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        尽管美国和中国之间的贸易协定在一个月前似乎接近达成,但谈判已暂停。与此同时,美国将对所有进口自中国的商品征收关税,中国也将对从美国进口的600亿美元商品征收关税作为反制。为了希望墨西哥采取行动遏制中美洲移民,特朗普总统威胁要对墨西哥进口商品征收关税,尽管最近已达成了《USMCA》(新北美自贸协定)或《NAFTA 2》(北美自由贸易协定2)。对于美国消费者和全球增长的影响很可能将会是负面的。包括石油和有色金属在内的大宗商品价格,在近几周内下跌了10%以上,而政府债券收益率则处于九个月以来的最低水平。






        正如读者所知,La Soleille不会根据经济、行业或公司分析做市场预测,只按照市场行情和其它技术指标作出判断。在资产管理方面,我们遵循的原则是:•  鉴别并紧跟上涨行情(追逐风险);•  出现下跌行情时立刻清仓(规避风险);•  确认触底时逐步建仓(重新追逐风险);•  利用指数基金进行分散投资,尽量降低投资一种股票或债券的风险。我们利用价格-概率数学建模法判断市场是否显现利好或下跌趋势,是否走强或走弱,是否有可能在下一个周期(对我们而言是一个月)继续利好或下跌行情,(以此控制“摩擦性”交易成本)。La Soleille在趋势变化时采取相反立场,尤其是在止跌反弹时。


James Cunningham
Chief Investment Officer
La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA
May 31st, 2019

English Version

The Bull Rolls Over 

Although a trade agreement between the US and China seemed close a month ago, talks have been suspended.  Meanwhile, America is set to impose tariffs on all Chinese imports, with China retaliating with its own tariffs on $60 billion of imports from the US.  In hopes that Mexico will act to restrain migrants from Central America, President Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican imports despite the recently agreed USMCA or “NAFTA 2” treaty.  The impact on US consumers and on global growth is likely to be negative.  Commodities including oil and base metals have declined by more than 10% in weeks, while government bond yields are at lows not seen for nine months.

Back out on May 31st
 As can be seen on the chart below, the S&P 500 index crossed the 200-day moving average on May 31st, coincident with the 20-day average cutting through the 50-day line.  We had reinvested on April 1st when the S&P stood at 2851.  It subsequently rose to two new peaks at 2940 before declining to 2753 on Friday.  We have incurred a small loss in April-May but are roughly where we sold in October, at 2708.  Recall our first rule: don’t stay invested when the market trend turns negative.

US Growth Still Strong
American GDP remains resilient at +3.2%, while China seems to be slipping below +6%.  Meanwhile, weak German industrial demand has slowed the Euro-area to +1.3%. Can US companies continue to deliver earnings strong enough to justify higher share prices? Althgough the trend is not new, Amercian corporations have been buying back their shares at a record pace.  This both supports their share prices and suggets that companies lack the confidence to invest in their businesses instead.

Our Policy
As our readers know, La Soleille does not make predictions but acts on market trends and other technical signals alone. In asset management we follow four principles:

•   Identify and follow positive trends (risk on)
•   Sell fast when they turn negative (risk off)
•   Buy again when a bottom is confirmed (risk back on)
•  Diversify by using index-tracking funds, thus minimizing exposure to any particular stock or bond

We use mathematical modeling of prices and probabilities to determine if a trend is positive or negative, strengthening or weakening, and likely or not to continue for the next period which for us is one month, to control trading cost “friction”.

Summary And Outlook
Although it has stabilized, Shanghai (+16.9%) has ceded its place as the best-performing national stock index thus far in 2019 to Russia (+19.7%) followed by Australia (+14.5%), Switzerland (+13.2%), Canada (+12.6%) and Germany (+12.1%), all above the S&P 500 at +11.0%. Note that the Russian, Australian and Canadian economies are tied to commodities, while German industry is weak and Switzerland depends on exports to a slowing EU: fundamentals do not consistently explain stock market trends.  After the sale of all of our positions on May 31st we are 100% in cash. We will be patient until a credible bottom in share prices builds.

We are back out of the markets after two months on a strong technical signal last Friday.  The decline in equities has been a slow drift, accelerating somewhat last week (-6% on the S&P 500 index). Our method is clear: we have avoided the drop from October to December and are insulated against further weakness going forward.

James Cunningham
Chief Investment Officer
La Soleille Family Office (Suisse) SA
May 31st, 2019




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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