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       Stonehage Fleming 家族办公室的企业金融执行主席西蒙•博德勒(Simon Boadle)表示,在策划公司活动时,提前聘请公司财务顾问非常重要。他在本周于伦敦举行的“企业家论坛”上对嘉宾表示:“如果顾问们得到了充分的介绍,并得到了量身定制的角色,他们就能增加很多价值。”他表示:“企业财务顾问能帮助企业在交易前两年(有时多达五年)做出良好的决定。”西蒙解释说,出现这种情况的原因之一是,对于流动性事件,有很多不同的选择,比如通过债务再融资、一次IPO、通过私募以部分/全部出售的方式来达成交易。“了解这其中哪一种是切实可行的可能方式,以及在何种估值水平或对业务产生何种后果方面,尽早确立这些概念是非常重要的。然后,你就可以制定出一项实现正确目标的策略。”西蒙表示,计划是关键:“这些流动性事件,比如接受新的投资或出售,正在改变一家企业的命运。这种情况很少发生,因此,重要的是要做好准备,提前制定出好的战略。”

Simon Boadle 西蒙•博德勒 




English Version

Businesses benefit from early strategic preparation

       It is essential to engage acorporate finance adviser well in advance when planning a corporate event,according to Simon Boadle, Executive Chairman of Stonehage Fleming’s Corporate Finance business.  “Advisers add a lot of value, provided they are well briefed and given tailored roles,” he told guests at our Entrepreneurs’ Forum in London this week. “Corporate finance advisers help businesses with the decisions they need to make a good two years – sometimes upto five - before a transaction,” he said. One reason for this is the number of different options for a liquidity event, be it refinancing through debt, an IPO, a partial sale through private equity or a full sale to trade, explained Simon. “Understanding which of these is a practical possibility and at whatsort of valuation or what sort of consequence for the business is really important to establish early on. You can then map out a strategy for achieving the right one.”

       According to Simon, planning is key: “These liquidity events, like taking on new investment or selling, are life-changing for a business. They happen very rarely, so it is important to get it right and get a good strategy mapped out a long way in advance.” Planning a strategy for reviewing the Board or revisiting how to run the business to prepare for the future is vital, explained Simon. “If you want to achieve an IPO in three years’ time, there are certain things you can do to shape the business to make it more attractive to stock market investors,” he said. “You may also want to present the business differently to an audience of potential investors. Your corporate finance advisers can help you with this strategic planning.” 

       Made up of a corporate financier, a lawyer, an accountant and tax adviser, Simon explained the huge importance of the ‘core’ advisory team for a business involved in a transaction. “The other specialists in the advice chain also play essential roles,” he said, “but the difference between them and the corporate finance adviser is that most are engaged only when a tangible transition is in the offing. Corporate finance advisers work predominately on a success fee basis. A lot of the early planning can be done either for effectively no cost, or be rolled up into a fee payable later on. That is another big attraction for entrepreneurs.”




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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