活动预告 五月•金融与传承
活动预告 五月•金融与传承 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
从寒门到首富 - “戏说”瑞士的成长
从寒门到首富 “戏说”瑞士的成长 一个国家某种意义上如同一个人,有其成长轨迹,有其性格特征,一些自然规律也起作用。提到瑞士,你先想到了什么? 湖光山色,滑雪少女峰 、手表、神秘的银行、费德勒、奶酪巧克力、小国寡民 ?飞机上偶得灵感,下文试着从一个“孩子成长”角度来梳理下瑞士发展脉络,作为去瑞士旅游之前的简要文化背景以飨读者。 一. 出身寒门 瑞士这孩子,出生时(宣布独立时), 天无异象,没降什么祥瑞;1648年威斯特伐利亚和约 承认瑞士为一独立国家,并确认其为中立国 (欧洲战火纷飞,大家都乐见在自由新教和天主教世界的缓冲地带,在阿尔卑斯山区,建立一个可斡旋可调节纠纷的中立空间);在拿破仑时期成为法国附属国;1815年维也纳会议上,瑞士获取了独立,并确认为“永久中立国”。 这个最初的定位决定了很多后面的特征。 瑞士,可算是“家徒四壁”,面积只有4.1万平方公里(重庆市是8.2万),坐落在阿尔卑斯群山之间,全境以高原和山地为主,自然资源特别是矿产匮乏,可耕种土地面积稀少;地处内陆, 不靠海(英国/西班牙),无大河(长江黄河流域),少耕地;世界上有山的地方有很多,但山区的经济多半无法与平原地区相比;瑞士是欧洲屋脊, 青藏高原可是世界屋脊,小的时候觉得这世界屋脊名字超牛,可各位想想,哪家人家的财富是在屋脊上取得的? 更别说“穷山恶水出刁民” ;雪山当然好看,但不能当饭吃,起码在饿肚子阶段.... 瑞士,人口只有800万(重庆一个市3000万),由“不愿意做德国人的德国人,不愿意做法国人的法国人,以及不愿意做意大利人的意大利人”组成, 他们保留了各自民族的特点,说着各自的语言;混杂着民族主义、自由主义与山民自由散漫的传统,于是崇尚自由、民主、独立、地方自治,联邦制度,直接选举; 现代国家一般是单一民族,Nation这个词本意民族,也就是国家了; 中国是 多民族国家,对少数民族是怀柔,自治…. 二. 谋生存 求发展 瑞士,自己穷小子一个,可四周都是富人家啊; 北接德国,西邻法国,南接意大利,东临奥地利和列支敦士登, 都是欧洲大陆有头有脸有钱有势的主啊;所谓“挨着金銮殿,必长灵芝草”,作为中转站,帮助富裕的邻国互通有无,勤快点,跑跑腿,脏活累活抢着干,总是能赚到钱,逐渐也就就生存下来(不靠农业生存);不是有一说“穷,也要穷在富人堆里;贫民窟是让人绝望的”。 会造表的法国移民、会算账的意大利移民和会教书的德国移民都跑到瑞士来逃难了,让瑞士有了制造业、金融业和现代化的大学;而且战争中据说侵吞了不少犹太人的资产,赚取德国人的黄金,悄悄的各方都卖点军火做各种贸易,自己闷声发大财, 然后又成功避免了自己被打 , “我中立” 希特勒放弃入侵瑞士(传说是不想耗在山地游击战中,也有说瑞士跟希特勒做了不光彩的助纣为虐的交易)—很多人赞扬瑞士人的低调有品位,其实这也是生存本能; 闷声发大财,就几百万人口 这么点面积,如果“骄横起来” 周边国家先搁置争议联合起来灭了你是分分钟的事,所谓“夹缝中球生存”自然要低调 不张扬 不惹事 做做和事佬 (图:纳粹德国入侵瑞士的计划原本)发展到近年,逐渐确立这个宏观上的经济格局 : 1) 农业占GDP 1% --- 没有沃土,何谈大规模农业; 对农业长期补贴,在农业机械化和专业化方面求发展。 2) 工业25% --- 主要工业部门包括: 钟表、精密机械制造(ABB)、化学(制药业的 诺华,罗氏)、食品(奶酪、巧克力、速溶咖啡和浓缩食品)。 3) 服务业74% --- (服务业 服务业 服务周边富人家乃至全球富人 才能赚到钱嘛 所谓 傍大款 抱大腿 这是服务业在各种形态下的不二法门啊)。 三. 深挖河 高筑墙 花钱和赚钱一样,都有学问,无论在哪朝哪代,于自身利益所期待的无非这几个问题 :1) 稳定现有格局 天下太平不要轻易动武 ;2) 财富能持续积累 权势能持续增强 最好通过制定有利于自己规则 然后要求大家都遵守; 3) 身体要好 要健康要安全 要能继续享用 千秋万载。所谓“丰盈角犀,气茂神全,当臻上寿,福祉昌延”。 有了钱 怎么办?这个问题摆在了瑞士面前: 1) 由“消极的中立主义” —你们不要来打我,变成 积极的中立主义 ;2) 教育和科研,大家都知道这是非常昂贵和奢侈的事情,不是谁都能投资得起的。; 3) 在富裕了几代之后,自然的也会逐渐趋于保守、封闭;也就成为“精致的利己主义”了段的问题。 ---------------------------------------- 最后,说说瑞士的饮食 饮食,最本源的是就地取材;各地饮食差异,实在是地理气候大不同的结果;若自然资源贫乏,最早吃的东西很简单,那少年的饮食记忆会跟一辈子的。品尝着主人热情推荐的瑞士传统饮食Rösti (土豆煎饼 配肉) 和 芝士色拉 ,不禁感叹,如果在中国吃30天可以不重样,法国意大利西班牙可以坚持吃个7-8天不重样,德国可能坚持3天,那瑞士本地的估计1天就吃够了,如果你没有因为奶酪而吐了的话......英国?你懂得 (慈禧看了看这午膳,觉得没啥可吃的 筷子都不想提起;没对比就没有伤害啊)............... 该文章转载自公子说书,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
