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5月3日,雷梭勒家族办公室有幸受邀参加了在苏黎世柏悦酒店举行的2024年首届福布斯财富峰会(Forbes Money Summit 2024)。峰会上,13位演讲者和200多位嘉宾齐聚一堂,深入探讨了当代社会中金钱、财富和商业的深刻责任。



峰会的开场演讲者,雀巢公司的前首席执行官Peter Brabeck-Letmathe首先作了精彩的分享。Brabeck-Letmathe在雀巢担任首席执行官和总裁近20年,对跨国公司在塑造新形式资本主义方面的作用进行了深刻的讨论。在强调商业道德的重要性的同时,他也告诫听众说,"激情并不能带来多少回报"。

(雀巢公司前首席执行官Peter Brabeck-Letmathe在峰会上作开场发言)

Alternative Bank Switzerland(ABS)执行董事会成员Rico Travella则表达了不同的观点。他强调,ABS的重点是扶持致力于环境与社会福利事业的企业,而不是仅仅追求利润的最大化。

(Alternative Bank Switzerland执行董事会成员Rico Travella)

除此以外,smzh的首席运营官兼合伙人Pren Pervorfi对在人工智能时代保持人与人之间联系的强调也颇有见解。Pervorfi强调了smzh如何优先考虑与客户的个人关系,利用人工智能工具来加强而不是取代这些重要的联系。这与我们在雷梭勒的信念不谋而合——人与人之间的链接在金融咨询中发挥着不可替代的作用。

(smzh首席运营官兼合伙人Pren Pervorfi)



Original English Tex

Forbes Money Summit 2024: How do we align profits with purpose?

Last week, La Soleille Family Office had the pleasure of participating in the inaugural Forbes DA #MoneySummit at the esteemed Park Hyatt Zurich. This gathering of industry leaders, including 13 speakers and over 200 guests, delved deep into the profound responsibilities of money, wealth, and business in our contemporary society.

At La Soleille, we're committed to aligning profits with purpose. The principles discussed at the Forbes Money Summit resonate deeply with our holistic approach as a full-service multi-family office. By offering comprehensive, transparent, and sustainable services tailored to both family and corporate needs, we strive to embody the ideals of ethical business practices and societal welfare highlighted at the summit.

Inspiring Insights: The summit provided inspiring perspectives from distinguished speakers like Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, former CEO of Nestlé, Rico Travella, member of the executive board at Alternative Bank Switzerland (ABS) and Pren Pervorfi's, COO & Partner at smzh ag.

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, with nearly two decades as CEO or President at Nestlé, provided insightful reflections on the role of multinationals in shaping a new form of capitalism. While emphasizing the importance of ethical business practices, he cautioned that "passion doesn't pay very much."

Rico Travella, a member of the executive board at Alternative Bank Switzerland (ABS), echoed a different ethos. Travella highlighted ABS's focus on enabling firms dedicated to environmental and societal welfare over mere profit maximization.

Moreover, Pren Pervorfi's, COO & Partner at smzh ag emphasis on maintaining human connections in the age of AI was impactful. Pervorfi emphasized how smzh prioritizes personal relationships with clients, leveraging AI tools to enhance rather than replace these vital connections. This echoes our belief at La Soleille Family Office in the irreplaceable role of human interaction in financial advisory.

Charting the Path Forward: From discussions on high-stakes negotiations to the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies, the summit illuminated key trends and strategies shaping the future of the finance industry. We're excited to leverage these insights as we continue to navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape on behalf of our valued clients.

We appreciate the insightful discussions at the Forbes Money Summit and extend our heartfelt thanks to Forbes DA for hosting. Special appreciation to all participants, speakers, and organizers for their invaluable contributions, making this summit enlightening. As we reflect on shared insights and connections made, we eagerly anticipate the next summit. Here's to continued collaboration, growth, and innovation.




1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)投资咨询  

4)企业服务 5)居留计划 6)国际教育

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