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       那人,是从一群人中挑选出来、履行其职责的。行业专家们讨论了:根据特定特征细分客户(segmentation)的优缺点。过去几年,财富管理领域的细分有所增长,加拿大皇家银行财富管理(RBC wealth management)、布朗•希普利机构(Brown Shipley)和天达财富投资(Investec wealth & Investment)等公司在使用结构化方法组织客户方面走在了前列。一些理财规划的客户,需要在财富领域进行差异化。例如,体育明星们拥有独特的收入和投资机制,这意味着他们需要一种不同于普通理财客户的咨询方法。业界一直在就这个问题进行辩论,以寻求标准的建议。但这对于跨境财富管理有用吗?《International Adviser》询问了几家顶尖咨询公司的意见。

1. London & Capital 机构
       Capital的副董事长亚当•迈尔斯(Adam Myers)表示:“我们与客户坐下来,确定他们的要求是什么——是否与收入和资产的长期增长相关。然后我们看看他们的结构——我们可以用各种不同的方式管理同一个账户,并根据客户的需要来灵活管理。“在我们这样的行业,我们不想把人分成不同的类别,我们不想强迫他们走特定的道路。我的职责是了解他们的长期战略,并创造出与之相匹配的东西。他说:“从投资的角度来看,在目前市场波动的情况下,我们关注更多的是资产(assets),而不是在客户的投资组合(portfolios)中承担太多风险。我们可以购买多种货币的资产,这可以给客户带来额外的灵活性。“对于体育界客户——我曾与来自美国、居住在欧洲各地的体育界人士共事过——拥有跨货币的多元化投资组合非常重要。深入地了解客户,然后制定出一份策略,这就是捷径(approach),而不是把方钉放进圆孔里。”

2. Stonehage Fleming 家族办公室

3. Lombard International 公司

       Lombard International 保险公司的财富结构解决方案主管西蒙•戈巴特(Simon Gorbutt)表示:“每个客户都是独一无二的,你可以对他们进行分类(categorise)。“例如,体育界人士往往在职业生涯的早期就能赚钱。他们可能赚了很多钱,但在这个时候,体育明星们可能缺乏如何管理这些钱的建议和指导。“关于职业运动员在退休后五年内破产的人数,有很多统计数据。“我认为其中一个原因是缺乏建议或缺乏好的建议。它们总是有被捕食的风险,当然,它们的流动性(mobile)很强。“我们确实与运动界的客户合作过,有时他们会接受一些建议,并说好将其收入的一部分安排在人寿保险的合同中作为储蓄,这毫无问题。而如果他们被一个海外的团队签下了合约,他们就可以更加放心,他们可以带着这笔投资,继续在海外与其合作。对于企业主来说,这是另一套指导方针。他们可能在投资方面更精明,他们可能希望在解决方案的每一个层面都拥有更大的控制权——对财富本身及其管理方式的控制权。“在这方面,他们往往要求很高。他们的流动性相对较强,他们可能希望将任何一种结构都能作为其整体财富计划的一部分,以便对自己经营的企业进行进一步投资。这又增加了一层复杂性。”

4. Old Mutual International 企业

       Quilter集团旗下Old Mutual international的国际命题主管卡伦•布拉奇福德(Karen Blatchford)表示:“随着咨询公司在不断演变的国际咨询格局中转型,客户细分正变得至关重要。首先,这是良好的商业意识,尤其是在转向经常性收费模式时。“对客户数据库进行彻底的细分和分析,将使公司能够确定不同客户群体的盈利能力,以确保向他们提供商业上的服务是可行的。”但它也能让你确保自己正在满足特定客户的需求。这不仅从监管的角度来看很重要,而且更重要的是,它有助于确保您提供良好的客户结果(client outcomes)。“通过定义目标客户,你可以更深入地了解他们的行为和愿望,找到机会改善他们的体验,并让他们继续向你寻求更多的服务。”“它能让你找到最赚钱的群体,让你的努力更具可衡量性。”

5. Howard Kennedy 事务所


English Version

       Industry experts discuss the pros and cons of segmenting clients accordingto particular characteristics. Over the last few years there has been a growth insegmentation within the wealth management sector, with firms such as RBC Wealth Management, Brown Shipley and Investec Wealth & Investment leading the way in organising clients using a structured methodology. Some financial planning clients need differentiation within the wealth sector. For example, sports personalities have a peculiar income and investment regime that means they need a different advisory approach compared to an everyday wealthy client. There have been debates within the industry about this topic for standard advice. But can this work for cross-border wealth management?International Adviser asked several advisory firms for their thoughts.