【瑞士小记者】肯尼亚志愿者•银奖——袁大神(艾格隆初中生)18年新年前后,我参加了由学校带领去肯尼亚志愿的活动,这次活动总共十五个人参加,历经9天,主要去了两所学校。前一天在内罗毕机场落地后,第二天一早就是去内罗毕市区附近的一所贵族女子学校参观,我们校长和这所学校保持着十多年的友谊,同时也保持每年收几个优异的学生来到我们学校作为工读生就读。 来到这所学校第一感觉是落后,教学楼和宿舍都很破旧,旁边还有养牛的牛棚。但是细看又不一样了,在欢迎仪式中,我发现她们的学校乐团非常专业,甚至有些地方比我们还要厉害,课堂中,我仔细翻阅了她们的课本,发现同年级学生学得知识真的不比我们简单,地理数学物理化学,这些主课一样不少,不光学英语,甚至还可以学法语和德语,一班近40个人,这种体制很像国内的学校,非常有学习氛围。但是她们的假期每年却只有短短一两个月暑假,其他时间都是住在学校学习,顿时感觉到她们的生活也不比我们轻松。 第二个学校落座在内瓦莎湖旁边,大巴车一路开进这里,路旁和周围布满了树林,从市区到原始森林的转变真的很大。湖旁有很多河马,傍晚还可以看到它们上岸休息,在去第二个学校的途中,一路可以看到很多野生动物,长颈鹿,疣猪等等,甚至在学校里还可以看到很多狒狒。这所学校规模不大,教师只有十几个人,不及前一所,我们将在这里给小学生们上英语课,在准备了一天之后,我和我的搭档就踏进了教室,孩子们很热情,他们知道的知识也比我想先当中的多,无论是我搭档教的英语形容词,还是我准备的地理,他们很积极,学的很快,我们一路的讲课也非常轻松。重头戏结束了,所有人都是一阵轻松,我们去和最小的孩子们玩,他们特别喜欢我们带去的道具球,争着抢。 我很喜欢这里的孩子,他们很天真,很单纯,从幼儿园的小孩到和我一般大的同学,当我们一行人来到这里的时候,他们没有一点点害怕或是逃避,当下课时我来到教室,他们立刻凑过来,激动的想告诉我这里的生活,当我说我们做了十个小时的飞机来到这里时,她们甚至惊讶这太快了,因为这些孩子从来没见过飞机。 这一天的中午,全校的人都去食堂吃饭,这一餐是我们学校捐的,虽然一人只能得到一碗饭一点红豆和大白菜,但是每一个人都吃完了!一干二净,老师说,这很有可能是他们这几天吃到的唯一一顿饱饭,这里的很多孩子买不起学校的午饭,一天只吃两顿。站在学校的小山顶,看着一望无际的稀树林,心中感慨万分。 袁大神 2018/04/22 English Version Around the 18th year of the New Year, I went to Kenya with school and did the service there. A total of 15 people in the event. In 9 days, I went to two schools. The day after landing at Nairobi Airport, the next morning was a visit to a noblegirls’ school just near the downtown area of Nairobi. Our schoolmaster keeps contact and has good friendship of thisschool more than 10 years, and also maintained several excellent students each year. Come to our school as a servitor student. The first impression of coming to this school is backward. The teaching buildings and dormitories are very old and there are cowsheds next to them. Butduring the welcoming ceremony, I find that their school orchestra is very professional. Even some places are even more better than us. In the class, I read through their books and found that the as same grade students as me have learned knowledge even more than me. Its not as simple as ours. The physical, mathematical chemistry and geography, these main courses are as same as we have, they dont only study English, even French and German, a class about nearly 40 people, this is similar like Chinese school, a very good learning atmosphere. However, their holiday is only one or two months in summer every year. At other times, they just live in school and study. Suddenly feel thattheir lives are not easier than ours. The second school was next to Lake Nevasa. The bus was driving all the way in here. The surrounding area has lots trees. The transformation from the downtown to the forest was really different.There are many hippos beside the lake. In the evening, they will go to coastand take rest. On the way to the second school, you can see many wild animals, giraffes, warthogs etc. You can even see a lot of blemishes at school. Comparethe last school, this school is small. There are only a dozen teachers. We willteach English to primary school students here. After preparing for the day, mypartner and I stepped into the classroom. The children are very enthusiastic.They knew more than I thought of