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Jacqui是驻瑞士的家族办公室和客户支持服务掌门人,也是Stonehage Fleming集团法务分公司的负责人。杰奎是许多高净值国际化家庭的关键顾问。她于2000年加入集团,最初驻扎在伦敦,2009年搬到日内瓦。在加入集团之前,她在德勤的南非税务部门工作。Jacqui拥有开普敦大学的商学学士学位和威特沃特斯兰德大学的税法高级文凭。我的角色一分为二。我一方面对于客户负责,另一方面肩负着管理团队等内部职责。我对于在商务中建立关系并与客户合作有着天生的亲和力,但你只有在拥有了高效工作团队的情况下,才能妥善地照顾好客户。找到合适的人、并保持其作为一个团队的自驱力,才是至关重要的。 没有哪两天是一样的。在很多方面,我的角色类似于驻瑞士的家族办公室的首席运营官,但我也负责伦敦的StonehageFleming 集团法务分公司。我负责管理我们在瑞士纳沙泰尔、日内瓦和苏黎世三地的家族办公室业务,涵盖财务管理、客户服务、员工考评和业务发展。除了管理方面的工作,我还积极参与同客户们的日常直接交易。


English Version

Jacqui is head of family office and client support services in Switzerland as well as head of Stonehage Fleming Law Limited. Jacqui serves as a Key Adviser to a number of high net worth international families. She joined the Group in 2000, originally based in London, before moving to Geneva in 2009.Prior to joining the Group she worked for Deloitte & Touche in South Africa in their tax department. Jacqui has a Bachelor of Business Science degree from the University of Cape Town and a higher diploma in Tax Law from the University of the Witwatersrand.

I wear two hats in my role. I have client responsibilities on the one hand and my internal responsibilities, including managing the team, on the other. I have a natural affinity with the commercial dynamics of building relationships and working with clients but you can only look after clients properly if you have an efficient working team in place. Finding the right people and maintaining their motivation as a team is essential.

No two days are the same. In many ways, my role is akin to a chief operating officer for the Family Office in Switzerland, but I also oversee Stonehage Fleming Law in London. I have responsibility for running our three Swiss family office businesses in Neuchatel, Geneva and Zurich, be it financial management, client service, staff or business development. As well as the management side of things, I am still very involved in dealing directly with clients on a day-to-day basis.


We are not concerned with assets alone; we take care of the whole family. We have worked with many multi-generational families over the years and there are few circumstances we have not previously come across. Clients really value our advice. We give them peace of mind and that is how we gain their trust. That’s what makes this job so rewarding.


My advice? Confront difficult situations head on. It applies both to the client and the management sides of my work. Communication is key; don’t delay. There is no substitute for having honest conversations with people, even if those conversations are uncomfortable. It is so important to be authentic. I have always been a self-starter. I have worked hard to achieve my goals and have tried to grasp opportunities as they have presented themselves. That, along with fantastic support - both internally from my colleagues and externally from my professional network and clients - has helped propel me forward.



1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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