pregnant. Up to the age of 35, women still have a very high chance of becoming pregnant. This is also the age when most eggs are frozen. Women at this age start to worry about their fertility. Most women who come to us have not yet found a suitable partner. Rarely do they want to concentrate on their careers without worrying about the ticking biological clock. They want to free themselves from the pressure that it is too late and make sure that it is still possible to have children. Which is the best clinic for egg freezing treatment?There are many Swiss hospitals that offer egg freezing, not all of them have the same good reputation. We recommend our private Swiss clinic network with whom we work closely and whose overall service from medical treatment to hospitality is both renowned and convincing. We as a family office then support and coordinate the fine-tuning and the language barriers as trust and understanding is key to success. Well known for their capacity and knowledge in this particular field is Switzerland’s largest hospital networkHirslanden Group. Due to the innovative Hirslanden method, > 90 % of the originally frozen oocytes are still vital and usable for further use after thawing. At a later point in time, individually determined by the patient, the treatment is continued in the same Hirslanden clinic: After fertilisation of the thawed eggs with the partners sperm in the IVF laboratory, embryos are transferred into the womans uterine cavity with the intention of achieving a pregnancy there. The renownedGenolier Private Clinic specialises primarily in cases requiring egg freezing due to illness. If the doctor at the Genolier Clinic diagnoses a fertility disorder, reproductive treatment is possible in many cases, which can then also be carried out at the Genolier Clinic. However, since the success of the individual methods is unpredictable and some of them can overstrain the body and psyche, it is advisable to thoroughly examine all the advantages and disadvantages, chances and risks before starting fertility treatment and to discuss them in detail with...
瑞士排毒抗衰疗养之旅——蒙特勒诊所LaClinic Montreux
瑞士排毒抗衰疗养之旅|蒙特勒诊所LaClinic Montreux 蒙特勒诊所LaClinic Montreux自成立以来,一直是瑞士和国际上备受推崇的医疗机构之一。其历史可追溯到20世纪70年代,创始人Pfulg博士是一位杰出的整形外科医生。他的专业精神和创新意识为诊所的发展奠定了坚实的基础。诊所的优势之一是提供广泛的医美项目和疗法,包括整形外科手术、美容疗法、抗衰老治疗、排毒疗养等。无论是外科手术还是非侵入性的美容疗法,诊所极其注重细节,确保每位客人都得到最佳的治疗效果。 这款特别的“焕颜排毒抗衰疗程”(四天三晚起)是在理解客人的健康状况和目标的基础上,根据个人情况制定的个性化的治疗方案。从获取血液数据,初步咨询到内外兼修的排毒抗衰疗法,诊所团队和随行工作人员始终与客人保持密切沟通,确保他们获得全方位的关怀和满意的治疗效果。 六月下旬,在风景如画的瑞士蒙特勒市,三位来自香港的客人在瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室的安排下,迎来了一段令人难忘的健康之旅。其中两位已是第五次前来蒙特勒诊所疗养,此次继疫情后归来,见到熟悉的医生和团队,两位老客人倍感亲切。 疗养计划的第一步是测量体征和进行全面的血液检查,以评估整体健康状况。血检涵盖了广泛的指标,包括生化指标、激素水平、肿瘤标志物、营养素水平和炎症标志物等。通过血检结果和会诊对谈,医生在了解客人的身体状况和需求之上制定个性化的焕活针配方。三位客人均选择了12次注射,焕活针针对目的器官修复并提升机能,涵盖免疫系统、消化系统、泌尿系统、两性功能、记忆力等多项功能,从内着手延缓衰老。