1. London & Capital

       Adam Myers, associate director at London & Capital, said: “We sit down with clients to establish what their requirements are – if its long-term growth, income, assets. Then we look at the structures that they have – and we can manage an account in a variety of different ways and be as flexible as the client needs it to be. “In an industry like ours, we don’t want to pigeonhole people into different boxes, we don’t want to force them down a certain route. My role is to understand their long-term strategy and create something that matches that. “From the investment stand point, at this moment in time with volatility, we look at assets rather than taking too many risks with client portfolios. We can buy assets in multiple currencies, which can give clients added flexibility. “For sports clients – I have worked with sports people who come from the US and have lived across Europe – it is very important to have a portfolio that is diversified across currencies. Getting a good understanding of a client then creating a strategy is a good approach, rather than putting square pegs intoround holes.”

2. Stonehage Fleming

       Johan van Niekerk, partner – head of family office, Neuchâtel – Stonehage Fleming, said: “Some form of client segmentation is necessary when considering cross-border wealth planning. “However, it is not as simple as you would think. We have several fixed offerings, but the way we combine them is tailored to meet the specific needs of the clients. “Our services have two clear objectives: the successful protection of family wealth and the successful management of family assets. “The needs of a professional athlete, who accumulates wealth during a career (which might be shorter than that of an entrepreneur) differs from the needs of an entrepreneur who might have one or several significant liquidity events during her/his lifetime. “Because the needs of our families are so diverse, segmentation becomes challenging but not impossible. As an example, we have a dedicated team that look after professional athletes.”

3. Lombard International

       Simon Gorbutt, director of wealth structuring solutions at Lombard International Assurance, said: “Every client is unique, and you can categorise them. “Sports people, for example, tend to make money quite early on in their careers. They might be making a lot of money at a time where there might be a lack of advice and guidance on how to manage that. “There are a lot of statistics around on the number of professional sportspeople who are bankrupt within five years of retirement. “I think one of the reasons for that is the lack of advice or the lack of good advice. There is always the risk that they will be preyed on and, of course, they are very mobile. “We do work with sportspeople and sometimes it is a question of them taking some advice and saying a portion of what is earned is set aside in a life assurance contract as a nest egg. And if they are signed by a team abroad,they can have the peace of mind that they can take that investment with them and it will continue to work with them abroad. “For business owners, it is another set of guide lines. They might be savvier when it comes to investments, they might want greater control at every level of the solution – control over the wealth itself, how it is managed. “They tend to be quite demanding in that respect. They are relatively mobile, and they might want to use whatever structure as part of their overall wealth plan in order to put further investments into businesses that they run.That has got another layer of complexity.”

4. Old Mutual International

       Karen Blatchford, head of international proposition at Old Mutual International, part of Quilter, said: “As advisers transition their businesses in an evolving international advice landscape, client  segmentation is becoming critically important. Firstly, it is good business sense, particularly when moving to recurring fee models. “Thorough segmentation and analysis of client databases will enable firms to ascertain the profitability of different client segments to ensure they are commercially viable to serve. “But it also allows you to ensure you are serving specific client needs.This is important not only from a regulatory standpoint, but even more importantly it helps to ensure you are delivering good client outcomes. “By defining target clients, you can gain a deeper understanding of their behaviours and desires, find opportunities to improve their experience and keep them coming back to you for more. “It enables you to pinpoint the groups that will be most profitable and makes your efforts more measurable.”

5. Howard Kennedy

       Simon Malkiel, partner at law firm Howard Kennedy, added: “From a legal perspective, international tax and succession planning advice needs to be tailored to the individual needs of the client. Distinct approaches may be needed for clients from different professions, backgrounds and nationalities. “Often the ultimate objective will be the same – structuring the client’s affairs for maximum asset protection and tax efficiency, with a robust succession planning strategy. But the means of achieving it, and how the adviceis communicated to the client, can be quite different. “There are a wide range of different legal dilemmas for clients to grapple with: tax planning, succession planning and thinking creatively when it comesto conflict of laws. “Advisers have to be solutions focused and actively engage in creativity,in order to serve clients whose assets are located across borders.”        




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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