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•      鉴别并紧跟上涨行情(追逐风险);

•      出现下跌行情时立刻清仓(规避风险);

•      确认触底时逐步建仓(重新追逐风险);

•      利用指数基金进行分散投资,尽量降低投资一种股票或债券的风险。


James Cunningham

Chief Investment Officer

La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA

September 30th, 2018


English Version

The Lonely Bull

       he escalating trade war notwithstanding, the US economy is going from strength to strength. Consumer sentiment is at its highest in a decade while unemployment is at record lows.  A strong dollar is keeping inflation subdued.  Some analysts suggest that any rise in input and import costs can be absorbed by strong domestic demand and, at last, rising wages. Although 10-year US Treasury yields have risen above 3%, the Federal Reserve has indicated that it will remain cautious in increasing the cost of credit.  As for US stocks, indices rose in September to new highs for all the major indices as rotations between sectors compensated for some weakness in Information Technology.  The broad S&P 500 index is up 9% year-to-date. But only three sectors have outperformed: IT, Consumer Discretionary and Health Care.

The Rest Of the World is Weak

       Growth in emerging markets has been hit by a higher US dollar and higher oil prices. In Europe, consumer and corporate sentiment is weakening, as shown in the graph of purchasing managers’ export orders below. European stock indices are correspondingly weak, off -3.4% for the year and well below their January highs.



Our Policy

       In asset management we follow four principles:

       Identify and follow positive trends (risk on)

       Sell fast when they turn negative (risk off)

       Buy again when a bottom is confirmed (risk back on)

       Diversify by using index-tracking funds ,thus minimizing exposure to any particular stock or bond

       We use mathematical modeling of prices and probabilities to determine if a trend is positive or negative, strengthening or weakening, and likely or not to continue for the next period which for us is one month, to control trading cost “friction”. Other than in the US, there are few stock markets with positive returns this year. Norway is up +19.2%. Then comes NASDAQ +15.7%, followed by Saudi Arabia +9.2%, the S&P up + 9.0% and Colombia at +6.8%. The MSCI World (of which the US accounts for about half) is weak at +2.4%, while Emerging Markets are down -9.7% in dollar terms. Europe is off -3.4% and China -27.8%. We remain skeptical of the US Bull, but our system requires us to invest further in the US trend with 10% each in American Health Care and Energy baskets. We continue to hold 10% positions each in American Consumer Discretionary and IT baskets, and have sold our European ETF. Our equity exposure stands at 40%, all in America. With rising interest rates a threat to bonds, we keep the balance of our assets in cash. 

James Cunningham

Chief Investment Officer

La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA

September 30th, 2018




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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