医生表示“12针注射功效可以维持一年半至两年”。凭着坚持前来蒙特勒注射焕活针和疗养,加上良好的生活习惯,两位老客人的健康报告显示机能比同龄人至少年轻十岁。 生活在快节奏的大都市,因为疫情未回归的老客人和初来的新客,都有不同程度的重金属超标。体内过多的重金属将间接影响诸多器官的慢性衰败,严重会诱发癌症。通过静脉注射螯合剂,将体内的有害重金属与螯合剂结合,透过尿液排出体外。医生向老客人展示连续数年的数值变化,看到数十倍的惊人下跌,重金属排毒对维护整体健康水平不可或缺。 配合每次的排毒输液和焕活针注射,诊所还安排了每次二十分钟的吸氧疗法,在呼吸纯净的氧气过程中,细胞的氧化能力得到提升,促进身体的新陈代谢和排毒过程,更加强了输液和针剂的功效。 在排毒和增强机体功能之“内在抗衰老”之外,疗养的另一部分着重“外在延青春”,作为一家专业美容机构,延长外表的青春是蒙特勒诊所的专长。PRP富血小板血浆注射是一种创新的美容疗法。通过采集客人自身的血液,提取富含血小板的血浆并注射回面部,可以刺激肌肤的再生和修复,减少皱纹。我们风趣幽默的男客人在施打后表示“打了七十三针但一点不疼”,当天和后几日客人脸上丝毫无针眼和淤青,在两到三个月之后他将收获细腻光泽皮肤的显著效果。 在疗程以外,客人可根据喜好增添医美需求,客人选择了在额头及两眉间施打肉毒杆菌,在面部与颈部补了水光针,医生娴熟的手法几乎不给客人带去疼痛,得到“身经百战”的客人的数度好评。 此外,排毒抗衰疗程中还提供LPG仪器做纤体排毒,攻克身体和面部肌肤的松弛和橘皮组织。最值得一提的是赫莲娜HR至尊面部护理,蒙特勒诊所是赫莲娜享誉全球的“黑白绷带系列”的创始地,这两款顶级抗衰老面霜由创始人Pflug医生在2008年研发,经十多年不断升级迭代。参与排毒抗衰疗程的客人可享受配合全球独一台的赫莲娜HR微电流仪打造的促进胶原蛋白生成的全套面部护理。 牙科检查和清洁是疗养计划中的新环节。透露一下,蒙特勒诊所将在今秋组织一支经验丰富的牙医团队,打造诊所专属的牙科中心,以提供更全面的牙科保养、修复和美白项目。口腔健康和洁白自信笑容,是全世界一致认同的青春活力体现。在熟悉的地方获得新体验,来自香港的老客人对牙医师认真细致的检查和清洁手法赞赏有加。 另外新增的营养师咨询环节,让排毒抗衰落实到自我健康管理的维护之中。客人们与专业的营养师会面,接受个性化的膳食建议和营养方案,了解何为抗炎食物和有效的饮食时间表。调整饮食习惯,客人们也参与到自我健康管理的过程中来,毕竟到访诊所疗养一周之外,更多靠自身的保养和关注。 在整个疗养之旅中,客人们不仅可以享受到高品质的医疗护理,还可以在瑞士蒙特勒的美丽风景中放松身心。这座城市以其迷人的湖泊和山脉而闻名,为客人们提供了一个宜人的环境,以便他们在疗养过程中得到全面的恢复和放松。无论是追求美容还是改善健康,蒙特勒诊所LaClinic Montreux都是一个值得信赖和令人向往的选择。 雷梭勒家族办公室,为您制定疗养计划和在瑞全程的地面安排,我们高素质的工作人员提供翻译和陪同,定制化安排购物游览、机构和项目参访,满足您在瑞士的全面需求。选择瑞士雷梭勒,您信赖的好管家! 更多了解蒙特勒诊所“焕颜排毒疗程”(四天三晚起),敬请联系我们: 联系方式400-006-7726 info@lasoleille.com 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士妮尚希诊所院长专访 导读: 在瑞士,您不仅能欣赏无数壮丽的自然景观,感受一流的酒店服务,还能享有当地高效可靠的医疗保健体系。雷梭勒家族办公室只与能够提供最高医疗健康标准的几家精品瑞士诊所合作,为您打造独家、个性化的健康之旅。坐落于日内瓦湖畔的吉尼列尔集团妮尚希(Genolier-Nescens)诊所就是其中一家。Babs Siclet是该诊所的院长,也是瑞士医疗网络(Swiss Medical Network)的高管团队成员。借由她的视角,您也许会对这家高端诊所,以及瑞士的健康医学特色有更加深入的了。 本文的人物专访部分由雷梭勒家族办公室根据萨拉·舍伍德(Sara Sherwood)(《电讯报》)对Babs Siclet的采访文章整理编译而成。 瑞士的健康诊所以其引领全球的创新技术和研究成果闻名,并融合卓越医护标准与独特的服务,借助先进科技和世界级医生专业团队,为全球患者提供量身定制的治疗,提升生活品质和延长寿命。 雷梭勒家族办公室的其中一家合作伙伴是妮尚希高端诊所。这里是您完美健康之旅的绝佳选择。在我们的精心安排下,您将享受到独特的疗程,得到理想的住宿体验。 开启美好生活之旅:从瑜伽到高压氧疗法,再到虚拟现实健身,多种治疗手段助您过上更美好的生活。 在您预订这段令人向往的健康旅程之前,我们希望为您介绍妮尚希诊所的院长Babs Siclet女士。她的专业见解,将为您解答预防医学的重要问题,从而给您的健康之旅赋予更多的价值和深度。 Babs Siclet,吉尼列尔集团妮尚希诊所院长 什么是生活方式医学? 生活方式医学主要基于表观遗传学的研究,它探索行为和环境如何引起变化,从而对我们基因的作用方式产生影响。在诊断过程中,医生会全面监测您的生活方式,并对营养、睡眠、压力管理和运动等各方面进行优化,让您在日常生活中所做的一切都只为实现同一个目标:让生命更加长久而美好。 疗程包含哪些内容?需要多长时间? 我们的治疗方案是私人订制的。在妮尚希诊所,我们会根据您的基因、血液和其他筛查测试结果,让您的身体处于恰到好处的气压环境中。比如,当您待在高压氧疗舱中时,舱内的气压会增加到正常水平的两到三倍,让您的肺部能够吸入比平时更多的氧气。这项技术已被专业运动人士采用了数年。 个性化定制治疗:根据您的需求量身定制高压氧疗舱的疗程。 妮尚希诊所提供的“Cure Reset”是什么?它为谁而设?与别家的焕活疗程有何不同? “Cure Reset”适用于所有关注健康的人。它是一种预防性的疗法,不仅适用于拥有健康、且希望保持健康的人士,还适用于那些有睡眠问题、压力困扰或体重问题的人。在初步评估后,我们会提供一个为期七天的疗程,所有方案都是科学制定,并利用技术来提升治疗效果。有多种仪器和疗法供您选择,从而加速治疗,例如生物电磁充能器(biocharger)和臭氧疗法。我们的员工与患者比例为三比一,确保您得到个性化的关怀和专业的服务,让您充分感受到焕发活力的魅力。 妮尚希诊所团队包括: 多位医生 一位运动教练 一位瑜伽指导师 一位呼吸指导师 多位神经反馈治疗师 多位生活方式专家 一位身心调理教练 诊所团队关注的不仅有您的营养,还有您生活上心理层面的方方面面。我们的营养计划不是去限制您的饮食。为了在一周内减掉三公斤,您当然可以停止饮食的摄入,但您之后回到家,可能又会增重四公斤。