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本文根据Council on Foreign Relations网站文章编译,原作者为James M. Lindsay

















2023年伊始,中美紧张局势似乎有所缓和。此前的11月,双方最高领导人在巴厘岛G20峰会期间举行了富有成效的会晤。美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯定于2月访问北京,讨论为两国日益紧张的地缘政治竞争设置 "防护栏"。然而,"气球事件"的发生激化了紧张局势,致使此次访问延期至6月。尽管双方举行了“建设性”会谈,但并未阻止美方持续向对华贸易施加限制。拜登和习近平于11月在旧金山举行的2023年亚太经合组织领导人论坛期间会晤。会谈达成了一些小协议,但无重大突破。年关将至,世界上最强大的两个国家仍未在和平共处的道路上携起手来。












20239阿塞拜疆出兵夺取纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区。该地区在苏联解体后置于阿塞拜疆的直接统治下,但由于当地居住人口绝大多数为亚美尼亚族人,致使阿塞拜疆与亚美尼亚两国冲突不断。在 20209月的一次交火后,俄罗斯通过谈判达成停火,并使阿塞拜疆控制了纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的大部分地区。紧张局势一直持续到 20239月,阿塞拜疆再次发动进攻,在几天之内就占领了先前尚未控制的领土,并宣布将开始飞地的 "重新整合"。一周之内,十多万亚美尼亚人逃往亚美尼亚。该地区剩余亚美尼亚人的安全问题将成为两国之间的一个持续热点。






自上世纪甚至更早以来,中国一直是世界上人口最多的国家。这一地位在2023 年被印度取代。据估计,印度人口为14.3亿,并在未来几十年内将继续保持人口第一的地位。中国目前正面临着人口萎缩和人口老龄化的双重困境。据人口学家预测,到本世纪中叶,中国人口将减少1亿,中位年龄将从39岁上升到51岁;而印度的人口则将达到近17亿,中位年龄达到39岁。虽然人口结构并非决定性因素,但它确实制约着国家发展,也提供着巨大机遇。人口结构偏年轻并保持高增长的国家,劳动力往往更具活力,消费水平更高,经济增长也因此更为强劲。




















Ten Major Events that Defined 2023


Global temperatures shatter records


Climate change is no longer a future threat. It is the worlds new reality. Two thousand twenty-three is likely the hottest year on record. Global temperatures have not been this high in 125,000 years, and they are poised to blow past the 2-degree-Celsius limit enshrined in the 2015 Paris Agreement. The result has been extreme weather events around the globe, ranging from historic wildfires to extreme drought to record flooding. Recent development in wind and solar power, use of hydrogen, and various other environmental technologies offers hope yet serious doubts remain about how fast and how widely such technologies can be scaled up. We cant help but ask: did humanity miss the chance to avoid catastrophic climate change?


Hamas attacks Israel


The Middle East looked promising in late September 2023. The Abraham Accords were deepening ties between Israel and Arab countries. Speculation abounded that Saudi Arabia might soon establish diplomatic relations with Israel. A ceasefire in Yemens bitter civil war was holding.However, a drastic change of picture appeared when Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7th. Roughly 1,200 Israelis were killed, the deadliest day in Israels history. Some 240 people were taken hostage. Vowing to eradicate Hamas, Israel launched airstrikes against Gaza and then invaded northern Gaza and soon southern Gaza after a short-lasting pause. Death toll continues to soar for Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, drawing accusations of war crimes for Israel which it denied. How the conflict will end, what will follow it and how it will affect the Middle East remain open questions that loom above the region and the world.


Ukraines counteroffensive gains little ground at a heavy cost


Hopes were high early in 2023 that a Ukrainian counteroffensive might break Russias hold on eastern Ukraine and possibly Crimea. The much-awaited counteroffensive began in early June. Despite inflicting massive losses on Russian troops, the battlelines barely moved. In early November, Ukraines top general described the fighting as a stalemate” and admitted that there will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough.” Diplomatic conversations quickly turned to whether Ukraine could sustain, let alone win, a war of attrition that seemed to favor Russia given its substantially larger economy and population. Despite suffering horrific losses, Russia had double the number of troops in Ukraine in fall 2023 compared to the start of the invasion and the Russian economy was on a war footing. Meanwhile, Ukraine fatigue” had begun to emerge in the West, especially in the United States as Republican lawmakers balked at sending Kyiv more aid. With long-term trends potentially favoring Russia, calls grew for Ukraine to pivot from offense to defense and to seek a ceasefire. Whether Russian President Vladimir Putin would agree to halt the fighting is still debatable, as he likely believes that time is on his side.


U.S.- China tensions continue to simmer


As 2023 began, U.S.-China tensions seemed to be easing. The prior November, top leaders from both sides had a productive meeting on the margins of the G-20 summit in Bali. The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was set to visit Beijing in February to discuss putting guardrails” on the two countries’ increasingly tense geopolitical rivalry. Yet the air-balloon incident” inflamed political tensions which prompted Blinken to postpone his visit to Beijing. Blinken finally travelled to Beijing in June for constructive” talks, yet those conversations did not stop Washington from imposing additional restrictions on trade with China or persuade Beijing to ease off its guard against the U.S. Biden and Xi met in November on the sidelines of the 2023 APEC Leaders’ Forum in San Francisco. The talks produced a few minor agreements but no major breakthroughs. Agreement on a modus vivendi continues to elude the worlds two most powerful countries.


