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传承宝典33 一种适应更广泛家族目标的投资策略




这是Stonehage Fleming集团的研究报告——《资本的四大支柱》中的明确结论,这一结论得到了实践经验的有力支持。各家族正籍此采取一种更具结构、更细致的方法,来制订其更广泛的长期目标,包括财务性及非财务性的目标,从其投资组合的管理中,也需要反映出这一远景。广义的家族财富通常可以分为四个要素:金融资本、智力资本、文化资本和社会资本。如果忽视了其他三项,金融资本将很难持续。 因此,如果不首先处理好更广泛的家庭问题,特别是商定家庭财富的目的、以及风险总控的框架(财务性和非财务性的风险),就很难制订适当的投资战略。如今,私人客户投资经理之间的竞争非常激烈,他们声称自己的投资业绩出众,以至于在许多情况下,他们的产品已变得相对标准化,适应个别客户家庭的特殊需求和情况的范畴有限,尤其是在考虑长期性因素的方面。相比之下,“财富管理公司”或“家族办公室”有着更广阔的视野,必须超越他们所直接负责的资金范畴。因此,他们更强调发展技能,以便更充分地全盘了解情况并提供投资办法,这是更广泛的家庭战略的一个组成部分。虽然优化业绩通常仍是主要目标,主流投资策略也将发挥核心作用,但财务回报以外的因素将影响到大多数重大的投资决策,而且往往影响立相当大。









English Version

An investment strategy to fit wider family objectives

That is the clear conclusion of Stonehage Fleming’s research report ‘The Four Pillars of Capital’, a conclusion which is strongly supported by practical experience.

Families are hence adopting a more structured and detailed approach to setting their broader long-term objectives, both financial and non-financial, and the management of their investment portfolios needs to reflect this perspective. The broader wealth of the family can usually be broken down into four elements: Financial Capital, Intellectual Capital, Cultural Capital, and Social Capital. Financial Capital will rarely be sustainable if the other three are neglected.

It is therefore difficult to develop an appropriate investment strategy without first addressing the wider family issues, and in particular agreeing the purpose of family wealth and a framework for the management of total risk – financial and non-financial.

Private client investment managers now compete so fiercely to claim superior investment performance that, in many cases, their offerings have become relatively standardized, with limited scope to adapt to the particular needs and circumstances of individual client families, especially in addressing long-term considerations.

By comparison, ‘wealth managers’ or ‘family offices’ are there to take a broader view and must look beyond the pot of money for which they are directly responsible. They therefore place more emphasis on developing the skills to understand the context much more fully and to deliver an investment approach which is an integral part of a broader family strategy.

While the optimization of performance will usually remain the prime objective and there will be a core role for mainstream investment strategies, factors other than financial return will affect most major investment decisions, often quite significantly.


It is interesting that large companies are now moving on from the traditional ‘shareholder value’ model towards a management approach based on a ‘statement of purpose’, which includes the need to serve the interests of wider stakeholders and the community in general. This trend is already well advanced in wealthy families, who have for some time realized the value which a statement of purpose brings to decision-making across all aspects of their affairs, including the management of investments. The statement may be quite detailed and will directly feed in to the wealth management strategy.


For those families whose wealth is concentrated in a heritage asset, a family business or in a narrow sector, the purpose of this concentration needs to be explicitly stated. They also need to outline circumstances which may, at some future date, necessitate a change of policy.

Some families, for example, maintain a very strong commitment to keeping their core heritage assets and business in family ownership, through the generations, because they see it as part of their identity and their role in the community, rather than just a driver of financial returns. They often see such a legacy, and all the responsibilities it brings, as a tool of risk management, by comparison to handing down cash and liquid assets with no sense of purpose attached.

Others are far more open to diversifying their wealth when the circumstances are right, as a purely financial appraisal will often conclude (advisers invariably recommend diversification unless there are good reasons for wealth being heavily concentrated in a single asset or sector).

Either way, the existence of a family business throws up numerous considerations which affect the construction of an investment portfolio. This is an ongoing process, as the investment portfolio will need to respond to any significant changes in the business, including strategy, profitability, cash flow, dividend policy, currency and geographic exposure, leverage and market sentiment.

This will apply particularly where the risk profile of a family business is changing through acquisitions, major investments or shifting exposure to different markets and currencies. The investment portfolio needs, at the very least, to avoid replicating the risks being taken in the business and may have the opportunity to offset some of those risks.

Even among those who have sold their family businesses, some believe they owe it to their heritage, to themselves and to the community to use a portion of their wealth to encourage innovation and support growth companies, which benefit society as well as the family itself. They see this as a core element of their purpose and they want to invest in businesses rather than markets, which may suggest a limited role for so called ‘passive’ investments.


Cultural capital  

The statement of purpose will articulate the values of the family and the way they use their wealth to contribute to society, which will significantly affect their investment decisions. This means that, for some families, their expectations go beyond investment returns to include non-financial aspirations or ‘impact goals’.

For some, these issues are dealt with under the heading of ESG (environmental, social and governance) and dedicated ESG funds are now widely promoted by investment managers in response to growing demand. For other families, however, they want to use their wealth far more proactively and individually to finance ventures, projects and companies, which match their values and purpose.

This may mean high levels of commitment to impact investment and private equity, but can also involve concentration of investment into certain sectors favored by the family, to support wealth creation.


Social Capital

Some families describe in their statement of purpose the way the family uses its wealth to engage with society and in particular with the communities in which they operate. The relationships and reputation, which can take decades to build, will contribute to the preservation and growth of family wealth in its broadest sense and to achieving its stated objectives.

Again, this may suggest a particular approach or concentration of investment in specified sectors or geographies where the family wants to play an active role in society. Some have a desire to be active in their local communities or in the sector where they made their wealth, even if their core business has been sold.



1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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