上海办公室招聘|资深健康管理顾问 公司介绍 瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室是一家充满活力且发展迅速的多家族办公室,其总部位于瑞士纳沙泰尔,并在中国上海设有亚洲办事机构——雷梭勒投资管理(上海)有限公司,主要面向亚太地区超高净值客户。 我们致力于为客户提供全方位的服务,包括全面协助客户移居、定居瑞士,以及为其提供量身定制的金融投资机会。 雷梭勒的优质服务源于专业、积极的团队。团队成员拥有着相关领域的所有必要技能与业务经验。“超越客户的期望”始终是我们瑞士和上海团队的指导性原则。 【资深健康管理顾问(隶属客户部)】 [招聘人数]1人 [薪资]RMB10K~RMB20K/月 [岗位职责]1、学习并熟练掌握瑞士合作医疗机构情况、特色和疗程,具备健康项目咨询和演讲能力;2、为客户提供瑞士健康管理咨询,积极主动推进公司健康项目市场开拓及销售规划;3、拥有较强的客户沟通能力,积极主动与客户沟通,从而实现销售目标,最终与客户快速签单;4、积极配合并提供国内合作伙伴和代理机构市场推广活动;5、可依据客户情况,合理安排出差,促进健康项目销售的达成;6、关注和及时搜集整理市场信息,包括竞争对手动作、产品宣传活动和市场动向;7、领导安排的其他工作。 [任职资格]1、有10年以上涉外医疗咨询经验;2、有医学教育背景,本科及以上学历;3、有流利的英文听说写能力;4、熟练运用办公软件(word、Excel、PPT);5、能适应出差;6、有较强的工作热情及自信心,行动力强,有责任心,有团队协作精神,勇于挑战。 [福利]享国家规定的带薪假期;享公司午餐补贴;缴纳五险一金。 以上职位工作地点为上海,请将您的求职信、个人简历以及必要的证明文件发送到以下邮箱:candy.bao@lasoleille.com [Company Profile] La Soleille Family Office (LSFO) in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and Shanghai (China) is a dynamic fast growing multi-family office focusing on a clientele from the Asia-Pacific region. With its headquarters in Neuchâtel and Asian Office in Shanghai , LSFO offers a unique 360-degree service taking care of all aspects related to moving to and settling down in Switzerland as well as providing tailor-made financial and investment opportunities. All this being made possible thanks to a highly professional and proactive team in representing all necessary skills and business experiences in the relevant fields. “Exceed expectations” of our clients is our guiding principle for our teams in Switzerland as well as in Shanghai! Position: Senior Healthcare Consultant (Customer Services Devision) [Number of recruits] 1 person [Salary] RMB10K~RMB20K/month [Job Description]1.Learn and be familiar with partner medical institutions in Switzerland, their specialties and programs; have the skills in healthcare project consulting and presentation;2.Provide clients with Swiss healthcare consulting services, and proactively participate in market development and sales planning of healthcare projects of the company;3.Have good communication skills and proactively communicate with clients, realizing sales targets and quickly close the deal with clients;4.Proactively cooperate with domestic partners and agencies and provide support for their marketing activities;5.Flexible for business trips per client situation, and close the deal for specific healthcare projects;6.Follow and timely collect market information including competitors’ moves, product promotions and market trends;7.Other work as assigned by the company. [Qualifications]1.More than 10 years’ experience in overseas medical consulting;2.Bachelor’s degree or above, medical related education background;3.Fluent in English (listening, speaking and writing);4.Proficient in Office software (Word, Excel, PPT);5.Able to travel;6.Have a passion for work and self-confidence, strong in action, sense of ownership, with teamwork spirits and dare to challenge yourself. [Benefits]Paid holidays in accordance with China’s regulations; Lunch allowance; Five social insurances and the housing provident fund. The above position is located in Shanghai, China. Please send your resume, motivation letter and any supporting document you deem necessary by email to candy.bao@lasoleille.com. 本文转载自瑞士雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询 4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