AI offers promise and peril


AI burst into the public consciousnessthis year with the release of the lasts version of ChatGPT, reportedly ten times more advanced than its predecessor. Governments, companies, and individuals moved quickly to exploit its potential. That triggered heated debates over whether AI is unleashing a new era of human creativity and prosperity, or opening a Pandoras box that will produce a nightmarish future. Optimists pointed to how AI was unleashing scientific breakthroughs at an unprecedented pace across a range of fields, while pessimists warned that the technology is developing faster than the ability of humans to assess and mitigate the harm it might cause, whether that is creating mass unemployment, hardening existing societal inequalities, or triggering humanitys extinction. Geoffrey Hinton, one of the pioneers of AI, quit his job at Google, and technology leaders like Elon Musk signed an open letter, all to warn of AIs profound risk. How the powerful technology will shape human society remains unknown, yet whats sure is that governments seem not to be moving fast enough to harness the benefits of AI and contain its risks.


Azerbaijan seizes Nagorno-Karabakh


In September 2023, Azerbaijan attacked and seized Nagorno-Karabakh. The region was placed under the ruling of Azerbaijan after the collapse of the Soviet Union, yet it was populated almost entirely by ethnic Armenians uninterested in being governed by Baku. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at long dispute over the region ever since. After one of the recent crossfires in September 2020, Russia negotiated a ceasefire that left Azerbaijan in control of much of Nagorno-Karabakh. Tensions kept building up until September 2023 where Azerbaijan attacked again. Within days, it overran the territory it did not already control and announced it would begin the enclavereintegration.” Within one week, more than one hundred thousand Armenians, or roughly 85 percent of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, fled to Armenia. The safety of the remaining Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh could be a continuing flashpoint between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


India passes China as the worlds most populous country


For the last century, if not longer, China has had the worlds largest population. That ended in 2023. India now does. Its population is estimated to be 1.43 billion people. India will likely remain the most populous country for decades to come. Chinas population is both shrinking and aging. Demographers project that the Chinese population will fall by 100 million people by mid-century, or more than the population of all but fifteen countries in the world today. Over the same time period, Chinas median age will rise from thirty-nine years-old to fifty-one. Indias population, meanwhile, should reach nearly 1.7 billion by mid-century with a median age of thirty-nine. While demography isnt destiny, it does constrain and enable every countrys opportunities. Countries with younger, growing populations tend to have more vibrant workforces that consume more, and as a result, enjoy higher economic growth rates.


Space race heats up


Space is now a hot destination for both governments and companies. Seven countries have space agencies; sixteen countries can launch payloads into space. The moon has been of particular interest. Russias moon effort ended in disappointment in August when its lander crashed into the moons surface. Days later, India became the fourth country to land an unmanned vehicle on the moon, and the first to do so near the moons south polar region. Two weeks later, India launched a mission to study the sun. China and the United States also have ambitious moon programs, with NASA aiming to return astronauts to the moon by 2025. These hot space competitions also raise questions such as militarization of space, lack of rules governing space operations and space junks created from current practices.


Political turbulence across the globe


2023saw waves of political turbulence across the globe. Africas coup epidemic continued. In July, Nigers military ousted the countrys democratically-elected president. Neighboring states threatened to intervene if the coup wasnt reversed, but the military juntas running Mali and Burkina Faso threatened war in response. In August, Gabons military took power and made vague promises to eventually hold elections. A new progressive party won the most seats in Thailands May election. However, a backroom deal produced a pro-military government that left the elections biggest winner on the outside looking in. Far-right parties fared well across Europe, reviving memories of how European democracies collapsed a century ago. Guatemalas attorney general tried to keep the countrys president-elect from taking office, while Perus attorney general used corruption investigations to pressure lawmakers to help her allies. All in all, not a peaceful year in the political arena.


Global economy: bloom shoots amidst the gloom

2023 has been turbulent for the global economy; as inflation, rising interest rates, tight labour markets and geopolitical shocks have hit forecasts and caused uncertainty. Central banks around the world increased interest rates across 2022 and 2023 to deal with spiking inflation while attempting to balance this with a need to maintain growth. Tightening of job market together with impact of AI posed concerns in many economies as well as new standards for expected labour skills. The March Silicon Valley Bank collapse, the third-largest banking failure in US history, sent shockwaves through US banking markets and beyond… Yet the silver lining began to show at the end of the year with cooling inflation trends as well as the normalization of labour market. Global stock market showed a remarkable 20%. Outlook for 2024 entails a decelerating growth rate while geopolitical tensions remain a major factor undermining economic stability. All in all, as a volatile and unpredictable year passed by, what lies in the year ahead remains uncertain.






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