这样一来,您便将减肥与压力联系到了一起。而在妮尚希诊所,通过远红外线舱(Infrared Dome)这类领先科技,您可以有效减少体脂。 无压瘦身:体验远红外线舱等创新疗法,助您轻松减少体脂。 为何全球各地的客户都选择来你们诊所,并且定期找你们复诊? 瑞士在高端健康和养生领域享有长久的声誉,并且这一传统在今天依然延续。我们的医院配备了多种创新设备和最新治疗手段,吸引了世界各地的人们前来寻求卓越的医疗服务。我们诊所接待的众多患者来自五湖四海,无论是进行眼科治疗、神经学检查还是寻求第二诊断,他们都选择来到这里,体验瑞士医疗的卓越品质和引领潮流的养生理念。 假设您是一名患者,在诊所里会得到怎样的就诊体验? 就像这里的服务一样,我们的医疗过程也是量身定制的。在踏入诊所的那一刻起,您的医疗协调员就成为了您的第一联系人,他/她将在诊疗过程中全程陪伴您,包括进行医疗预约和X光检查。这么做是为了让您全身心地专注于自己的健康和治疗过程,而由我们的团队负责一切后勤事务,并随时为您提供所需的支持和帮助。私人医疗即是贵宾医疗:我们的医生会与您进行充分的交流,您在诊所的整个逗留期间都会与他们保持密切联系,直到您回到家中。 奢华尊享:全球各地的游客纷纷踏足瑞士的高级诊所,通过多种方式塑造更加美好的生活。 在预防医学领域,您认为目前的主要趋势是什么? 再生医学领域备受瞩目,在瑞士,我们是这一领域的引领者。这类疗法利用我们自身的细胞以多种不同方式改善体质。我们提取这些细胞后,将它们重新注入身体或储存起来供后续使用。例如,它们可以用于韧带再生等外科手术。这是探索健康和延年益寿的新时代! 怎样能够拥有更年轻的外貌?应该从什么时候开始呢? 再生医学的这一原理在美容领域发展得较为成熟。最新的研究和资料表明,再生细胞疗法比之前的医美方式更加健康,能够带来更为自然和持久的效果。一次注射后,细胞将持续再生,让您告别每六个月的填充注射。经常会有五十多岁的男性和四十多岁的女性前来接受这种疗法,追求年轻容颜。 雷梭勒家族办公室能够带给您独家、个性化、专注于预防医学的健康之旅,精心安排的健康旅行套餐包含最高医疗和养护标准的精品瑞士诊所。我们以高度谨慎的方式打造这些套餐,只为让您的体验更加私密、独特。 我们将提供多种旅行方案供您选择,安排只属于您的定制旅行,包括为您办理签证手续、安排行程和交通,并让您在我们的合作伙伴诊所得到最佳的个性化服务——妮尚希诊所就是其中一家。 现在就开启您年轻之旅的新篇章吧!通过雷梭勒家族办公室,探索令人心驰神往的瑞士健康之旅! Original English Text Health travel to Switzerland– the best places to go for the latest treatments La Soleille offers exclusive and very personally organised health trips to Switzerland focusing on the important subject of preventive medicine. These very discreetly organised packages are tailor-made and include only very select Swiss clinics that can offer the highest medical but also well-being standards. One of La Soleilles partner resorts is the exclusive GENOLIER - NESCENS clinic overlooking Lake Geneva. Here La Soleille has special arrangements and will organise the ideal stay for you. Babs Siclet, director and CEO of Genolier Patient Services, answers key questions on preventive medicine Live better: treatments range from yoga and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to virtual reality fitness. Swiss health clinics offer pioneering techniques and research, combining the highest standards of medical care with exclusive service. Using cutting-edge technology, world-class doctors provide customised treatments aimed at improving the quality of life and longevity of patients from around the world. But, before you book yourself in for a bit ofhealth tourism, allow Babs Siclet, who is also a member of the general management of Swiss Medical Network – one of the biggest networks of premium private hospitals in Switzerland – to answer a few questions potential customers and patients might have: Babs Siclet, Clinique Nescens director and CEO of Genolier Patient Services. What is lifestyle medicine? Much of lifestyle medicine is based on epigenetics, which is the ways in which our behaviours and environment cause changes that affect the way our genes work. Part of the diagnosis involves monitoring your lifestyle