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       有组织的准备,是领导力必不可少的。有效的培训应该培养人们的天赋,给予他们足够的自主权,让他们在家族结构中找到自己的声音和角色。一旦建立了正确的领导模式,就必须进行强有力的沟通宣传,以确保所有领导人和更广泛的家族成员们,都了解家族的目标, 以及为实现这些目标而提出的战略。

       根据 Stonehage Fleming 家族办公室的最新研究,依据长子继承权(由最先出生的孩子继承遗产的权利)来选出下一代领导人的家族数量,将降至目前的三分之一。在这份题为《变革时代的实用智慧与领导力》的调查报告中,28%的受访家族表示,未来的领导人目前是根据长子继承制(即:primogeniture)选出的,而只有10%的家族表示,他们认为这种情况将在未来继续下去。家族治理和继承事务主管马修•弗莱明(Matthew Fleming)在本周举行的Stonehage Fleming家族投资大会上表示:“有切实的迹象表明,这种趋势正在发生转变——一种明确的趋势,针对英才教育制度和挑选家族领导人的新方法。”他补充称:“还有一种明显的趋势是,家族领导人不止一个。”





English Version

Trend emerges towards more democratic leader selection 


Ensuring the right model now and for future generations

       Having the right leadership model in place is essential to see a family through the uncertainties of a changing environment and ensure the safe transition of wealth from one generation to the next, if that is their agreed purpose. An effective leadership model enables a family to manage all risks, both internal and external, with an individual or individuals with the skills to address every aspect of a family's capital. There is no right or wrong way to appoint new leaders within a family. A democratic system, where leaders are appointed for their role-specific skills, will equip a family to cover off the full spectrum of risks. Families should not be afraid to look externally in the absence of a suitable internal candidate, also for counsel and facilitation of the process.


       Structured preparation for leadership is essential. Effective training should nurture people's natural aptitudes and give them enough autonomy to find their own voice and role within the family structure. Once the right leadership model is in place, strong communication is essential to ensure that all leaders and the wider family are kept abreast of the family objectives and the proposed strategy to achieve them. The number of families selecting the next generation of leaders based on primogeniture - the right of the first born to inherit an estate - will drop to a third of today's figure, according to the latest research by Stonehage Fleming.  28% of families surveyed for the report, subtitled Practical Wisdom and Leadership for Changing Times’, said that future leaders are currently selected on the basis of primogeniture, whereas only 10% said that they see it continuing in the future.


       “There is real evidence of a shift – a definite trend towards a meritocracy and towards new methods of choosing family leaders”, said Matthew Fleming, Head of Family Governance and Succession, speaking at the Stonehage Fleming Family Investment Conference this week. “There is also a definite trend towards having more than one family leader”, he added.  Ideally, a family will have several different high quality leaders in every generation, each filling a role that befits their skills. Such leadership roles will not only include the chief executive of a family business or a head of wealth management, but may also include a head of family culture and development, a head of next generation and a head of philanthropy. 

       When it comes to choosing leaders, 13% of survey respondents said that leaders in their family or family business are currently selected by committee. 33% believed that it should be the way leaders are selected in the future. “Formalising the selection of leaders is really challenging,” cautioned Matthew. “Some families use balanced scorecards, some get outside consultants in to help, some use trustees and some use a combination of all three.”The top five risks identified by the families in the report, all point towards the need to harness and deploy a family's social, cultural and intellectual capital, addressing risks such as family disputes and a failure to engage the next generation or choose appropriate leaders. As the requirement to better manage these non-financial risks is more widely acknowledged, the need for a wider range of leadership roles is also likely to be accepted.“There are lots of ways in which people have led families in cultural and social capital over the years”, said Matthew. “It is only when you look back that you realise what an utterly critical contribution they have made to the intergenerational success of a family.”




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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