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       鲍比·伯内特(Bobby Burnett),持续型创业家,现任英国领先的出租车广告公司Ubiquitous的董事长。多年来,鲍比·伯内特已经建立并管理了好几家企业,71岁的年纪也该准备退休了,可他却还没有。从70年代初开始,他的职业生涯非常多样化:从工程与纺织,到棕榈油精炼和航运,继而转行飞机管理电影动画制作。

       最近,鲍比被任命为非执行董事,并在 Foyles 和 Waterstones 之间的交易(2018年英国实体书店大并购)中发挥了关键作用。他目前是Ubiquitous的董事。这是一家出租车广告公司,于1982年成立,2001年曾出售,2008年重获投资。自他创业以来,随着私募股权的大规模增长,以及众筹等在线融资平台的出现,融资策略发生了重大变化。然而,保持不变的是成为一位成功企业家所需要的那些素质。做好失败的准备——要想成为一位成功的企业家,你需要年少时的那份自信和成熟后的恢复能力,来承受挫折与打击。在我三十多岁的时候,我早期的一次冒险失败了,我失去了我的房子。我有几家公司破产了,但你还必须能够继续前进。回顾过去,也许我不应该买那些已经破产的公司,我应该做更多的市场调查,但是我那时已经准备好了去承担风险。



       我总有许多壶罐在炖煮。我有一个像蝴蝶一样的大脑——我喜欢速度、精力和多样性。我有时会想:如果我只从事一项事业,是否会在财务上更成功,但我也可能会选择到错误的事业。 好的领导能力是可以转移的——人们希望被领导,你需要能够向员工传达你的激情和动力。做决定的能力,以及在需要的时候对人对事毫不留情的能力是非常重要的。如果你能管理好那些特立独行的人,他们会让你的企业成长,但同时,你也必须有能力认识到,一项事业何时会超越其现有的管理能力。

English Version

       Bobby Burnett, serial entrepreneur and director of the UK’s leading taxi advertising firm Ubiquitous. Having built and managed several businesses over the years, many people of 71 years old would be looking to retire. Not Bobby Burnett. Starting in the early 1970s he has had a hugely varied career. From engineering and textiles he went on to palm oil refining, shipping, aircraft management and motion picture film production. 

       More recently Bobby was appointed as Non-Executive Director and played a pivotal role in the transaction between Foyles and Waterstones. He is currently Director at Ubiquitous, a taxi advertising firm which he founded in 1982 before selling in 2001 and reinvesting in 2008. Since he started out, there have been significant changes to fund raising strategies with the massive growth in private equity and the advent of crowd-funding and other online financing platforms. However what remain constant are the qualities required to be a successful entrepreneur.

       Be prepared for failure. To be a successful entrepreneur you need the confidence of a teenager and the resilience of maturity to take the knocks. In my thirties, one of my early ventures failed and I lost my house. I have had a couple of businesses go bust but you have to be able to move on. Looking back, maybe I shouldn’t have bought the businesses that went bust, I should have done more market research, but I was prepared to take risks. 

       Ask for help. My first job after training as an accountant was with a young property entrepreneur. I learned more from him in nine months than I would have learned at a large financial advisory firm in three years. The most valuable piece of advice he gave me was to know when to ask for help. Entrepreneurs are often too controlling and view asking for help as a sign of weakness. You can’t be good at everything. If you want to move fast you need to ask for support to fill the gaps in your knowledge to avoid simple mistakes. 

       My greatest inspiration is my parents. Having played tennis and Squash for England, my father always told me never to give up. I inherited his ambition and determination. He was unbelievably successful, first working his way to the top of the air force and then as chairman of Wimbledon. There he transformed the Championships, yet he never made a fortune, and I think that that was what made me ambitious. From my mother I learnt to network. It is so important to talk to everyone, including your competitors. It can have a hugely positive impact on your business. You have to be lucky but you only get lucky if you network, network, network and work, work, work. I have always had many pots on the boil. I have a brain like a butterfly - I loved the speed, energy and variety. I sometimes wonder whether I would have been more financially successful if I had stuck with just one business, but I might have chosen the wrong one. 

       Good leadership is transferable. People want to be led and you need to be able to convey your passion and drive to your workforce. The ability to make decisions and be ruthless when required is very important. If you can manage mavericks, they will grow your business but the ability to recognize when a business outgrows its managementis also essential.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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