and optimising different areas such as nutrition, sleep, stress management and exercise. Everything that you do in your everyday life can be orientated towards enabling you to live better and longer. What does the treatment entail and how long does it take? Treatment is bespoke. Based on genetic, blood and other screening tests, here atClinique Nescens we put your body under good stress. If you spend time in the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, for example, the air pressure is increased two to three times higher than normal, allowing your lungs to take in much more oxygen than would be possible normally. For a few years now, high-level sports professionals have used this technique. Bespoke treatment: a session in the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber will be tailored to your requirements. What is the ‘Cure Reset’ you offer at Clinique Nescens? Who is it for, and how is it different from other rejuvenation offerings elsewhere? Cure Reset is for anybody who is interested in their health. It is a preventative measure for anyone who is healthy and wishes to remain so, but also for anyone who has sleep trouble or stress or weight problems. After an initial assessment, you will then have a seven-day programme, all based on science, and using technology to improve outcomes. There are lots of devices at your disposal to speed the treatment – such as a biocharger and ozone therapy. The staff-patient ratio is three to one. Our team includes: Doctors A sports coach A yoga instructor A breathing instructor Neurofeedback therapists Lifestyle specialists A mind and body coach They will look not just at nutrition, but also at psychological aspects of your life. The nutrition programme isn’t about restriction. In order to lose three kilos in a week, of course you can stop eating, but then you go home and put on four. You then associate weight loss with stress. Here, with technologies such as the Infrared Dome, you can lose body fat. Stress free: treatments such as the Infrared Dome can help you lose body fat. What are the biggest reasons that clients from all over the world come to you – and return regularly? Switzerland has a long and lasting reputation in terms of premium health and wellness. This tradition continues with many nationalities looking for our medical excellence as our hospitals are equipped with innovative devices and the latest treatments. We host many patients from different continents, whether for treatments in ophthalmology, neurological check-ups or for a second opinion. Put yourself in the shoes of a patient. What is the experience of visiting one of your clinics? The medicine is tailor-made, as are the services. When you arrive, your first contact will be with your medical coordinator, who will accompany you throughout your whole medical