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《传承宝典》15: 艺术之爱为后代守护恒久的文化意志




       我们与史蒂夫·凯特尔(Steve Kettle)进行了问答。凯特尔是诺瓦尔基金会(Norval Foundation)的独立受托人,也是伦敦Stonehage Fleming家族办公室的投资管理部客户总监。

       我对于艺术的热爱,继承自一位客户、以及我的Stonehage Fleming合伙人们。直到20多岁,我才去了博物馆或画廊参观;直到30多岁后,才悟出了些许灵感。我曾与一位客户合作,她在家里收藏了一大批博物馆级的优质艺术品,花了不少时间来向我解释这些收藏品。而大约在同一时间段,当我和朱塞佩一起旅行时,开始被带领着逛遍了多家艺廊,他长期以来都是一位收藏家,我则完全被迷住了。        诺瓦尔基金会的使命是通过艺术促进教育。尤其重要的是,正是这一点吸引了我加入这个组织。当我在诺瓦尔博物馆所在的街区长大时,很少有机会参观博物馆或画廊。他们的目标是给那些通常没有机会接触艺术的人一个学习艺术的机会。作为一位诺瓦尔基金会(www.norvalfoundation.org)的独立受托人,这是非常值得做的。  收藏艺术品与投资艺术品完全不同。收藏品包括人们希望与之生活在一起的艺术品,不管其价值或潜在价值如何,它们都和主人相处融洽。Stonehage Fleming家族办公室的艺术管理团队,为重要的收藏品提供信托平台。就像我们谈论从一轮客户关系中带给另一位客户的实用智慧一样,我们也在团队内部分享我们从不同收藏品中所获得的艺术知识。

       艺术可以帮助定义一个家庭财富的目的。人们往往会爱上艺术,并在没有过多考虑其文化遗产可能是什么样子的情况下,就开启了一个系列的收藏。拥有一项艺术收藏品涉及很多继承方面的问题——你将把它传给下一代、卖掉它、捐赠或出借给博物馆?还是建立自己的基金会?帮助这个家族制定并执行正确的计划,是艺术品管理的终极策略。  Norval家族是诺瓦尔基金会(Norval Foundation)的创始人和最初的资助者。以这种方式,通过家族的文化使命,实现了巨大的使命感。财政捐款被用来为子孙后代建立基金会。因此,Stonehage Fleming家族办公室为成为其创始合伙人而万分自豪。

 English Version

I inherited my love for art from a client and my Stonehage Fleming Partners. I hadn’t been to a museum or gallery until my twenties and it wasn’t until my thirties that inspiration struck. I worked with a client who had a museum quality art collection in their home. She took the time to explain the collection. Around the same time Giuseppe began taking me to art galleries when we travelled together. He had long been a collector. I was hooked.

The mission of the Norval Foundation is to promote education through art. Above all, it was this that attracted me to the organization. When I was growing up – in the neighborhood in which the Norval Museum stands - there was little opportunity to visit a museum or gallery. Their goal is to give people who would not normally have access, an opportunity to learn about art. As an independent Trustee for the Norval Foundation (www.norvalfoundation.org),that is very rewarding.

Building an art collection is wholly different to investing in art. Collections comprise artworks that people wish to live with and which work together regardless of their value or potential value. The Stonehage Fleming Art Management team provides the fiduciary platform for significant collections. In the same way that we talk about the practical wisdom we bring from one client relationship to another, we also share our knowledge of art gained from different collections internally across the team.

Art can contribute to defining a purpose for a family’s wealth. People often fall in love with art and create a collection without much thought for what its cultural legacy might look like. Owning an art collection touches on so many succession issues – do you pass it on to the next generation, sell it, donate or loan it to a museum or establish your own foundation. Helping make and execute the correct plan for that family is the ultimate strategic leg in art management.

With the Norval Foundation, the Norval family are the founders and initial funders of the foundation. In this way a great sense of purpose has been achieved though the family’s cultural mission. Financial donations are used to secure the foundation for future generations. Stonehage Fleming were therefore proud to be one of the founding partners.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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