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                                                                                ——英国Stonehage fleming家族办公室。

       分享了他们在客户KYC之前的9个提问和阐释, 希望能对您家族财富的传承和梳理带来启迪。



2. 您对家族企业有什么抱负和顾虑?


3. 还有其他的资产严重依赖于您的个人专长吗?


4. 是否已有一套商定的框架以供家族决策?


5. 您将怎样为继承者做好准备呢?


6. 你们之间讨论过传承的可行性吗?


7. 您想向后代灌输什么样的价值观?


8. 您想用您的财富来推动公益事业吗?


9. 您的家族和家族的长期财富具有什么风险?


English Version

All Wealth is Personal

"Understanding your family’s requirements starts with understanding the right questions to ask."

                —— Stohehage Fleming family office may share their questions & view with you for better knowing your customer.

1.    Does your family share a vision for the family wealth?

Families who develop a shared vision for wealth are generally much more successful than others at passing on the legacy for future generations. Every family member needs to recognize their role.

2.    What are your ambitions and concerns for the family business?

The family business is frequently far more than a financial asset, but the objectives and benefits of ownership need to be defined and balanced against the risks.

3.    Are there other assets which depend heavily on your personal expertise?

Many business owners make investments which depend heavily on their own expertise, contacts and influence. Passing on such assets requires particularly careful thought and preparation.

4.    Is there an agreed framework for family decision making?

Successful management of collectively held assets usually requires collective decision making which is seen to be fair and to support agreed objectives and values.

5.    How are you preparing those who will inherit?

As well as the upbringing, education, experience and confidence to take over, they each need to understand and accept their expectations and responsibilities.

6.    Have you discussed the practicalities of the transition?

It is usually advisable for the next generation to understand what is expected of them well in advance, and to be involved in developing a joint plan for the transition.

7.    What values do you want to instill in future generations?

Whilst allowing individuals full scope for individual fulfilment, most families want to pass on a collective culture and values, which guide family decisions.

8.    Do you want your wealth to promote good causes?

It is common for families to set up philanthropic foundations to support their preferred causes, but also as a means of passing on family values and encouraging family members to work together towards a common purpose.

9.    What are the risks to your family and your family’s long-term wealth?

Identifying and prioritizing the key risks to long-term wealth preservation can be an illuminating and valuable exercise. The biggest risks are not always the most obvious ones.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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