journey, including to your medical appointments and X-Ray exams. The aim is to let you fully concentrate on your health and medical journey while our team worries about the logistics and remains at your entire disposal for any query you may have. Private medicine is VIP medicine: our doctors spend the time needed with you, and you will be interacting with them during your stay until you are home. High-end service: visitors from all over the world travel to Swiss clinics to improve the quality of their lives in various ways. What are the biggest trends you are seeing in preventive medicine now? There is a lot of focus on regenerative medic...
雷梭勒健康医疗合作伙伴|妮尚希诊所 导语: 在当今这个快节奏、瞬息万变的世界中,优先考虑自我的身心健康问题变得越来越重要。各大专注于健康长寿领域的健康与医学美容品牌也纷纷如雨后春笋般崛起,其中备受关注的一家品牌就是妮尚希诊所。 妮尚希诊所(Nescens Clinic)是一家瑞士品牌,成立于2001年,由瑞士盛名抗衰老专家Dr. Jacques Proust博士创建。该品牌旨在为人们提供个性化的抗衰老和健康管理方案,以帮助他们延缓衰老、提高健康和生命质量。 妮尚希诊所的产品线包括抗衰老保养品、健康管理方案和医学美容服务。其抗衰老保养品是由世界著名的科学家和医学专家团队研发,包括面部护理、身体护理等。这些产品的成分和配方都基于最新的抗衰老科技和研究成果,可以帮助恢复皮肤的年轻状态、提高身体免疫力和抗衰老能力。 妮尚希诊所是一家专注于健康长寿的品牌,它的产品和服务都基于最新的科技和研究成果,可以帮助人们延缓衰老、提高健康和生命质量。如果您也想拥有年轻健康的身体,不妨了解一下妮尚希诊所的产品和服务,看看它们能否满足您的需求。 1. 服务范围 妮尚希诊所的服务范围非常广泛,包括以下几个方面: 抗衰老保养品:妮尚希诊所的抗衰老保养品采用最先进的科技和材料,旨在减缓肌肤老化的过程,改善肤质,恢复肌肤弹性和光泽。 健康管理方案:妮尚希诊所的健康管理方案是个性化的,针对每个客户的具体需求和健康状况进行制定。这些方案包括健康评估、营养咨询、体质检测、运动建议等,帮助客户全面了解自己的身体状况,掌握自己的健康管理方法。 医学美容服务:妮尚希诊所提供全面的医学美容服务,包括注射瘦脸针、填充剂、激光美容、微创手术等。这些服务都由专业医生和护士提供,确保客户安全和治疗效果。 健康餐饮:妮尚希诊所提供专业的健康餐饮服务,包括美食佳肴、健康餐、膳食营养咨询等。客户可以根据自己的需求和口味选择适合自己的餐饮方案。 健康度假:妮尚希诊所的度假村提供全面的健康度假服务,包括SPA、健身中心、营养课程、健康餐饮等。客户可以在这里度过一个轻松、健康和愉悦的假期。 妮尚希诊所的服务范围之广,使其足以为客户提供全方位的抗衰老和健康管理服务,从而帮助客户在身体、心理和社交方面保持最佳状态。 2. 医疗技术 一直以来,妮尚希诊所始终致力于将最先进的医疗技术引入到其服务中,以满足客户对健康和抗衰老的需求。这里提供了多种医疗技术,其中包括biocharger、高压氧舱、低温疗法、MLX Dome和结肠水疗等。 biocharger是一种通过氧气、红外线和磁力场提供能量的设备,可以促进身体的免疫系统和自然治愈能力。 高压氧舱则是一种通过在高压氧环境下呼吸纯氧来刺激身体细胞修复和再生的技术。 低温疗法使用极低的温度来促进身体的新陈代谢和免疫功能。 MLX Dome则是一种通过将身体放置在一个加热的球形设备中来促进身体深层组织的血液循环和新陈代谢。 结肠水疗则是一种清洁和调节肠道健康的疗法。 除了这些技术之外,妮尚希诊所还采用了其他先进的医疗技术,如人工智能分析和胎盘干细胞治疗。通过使用这些技术,妮尚希诊所可以为客户提供最先进和个性化的健康管理方案。 妮尚希诊所一直致力于通过引入和使用最新的医疗技术来提供最优质的服务,不断创新和进步。这些技术的使用不仅可以帮助客户解决健康问题,还可以促进身体的自然修复和再生,从而帮助客户实现长寿和抗衰老的目标。 3. 治疗领域 妮尚希诊所以其领先的医疗技术和专业医护团队而闻名世界,提供多种治疗方案,其治疗领域涵盖了Cure reset、美容和再生医学、全面体检等方面。 Cure reset是妮尚希诊所的特色治疗项目之一,主要面向那些患有慢性疾病、代谢综合征、肥胖或免疫系统失调等问题的患者。妮尚希诊所的专业医护团队根据客户的身体情况和健康风险评估结果,制定个性化的治疗方案,帮助客户改善身体状况并恢复健康。 美容和再生医学是妮尚希诊所的另一大治疗领域。该诊所提供了多种美容和再生医学方案,如皮肤治疗、非手术除皱、自体脂肪移植和胶原蛋白注射等。妮尚希诊所的专业医护团队运用先进的美容技术和再生医学原理,为客户提供优质的美容服务,帮助客户改善外貌和自信心。 全面体检是妮尚希诊所的另一大特色治疗项目。妮尚希诊所提供了多种全面体检方案,如预防性体检、高级体检和妇女体检等,帮助客户了解身体状况,及早发现潜在的健康问题,并制定个性化的健康管理计划。 总的来说,妮尚希诊所的治疗领域广泛,包括Cure reset、美容和再生医学、全面体检等方面,其专业的医疗技术和服务水平可以为客户提供最优质的健康管理服务,帮助客户实现健康和美丽的目标。 4. 国际化 妮尚希诊所近年来一直在积极推进国际化战略,尤其注重吸引来自亚洲的病人。为了更好地服务这些病人,他们特别设立了国际病人部门,提供多语种服务,为病人解决语言沟通方面的问题。这些努力使得越来越多的亚洲病人选择来到妮尚希诊所接受医疗服务,同时也推动了诊所在国际市场上的声誉和影响力的不断提升。 结语: 作为瑞士最具声望的医疗机构之一,妮尚希诊所一直致力于提供高质量、个性化的医疗服务。诊所拥有先进的医疗设备和优秀的医护人员,不断推进医学研究和创新,为病人提供最先进、最有效的治疗方案。