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       “这个令人喜悦的发展主要归功于德国公司的投入增加。2020年德国公司在瑞士的投资项目几乎翻倍。”Michael Messerli,安永瑞士合伙人兼策略与交易部负责人人说到。美国公司在瑞士投资的排名位居第二。另一方面,来自英国投资者的兴趣似乎有所下降。来自瑞士邻国意大利的投资更是凤毛麟角。 







       总体而言,专注审计和咨询业务的安永公司2020瑞士和欧洲外资投资的研究显示:外资投资下降的幅度比之前预计的要好许多。“2020春季,新冠疫情导致了全欧洲从一定程度上处于休克式的瘫痪状态、一系列紧缩的措施以及许多投资项目的临时暂停,”Michael Messerli总结到。“但是在许多地方,下半年经济开始启动并逐步恢复正常。在一些案例中,经济恢复得尤为迅猛,投资环境再一次改善。” 












       André Bieri,安永瑞士和列支敦士登的合伙人及市场负责人,这样说到,“如今,零库存生产在许多行业已经成为标准化,但是依赖于长期稳定的供应。疫情初期国界的临时关闭,显示了这种供应模式并不总是可靠的。目前半导体芯片的短缺也显示了加强供应链是许多公司首当其冲要做的事,以减少对来自某些国家的成品和半成品的依赖。”




       “在许多行业,疫情导致所谓的‘近岸业务’获得更多重视,”André Bieri说到。供应链的重新协调正在变成许多公司的核心话题,无论是通过减少对个人供应商、主要供应商国家的依赖,地区化的送货模式,邻近消费者,重新部署回国内市场,还是欧洲整体生产的增加。








 Original English Text


Sharp decline in foreign investment in Europe – Switzerland increases by 25%


       Across Europe, the number of investment projects by foreign investors fell by 13% in 2020, but remains at a relatively high level compared to the long term.


       Opposite development in Switzerland: The number of investment projects increased by 25% and reached its highest level since 2011.Thanks to stable conditions and good infrastructure, investors continue to consider Europe to be one of the world's most attractive regions for investments.


       A total of 5,578 investment projects were announced by foreign investors throughout Europe in 2020, which was 13 percent less than in 2019 – there had not even been a slump of this magnitude in 2009 after the financial crisis. Against a background of significant restrictions on public and economic life due to Covid-19, however, an even sharper decline in investment activity had been expected.


       Some medium-sized economies – such as Poland, Turkey, and Austria – were even able to attract more investment projects from foreign companies last year than in 2019. This opposite trend has been observed in Switzerland, too: The number of investment projects in Switzerland rose by 25% in 2020 and, with 91 projects, even reached its highest level since 2011. As a result, Switzerland achieved the 14th place among European countries (2019: 17th place).


       "This pleasing development is primarily due to the increased commitment by German companies to us; the number of investment projects from German companies almost doubled in 2020," is the analysis of Michael Messerli, Partner and Head of Strategy & Transaction at EY in Switzerland. US companies remained in second place. On the other hand, interest from British investors appears to have fallen. "And it is noticeable that once again very few investments were seen in Switzerland from our neighboring country, Italy."


The Swiss mainly invested in Germany


       With 256 investment projects, the commitment of Swiss companies to other European countries in 2020 was at the same level as in the previous year (258). However, there were certain shifts: Germany gained in importance as an investment destination, while the number of projects in France fell significantly – so that Germany replaced France as the most popular investment destination for Swiss companies last year. Spain and Great Britain follow with about one third of the investment projects each.


       Overall, the current study by the auditing and consulting firm EY on foreign direct investment in Switzerland and Europe in 2020 shows that the decline in foreign investments was significantly lower than initially feared. "In the spring of 2020, the coronavirus pandemic led to a kind of shock paralysis throughout Europe, to massive austerity measures, and to a temporary halt to many investment projects," summarizes Michael Messerli. "But the economy had already gotten going again in the second half of the year in many places, and in some cases even did so surprisingly quickly, and the investment environment improved again."


Positive prospects for Switzerland and Europe


       Foreign companies still see Europe as one of the world's most attractive regions for long-term investment – mainly thanks to a relatively stable political and regulatory framework, a highly qualified workforce, and a comparatively robust transport, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure. The (temporary) growth plan "NextGenerationEU," with a budget of 750 billion euros, which is intended to make Europe greener, more digital, and more crisis-proof, should also contribute to this. However, the USA stimulus programs that have been launched recently could lead to some investments being transferred from Europe to the US.


Supply chains need to be realigned


       Even before Covid-19, challenges such as the then impending Brexit, increasing trade barriers, and more and more new geopolitical tensions had led to strains on increasingly complex global supply chains. The coronavirus pandemic then quickly demonstrated the dependence on a few supplying nations in, for example, the case of medical supplies.


       André Bieri, Partner and Markets Leader Switzerland & Liechtenstein, says about this: "Just-in-time production, which is standard in many industries today, depends on constant and reliable supply. The temporary border closures in the wake of Covid-19 have shown that this supply chain model cannot work all of the time. The current shortage of semiconductor chips also shows that strengthening supply chains is at the top of the agenda of many companies in order to reduce dependence on products and intermediate products from certain countries."


Only sustainable investments will continue to pay off


       "The pandemic has led to so-called near-shoring gaining in importance in a range of industries," says André Bieri. The realignment of supply chains is becoming a central issue for many companies – be it through less dependence on supply chains from individual, dominant countries of origin, regionally oriented delivery models, customer proximity and a relocation of activities back to the domestic market, or an increase in production in Europe in general.


       He sees the new focus of the companies as being instead on reliability, predictability and, above all, sustainability. In the post-Covid-19 era, sustainability would play an even greater role in investments than before: The investments made from now on must be climate-neutral solely on the basis of the expected future regulatory requirements and political decisions, otherwise they will not pay off. Accordingly, Switzerland must also position itself as a sustainable investment and business location 


Information on the Survey


       For the "EY Europe Attractiveness Survey," investment projects by foreign investors in Europe, which lead to the creation of new locations and new positions, were recorded; portfolio and M&A investments, on the other hand, are not taken into account. In addition, a qualitative survey of 550 decision-makers at internationally active companies was conducted, which took place in March and April 2021. This study is carried out and published annually.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资  

4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理

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