瑞士冻卵技术 导读 如今越来越多的女性在生育这件事上选择采用“冻卵”手术,以便将年轻时的生育资源保留到日后使用,或者在需要采用生育治疗组建家庭时提升受孕几率。在这一极具私密性的领域,雷梭勒家族办公室拥有瑞士数家高端私人诊所的特别通道,为您排忧解难。本篇将瑞士冻卵治疗原理和相关情况一一道来,也希望能为您提供相关治疗诊所的有用信息。 人的一生中只有短短几年时间具备生育能力,因此它是一种宝贵的资源。如果您推迟受孕是为了有时间建立稳定的关系、继续深造、创业或发展事业,那么您应该考虑年龄对生育能力的影响。 女性在18到29岁之间生育能力最强。30岁以后,生育能力会逐渐下降,到30岁末40岁初,下降速度会加快。因此,在这个年龄段受孕对很多女性来说都是一个真正的挑战。事实上,如果没有辅助生殖技术(ART)的帮助,43岁自然受孕是非常罕见的。 然而,通过冷冻卵子,您可以将年轻时的生育资源保留一部分,以供日后使用。这种降低风险的策略可以将受孕几率提高5到10倍。对于正在接受化疗等治疗的女性来说,冷冻卵子也是一种选择,因为化疗也会影响生育能力。 瑞士对于冻卵的技术和社会接受度发展得相对成熟,以下是一些重要数据:重要事实一览瑞士自2012年起允许冷冻卵子。 自2012年起,瑞士的妇女就在冷冻自己的卵子,以便日后使用。 这种方法最常用于患癌女子,因为化疗通常会破坏卵巢中的卵子。 许多诊所将这种方法称为“社会性冻卵”,即妇女在没有医学原因的情况下决定冷冻卵子,例如,为了在成家之前先用几年时间发展事业。 在瑞士的主要诊所中,平均每周有一位女子进行卵子冷冻。瑞士全国范围内没有这方面的统计数据。 在瑞士,患癌女性的卵细胞可以无限期冷冻,而健康女性的卵细胞只能冷冻十年。 冷冻卵子的过程可能需要数周至数月,费用在1万至2万瑞士法郎。 雷梭勒拥有瑞士数家著名私人诊所的特别通道,在这个非常个人和私密的问题上为您排忧解难,是您理想的伙伴。 常见问题 为什么要储存卵子? 您是否想要孩子,但尚未找到合适的伴侣?或者您觉得“生物钟”给自己带来了压力?您完全可以采用冻卵的方式保留自己的卵子,以便在您觉得可以通过生育治疗组建家庭时使用。 冻卵手术是如何进行的? 卵巢会受到荷尔蒙注射的刺激,从而能够排出尽可能多的卵子。疗程开始两周后,卵子会被取出并冷冻起来。在瑞士,卵子能够冷冻最高达10年。一旦患者决定怀孕,就可以解冻卵子并使其受精。之后,形成的胚胎会被植入子宫。我们可靠的诊所会根据患者的具体情况逐一讨论其怀孕几率和治疗方案,以获得最佳几率。患者取卵时的年龄越小,生育一个或多个婴儿的机会就越大。 冷冻卵子的费用是多少? 总费用很难估算,这取决于每个病例、治疗时间和治疗方法。每个病例的平均费用在10,000 到 20,000 瑞士法郎,其中包括麻醉师、药物和冷冻费用。 冷冻的卵子可以存放多久? 在瑞士,卵子可以存放最高达十年。 如果在五年或十年后才解冻,卵子的质量会受到影响吗? 原则上不会。 何时是考虑社会性冻卵的理想时间? 25 岁女性怀孕的几率最大。在 35 岁之前,女性怀孕的几率仍然很高。这也是大多数卵子被冷冻的年龄。这个年龄段的女性开始担心自己的生育能力。来找我们的大多数女性还没有找到合适的伴侣。她们很想专注于自己的事业,同时又不用担心滴答作响的生理时钟。她们希望从 “为时已晚”的压力中解放出来,确保自己仍有生育的可能。 冻卵治疗的最佳诊所是哪家? 瑞士提供卵子冷冻治疗的医院有很多,但并非所有医院都享有同样的良好声誉。我们推荐与我们密切合作的瑞士私人诊所网络,他们从医疗到接待的整体服务都享有盛誉,令人信服。作为家族办公室,我们将在细节上提供支持和协调,并帮助消除语言障碍,因为信任和理解是成功的关键。 瑞士最大的医院网络哈里斯兰登(Hirslanden)集团以其在该领域的能力和知识而闻名。由于哈里斯兰登采用了创新的方法,最初冷冻的卵母细胞在解冻后超过90%仍有活力,可以继续使用。之后,根据患者的具体情况,治疗将在同一家哈里斯兰登诊所继续进行: 解冻后的卵子在试管婴儿实验室与伴侣的精子受精后,胚胎会被移植到女性的子宫腔内,以实现怀孕。 闻名遐迩的吉尼列尔(Genolier) 私人诊所主要擅长处理因疾病而需要冷冻卵子的病例。如果被吉尼列尔诊所的医生确诊为生育障碍,在许多情况下都可以进行生殖治疗,该治疗也可以在吉尼列尔诊所进行。然而,由于各种方法的成功与否难以预料,而且有些方法可能会对身体和心理造成过大的负担,因此,在开始生育治疗之前,最好彻底梳理所有的优劣势、机会和风险,并事先与医生进行详细讨论。 运输在当今社会,我们的工作地和居住地经常变化,人员流动性较大,因此储存起来的卵母细胞可能需要被运往另一家诊所,有可能被运往另一个国家。这种运输对技术要求很高,也需要相应的费用。 因此,我们建议在同一家瑞士诊所完成咨询、取卵、卵子冷冻(储存)和再植入的全过程。 如果您正在考虑社会性冻卵,我们建议您与我们的顾问联系,他们将向您说明在瑞士知名私人诊所实现这一想法的可能性。 Original English Text Egg Freezing (Cryopreservation) Introduction: Fertility is a precious resource that is limited to only a few years of your life. If you are delaying conception to have time to build a stable relationship, pursue further education or build a business or career, you should consider the impact of age on your fertility. A woman is most fertile around the age of 18 to 29. After the age of 30, her fertility gradually declines, and this decline accelerates in the late 30s and early 40s. Therefore, conception at this age can be a real challenge for many women. In fact, spontaneous conception - without the help of assisted reproductive technology (ART) - is quite rare at age 43. However, by freezing eggs, you can preserve some of your youthful fertility resources for later use. This risk-reducing strategy can increase your chances of conception by 5 to 10 times. Egg freezing is also an option for women undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy, which can also affect their fertility. The most important facts in brief Egg freezing has been allowed in Switzerland since 2012. Since 2012, women in Switzerland have been able to have their eggs frozen so that they can be used later. The method is most often used by women suffering from cancer, as chemotherapy very often destroys the eggs in the ovaries. Many clinics refer to it as "social freezing" when women decide to do this without a medical reason, e.g. to pursue a career for a few years before starting a family. On average one woman per week has her eggs put on ice in major Swiss clinics. There are no statistics for Switzerland as a whole. The egg cells of women with cancer may be frozen in Switzerland without restriction, those of healthy women only for ten years. The procedure to freeze eggs may take several weeks to months and costs between CHF 10,000 and CHF 20,000. La Soleille has privileged access to some renowned private clinics in Switzerland and is therefore the ideal partner for you and your questions on this