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在瑞士,您不仅能欣赏无数壮丽的自然景观,感受一流的酒店服务,还能享有当地高效可靠的医疗保健体系。雷梭勒家族办公室只与能够提供最高医疗健康标准的几家精品瑞士诊所合作,为您打造独家、个性化的健康之旅。坐落于日内瓦湖畔的吉尼列尔集团妮尚希Genolier-Nescens诊所就是其中一家。Babs Siclet是该诊所的院长,也是瑞士医疗网络Swiss Medical Network的高管团队成员。借由她的视角,您也许会对这家高端诊所,以及瑞士的健康医学特色有更加深入的了

本文的人物专访部分由雷梭勒家族办公室根据萨拉·舍伍德Sara Sherwood(《电讯报》)对Babs Siclet的采访文章整理编译而成




在您预订这段令人向往的健康旅程之前,我们希望为您介绍妮尚希诊所的院长Babs Siclet女士。她的专业见解,将为您解答预防医学的重要问题,从而给您的健康之旅赋予更多的价值和深度

Babs Siclet,吉尼列尔集团妮尚希诊所院长






妮尚希诊所提供的“Cure Reset”是什么?它为谁而设?与别家的焕活疗程有何不同

Cure Reset”适用于所有关注健康的人。它是一种预防性的疗法,不仅适用于拥有健康、且希望保持健康的人士,还适用于那些有睡眠问题、压力困扰或体重问题的人。在初步评估后,我们会提供一个为期七天的疗程,所有方案都是科学制定,并利用技术来提升治疗效果。有多种仪器和疗法供您选择,从而加速治疗,例如生物电磁充能器(biocharger)和臭氧疗法。我们的员工与患者比例为三比一,确保您得到个性化的关怀和专业的服务,让您充分感受到焕发活力的魅力


诊所团队关注的不仅有您的营养,还有您生活上心理层面的方方面面。我们的营养计划不是去限制您的饮食。为了在一周内减掉三公斤,您当然可以停止饮食的摄入,但您之后回到家,可能又会增重四公斤。这样一来,您便将减肥与压力联系到了一起。而在妮尚希诊所,通过远红外线舱(Infrared Dome)这类领先科技,您可以有效减少体脂。














Original English Text

Health travel to Switzerland– the best places to go for the latest treatments

La Soleille offers exclusive and very personally organised health trips to Switzerland focusing on the important subject of preventive medicine. These very discreetly organised packages are tailor-made and include only very select Swiss clinics that can offer the highest medical but also well-being standards.

One of La Soleille's partner resorts is the exclusive GENOLIER - NESCENS clinic overlooking Lake Geneva. Here La Soleille has special arrangements and will organise the ideal stay for you.

Babs Siclet, director and CEO of Genolier Patient Services, answers key questions on preventive medicine

Live better: treatments range from yoga and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to virtual reality fitness.

Swiss health clinics offer pioneering techniques and research, combining the highest standards of medical care with exclusive service. Using cutting-edge technology, world-class doctors provide customised treatments aimed at improving the quality of life and longevity of patients from around the world. But, before you book yourself in for a bit ofhealth tourism, allow Babs Siclet, who is also a member of the general management of Swiss Medical Network – one of the biggest networks of premium private hospitals in Switzerland – to answer a few questions potential customers and patients might have:

Babs Siclet, Clinique Nescens director and CEO of Genolier Patient Services.

What is lifestyle medicine?

Much of lifestyle medicine is based on epigenetics, which is the ways in which our behaviours and environment cause changes that affect the way our genes work. Part of the diagnosis involves monitoring your lifestyle and optimising different areas such as nutrition, sleep, stress management and exercise. Everything that you do in your everyday life can be orientated towards enabling you to live better and longer.

What does the treatment entail and how long does it take?

Treatment is bespoke. Based on genetic, blood and other screening tests, here atClinique Nescens we put your body under good stress. If you spend time in the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, for example, the air pressure is increased two to three times higher than normal, allowing your lungs to take in much more oxygen than would be possible normally. For a few years now, high-level sports professionals have used this technique.

Bespoke treatment: a session in the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber will be tailored to your requirements.

What is the ‘Cure Reset’ you offer at Clinique Nescens?

Who is it for, and how is it different from other rejuvenation offerings elsewhere? Cure Reset is for anybody who is interested in their health. It is a preventative measure for anyone who is healthy and wishes to remain so, but also for anyone who has sleep trouble or stress or weight problems. After an initial assessment, you will then have a seven-day programme, all based on science, and using technology to improve outcomes. There are lots of devices at your disposal to speed the treatment – such as a biocharger and ozone therapy. The staff-patient ratio is three to one.

Our team includes:

They will look not just at nutrition, but also at psychological aspects of your life. The nutrition programme isn’t about restriction. In order to lose three kilos in a week, of course you can stop eating, but then you go home and put on four. You then associate weight loss with stress. Here, with technologies such as the Infrared Dome, you can lose body fat.

Stress free: treatments such as the Infrared Dome can help you lose body fat.

What are the biggest reasons that clients from all over the world come to you – and return regularly?

Switzerland has a long and lasting reputation in terms of premium health and wellness. This tradition continues with many nationalities looking for our medical excellence as our hospitals are equipped with innovative devices and the latest treatments. We host many patients from different continents, whether for treatments in ophthalmology, neurological check-ups or for a second opinion.

Put yourself in the shoes of a patient. What is the experience of visiting one of your clinics?

The medicine is tailor-made, as are the services. When you arrive, your first contact will be with your medical coordinator, who will accompany you throughout your whole medical journey, including to your medical appointments and X-Ray exams. The aim is to let you fully concentrate on your health and medical journey while our team worries about the logistics and remains at your entire disposal for any query you may have. Private medicine is VIP medicine: our doctors spend the time needed with you, and you will be interacting with them during your stay until you are home.

High-end service: visitors from all over the world travel to Swiss clinics to improve the quality of their lives in various ways.

What are the biggest trends you are seeing in preventive medicine now?

There is a lot of focus on regenerative medicine and we are pioneers on this topic in Switzerland. These therapies use your own cells to improve your body in many different ways. We extract the cells and either reinject them or bank them for later use. This can be used, for example, for procedures such as ligament regeneration.

What if I want to look younger? When should I start?

The same principle of regenerative medicine is very well developed in aesthetics. The research and publications on the evolution of regenerative cell therapies show that it is healthier than earlier aesthetic treatments, and you get more natural and longer lasting results. It keeps reproducing once it is injected, so you won’t have to get fillers every six months. You often see men in their fifties and women in their forties come for this treatment.

Babs Siclet is a member of the management of Swiss Medical Network. Interview by Sara Sherwood (The Telegraph), translated by La Soleille Family Office.

Discover Switzerland via La Soleille Family Office!

Switzerland not only offers its visitors numerous sights, breathtaking landscapes and first-class hospitality, but also the benefits of an efficient and reliable healthcare system, including Genolier Clinique Nescens, of which Babs Siclet is the director.

La Soleille Family Office will advise you on the various travel options and organise a tailor-made programme for you, including visa, travel, transfers and an optimal and personalised programme at one of our partner clinics, such as Genolier La Nescence. Try us out!




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