同时,诊所注重病人的整体健康管理,提供全面的健康检查和健康管理计划,帮助病人维护身心健康,预防疾病发生。无论是治疗还是健康管理,妮尚希诊所都以病人为中心,致力于为每一位病人提供最优质的服务和护理。如您希望了解更多吉尼列尔诊所的资讯,欢迎随时通过邮箱info@lasoleille.com或电话400-006-7726与我们的客户经理联系。 Original English Text Nescens Clinic Nescens Clinic is a leading medical facility in Switzerland, offering personalized health management services and advanced medical treatments. With a focus on patient-centered care and cutting-edge technology, the clinic provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare. The clinic was founded in 2001 by Dr. Jacques Proust, a famous Swiss anti-aging expert. The brand aims to provide people with personalized anti-aging and health management solutions to help them delay aging and improve their health and quality of life. The product line of Nescens Clinic includes anti-aging skin care products, health management solutions and medical beauty services. Its anti-aging skin care products are developed by a team of world-renowned scientists and medical experts. Furthermore, the ingredients and formulas of these products are based on the latest anti-aging technology and research results, which can help restore the youthful state of the skin, in order to improve the bodys immunity and anti-aging ability. 1. Services The range of services provided by Nescens Clinic is very broad, including the following aspects: Anti-aging skin care products: The anti-aging skin care products of Nescens Clinic uses the most advanced technology and ingredients to slow down the aging process of the skin, improve skin texture, restore skin elasticity and radiance. Health management plan: The health management plan of Nescens Clinic is personalized and formulated according to the specific needs and health conditions of each client. These programs include health assessment, nutritional consultation, physical fitness testing, exercise advice, etc. This could help customers fully understand their physical conditions and master their own health management methods. Medical cosmetology services: Nescens Clinic provides comprehensive medical cosmetology services, including face-lift injections, fillers, laser cosmetology, minimally invasive surgery, etc. These services are provided by professional doctors and nurses to ensure the safety and effectiveness of customers. Healthy catering: Nescens Clinic provides professional healthy catering services, including delicacies, healthy meals, dietary nutrition consultation, etc. Customers can choose a catering plan that suits them according to their needs and tastes. Health resort: The resort of Nescens Clinic provides comprehensive health vacation services, including SPA, fitness center, nutrition courses, healthy meals, etc. Clients can spend a relaxing, healthy and enjoyable holiday here. With a wide range of services, Nescens Clinic provides customers with a full range of anti-aging and health management services to help clients maintain their best physical, mental and social aspects. 