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《传承宝典》20——与Cora Binchy的两分钟访谈



与Cora Binchy的两分钟访谈

我们找到了科拉•宾希(Cora Binchy),她是我们在泽西岛家族办公室分部的合伙人,从事这一行已有30多年。她一直是泽西岛信托业的领军人物。她在与国际高净值家族合作方面有着丰富的经验,主要为这些家族提供受托人和遗嘱执行人的服务。她被任命为集团公司董事和受托人的董事会成员。Cora最初在1987年加入 Stonehage Fleming 集团,在搬到泽西岛之前,她首先在瑞士的纳沙泰尔(Neuchatel)办公室工作。她作为导师,一直是推动企业多元化经营和增强女性企业权能的关键驱动者之一。Cora拥有都柏林三一学院经济学学士(荣誉)学位,是信托与房地产从业者协会(STEP)的成员,并拥有STEP高级国际客户税务证书和英国CFA(特许注册金融分析师)的投资管理证书。多年来,她一直被列入 Citywealth IFC 评选的全球前200位(来自国际私人财富产业)成功女性,并入围前20名重要受托人名单;她还获得了该机构的编者之选大奖。

我们的客户群是非常多样化的。历史上,由于 Stonehage 和 Fleming 集团业务的传承,我们的客户基础是以南非和英国为中心的,但通过收并购和多年来显著地有机增长,我们的业务范围已变得更加全球化。我们现在与欧洲、中东和北非地区超过250多个富裕家族合作,这些家族通过消费品、金融服务、房地产、建筑、科技和媒体等各个行业领域创造了财富。我一直被我工作上的技术方面所吸引。我喜欢有条不紊地工作,为复杂的情况寻找解决方案。然而,我的角色是多方面的:一方面,我积极参与技术方面的工作,把各种结构组合在一起,经常从几个国际金融中心来合并(法人/会计)单位。另一方面,我花很多时间和客户在一起。我经常和本集团其他办公室的人一起工作,所以我的组织能力和团队精神会很重要。专业受托人的角色已经演变。作为受托人,你的责任对应的是你的受益人,你有责任采取一切必要的保障措施来满足他们的需要。从很多方面来说,自从我开始我的职业生涯以来,这个角色变得越来越苛刻。如今,受托人比以往任何时候都更需要遵守多个司法管辖区的规定,他们也具责任心,成果也更可衡量。



English Version

We caught up with Cora Binchy, Partner in our Family Office division in Jersey and has been with the business for over 30 years.  She has been a leading figure within the Jersey fiduciary community. She has extensive experience of working with international high net worth families where she has mainly provided trustee and executor services. She is appointed to the Boards of the Group’s Corporate Directors and Trustees. Cora originally joined the Stonehage Fleming Group in 1987 and was first based in the Neuchatel office before moving to Jersey. She acts as mentor and has been one of the key drivers behind diversity and empowering females within the business.

Cora has a BA (Hons) degree in Economics from Trinity College, Dublin and is a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and has a STEP Advanced Certificate in UK Tax for International Clients and an Investment Management Certificate from the CFA UK. She has been listed in the Citywealth IFC Power Women top 200 and their top 20 Leading Trustee lists for many years; she has also received the Editor’s Choice award.

Our client base is hugely varied. Historically our client base was South African and UK centric due to the heritage of the Stonehage and Fleming businesses, but through acquisitions and years of significant organic growth, our reach has become more global. We now work with over 250 substantial families across the EMEA region who have generated their wealth through various sectors including consumer, financial services, real estate, construction, technology and media.

I have always been attracted to the technical aspects of my work. I like working methodically and finding solutions to complex situations. My role, though, is multifaceted: on the one hand, I am very involved in the technical side, putting structures together, often incorporating entities from several international financial centers. On the other, I spend a lot of time with clients. I work a lot with people in our other offices so it is important that I am organized and have a great team around me.

The role of the professional trustee has evolved. As a trustee, your duty is to your beneficiaries and you are responsible for putting in place all the safeguards necessary to serve their needs. In many ways, the role has become more demanding since I started my career. Today trustees need more than ever, to comply with regulations in multiple jurisdictions, they are also more accountable and the outcomes measurable.

At Stonehage Fleming, our independence differentiates us. Importantly, it allows us to align our interests with those of the families we serve. It has affected the way we have grown the group through adding new services in response to client needs. For instance, as more of our clients became interested in acquiring art and moving art between countries, it became evident we needed expertise in art so we established our Art Management department. The same is true of many of our service offerings.

Transparency is one of the most important trends affecting the industry. There is a growing expectation globally for transparency. As an industry, we are operating under increasing scrutiny. It is a challenging environment but meticulous attention to detail has always been at the heart of any trustee relationship.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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