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《传承宝典》18——导师: 设置自己为接收, 而非传输



导师: 设置自己为接收, 而非传输

高级经理詹姆斯•库克(James Cook)解释了倾听年轻人意见的价值。在所有的沟通技巧中,积极倾听可能是最有效的。斯通哈格•弗莱明(StonehageFleming)家族办公室的投资团队高级经理詹姆斯•库克(JamesCook)表示,这也是成为一位有效带教导师的根本。“倾听是如此地重要。而且还能避免过多指导,”詹姆斯说。“和我们一起工作的年轻人都很有动力,也很投入。他们通常已经知道前进的答案了,”詹姆斯说。但是,成为一名好导师意味着充当人们想法的共鸣板。鼓励他们追随自己的目标,而不是告诉他们该做什么。”




English Version

Of all communication skills, active listening, is possibly the most powerful for a business. It is also at the root of what makes an effective mentor, according to James Cook, senior associate in Stonehage Fleming’s investment team. “Listening is so important. That and being able to refrain from directing too much,” says James.

For the past ten weeks James has volunteered as a business mentor with Envision, a charity that supports groups of young people through the ‘Community Apprentice Programme’. Loosely based on TV series The Apprentice, the programme is an inter-school competition, which requires young people to develop and demonstrate competencies most valued by employers. Fortnightly sessions provide a practical learning experience, enabling them to develop the skills they need to succeed in work and life.

“The young people we worked with were very motivated and switched on. They often already knew the answers,” says James. “But being a good mentor means acting as a sounding-board for people’s ideas. Encouraging them to follow their goals rather than telling them what to do.”

Stepping out of the corporate environment to work in the local community has been very rewarding for Envision mentors like James.“One of the things that attracted me to the programme was the opportunity to give something back,” says James. “We spend a lot of time working with very privileged families. Much of my work is about understanding clients’ needs and helping them reach their goals, but mentoring has enabled me to share my experience in a totally different environment,” he adds.

Working with like-minded colleagues of different seniorities across the business towards a common goal is another bonus. “Itsounds like a cliché, but the highlight for us was watching the young people’s journey, significantly growing in confidence from the first time we met to the final presentation.” The experience of mentoring young people is something James would whole heartedly recommend.

“If you are enthusiastic, attentive and the young people feel you value their opinions, you find common ground. That is when you see the best results. It has definitely improved my communications skills both inside and outside of the office.”



1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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