them. Whether it was Adjective taught by mypartner, or the geography I was preparing, they were very active, they learned quickly, and our lectures were very easy. After the most important things, everyone was relaxed. We went to play with the youngest children in the school. They very liked the prop balls we brought and rushed to get it from us. I really like the children here. They are very naive and simple. From kindergarten children to the people as same age as me, when our group of peoplecame here, they didn’t feel a scared or run away. When the class finished Icame to the classroom, immediately they got together and excitedly wanted totell me about their life here. When I said that we had come here for ten hours, they were even surprised that was too fast to come there, because they had never seen the plane. At lunch time, all the people in the school went to the dining hall to eat. This meal was donated by our school. One person could only get a bowl of rice, some red beans and cabbage, but everyone had finished eating! The teacher said that this is probably the only meal they have eaten in the past few days. Many children here cannot afford lunch at the school and eat only two meals a day. Standing on the top of the school hill, watching the endless thin forest, his heart was touched. 袁大神 2018/04/22 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com
博索雷的生活 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 ——Felix,博索雷初中生 时间,就这样在一声声‘滴答’声中飞逝。不知不觉,这已经是我来到博索雷的第三个星期了。作为新生加入到博索雷大家庭的自己,从一开始的连教室都不知道在哪,到现在的轻车熟路,老师和同学,自然是这个改变的最好帮手。现在,也能跟同学们打成一片。学校内传出的笑声,是最好的证明。 今天,就来讲讲比较新颖的课程设置吧。首当其冲的,自然是中文。在外国学校还有中文课程?没错!在博索雷,有专门的‘Mother Tongue Language’(母语)。在英语的环境里,也不忘国语的魅力。其次,就是体育。这里的体育课,与国内不同,学生们会随着老师,一起走出校门,探索大自然。我们最近的一个项目是山地自行车,变挡,加速,抑或是超车,风驰电掣的感觉淋漓尽致。 Felix 荣获一项学术降——课堂杰出参与奖,在所有同学面对做了一次极优秀的演讲,给了同学们很好的示范。 超过50个国籍的学生汇集在博索雷,一起学习,一起进步。校园的各个角落,都有着他们的身影。周末,老师们会把我们带出去参加expedition(短途旅行)。第一次的活动,就是5小时的徒步,刚开始起步时,老师跟我们说她其实也是第一次走这条路。我们瞬间惊讶,实力演绎了目瞪口呆。于是,在之后的五个小时。我们与老师一起认路,一起穿过森林,穿过河流,穿过一切艰难的阻碍,最终到达了终点。这一刻,喜悦完全淹没了疲惫。第二次的活动,是骑车,老师带着我们做了一些热身后,我们就上路了,因为体力的不同,老师一个在前领路,一个在后保证我们的安全。我与另外三个同学一直处在第一梯队,骑车的同时,也会欣赏两侧的风景。无与伦比的感觉。 在瑞士的学校,一定要具备的是勇气和自信。体育课上,窗外迷雾茫茫,雨也淅淅沥沥的下着。本以为在学校进行室内活动的我们,被老师的一句:“GO CYCLING!”给惊呆了。于是,我们在外面进行了两个小时的骑车,期间,我们还经过了一片森林,道路与悬崖只有10厘米的距离。最终,还是鼓起勇气,穿过了这片森林,终于回到了学校,我也早已分不清身上的水珠是汗水还是雨水。只是很开心,因为自己做到了。之后的学习生活,也会经历更多新的事物和事情,但我也做好了迎接挑战的准备。‘路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。’ Felix 2018/05/03 English Version Time flies in a sound oftick. Unknowingly, this is the third week that I have come to Beau Soleil. Asa newcomer to join the Beau Soleil family, I didn’t even know where the class was at the beginning. Right now, I can know the ways easily. Teachers and classmates are naturally the best helpers of this change. Now, I can also become integrated with my classmates. The laughter from the school is the best proof. Today, lets talk about more innovative course settings. The first thing I need talk is naturally Chinese. There are Chinese courses in foreign schools? Thats right! In Beau Soleil,there is a special Mother Tongue Language. In the environment of English, the charm of Mandarin is not forgotten. Second, it is sports. The physical education courses here are different from China. Students will follow the teachers and go out of school to explore nature. One of our most recent projects is mountain biking, shifting gears, accelerating, or overtaking, and the feeling of flying in the air is vivid. Students of morethan 50 nationalities come together in Beau Soleil to study together and progress together. All corners of the campus have their presence. On weekends, teachers will take us out to participate in the expedition. The first activity was a 5-hour hiking. At the beginning, the teacher told us that she was actually the first time to go this way. We were instantly surprised. So, in the next five hours. We join the teacher in recognizing the road, going through theforest together, crossing the river, and passing through all the difficult obstacles and eventually reaching the end. At this moment, joy completely submerges tiredness. The second activity was cycling. After the teacher took us to do some warm-ups, we went on the road. Because of the difference in physical strength, the teacher was leading the way and the one behind to ensure oursafety. I have been in the first echelon with the other three classmates. While riding the bike, I also enjoy the views on both sides. Incomparable feeling. In the Swiss school, the characteristic you must own are courage and confidence. In the physical education class, the window was hazy and the rain was falling. We thought that we will stay inside and do some indoor activities. But we were stunned by the teachers sentence: "GO CYCLING!" So we went outside for two hours of cycling. During this time, we passed a forest. The distance between the road and the cliff was only 10 cm. In the end, I took the courage to cross the forest and finally returned to school. I couldn’t tell whether the water was sweat or rain. Just happy because I did it. I know that I will also experience more new things in the study life after, but I am also ready to meet the challenges. The road is so long, I need to explore my own. Felix 2018/05/03 该文章转载自雷梭勒家族办公室,如有侵权,敬请告知删除。 Sooswiss为您提供 瑞士方向私人管家式的定制服务: 1)家族传承 2)财富管理 3)瑞士投资 4)居留计划 5)税务优化 6)家族治理 更多资讯请登录网站 www.sooswiss.com