very individual and intimate subject. Frequently asked questions Why should you store your eggs?Do you want to have children but have not yet found the right partner? Or do you feel pressured by your "biological clock"? It is perfectly possible to collect and freeze your own eggs to preserve and use when you feel ready to start a family through fertility treatment. How does the egg freezing procedure work?The ovaries are stimulated with hormone injections in order to be able to retrieve as many eggs as possible. Two weeks after the start of therapy, the eggs are collected and then frozen. In Switzerland, eggs can be frozen for up to 10 years. Once the patient decides to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed and fertilised. Afterwards, the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterus. Our trusted clinics will discuss the patient’s chances and treatments individually so that the chances are optimal. The younger the patient is at the time of egg retrieval, the higher the chance of having one or more babies. What is the cost of egg freezing?The total costs are very difficult to estimate depending on each case, timing an treatment. The average range is between CHF 10’000 to CHF 20’000 per case. And includes the anaesthetist, medication and freezing. How long are frozen eggs stored?In Switzerland, eggs may be stored for up to ten years. Will the quality of the eggs be affected if they are not thawed until five or ten years later?No. In principle, there is no loss of quality over the years. When is the ideal time to consider social freezing?A 25-year-old woman has the greatest chance of becoming pregnant. Up to the age of 35, women still have a very high chance of becoming pregnant. This is also the age when most eggs are frozen. Women at this age start to worry about their fertility. Most women who come to us have not yet found a suitable partner. Rarely do they want to concentrate on their careers without worrying about the ticking biological clock. They want to free themselves from the pressure that it is too late and make sure that it is still possible to have children. Which is the best clinic for egg freezing treatment?There are many Swiss hospitals that offer egg freezing, not all of them have the same good reputation. We recommend our private Swiss clinic network with whom we work closely and whose overall service from medical treatment to hospitality is both renowned and convincing. We as a family office then support and coordinate the fine-tuning and the language barriers as trust and understanding is key to success. Well known for their capacity and knowledge in this particular field is Switzerland’s largest hospital networkHirslanden Group. Due to the innovative Hirslanden method, > 90 % of the originally frozen oocytes are still vital and usable for further use after thawing. At a later point in time, individually determined by the patient, the treatment is continued in the same Hirslanden clinic: After fertilisation of the thawed eggs with the partners sperm in the IVF laboratory, embryos are transferred into the womans uterine cavity with the intention of achieving a pregnancy there. The renownedGenolier Private Clinic specialises primarily in cases requiring egg freezing due to illness. If the doctor at the Genolier Clinic diagnoses a fertility disorder, reproductive treatment is possible in many cases, which can then also be carried out at the Genolier Clinic. However, since the success of the individual methods is unpredictable and some of them can overstrain the body and psyche, it is advisable to thoroughly examine all the advantages and disadvantages, chances and risks before starting fertility treatment and to discuss them in detail with...