2. Technology Nescens Clinic has always been committed to introducing the most advanced medical technology into its services to meet customers needs for health and anti-aging. A variety of medical technologies are offered here, including biochargers, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, cryotherapy, MLX Dome and colon hydrotherapy. A biocharger is a device that delivers energy through oxygen, infrared and magnetic fields to boost the bodys immune system and natural healing abilities. Secondly, a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a technique that stimulates the bodys cellular repair and regeneration by breathing pure oxygen in a hyperbaric oxygen environment. Additionally, hypothermia uses extremely low temperatures to boost the bodys metabolism and immune function. Moreover, the MLX Dome is a device that promotes blood circulation and metabolism in the deep tissues of the body by placing the body in a heated spherical device. Last but not least, the colon hydrotherapy is a treatment for cleansing and regulating intestinal health. In addition to these technologies, Nescens Clinic also adopts other advanced medical technologies, such as artificial intelligence analysis and placental stem cell therapy. By using these technologies, Nescens Clinic can provide customers with the most advanced and personalized health management solutions. The clinic has always been committed to providing the best quality services by introducing and using the latest medical technology, constantly innovating and improving. The use of these technologies not only helps clients address health concerns, but also promotes the bodys natural repair and regeneration, thereby helping clients achieve longevity and anti-aging goals. 3. Therapeutic area Nescens Clinic is world-renowned for its leading medical technology and professional medical care team. It provides a variety of treatment options, and its treatment areas cover Cure reset, aesthetic and regenerative medicine and comprehensive physical examination. Cure reset is one of the signature treatment programs of Nescens Clinic. It is mainly created for patients with chronic diseases, metabolic syndrome, obesity or immune system disorders. The professional medical team formulates a personalized treatment plan based on the customers physical condition and health risk assessment results to help customers improve their physical condition and restore their health. Aesthetic and regenerative medicine is another major therapeutic area of the Nescens Clinic. The clinic offers a variety of aesthetic and regenerative medicine programs such as skin treatments, non-surgical wrinkle reduction, autologous fat grafting and collagen injections, e...